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Committee Agrees to Reduce Travel Quarantine


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So they are saying not any real issue here, move along...


They do this, then people become infected.... Who is responsible?  Thailand? Government Officials who decided they needed $$$$? Or the Prime Minister? 


If I am told there is no Active Covid 19 Cases in Thailand... A month after arriving people become Infected... Who is to Blame? We are told Thailand is 100% safe No Positive Cases inside Thailand's Borders... Who has left them selves open to being Sued on this Issue? Who is going to pay Hospital, Medical bills in tis case? At this point Insurance Companies need to look Long... and Hard as to the why... and How! We know there is going to be infections, we know People are going to Die. So why place the burden on a Half Assed Money Scheme? We also know they are going to have a Loop-Hole to enable cases to be Ignored, "Whoops! Insurance doesn't cover that! May I have your Credit Card... Please? As they hand you a Hospital Billing Sheet of a Summary of What wasn't (Refused) covered!


Is the Thai Legal System up to snuff to Fight the yet to be encountered Corruption here? Are they going to Place the blame totally on who is responsible? We have been told Thailand is, was and has been a Safe Tourist Destination... Where we Lied to? People on both sides of this equation don't Like Loosing Face! Well then doe something about it!


#1: First on the agenda... "Stop the Lying!"

#2: Do Something actually Positive about Corruption... You want Scape Goats here? Then start at the Top of the Food Chain!! Start Firing People, period...

#3 Put up something Positive to start Gaining the Trust back of the Thai People! and the Tourists who are really Wary about getting Fleeced here! (People are not Stupid here... They know the only way History will change is when there is History of Someone Standing up and Saying... "Enough, Stop this Bull <deleted>!" The one's who have benefited from all this are the Doors refusing to open and speak-up. As the writer here I love Thailand! I, Hate the one's who are still raking in the Money... now from the Thai People (No Tourists here to Fleece) I believe finally the Majority of Thailand is emerging from the Fog that the Elite had contained them in...


Edited by davidstipek
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18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Committee Agrees to Reduce Travel Quarantine




BANGKOK, Oct 29 (TNA) – The National Communicable Disease Committee agreed to reduce travel quarantine to 10 days from 14 days in Thursday’s meeting, said Deputy Prime Minister and Public Health Ministry Anutin  Charnvirakul.


The Disease Control Department will issue strict regulations on the new measures to monitor the quarantinees for another four days after they complete the mandatory 10-day quarantine.


Contact tracing system will be put in place and they must adhere to social distancing rules, avoid crowded places and wear face covering.


Full Story: https://tna.mcot.net/english-news/line-today-english-news-573375



-- © Copyright TNA 2020-10-29

I wonder if this will reduce the time for those of us who are currently in ASQ. Day 5 for me. I don’t care about the money, I just want to get back to my family. 

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29 minutes ago, aussienam said:

No proof she got it in quarantine.  Could have been staff not following proper hygiene protocol on last day as well for example with a contaminated food tray etc.  

You cannot blame the quarantine system without a proper look into the possibilities.  There may well be positive cases on Kho Samui, whilst in transit there from Bangkok, from a taxi driver, random viral spreader, illegal immigrant in community from infected zone, etc etc etc.  You don't think they are conducting contact tracing and trying to hunt down source?  

What do you suggest? 21 days? 28 days? No people allowed back at all.  

Like other countries such as Australia, we have had outbreaks (Victoria was a bad flare up) but they closed down the entire border  and forced quarantine for whole areas.  It is working.  This is the new normal, to manage occassional outbreaks, which are inevitable.  2021 this virus will be here, 2022 most likely.  Vaccine rollouts realistically and according to several experts who have made research into production, distribution and administration of billions of vaccines - we are looking at a few years, plus mutated variants, and the studies showing the vaccines may only be effective for a few months, causing more demand for repeat shots and less supplies available.  

I didn't blame anything and anybody, just stated a fact, something that happen, where and by whom she got it from it's open to anyone's interpretation..... my advice?  read my post again but this time go slowly

Edited by Mavideol
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She caught it before coming here but in quarantine people are being tested at least 3 times in those 14 days . So why didn't they have any positive tests during that period ?? And 10 days quarantine and another 4 days following people in my mind is the same as 14 days quarantine . I think people that choose to go that path anyway won't mind if it's 10 or 14 days in quarantine because they chose that path already when it was 14 so . And when it goes from 14 to 10 will not rise the nr's of applicants by much is my geuss . Really i cannot apprehand how this clown keeps coming up with these fairytale ideas every single time even i know TIT but this is ridicoulos even for Thai standards . 

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So the hotel owners have told their mates in government that the little amounts doing ASQ just ain’t cutting it and their hotels aren’t making enough money and in response they reduce the quarantine time .

Well be prepared for a big slap of reality as a reduction of 4 days won’t make a bit off difference !! Unless it’s a week at maximum or done away with then things will stay the same numbers wise . ????

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She has probably tested positive to the Spanish mutant strain that did not exist before July according to science (and is the strain currently in France). The other two people had a different mutations so they can reliably say that she did not catch it from them and they not from her. Don't forget viruses survive by mutation.


From there we can assume that she caught it before entering quarantine (up till the point she was locked into the quarantine room that is). Her final negative test at the hotel is an oddity I can't quite get though.




On the 10 days proposal. Any future reduction to 10 days must surely only apply to very low transmission countries, I think its a stepping stone moving to less and less quarantine. Is it wise at this point in time? Personally I think not. 

As someone who will return on November 17, if you were to offer me 14 in quarantine or 10 in quarantine and 4 in pseudo quarantine I think I would have a moral duty for 14 in quarantine.

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10 minutes ago, Thaiophil said:


BTW I heard the Samui lady was really Thai or at least dual national. But convenient to badge her as French


My guess would be she is ethnically French (looks French, lives in France, considers herself French, is for all intents and purposes French) and that she has one Thai parent. A "child of the field" but more French than Thai.

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19 hours ago, Sametboy2019 said:

Who would of thought a Thai business would of been lax to procedures? Reporting elsewhere she caught it 17 days ago before arriving. Didnt know you could pinpoint a day of infection!

If you think that’s a lax procedure google what’s been happening recently in Melbourne Australia.


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17 hours ago, bermondburi said:

So is this actually official? I'm planning on doing quarantine over Xmas so any days off the 14 is a bonus. 

I'd expect that this proposal, like the travel bubbles, will go through 5 to 10 iterations over the next 3 months. Then it will be limited to arrivals from nominally Covid-free countries: China. Perhaps ANZ as a bonus.

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4 hours ago, Guderian said:

Why not just make the headline,


Thailand invites new outbreaks of virus; national lockdown expected before the New Year


Two things we do know:

  • We know that a 14-day quarantine period will catch 99% of infections.
  • We know that no quarantine will catch 0% of infections.


The relationship between these two points is probably not linear, but for simplicity assume that it is. Then a 10-day quarantine period will catch only around 70% of infections. It's an open-door policy towards the virus, a new outbreak and a fresh national lockdown, and I remember how much we all enjoyed that the last time.


In the meantime, will somebody please send Khun Anutin for some electroshock therapy, his brain clearly isn't working.

No, no. According to recent research, it is very rare to develop symptoms only after 12 days. So, a 10-day quarantine certainly should catch a lot more than 70%. More like 90 or 95.

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They will put hotel prices up now lol. I just brought 2 holla hoops from lazada Philippines. I got my pinoy gf holding one hoop. I jump in then she moves the hoop. I jump again. This goes on forever. I will be ready to hoop my way past immigration..All good.


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21 hours ago, Mavideol said:

the wise one has spoken.... did he forgot that a French lady stayed in quarantine for 14 days and tested negative, a week later  travel to Kho Samui and then tested positive

maybe she got the virus from a THai;-) Oh non impossible....

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1 hour ago, maqui said:

Because PCR tests reportedly can have false negative rates of 2 - 33%. 




Most tests reportedly have good hit rates (true positives) and good true negative rates: 


But these good rates must be based on proper samples. If the nurses in the ASQ hotels fumble some of the nasal swabs, the false negative rates may climb to 20 or 30%.


Let´s assume that the Frenchwoman caught the bug when she was on the plane: Thai co-passengers don't need to show a test result before boarding, so the chances for an infection during the flight are certainly higher than zero. If that chance is just 1%; and the true positive hit rate is a good 99%; and the false negative rate is as high as 30% due to shoddy swabs - then even 2 tests would miss 9% of all infections (3 tests would still miss 2.7% of all infections). Most ASQ hotels do only 2 tests, around day 3-5 and day 13.

Among 10,000 ASQ inmates, there would be 100 with an infection they caught between their pre-flight test and their arrival at Swampy; of these 100, 9 would not test positive even after 2 tests in their ASQ hotels.

Of these 9, as many as 8 would not feel symptoms and leave ASQ without a hint that something is amiss. Thus, out of 10,000 arrivals, only 1 case eventually pops up as a false negative: that of the Frenchwoman.


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The quarantine period may as well be reduced, depending on your ASQ your 2nd covid test can be as early as day 11. So any further quarantine is pointess after that negative test if you developed COVID nobody would know unless you became ill.

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