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Patriots remembered on the 42nd anniversary of the December 2 movement


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To observe the 42nd anniversary of the “December 2 movement,” Prime Minister Hun Sen released a statement yesterday to remember the overthrow of the Khmer Rouge regime. “Everyone understands that without the birth of the [Solidarity Front for National Rescue of Cambodia] on December 2 and the victory on January 7, today would not be the same,” Mr Hun Sen said. “This is the truth of history.”


The anniversary cannot be celebrated with an event this year because the government has banned gatherings of more than 20 people after the first community transmission of COVID-19. The “December 2 movement” began in 1978, in the Snuol Liberation Area, Snuol district, Kratie province, to topple the Khmer Rouge’s genocidal regime which lasted from 1975 to 1979, and was called the Solidarity Front for National Rescue of Cambodia (SFNRC).


He said the SFNRC formed because the people were united, both inside and outside the country. Together with the now CPP honourary president and National Assembly president Heng Samrin and former CPP president and Senate president Chea Sim, who passed away in 2015, Mr Hun Sen and other “patriotic heroes” organised forces to overthrow the regime of Pol Pot, which was toppled on January 7, 1979.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50788819/patriots-remembered-on-the-42nd-anniversary-of-the-december-2-movement/

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