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“The Stranded”: Highlighting the plight of expats unable to return to Thailand. #6 Foreigner in hoop jumping nightmare before prison-like Thai state quarantine


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On 10/22/2020 at 11:31 AM, khunpa said:

Since there seems to be a high demand for people wanting to return, then why do they not make the entire thing as hassle free as possible?

because they are mindless  <deleted> whose only role is to create as much paperwork as  possible

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On 10/22/2020 at 1:28 AM, redwood1 said:

Boy I can really feel the love from this thread...


It seems the many members on Thai Visa who formerly took great delight on belittling visa border runners and the like have found a new whipping boy.......The frustrated expat at their wits end trying to get back to Thailand....


Its the same old dragging some one with problems through the mud..

Its all so Boring...

I suspect part of the reason is already well known, so many are sex tourists and that's the only thing on their tiny minds. They never think about other situations, like other farang who are separated from legitimate wife and kids etc., (family).

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Just now, scorecard said:

I suspect part of the reason is already well known, so many are sex tourists and that's the only thing on their tiny minds and that gears their only analysis of the scenario. They never think about other situations, like other foreigners who are separated from legitimate wife and kids etc., (family).


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8 hours ago, Nout said:

BUT you stayed! 555. Just to hate and criticize...What a looser.! Please tell us all about your life!

I'm not a loser and my life is private, none of your business.

I chose to live here with my Thai wife, assimilate and be a good citizen, however after many years I'm still treated as a tourist and thus feel like an outsider.

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On 10/22/2020 at 11:31 AM, khunpa said:

Since there seems to be a high demand for people wanting to return, then why do they not make the entire thing as hassle free as possible


Because they don't want foreigners coming into Thailand at the moment.


It's pretty simple.

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