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No deal on Brexit trade 'very very likely', British PM Johnson says


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1 minute ago, deadbeat said:

Roll on Dec 31,

Free at last, Free at last, Thank the Lord almighty, we're free at last.

And I dont care how much it costs. 

Other peoples livelihoods, businesses, employment....in some cases their homes and relationships....yep well with it....?

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2 hours ago, soalbundy said:

No I don't think so, times are going to be very difficult in the UK for the average working person and the average voter is more fickle than a bored woman, that isn't to say things will be hunky dory in the EU either but the larger european countries are better at looking after their people than the UK.

Are you moving there then!

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57 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Its the same boring mantra we have been hearing for 5 years.


900,000 jobs will be gone straight after the referendum if we voted leave. Another lie. Guess what more jobs were created.


So Brexit has caused people to go hungry and no homes. Please you need to stop believing the Guardian and the independent newspapers.


I could go anywhere before and I did. I worked and lived in two countries in Europe. Lived and worked in the ME and in SE Asia. trying to say the EU has made travel easier is nonsense. Maybe for some countries like the Eastern Europeans and some Africans who could not travel like the Brits and the EU gave them freedom of movement.


Your a  doomsday sensationalist. Like previously the UK will be okay. It might take a slight hit in some areas but it will be fine as it always was and has.


Our conversation is over.

Your words in gods ear no doubt.

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11 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

No need to, the German government and BMW are already looking after me with a good pension that increases every year no matter where I live, on top of which the German embassy makes my life easier by giving me a letter of pension confirmation for the IO.

Gotcha. It all makes perfect sense now.

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5 hours ago, Natai Beach said:


I am surprised Boris hasn’t got it done already.

He seems like such a competent, sensible and intelligent man. He is doing a superb job with covid, he said so himself.



Bad for the expat Brits, your pound won’t be worth much after this.


I think that's a photograph taken when he won a First at Crufts.

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8 minutes ago, SteveB2 said:



"The EU, taken as a whole is the UK's largest trading partner. In 2019, UK exports to the EU were £294 billion (43% of all UK exports). UK imports from the EU were £374 billion (52% of all UK imports)"

Ref: https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-7851/ 


For those who have problems understanding math, this means the EU exports to the UK £120 billion pounds more than it imports.


Meaning that if the EU has to reverts to trading with the UK on WTO terms, the UK makes stands to make a massive windfall profit from the import duties caused by the trade imbalance. 


No wonder this whole Brexit conundrum is being dragged out as long as possible with futile negotiations - the import duties the EU has saved paying the UK over the last 4 years of trade imbalance easily run into tens of billions of pounds...

Another sales pitch.... Brexit is great for you because we make much more money taxing our consumers.... (tariffs are taxes on consumers)

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6 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Firstly, I will correct you. it is British goods. As it would appear you are missing 3 countries who are part of the union that you overtly missed out.


Secondly, it will kick start British consumerism which is needed in every country.  Buy British.


As the world is a huge place and the EU will not be able to control what we sell and who too. We will be more competitive. All great stuff.


I think people will cope with Cheshire, Gloucestershire and other British Cheeses over brie.  As for drink, Proseco is overrated and French wine isn't worth putting on chips in my opinion.


There is a bright future ahead for the UK. As for the EU, I wouldn't say it is bright at all. The cracks are only just starting.



Buy British?

And you accuse the EU of being a protectionist racket ????

Yes we will stride like a trading colossus selling our cheese and <deleted> wine to people who were already buying our cheese and <deleted> wine.

New developing markets where people dont eat cheese or drink <deleted> wine not so much.

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