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Does this really happen in Thailand!? - U-turn antics in Udon draw netizens' ire


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So many times, uncountable.  You see pathways worn into central ditches from constant use, daily you see cars going the wrong way on a road as it's just to in convenient to drive and do a uturn or the as common coming out of a fuel station the wrong way so they can cut across the carriageway the wrong way... 

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I'm used to seeing Thai drivers doing stupid things, such as overtaking on blind curves or on crests where they have no idea what's coming. Or running red lights. I just stay out of their way so I don't become collateral damage.

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I was a traffic engineer in a previous life. If people feel obliged to do this kind of thing, it is an engineering problem, as a young designer I was often on site with police and local authorities after viewing accident records to try and decide where the problem lay. 

1. For some unexplained reason, when a lot of traffic is expected U-turns are blocked off, which can mean an extra 4 K journey -+ double waiting time at the next opening.

2. For <deleted> instance, driving back home 8 K along a main road after which I then turn right, despite yellow hatching on the road, two days ago I noticed a sign saying "NEXT U-TURN 10 K'. Yes TEN <deleted> K. Who wants to do that? Especially on a motorbike when you want to go 200 metres to the shops. This morning I was going that way anyway and saw that they had started planting bloody great CONCRETE BLOCKS along the centre line to stop U-turns. (Pedestrians can now no longer cross the road, but who cares?).

So instead of solving the problem they absolve themselves of responsibility by putting up silly signs. 

When driving you have to assume that people are stupid in general, or can become so after long hours of driving plus yabaa. Engineering can resolve many problems, often quite easily.

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