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Health ministry, WHO decode Thailand’s successful COVID-19 response


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2 hours ago, vandeventer said:

WHO sounds like they are disparate for money ever since the USA pulled it's money out because of it's close links to the CCP. Little do the know Thailand is broke! So go find a rich country that will believe all your BS.

There is a lengthy time frame for the withdrawal of financial support to the WHO which has not yet been reached - I believe.


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2 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

May be you read before you write ...?


The mutated G strain which is prevalent in the United States and Europe, is more contagious than the S strain, said Dr. Yong Poovorawan, medical professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. "Thailand identified the S strain when COVID-19 pandemic first started in the country, however the doctors have now discovered a more dangerous strain amongst Thai returnees. They are the mutated G strain which still is prevalent in the United States and Europe."

...that should Thailand experience a second wave of infections, the G strain virus, or G614, will be dominant, because it is about 10 times more contagious than the S strain originally identified in Asia."


Not the right time to open the borders .

This is from a publication from American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) about the G variant of COVID-19




How that preprint about a 'more contagious strain' of coronavirus changed in peer review…

“The Korber et al. paper has changed pretty considerably from what I saw in their preprint," says Nathan Grubaugh, a virologist at the Yale School of Public Health not affiliated with Korber's team and the lead author of a Preview contextualizing the paper, also published in Cell. "The in vitro data strengthened the clinical findings, both of which suggest that viruses containing the D614G mutation may be able to replicate to higher levels in human cells. But what we cannot say is that it is more transmissible or leads to more severe disease. Essentially, we don't know if this has had any meaningful impact on the COVID-19 pandemic."


So one expert says 10 times more contagious, others say "we don't know".

Not simple, whoda thunk it.


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1 hour ago, Curt1591 said:

The key to Thailand's great numbers is that Thailand doesn't test everything that moves; beyond new arrivals, Thailand only tests sick people. 

If Thailand was to test everyone, I would give odds that the "positives" numbers would be in the hundreds of thousands. 

The UK, a population of similar size to Thailand, has had this year more than 60,000 deaths over and above the 5 year average.

How many deaths has Thailand had over and above the 5 year average?

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1 hour ago, Tarteso said:

Last September, the wife's grandfather passed away due to respiratory problems in a matter of minutes and in our presence.  An ambulance took him to the Clinic close to Chiang Mai. The doctors argued to the family that if they wanted an autopsy they would have to take the body to another hospital.  The family refused.....


 No tested, No Covid. ?

Were the clinic Doctors wearing full PPE I wonder?

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Robust nothing at all. You do not test enough to talk about that.

Open the gate, recognize foreigner who never failed with the law and give democracy to your population if you want to do something good. It is boring from long time now, we want to see our family.

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19 minutes ago, Derek B said:

Were the clinic Doctors wearing full PPE I wonder?

There are 4 levels of PPE, perhaps we can find a full PPE at privates and overpriced Hospitals. But according Anutin; The Minister of Public Health said Thailand is the first country to join IAR, which indicates the country’s robust public health system, inclusive availability of health resources, swift management at hospitals, and the preparedness of local disease investigation teams as key factors in the country’s successful COVID-19 response”.  Believe him ????




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7 minutes ago, connda said:

And you have in fact "Decoded" the actual reason for Thailand's low infection rate.  Occam's Razor - the simplest explanation is the most plausible. . 
So, if countries around the world would simply stop testing?  The "pandemic" would be over and relegated to the annuals of seasonal flu.

Thailand all lies

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3 hours ago, Dialemco said:

What a lot of nonsense WHO advised against wearing masks and did not disclose the existence of the viras until it was to late. Thailand may have been lucky reporting low infection rates but not so lucky with the decimation of its economy and mass unemployment 

The WHO, along with the WTO, along with the IMF (and others) are well past their sell-by dates. They have long been compromised by big phama, big business, banking and general wealthy undesirables.

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12 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

I think they were actually set up by those you mentioned to help try and legitimise their businesses. 

You can cut the mustard any time FFF; even with a blunt knife.


When all these wonderful organisations are set up, their selling points are always; "It will help the smaller countries. be competitive and gain a foothold in the world."


How does it go now?


An idea, 

becomes a plan,

becomes a scheme,

becomes a business,

becomes a corporation,

corruption sets in,

greed is 'king'

gradually becomes a scam.

Edited by owl sees all
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Yesterday the CDC ( center for disease control- USA ) stated an update saying “ the masks were never intended to protect the wearer, only to inhibit transmission from an infected person “.


So it may seem as the whole thing is now over, one could take the case to any democratic republic, under maritime law, test, and win a case to eliminate masks & social distancing.


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Have to say that the level of debate on covid-19 on TV is so extraordinarily high that we should take over the functions of the WHO! The level of excess deaths is the clincher for me as it includes all road deaths despite several additional public holidays which is in the thousands compared to hundreds of thousands around the world. In the UK 30pc of their overall 50k covid deaths occurred in nursing homes because the bozo government turfed elders out of hospitals without testing. Elders who are most at risk in Thailand are not treated in this appalling manner

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5 minutes ago, wimpy said:

I understand the comments about lack of testing here.  That doesn't explain the lack of patients and deaths. I frequent two hospitals regularly. One in Chiang Mai and one in Lampang. On friendly terms with the nurses. They tell me they have had zero cases since this began. I do not know of anyone here that has contracted covid or had covid like symptoms. This is not the case for my friends in the USA. I really can't figure it out. With all the foreigners that were here in the early part of the year, the lack of seriously sick patients and deaths here is really incredible.

I also mentioned this already multiple times . Staying in a country heavily hit ( Belgium ) and currently in full swing of 2nd/3th wave hospitals are starting to run full again . Non medical emergencies at multiple hospitals are halted already . Positive numbers don't mean a thing , nobody cares if half the population at the same time got a running nose or a slight cough . The problem is the healthcare system does get overrun by patient who do get much worse infection .

I did not believe Thailands numbers in the beginning and thinking , oh they not test and they can keep the numbers under the radar .However once i knew how it was over here , and i heard nobody on this forum or anywhere else about these things in Thailand , then i just have to believe that they are correct . There are still many non believers or flat earthers here who think this is all a scam , because they not seen or witnessed the savage outcome but i can assure that it isn't something to laugh with and it does exist and can hit extremely hard .

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42 minutes ago, wimpy said:

I understand the comments about lack of testing here.  That doesn't explain the lack of patients and deaths. I frequent two hospitals regularly. One in Chiang Mai and one in Lampang. On friendly terms with the nurses. They tell me they have had zero cases since this began. I do not know of anyone here that has contracted covid or had covid like symptoms. This is not the case for my friends in the USA. I really can't figure it out. With all the foreigners that were here in the early part of the year, the lack of seriously sick patients and deaths here is really incredible.

Not incredible at all. The death rate for this virus is very low, 0.66% or 0.27% on average, depending who you listen to, but not the 3% that was talked about before. The hospitalisation rate is very low. So in a country where only 2800 to 8200 people have died of the virus, the excess death figure for Thailand, it's not all incredible that hospitalisation figures for Covid19 are low.


Moreover, who would want to go to a hospital now? Everyone would avoid it because they'd be afraid they'd be put in forcible quarantine if they have the virus. So most people would avoid hospital.


It's of course completely false to say there is a lack of deaths from Covid-19 in Thailand since we know excess deaths are in the 2800-8200 range, which is in line with most other countries of similar size where the virus has not had disproportionate impact.


There is no lack of deaths. The deaths simply could not be officially attributed to Covid-19 because testing was not done to a meaningful scale. However, with excess deaths of 2800 to 8200 it's clear there is no "lack of deaths". It's just not properly designated.

Edited by Logosone
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