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Covid-19 Insanity Continues?

Tounge Thaied

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16 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

There are major economic changes coming.


It is called the "big reset" and is not a conspiracy theory, but the title of the agenda for the next Davos meeting.


Before being served, the populace must be tenderized, like bad meat before being served in a mediocre restaurant.


The pandemic serves this purpose.


People are being cowered and made totally dependent from the "benevolent" state.


First they will cry to get a totally useless injection of a rushed, inefficient and maybe dangerous vaccine.


Then they will welcome major economic reforms that would have made them take the streets just a year ago...

Or, if your interpretation of events is that it is a planned "big reset" is it not possible that it is  to prevent the populace taking to the streets eventually in rejection of the social economic imbalance that has been accelerating globally ?

As with the USSR experiment which ultimately stifled social progress and initiative so has the equal but opposite effect of rampant Corporate dictate. Nothing is ever free and regardless of how cheap mass consumerism is made to appeal it also results in becoming beyond the relative poor from who the gross level of profit is extracted even when it is extended by coercion into acceptance of credit finance.

The current pandemic has inflicted undeniable damage on the "system' only to the degree of the "slaves" to that form of economies despite it being insignificant in terms of mortality to the global populace overall.

IMHO I doubt  C-19 is a  deliberate or connived affliction but I do believe there are those who have been  quick to take advantage of it. Whether or not they will retain that advantage is  yet to be seen.


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7 minutes ago, mr mr said:

in the meantime 


30 million other human beings have died in the same time period. millions of people have not received treatment for loads of other different diseases. which will cause how many other deaths ? 

about a billion people will be thrust into poverty from this at minimum. if 1 percent of those die as a direct result we are talking 10 million people. 


life happens. people die every day. virus will come and go. are we to do this nonsense every time something new happens ? you and your likes can cower in fear over i would rather live. 


we are on the cusp of the greatest depression ever seen on this planet. 


but lets worry about a few over the health of the entire planet. 





1 million dead is not a few. 8.3 million active cases is not a few.

The countries that acted responsibly were able to treat other diseases in their hospitals, because their systems were not overloaded with patients. Those that didn't ( e.g. USA ) had their hospital systems overwhelmed.

I don't disagree a lot of people are going to have lower living standards. Having said that, the evidence those countries that kept their borders open are doing better economically than those that went into lockdown is vanishingly small.

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Maybe this true life story will help some of the Covidiots understand that this is not about fear mongering.


Probably not.






‘What are we so afraid of?’


When President Trump got sick, I had this moment of deja vu back to when I first woke up in the hospital. I know what it’s like to be humiliated by this virus. I used to call it the “scamdemic.” 



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4 hours ago, 2long said:


I feel that it's all about big pharma (mainly USA) looking to cash in, more than inject us with sterilising microchips.

      Good investment option's . All part of the plan , fear ..

       Big , Pharmaceutical companies . 

        US / China ...?


Edited by elliss
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