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UK tells EU: back down by Sunday night or we'll walk


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23 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

and Brexiteers make a big deal of their exclusive fishing zone 200 miles away (in fact this is mainly the Scot's EEZ) but the very hearth british land is owned by foreign interest.


Do you realize that 17% of England’s mountains green is actually owned by Oligarchs and City bankers?



Bring me my Chariot of fire!

The English fishing boat owners all sold their Quota's to mainly Dutch boat owners,slipper captain's.

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42 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

"Retailers have urged the public not to panic buy over the prospect of a no deal with the EU." 

- The Sun-13th.December-


Why does the Retailers think the U.K.public will panic when no deal? 


It seems that they think the U.K.public does not trust their government when these proclaim that everything will be fine in the U.K., even with a no-deal. 

Where did you obtain that quote from Luke, the British Media have a tendancy to be very economical with the truth, but panic buying is probably more to do with human nature, shoppers were buying toilet rolls like there was going to be no tomorrow when covid first struck.


But I did hear that there might be shortages of cows heads as us Brits love our tete de veau, so there could be something else for the remainers to beef about.

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1 hour ago, luckyluke said:

"Retailers have urged the public not to panic buy over the prospect of a no deal with the EU." 

- The Sun-13th.December-


Why does the Retailers think the U.K.public will panic when no deal? 


It seems that they think the U.K.public does not trust their government when these proclaim that everything will be fine in the U.K., even with a no-deal. 

And same time Boris ask supermarkets to start stockpiling to keep the shelfs filled  ....so what the public would start think and ...doing ?....what would any one of the public do ...guess 3 times ? ????????????


" Close your eyes ...now do not think to a red cloth !...dont think to a red cloth !..sure do not ! ....well what do you ARE thinking  about now ...?....a red cloth i guess ......????


Comes in mind






Edited by david555
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3 minutes ago, placeholder said:

So it was the EU who asked for an extension? The EU is not forcing the UK to continue talking. It is not forcing the UK to negotiate. The UK is free to cease negotiating any time it wants to. Take it up with Boris.


Both parties are looking for a deal. 


I am positively surprised by the attitude of Mr. Johnson, he seems to want to be the prime minister for all Britons, not only for a minority of hard cores who want a non-deal, whatever it may, maybe, cost for the man in the street. 


He may succeed or not, but there is certainly a will, as he is agree with the continuing of the negotiations, instead of definitively stop them yesterday evening. 

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12 minutes ago, luckyluke said:


Both parties are looking for a deal. 


I am positively surprised by the attitude of Mr. Johnson, he seems to want to be the prime minister for all Britons, not only for a minority of hard cores who want a non-deal, whatever it may, maybe, cost for the man in the street. 


He may succeed or not, but there is certainly a will, as he is agree with the continuing of the negotiations, instead of definitively stop them yesterday evening. 

I agree. But the reflexive habit of blaming the EU for everything, even somehow forcing the UK to negotiate, is just nuts.

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15 minutes ago, robblok said:

It seem BJ is a liar or really bad at poker. Bluffing all the time. But its hard to bluf an opponent with far better cards. I guess the guy is either incompetent or lying. He said he would break off. Did not do it again. That is lying or being really bad at the game. Either is not helping him. 


That's a perception, but you may be right.


Politicians are sly people, everything may be smoke & mirrors with a well define agenda :

giving the base the illusion that something is done for them, and if it doesn't work, it is because of the others.

This is valid for every politicians, and thus count for Mr. Macron as well. 

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A transcript of the phone call yesterday from Mrs Merkel (aka "Hetty") to Ursula von der Leyen

"Ursula dear we have a 80 billion euro surplus of trade with them damn der Englanders,they are the worlds biggest market for our cars....give Herr Boris another call and let,s see if we cannot compromise..don,t say nothing to zee French about it".... :unsure:


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12 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Smacks of desperation quoting the ultra remainer Heseltine who has had nearly 1 million pounds in subsidies for his businesses from the EU. Wonder why he wants the UK to stay and overturn a democratic referendum.  The man should be in Gaol and like many who had their heads i the trough from the HoL is an embarrassment to the country..

Do enlighten us, what law has Lord Heseltine broken that you want him in prison, beyond of course holding and expressing beliefs you don’t agree with?





Edited by Chomper Higgot
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