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Muslims have 'right to punish' French, says Malaysia's Mahathir


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35 minutes ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

Malaysia has a complex multiracial population, predominantly defined by three major ethnic groups: Malay, Chinese and Indian races, with diverse cultural backgrounds.


There is a strong element among the more, umm, conservative of the ethnic Malays that it is their country, and foreigners should go home.

A few years ago a member of the legislature didn't know he was being recorded, he referred to the Chinese as squatters.  No need to ask about the Indians.


Mahathir is turning into living proof of the old saying "the good die young."  I've heard that he owns a sizable chunk of Argentina as well.


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41 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

And if someone can please explain to me what it is that Muslims have against any depiction of Mohammed, it would love to hear it. It does seem very extreme, and a bit churlish. 

Moslems do not depict Mohammed at all, good or bad. Go into a mosque and you will see no pictures, its against their faith.

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1 hour ago, prakhonchai nick said:

40 years ago when I was in Malaysia, travelling all over, there were no obvious signs that the people were Muslim (other than the mosques) No scarves, burquas and all the other coverings the women are forced to wear. What will another 40 years produce?

So true, my experience was/is the same. 

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45 minutes ago, polpott said:

I had a serious look at Malaysia when I was looking for somewhere to retire to. I detected a serious undercurrent of hatred of the British and quickly struck it off my list. Indigenous Malays were probably some of the most unpleasant people I have ever met.


Cannot say that I agree at all. Contrast the entry at Immigration with Thailand. The first time I ever went to Malaysia, a family invited me to dinner after a short chat whilst I was waiting for a train.

Countless other stories of genuine friendliness. I had heard so much about Thailand, but once I crossed the border from Malaysia to Thailand, that genuine friendliness disappeared. Not that the Thais weren't friendly, but it was certainly a notch or two down from my experience in Malaysia. Certainly quite a few experiences with angry Thais who were unable to sell anything, so abused you instead.

I too am British and didn't detect any such undercurrent at any time.

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1 hour ago, prakhonchai nick said:

40 years ago when I was in Malaysia, travelling all over, there were no obvious signs that the people were Muslim (other than the mosques) No scarves, burquas and all the other coverings the women are forced to wear. What will another 40 years produce?

That's a long time ago. In the last two decades Islamic dress has gotten more common, even in KL. Along the upper east coast, people have always been more conservative, with lots of Islamic dress in sight. For a time they even had separate check-out queues for men and women, and in cinemas the lights were left on, so no hanky-panky could take place.


Among Muslim-majority countries Malaysia may still be the best, but that's saying gonorrhea is nicer than syphilis. 

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There's literally millions of young, intelligent normal muslims in the world, why is it always an old crazy guy that has the mic?  Someone put him out of his misery.

Edited by johnray
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19 minutes ago, CanadaSam said:


For all those who think that Thailand and other "third" world countries are dumb or stupid, for not offering Citizenship on a silver platter to all immigrants, this can be a serious wake-up call to all "first" world countries who do exactly that, it's high time to put into place policies that ensure you need to EARN Citizenship, by proving that you have paid taxes, or contributed in other useful ways to the country in which you wish to obtain Citizenship!



Well, if that's true, then the French also have "the right to punish" Muslims for the beheading of one of their citizens, but they should do it in a proportionate way, not by killing hundreds or thousands of Muslims, but by ending only one Muslim life in exchange for the one innocent lady who was beheaded, may I suggest that Mahathir himself would be an ideal candidate....



Shame that no one here actually bothered to read the article. He actually was talking about massacres of the past and the fact that Muslims were being denounced for the act of a mad extremists.

He certainly wasn't saying that any Muslim should attack anyone.





Mahathir, 95, a respected leader in the Muslim world, said he believed in freedom of expression but it should not be used to insult others.


“Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past,” Mahathir wrote in one of the tweets, which was later removed from the platform for violating its rules.


He continued: “But by and large, the Muslims have not applied the ‘eye for an eye’ law. Muslims don’t. The French shouldn’t.


“Since you have blamed all Muslims and the Muslims’ religion for what was done by one angry person, the Muslims have a right to punish the French,” Mahathir wrote, referring to a man who decapitated a French teacher earlier this month.



But of course, the same characters look to demonise all Muslims and are happy to quote of out context.

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5 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


Cannot say that I agree at all. Contrast the entry at Immigration with Thailand. The first time I ever went to Malaysia, a family invited me to dinner after a short chat whilst I was waiting for a train.

Countless other stories of genuine friendliness. I had heard so much about Thailand, but once I crossed the border from Malaysia to Thailand, that genuine friendliness disappeared. Not that the Thais weren't friendly, but it was certainly a notch or two down from my experience in Malaysia. Certainly quite a few experiences with angry Thais who were unable to sell anything, so abused you instead.

I too am British and didn't detect any such undercurrent at any time.

I could give you countless stories of their unfriendliness. Here's just one. I was sat opposite a young couple int he station in KL waiting for a train. They were very chatty and keen to practice their English. As soon as I told them I was British they turned away and completely blanked me.

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