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Tourism facing further suffering as fears of escalation in protests mount, industry leader


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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

The  whole country is suffering under the current administration, whose performance is the reason for the protests.

Bring in real democracy and the country and economy will flourish.




And those countries with "real democracy" are doing so fantastically well with their economies and social environments, law and order etc, are they?

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31 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:


Value diversity and different opinions! 555!

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If you believe strict regulations (air travel, border entry, limited, quarantine on entry) and public compliance (masks, social distancing) resulted in allegedly low Covid infections/deaths: then, do you applaud the government for choosing public health over tourism ... or, do you condemn it ? 


I see the deflation (deflowering ?) of the tourism sector's massive economic input as a kind of a spotlight highlighting the increasingly salient/vivid/limnal long term problems with environmental degradation, corruption, educational quality, infrastructure, concentration of wealth, inequality in the rule of law, etc.


Well, guess what: COMBL (Corporate Occupied MallBurger Land, aka "USA"), where I come from, has most of the  same issues. Would you like a megalomaniac paranoid dictator wanna-be, like Trump, in charge of the Land of Smiles ?


"A rich land of poor people:" Nehru on India


Where's my Elite Card ?



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5 hours ago, robblok said:

Maybe if you get a party like future forward (disolved) to rule the country. But if its the old parties there will be more of the same corruption and incompetence. Sure this goverment is bad and should bo. But the democratic governments were riddled with corruption and incompetence too.

The words "frying pan" and "fire" come to mind.

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14 minutes ago, Naturesway said:

So instead of crying you have or should have the brain and ability to act about it to solve this economy suffering, then why don’t you act? What’s the point of that? You wait until it’s too late. 

Your right, they keep throwing sh-t against the wall seeing if people will like it, but in the end they do nothing. Every country that relies on tourism is having trouble world wide. I know this is going to be hard but try other ways of helping Thailand. This virus is not going to last that long with a whole range of vaccines coming out soon[just make sure we have a choice] so than you can start the ball rolling again.

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Few years ago 

Was problems with red a yellow t shirts demonstrations 

Back then 

Government offerd free 2 month tourist visa 

I recived it in 2 days easy a i went to Bangkok 

Now they offer a totally redicilos offer that hardly anybody will go for it 

Even if they really want to get there 

Those demonstration are for the Thai people 

Nothing to do with forigner 

A people can be there in safe places 

Maybe Thailand should reconsider their visa offer to finally get the tourist to come there... 

With this STV visa nobody running to Thailand 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Chairat Trairatanajarasporn noted that the pandemic had already decimated foreign tourism.

I beg to differ Kuhn Chairat, it’s clearly the government’s policies that have decimated foreign tourism! These days poor old Covid gets blamed for everyone’s ineptitude.

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2 hours ago, hansnl said:

Democracy often is not bringing any good to the people.

Churchill once said democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms of government that have been tried from time to time.

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1 hour ago, klauskunkel said:

and he omits to say tolerate from whom, as most of the protests were peaceful it would seem that the police commit the violence, so when he says Thailand does not tolerate violence he actually means that the demonstrators won't tolerate state inspired violence, hence leading to more demonstrations......

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The chief of the Tourism Council of Thailand has said that the ongoing democracy protests against the government threaten to deal a further hammer blow to the country's tourism industry.

Do not blame the protests , nobody wants to come anymore .

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4 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

But, but... Thaksin. 


Let the people decide and respect their decision. 


Stop supporting military coups against elected administrations. 


Stop believing conspiracy theory Yellow Shirt nonsense propaganda. 

You cant even read, i said this government must go but its no guarantee for a better one given the past democratic governments. 



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Yeah I'm not too sure if they fear the protesters or what might happen to them if they continue. Last w/e it was water cannons but if it got worse than that then yes, what little tourism there is planned would most likely be affected.

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