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Trump faces likely setback in Georgia recount, drops Michigan lawsuit


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7 hours ago, connda said:

The point is that a segment of the progressive far-left wants show trials for Trump, his appointees, his cabinet, and his supporters.  And my guess is that the DNC would just step aside and allow that genie to escape its bottle.
The soft version can be found by searching online for The Trump Accountability Project or by reading articles published on main-stream sources such as

Politico, The Washington Examiner, and The New York Post.  Look at posts by far-leftists on Twitter and you start encounters extremely disturbing posts calling for the incarceration and re-education of anyone associated with Trump including anyone who voted from Trump. 

This is pretty sick stuff.



"Pot, Kettle, Black, Concession, Camera" - Trump's IQ test for the new era.

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10 hours ago, connda said:

I really wonder what you poor, sad people are going to do in the future. Really? Those of you who have done nothing but project hate, disdain, vitriol, pejoratives, and curses at anything and everything that is written or spoken about a reality TV show star and businessman who managed to get himself elected instead of the Democrat who was suppose to win.  Four years.  And ya'll aren't tired yet.  You still have plenty of energy to project even more hate and rage for how long.  A few more months? A year?  Until people are jailed.  How about publicly executed.  When can you resolve the 2016 election in your own heads?  What's it going to take?
I pity you folks.  Normal, mature people may not like the outcome of an election, but when its over you accept the outcome and move on.  They'll be a whole lot of disappointed Trump supporters, but most will accept the outcome and do just that - move on.  Those of you who hate Trump so deeply will I imagine continue to call for division, discontents, trials, punishments, persecutions while mocking all who are politically right of you with utter loathing and hate.

Honestly.  Where do you think that ends?  Are you planning on trying to heal the divide, or do you plan to continue to pour gasoline on it then toss matches.
If I was a betting man I drop a quid on the latter.
Best of luck.  Enjoy stoking the fires. 

You appear to lack the gifts of self reflection and perspective , my condolences.

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17 hours ago, riclag said:

 Many accusation on this thread that Trump is a criminal! Trump has never been convicted of a crime! A law suit is not a crime! 

I been through this before  ,the judge(Justice Saliann Scarpulla) on this case is a civil law justice she  only hears civil cases!

"A civil lawsuit is, essentially, any case that is not a criminal case. Civil lawsuits help protect, enforce, or fix the private rights of citizens".



I wish you would all factcheck your erroneous assertions  and stop with the made up nonsense!





"She was elected to the Civil Court in 2001. While in Civil Court Justice Scarpulla presided over civil, commercial landlord-tenant, no-fault, pro se and small claims actions".

http://ww2.nycourts.gov/courts/comdiv/ny/newyork_bio_scarpulla.shtml#:~:text=Justice Scarpulla returned to the,se and small claims actions.

https://www.castlelaw-kc.com/faqs/what-s-the-difference-between-a-criminal-lawsuit-and-civil-lawsuit-.cfm#:~:text=Civil lawsuits occur when individuals,Penalties.





Ok Ric.....Trump lost a civil case....so legally, technically and officially we can call Trump a loser and a Charity Cheat. Thank you for the legal prudence...by the way....The title of criminal is coming Trump's way soon enough to a courtroom near you. 

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