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Passport withheld by authorities - How to to renew extension of stay...

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The passport of a friend is withheld by court. Me and a friend are accused of a minor Offense. In the worst case scenario we would need to pay 30,000 Baht in damages and about 5000 baht as a fine , so not really something to worry about. But my friend is in Thailand and I am not. And the judge wouldn't want to separate the case so it is always postponed until I get back into Thailand which I do not have a plan for the next two or three months if not really necessary.

Even then (if I get back to Thailand) it would need up to another year to get through with all court hearings…

So they took my friend's passport and it is with the court now…

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27 minutes ago, zappalot said:

Here a picture of the inspector who was in the building who has my highest respect. The management could not fool around with him, he did not accept any excuses. He was very well educated with a broad knowledge about what he did. He knew all details about dangers and what should be and what should not be.


If there is some danger for the life either of my family or the people I rent apartments out too I take action. I'm not the one sitting still. I understand and accept that most people don't care. But I know most would complain a lot if in case of an incident people would suffer or be harmed. I do not want to belong to the group who complains when it is too late. In this particular building four Co owners signed complaints to the government, three of them foreigners. Unfortunately 99.9% of the Thai co owners did not want to take any action.

The photo was done during and unannounced visit. (See the missing firehose? They knew that a management that bad (we showed them pictures) would try to hide things if they would announce their coming. Anyway after he left the management accused us to bring in an illegal person to the building. They went to the police, they thought that now we certainly would go to prison for making things up. They really looked very very bad when they had to find out that he was a real government inspector. Even worse, this inspector came back again with one of his superiors to make sure the management would understand that this is no joke.

The management stated during an annual general meeting that everything would be fine , that every single fire cabinet is in perfect shape , ready to fight a fire. Despite the fact that everyone could see by themselves  such a fire cabinet without a hose the majority of the people joining the annual general meeting believed the management.







Seriously petty and vindictive behaviour by the management against their own co-owners. I assume this isn't one of the big condo projects you see in Bangkok.

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If I understand it correctly you said you were involved in the incident and went to court at least initially. You also said your not in Thailand right now.  Why did the court only take your friends passport so he can not leave but they didn't take yours and you left the country. Something isn't adding up here about that part of the story. 

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At least you have the equipment all you need now is to get it working, many building dont have any fire equipment.

One thing to remember when checking fire equipment and the building, I s how would you stop the spread of fire or flames? would the staircase's close off? There should be fire doors not aluminum and glass doors, 


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1 hour ago, ChipButty said:

You are right there should be no locks 

I stand corrected.


In my last apartment building (in Vancouver) there was a lock and a "break glass" for the key.  The hoses in my workplace had the locks disabled years ago, as did the ferry I'm working on at the moment.  The locks in the OP have hokey locks that were added after manufacture.  My apologies.

I've added "the exception that proves the rule" but the public doesn't have access to this area.


Edited by peeglen
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6 hours ago, cleopatra2 said:

This arises because in your 3rd post you state the judge said, and the judge did not accept.

This implies first hand knowledge, whereas your subsequent posts now suggest that what happened in court is only what you have been told.


The lawyer requested the official script that was written by court and the judge - If not the word of the lawyer I guess that counts as first hand knowledge?

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49 minutes ago, chainarong said:

You break the glass.

So let's assume there is a fire. You run to the fire cabinet knowing that you have not more than 1 or if lucky 2 minutes to extinguish the fire before you better run away rescuing your loved ones and yourself. Fire cabinet is locked. How do you break the glass now? Do you run back into your apartment searching for something suitable? The Clock is ticking , time is running out and you waste your time searching something to destroy the glass instead of having the equipment ready to fight the fire?

Remember that you are also in panic.

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38 minutes ago, zappalot said:

So let's assume there is a fire. You run to the fire cabinet knowing that you have not more than 1 or if lucky 2 minutes to extinguish the fire before you better run away rescuing your loved ones and yourself. Fire cabinet is locked. How do you break the glass now? Do you run back into your apartment searching for something suitable? The Clock is ticking , time is running out and you waste your time searching something to destroy the glass instead of having the equipment ready to fight the fire?


Remember that you are also in panic.


My understanding and recollection from a large building we occupied in Sydney was that the glass in the cabinet that houses the key can easily be broken by using your elbow.

It is there to deter vandalism obviously if you had to find a hammer or something I agree it would defeat the object.

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