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Meet the Americans 'standing by' for possible election violence


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5 minutes ago, Kwaibill said:

I am somewhat disheartened by the number of near, if not outright, fascist, supremacist, and generally intolerant comments I read in these forums.

I deactivated my account a few years ago because baldly antiSemitic posts went unchallenged.

I have seen a number of unresearched posts here lately, which is disappointing.

Unsupported opinions thinly  asserted as "facts" annoy me, no matter which end of the spectrum. 


I agree. Alot of intolerance here. And not only badly researched, but poorly thought out, poorly articulated, and often knee jerk reactions, without a moments thought behind them. My feeling is, if you are going to post, at least devote a few moments thought and contemplation to the post, so that is becomes meaningful for the many intelligent and articulate minds on this forum. We do not need to hear White House, or Fox News, or MSM talking points. We need to hear your own realized and well developed thoughts on a topic. Otherwise, it is like listening to an evangelist, who has no personal realization, perception of truth, or inner development, but has simply gotten some training in conversion therapy. 

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7 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I agree. Alot of intolerance here. And not only badly researched, but poorly thought out, poorly articulated, and often knee jerk reactions, without a moments thought behind them. My feeling is, if you are going to post, at least devote a few moments thought and contemplation to the post, so that is becomes meaningful for the many intelligent and articulate minds on this forum. We do not need to hear White House, or Fox News, or MSM talking points. We need to hear your own realized and well developed thoughts on a topic. Otherwise, it is like listening to an evangelist, who has no personal realization, perception of truth, or inner development, but has simply gotten some training in conversion therapy. 


Coming from some posters, pretty funny stuff.

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5 hours ago, mrfill said:

Of course, the original antifa was the Allies in the Second World War who waged an anti-fascist war against the Third Reich.


Interesting point. Although of course the "Western Allies" liberated lands occupied by the Nazis and Fascists whereas the Marxist Soviets enslaved them, applied similar control methods to the Nazis, and forced their political doctrine on them. 


See the relevance?

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8 hours ago, caligula123 said:

how about the FAKE russia gate stuff? the impeachment BS? From day1 ,dems have been fighting and unwilling to do their job..ONLY thing they thinking  is Trump bad man ...have they done ANYTHING but try undermine and go against current administration????

Trump gave them all the ammo.

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9 minutes ago, connda said:

So do I.

Many TV members who support far left-wing ideology are totally intolerant of conservative ideology.
Many TV members who support far right-wing ideology are totally intolerant of liberal ideology.

Those who are middle-of-the-road don't generally speak up, as to do so will be to invite intolerance by both the far left and far right members. 
A better path forward may to be state your opinion and allow others to state theirs - and then to agree to disagree.  Call me an old codger, but it was that way when I was growing in Post-WWII America.
But instead - we have a lot of entertaining vitriol and finger-pointing.  The intolerant telling the intolerant that they are intolerant.

It is amusing.  :wink:

I agree with you. I am a centrist democrat, which many right wing people consider a communist or marxist. LOL. At least that is a "talking point". For many of them, it seems that they think all democrats are liberals. I have alot of friends and family, that are conservative. We tend not to discuss politics, as it goes around in circles. I realize I will not sway them one iota, and they tend to realize the same with me. We live in different universes, ideologically. But, there is alot of love, and mutual respect there, and most importantly, a mutual tolerance for the fact that we each have a different point of view. 


So, I discuss politics here. I am often pleasantly surprised at the number of well articulated, and well thought out replies the post get.


But, there are a percentage of guys on here, who just do not take the time to think out a reply, and it tends to come from a place that would be rather emotional, and visceral, rather than intellectual. And occasional very dogmatic. Those are the most boring of all. 

Edited by spidermike007
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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

So what? They could ban Antifa members posting on facebook.

White supremacists pose as Antifa online, call for violence ...



Twitter suspended the account, which was linked to a white nationalist group, for inciting violence. "Tonight's the night, Comrades," one tweet had said, before encouraging users to "take what's ours. We're taking action proactively on any coordinated attempts to disrupt the public conversation around this issue," the spokesperson told NBC."


Edited by onthedarkside
source link added
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Things like this have been happening around the country

Rightwing vigilantes on armed patrol after fake rumours of antifa threat


On the old Twilight Zone series, the one with Rod Serling, there is an episode

The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street.

These reports remind me of it.

There's also one called "He's Alive" about an American nazi-wannabe (played by Dennis Hopper).



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Politics in the US is a funny old thing.


All the headlines always revolve around Washington DC, and the insanity that goes on there.


But in reality for the majority of Americans, domestically at least, DC has little or no influence on their lives, the workings of their local Governor and State House influence their day to day lives far more.


Now for non Americans, DC makes at lot of difference for international affairs.


But there's the rub. We have a Reality TV Show POTUS, who is just viewed with disbelief by a large part of the globe, yet for most Americans he makes not one jot of difference in their day to day life

Edited by GinBoy2
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11 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Very true. And it a very insular, us vs. them mentality. And an extreme degree of sentimentality. Usually based on an overly romanticized and exaggerated version of how great the past was. And a bunker mentality. 


From my point of view, the greatness of America (what remains of it) comes from it's immigrants. Most of my Latino friends work far harder than my white friends, for less money, and do not complain. White people can be extremely soft. And tens of millions of them are absolutely empty suits. Don't accuse me of being racist, because I am a white man. OK? I am just saying it as I am seeing it. As non PC as it sounds. Deal with it. 

Which is the wealthiest ethnicity by country of origin and ethnicity in USA??

It is not Anglo- American 

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7 hours ago, Morch said:


Yeah, totally different than years of 'birther' nonsense, courtesy of Republicans and Trump. Totally different than endless Benghazi investigations coming up with naught. Totally different than obstructing legislation efforts by the other side. It's only bad when the other side does it, right?


I'm not a Biden fan. He's mediocre, unexciting, and past his prime. But, and that's the main selling point (for me, and I think many voters), is that he's normal, ordinary, sane. Embarrassed? Not so much, disappointed maybe. Embarrassed would be something I associated with Trump's presidency.

For me and many many other Americans ( I have my boots on the ground here now) it’s completely embarrassing. Stop sugar coating it. No one but you says it’s disappointing. You are wrong. Get something better to do. 

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22 hours ago, Brunolem said:

... 20 years of accelerating decline and decadence...


...leading to the following set of equalities:


Trump victory on November 3rd = civil war 2


Biden (read Harris) victory on November 3rd = economic collapse


Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets! 

Fantasy football? 

Really? Are those the only two possibilities? 

Try again a bit more thoughtfully please. 

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3 hours ago, Starmocihc said:

The mainstream media. 

Sure. It's really that simple. 


It has nothing to do with the pandemic, a paralyzed Congress, a faltering economy, record job losses, or a madman president. 


So if we close down the American media completely the good times will return to stay? 

 Your reply has such a refreshing simplicity. You should run for president yourself. You could disband the government and end all this political bickering. 

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

I think that Biden is embarrassing or rather that the USA can only come up with these two inadequates.


However!   I think that people should be asking themselves, not how good Biden is likely to be, but just how much more of Trump can the USA take before it falls apart completely.  It is on the edge of anarchy thanks to the bizarre actions of Trump with his ludicrous tweets and statements.


Biden doing nothing would be a massive improvement on Trump's lunacy.  And at least he has a decent wingman/woman in Harris.  Slowly but surely the American people are starting to see that Trump is unfit for purpose.

You are missing the point. Truly high caliber and noble souls have no interest in swimming in the sewer of DC. They are simply not attracted to the office, nor do they want to deal with the nonsense associated with it. 


So, at this stage you can always expect inferior people like Trump and Pence. By comparison, Biden and Harris are pretty decent choices. Relatively speaking! 

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Edward Bernays, (Nephew of Freud.)

Documentary series, "The Century of The Self."


To sell products, popularize people or ideas, he changed world views and twisted conventions. With his numerous PR campaigns, Bernays modernized the PR industry and promoted a consumer culture of emotions in which people buy or believe what makes them feel good.


To understand modern politics and culture it would be most helpful to view the above mentioned docu.  The Century of The Self."


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