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Infected foreigners have to pay for everything themselves, doctor assures Thais


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6 hours ago, Susco said:




Joke aside, aren't they supposed to have that 100k US$ covid insurance?

From my understanding that doesn't cover intensive care. Lol ????

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1 hour ago, johng said:



There was a document posted on this form some time ago  listing the different prices   see attached PDF

hospital dual price.pdf 3.18 MB · 1 download


Can't be bothered to read all that, its not important to me the prices of anything go up and down

My doctors fee the same and medication has gone up a bit from last year but not by much.

I get good treatment at my local public hospital that's what important to me.



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3 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

Wow, that is a cheap premium.  Could you share with us the name of this wonderful insurance company.  I for one wish to sign up!

My coverage is from Dhipaya Insurance Pcl.. It's not easy to remember the spelling so I checked Google. I saw that Roojai (broker) also offers same coverage for 850 Baht/year.

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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Those with no symptoms but who tested positive would have to stay in hospital for ten days after their positive test.

There is no medical justification for this that I'm aware of. In most countries, people with a positive result but no symptoms are specifically told NOT to go to a hospital, so as not to overburden medical facilities when no treatment is needed.

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Just stop and think for one solitary second.

You test negative before arriving.  It's in your blood but isn't detectable yet.  Or you catch it on the plane coming over here and develop it after nine days.  then you're sick for seven days, and you have to quarantine for up to a month in a hotel until symptoms abate on your dime.  You're not going anywhere.


Is it really worth it to travel to Thailand as a tourist right now?  I'm not talking about people trying to get back to their lives.


The term "you must have been dropped on your head" isn't an adequate term.  It's how many times a day did this happen?  

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8 hours ago, Xonax said:

Do they want tourists to come and save Thailand or not?


How can you save something that was already dead. Thailand was already out of favor as a tourist destination . Only the playground of sex tourists and randy old men looking to hook up with desperate young farm girls while they await Gods call.


The beautiful tourism of the past has been pushed aside to make way for concrete hotel jungles and scams. There are far better alternatives now in other Asian countries, and it will be those that find favor for the regeneration of tourist travel.


Given there are so many Globally unemployed and taxes have to go up to pay back the extreme borrowing the governments are living on. I doubt if anyone will have 2 ha'pennies to rub together even if they are willing to spend 14 days locked away and get tracked.

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What happens if the farang does not have the funds to pay for the care, and there is no embassy or consular presence? Does he/she get quietly culled? Just curious... so that reciprocal measures can be recommended to the FCO.

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10 hours ago, Jack Mountain said:

Fair enough, I tell the Thai the same ...

Thais are citizens in Thailand, aliens are not, and therefore aliens recommended to have a Covid-19 insurance, whilst the governments takes care of their citizens...:thumbsup:

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8 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

So, if they get it in Thai quarantine, infected by a Thai or bad hotel policy, they have to pay - talk about a pathetic scam.


Gets sillier by the day

If covid hits hard here, they will just hospitalise only the very sick. They simply will not have enough beds for thousands of people. I reckon they would just allow those with mild symptoms to isolate at home, like most other countries. Right now, everyoen testign positive is hospitalised, but that would have to change if thousands are getting infected daily. 

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9 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

Thai public hospitals can now legally charge foreign nationals higher rates for services under new regulations

OK I learned something ????

However, it is likely that it will remain below the prices of Bangkok hospitals which sometimes have no limits.

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14 hours ago, ukrules said:


This is the controversial bit and it's why only Thai insurance companies are allowed - it's not emergency treatment so no insurance company in the world would approve a payment for it.


You'r wrong, I have a regular MANDATORY health insurance in my home country that covers just everything that comes on my way while abroad or at home. Disseases, accident, the whole lot.

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1 minute ago, ukrules said:

Read the small print, does it mention 'emergency treatment' anywhere?


With COVID they are sending people who are not ill in any way to hospital for many days. This is not emergency treatment.


I also have a very comprehensive top of the line insurance policy and they provide cover for everything but the word 'emergency' is used as in emergency treatment - the words 'precautionary hospital isolation at the discretion of the government' are not.


It has no small print and I am not an idiot. Besides I needed several times medical care abroad in the past and it was paid without questioning. They even issued a guaranty to BKK Hospital ( not the cheapest ) for payment before treatment had started or cost was known.

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