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Anutin: Thailand is ready to open up to foreign tourists


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5 minutes ago, samsensam said:


yea, yea, yea, this is just an attempt to spin some positive news in light of all the negativity from recent events on the streets.


dont believe anything until there is some detail, and even then take it with a pinch of salt as it could all change the following day.

Yes, that's pretty much it.  

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8 hours ago, Matzzon said:

Exactly! What does the phrase "Ready to open up", really mean? 

In case of Mr Anutin it means the Millions of Chinese which fighting to get the STV in zero case. 

I think, he will never change his loud spoken minds about the Farang People.

So, sit down again, have a beer. He does not mean us.

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20 minutes ago, BusyB said:

Whatever the ins and outs and pronouncements foolish and otherwise, no country in the world can take a 20% hit to GDP on a permanent basis and survive for long ...

A 20% hit to GDP would set us back to about 2005.

We survived 2005, didn't we?

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Previous report was that on the 4th november all the heads will meet to decide how and when, sounds very much like it will go ahead but to iron out the quarantine issue, no doubt it will be allocated to a few islands first to contain any outbreak and isolate the mainland.

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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

It's those certain measures which are the issue. They have no idea what measures to use, as is evident from the daily flip flop on the proposals to date. The whole thing is just a comedy show.

The nail right on the head " measures "  it means we are scared <deleted> have nothing medically in place to address the second wave which will come when they open even with a a vaccine!  We are going to open up so when you apply be ready for the 100 things you still need and beware every Embassy has a different story! 

This guy is really tough as nails to constantly making a stupid fool out of himself!????

Should really think about changing his name BIG FOOL!

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Back in February he had his now infamous spat with a "dirty foreigner" who wouldn't accept his offer of a mask.

Attention! Calling all dirty, rotten, unshowered and smelly foreigners...we need your cash like NOW! Bonus offer: we have desperate hookers....ahhhh sorry "charms" you need.

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8 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

Thailand has been COVID free for many months but everyone is still in masks. Do these people really look ready to you? It's not going to be trivial to undo the fear and hysteria that's currently in the population. Everyday we live like this it's going to be harder to go back to normal.

Unusual press release , as if it was an appeal to calm the citizens , using the WHO backflip statement that lockdowns are harmful....

Evidence is clear Lockdowns are damaging

Evidence is clear , Masks do not protect

Evidence is clear people are getting angry

Evidence is clear , manslaughter charges for the accountable should be implemented


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Every time this man opens his gob, I want to  vomit!


Going back a few months:-  "on 13 March 2020 that Anutin made a series of derogatory comments disparaging foreigners.[11][12] Anutin wrote on a Twitter account, "...all you see are farang ('Westerners'). They flee their own countries for the safety of Thailand. In Chiang Mai, 90% of Thais are wearing face masks, although none of the farang are wearing masks." He went on to add, "This is the reason our country is being infected [by the SARS-CoV-2 virus]. We should be more careful of the farang than other Asians. At the moment it is winter in Europe and farang come to Thailand to hide from the [Covid-19] disease. Many farang dress dirtily and don't shower. All [Thai] hosts have to be very careful."


Now he wants them back :- "We must use all our "charms" to get lots and lots of them to come". And ""The rest of the world has confidence in us and many foreigners want to visit." (Like the 120 Chinese who supposedly had the Special Tourist Visa? When in actual fact ZERO Chinese had even applied for it!!!) 


And spouting this rhetoric while NOT wearing a mask while everybody round him IS! (Something else he has apparently changed his mind about!)


Does he honestly think people have such short memories? (No answer necessary!)











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Where do they find these guys? Under rocks I guess. I love Thailand, am married to a Thai/American citizen for 20 years who  I adore. Love my extended Thai family and we have a comfortable home we have owned for many years. Having said all that, we’re packing up for the Algarve In Portugal where I’m welcome unlike here where I’m constantly maligned. Bye Bye Thailand and so sorry for all the people we employ and are leaving behind.

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Do you think it has dawned on the clowns running Thailand that without tourism, a huge number of people are going to be out of work and banging on the governments door for hand-outs, or rioting because they have nothing to eat.


Has the penny dropped that the Thai tourist is at or near tip-over point when so many businesses will have gone broke that tourism as it was in the past cannot be resumed because the number of available hotel beds and restaurants to serve them will no longer be adequate to accommodate them? I know of at least one restaurant that used to serve western tourists that has gone bust and I am certain that there are many 1000s more.


Oh and did I forget to mention that maybe, just maybe, Thailand is not as clear of Covid-19 as the government would have people believe. Two Thais tested positive for Covid on arrival at an overseas airport - 2 people out of an aircraft full - that represents an infection rate rather higher than has ever been acknowledged by Thai officials!

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