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SURVEY: Who will win the US Presidential Election?


SURVEY: Who will win the US Presidential Election?  

528 members have voted

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With a tensions running high on the run-up to the US election, who do you think will win the election?  Please make your choice from the options listed.  Remember this is who you think will win the election and not who you want to win the election.


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Last Election Hillary won the electoral majority votes but lost the election because she didn't win the electoral college. She was ahead in the polls but most of the sampling in the USA in only around 1,000 people. In my view because the sampling of voting is so weak and often wrong the election is too close to call.

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18 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Since he refuses to read, he is again very confused. He is not immune. He got the virus, and he got sick. He could barely speak during the Hannity interview. And even if someone is immune, this science reject does not know that there is a difference between immunity, and the ability to spread the disease. Many younger people get it, are infected, show no symptoms, yet spread it. Not smart, Don. 
No worries. He will be gone in a few months. After Trump is unceremoniously ushered out of DC in January, when he reluctantly and bitterly hands the reins over to a far more capable man, political scientists and opinion writers will spend years dissecting the mad experiment of the Trump presidency, when democracy was nearly lost to a wannabe despot, who ignored the rule of law, at every opportunity.


He has succeeded on very few levels. He has made the US the laughing stock of the world. He has allowed the US to become the most radioactive nation on earth, with over 8 million Covid cases, many of which are directly attributed to his polices, his willingness to put politics above the safety and well being of the public, his ignorance, his willingness to ignore multiple warmings by experts, and his hubris. Granted, the rest can be linked to the world's highest levels of heart disease, diabetes, and morbid obesity, combined with a horrific diet, in the part of the average American.
He has severely eroded and nearly destroyed alliances that took decades to build. He has succeeded in allowing China to emerge from all of this looking strong and smart, Xi beat him in his own trade war, two minutes into the first round. Knocked him out cold. And he has succeeded in making himself look like an out of touch fool, a relic, a dinosaur, and a terrible leader. Barr has acted as his personal lawyer, and he too will unceremoniously depart Washington into a life of obscurity and ridicule. His game plan which worked in 2016, is not working now. He is not gaining much at all, from his countless rallies. He is only succeeding in making his base more fervent. Means little to the general election. He continues to alienate women, and in particular suburban women, especially when he doubled down again, on the separation of families, from their children immigration issues. Dumb move Don. A truly cringe worthy moment. 


Nearly anything with his name on it, and his association with it, fails. And that will be even more so, after he loses the November 3rd election. His name will remain radioactive, for the rest of his life, and the mini empire will continue to dwindle. During the period from 1985 to 1989, three years of which were boom years in NYC real estate, he somehow managed to lose $359 million. Between 1990 and 1991 he lost $517 million. And between 1992 and 1995 he again managed to lose $286 million. All the while bankrupting between four and six major companies (depending on your source), stiffing thousands of small contractors (resulting in 3,600 lawsuits, at the time he took office) resulting in many losing their homes, and life savings, and driving 17 of his companies into the ground, and completely out of business. Sound like the art of the deal? Pure fiction, fabrication, self glorification, and lies, lies, and more lies. 
The real irony of his whole persona, is that he cannot negotiate his way out of a paper bag, much less negotiate a treaty with an adversary, which makes him very dangerous. 
There is a very good chance his tax returns will reveal massive bank fraud. And he could be facing prison time, once he is ingloriously ushered out of the White House in January (possible by US Marshalls, should he resist). 


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