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Outbreak in Samut Sakhon rises above 1,200 cases


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Just now, foreverlomsak said:

but the border is still open it said, that makes it a large concentration camp for border crossers.

Impossible to close the land border.  In parts, it's very rugged, and very remote, land.  Lots of jungle paths cross back and forth.

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Guest Harm Hendrik Reitsma
9 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

I thought the borders were closed and the province was on lockdown to contain the spread.  Is it just me or is something just wrong about this. Plus why are these numbers not included in the total daily stats for Covid-19.  Playing games again i see.

It is tests, not sick, there is a difference. And tests not are to be trusted, they give a big nr of fails and test pos or neg at random... 

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7 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

Samut Sakhon is a big tourist hub?

and playing with number  not to scare local population..As they said....

"Tests conducted on 2,052 people in a 2-kilometre radius around the Central Shrimp Market found 901 “positives” or an infection rate of 44 per cent."

44% ???? that seemed to be the real number and being spread out all over the country.

the 6million Chinese visiting thailand in February is the give away that the number of people infected is higher than what is reported.


I think what the govt did earlier this year is  reported  infection cases not the result of a national screening.

they were telling people that the dirty farangs brought it to Thailand and not those 6 million Chinese angels that came and visited thailand early in the year.


The government does not have to worry for yr 2021== no farang will come to thailand and Chinese will not dare venture out of their country  now.



total corrupted government. 

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1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

they produce 100,000 test kits a month here.  And they are used.  40,000 were just tested in relation to this outbreak.


First of all drop in the bucket, they aren't used on migrant truckers importing good across the border. Second can you send a link for all of us to follow regarding this extensive testing policy? Would love to read it

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6 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Lockdown yes but borders not closed. Suggested people not leave that's all. As for numbers who knows but an infection rate of 44% is very high. They have previously said 10,000 tests so at this infection rate 4,400 infections. It's also spread out to other provinces so you would expect to see increases outside of Samut Sakhon. 1 case last Fiday now more than 1200 in 6 days in Samut Sakhon.

There are 2 cases in Kamphaeng Phet province Both were truck drivers who had been to the market in Samut Sakhon.

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6 hours ago, dcnx said:

Amazing what happens when you proactively test the public. I’ve been saying this would happen for months. Randomly test neighborhoods in various parts of the country and you’re going to find this nasty thing.


2 cases in Parachinburi less than 1 km from where I live. Both were "agents" who bring in workers from Myanmar as there is a factory here that employs them.  Not 100% sure but I think they were found through active tracing i.e. government is tracking down such agents and testing them.

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1 hour ago, skorp13 said:


First of all drop in the bucket, they aren't used on migrant truckers importing good across the border. Second can you send a link for all of us to follow regarding this extensive testing policy? Would love to read it




Edited by Jeffr2
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7 hours ago, charmonman said:

If they have indeed been lying for the past several months, why have they suddenly decided to stop lying just as they’ve made it somewhat easier for at least some tourists to enter. Your theory doesn’t really make sense.

All kinds of theories could explain it. What if, to appear more credible, they are changing tactics to show that they have 'a small' outbreak since virtually every other country on earth is having them? 


What if the information got out into the international media and so they were forced to acknowledge it?



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8 hours ago, charmonman said:

If they have indeed been lying for the past several months, why have they suddenly decided to stop lying just as they’ve made it somewhat easier for at least some tourists to enter. Your theory doesn’t really make sense.



Vaccine on the horizon coupled with the fact they have a scapegoat, they can now blame the Myanmar migrants for the outbreak, leaving themselves to look like they have done a fantastic job?


Just a wild guess!!

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1 minute ago, Scouse123 said:



Vaccine on the horizon coupled with the fact they have a scapegoat, they can now blame the Myanmar migrants for the outbreak, leaving themselves to look like they have done a fantastic job?


Just a wild guess!!

Ummm...it was Myanmar migrants that brought in the virus.  It's raging over there.  It was corrupt government officials that allowed them to come in illegally, and without quarantine.  They are admitting this.


There are about 200 jabs on the horizon...or more!

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5 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

Why weren't there sick people during the first wave? There were active infections and then it just went away. They're not doing anything different now then back then right?

What ever gave you the idea there weren't sick people during the first wave? I know of two people who ended up in the hospital from it in March.

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2 minutes ago, charmonman said:

What ever gave you the idea there weren't sick people during the first wave? I know of two people who ended up in the hospital from it in March.

Everyone goes to hospital if tested positive in Thailand, even people without symptoms(which are the majority).

Also, you can go to hospital even for a flu and it happened to me 2 years ago here in Bangkok(and I am in my early thirties)

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2 minutes ago, Anton9 said:

Everyone goes to hospital if tested positive in Thailand, even people without symptoms(which are the majority).

Also, you can go to hospital even for a flu and it happened to me 2 years ago here in Bangkok(and I am in my early thirties)

Stop.  The majority are symptomatic.  And of course, if you test positive, you go to the hospital.  If you are in the hospital, and have the symptoms, they test you.  Makes sense.

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5 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

but that's what they're doing right now! That's my point that needs to be addressed. I guess they can say it was the lockdown (which hasn't happened yet) so perhaps we can expect a nationwide stay at home order. 


How well have masks and so-called lockdowns worked in the rest of world? I'm not seeing the evidence any of this does anything at all.


Getting lucky is a very possible reason. I'm skeptical though so I'm putting out ideas.

From my understanding lockdowns are used typically as a stop gap measure when COVID treatment facilities are byond capacity to treat COVID patients.


Although the scientific information recently put forward is that lockdowns and indoor confinement are more likely to cause the spread of the virus then being in a outdoor open air environment. 


As for masks; well if you every walk past a smoker and you have your mask on the smell of that smoke from 20 feet away is notable, which seems to indicate to me that masks don't really inhibit air particle contaminants entering your respiratory system. 


What they do is stop you touching your face and infecting yourself; and if you do cough and you're infected hopefully it stops the bulk of exhaling mucus dissipating into the surrounding environment.  


But in reality <deleted> any of these restricting or directives have on COVID spread is like moving goal posts.


At the end of the day the health authorities have to be seen to be doing something to try and mitigate the infectious R0 rate of the sucker.


I am good to go along with whatever they require of me to do to help reduce the COVID situation in Thailand. 


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1 minute ago, berrec said:

From my understanding lockdowns are used typically as a stop gap measure when COVID treatment facilities are byond capacity to treat COVID patients.


Although the scientific information recently put forward is that lockdowns and indoor confinement are more likely to cause the spread of the virus then being in a outdoor open air environment. 


As for masks; well if you every walk past a smoker and you have your mask on the smell of that smoke from 20 feet away is notable, which seems to indicate to me that masks don't really inhibit air particle contaminants entering your respiratory system. 


What they do is stop you touching your face and infecting yourself; and if you do cough and you're infected hopefully it stops the bulk of exhaling mucus dissipating into the surrounding environment.  


But in reality <deleted> any of these restricting or directives have on COVID spread is like moving goal posts.


At the end of the day the health authorities have to be seen to be doing something to try and mitigate the infectious R0 rate of the sucker.


I am good to go along with whatever they require of me to do to help reduce the COVID situation in Thailand. 


Masks work.  That's been proven.  Well, at least good masks.


Researchers tested 14 types of masks. Here's what they learned

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13 hours ago, webfact said:

Samut Sakhon’s border is till open but checkpoints are being set up to provide temperature checks and other disease controls.

What is the point to check temperature when most of the cases in Samut Sakhon are asymptomatics

(Aka with no temperature or others exteriors signs of having the virus)

and what are exactly these ''other disease controls'' ? 

All of this sound extremely bogus imo

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11 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

They've been lying about their numbers from the start. Don't want to scare the potential tourists away... 

As the airports and borders are locked and thus there are no tourists to scare away I question the accuracy of your suggestion.

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They need to report the Stats in its entirety instead of hiding the infected workers in the bottom of a report, This is getting sad.  How many cases were there today well 58 local cases, 8 quarantine cases, but wait that adds up to 66 not 67 as they reported, they then list the 67th one as a illegal entry, but wait there is more, 1200+ more to be exact of, infected migrant workers also reported today, but buried under a different part of the issued stats.  Basically today in Thailand there were 1267 new Covid 19 cases.  Lets see how they try and hide the total numbers tomorrow.  This is ludicrous that they are still trying to downplay Covid infections. 

Edited by ThailandRyan
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4 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

What is the point to check temperature when most of the cases in Samut Sakhon are asymptomatics

(Aka with no temperature or others exteriors signs of having the virus)

and what are exactly these ''other disease controls'' ? 

All of this sound extremely bogus imo

Because the people who were symptomatic and did have high temperatures or fevers help to identify those contacts who were asymptomatic.

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35 minutes ago, charmonman said:

What ever gave you the idea there weren't sick people during the first wave? I know of two people who ended up in the hospital from it in March.

People died  never mind being sick back in spring.

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11 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

What is the point to check temperature when most of the cases in Samut Sakhon are asymptomatics

(Aka with no temperature or others exteriors signs of having the virus)

and what are exactly these ''other disease controls'' ? 

All of this sound extremely bogus imo

Where did they say most cases there were asymptomatic? With no temperature.  Please, share that link.

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6 minutes ago, Nout said:

Because the people who were symptomatic and did have high temperatures or fevers help to identify those contacts who were asymptomatic.

You don't get it

we are talking about control at a border of a province

if someone asymptomatic want to go out of the proince, he is stopped at the check point

and with no temperature he is allowed to go outside of the province to spread the virus

that's the main problem and it's why the check point is useless imo, the only option is a total lockdown

on the province it you don't want the spreding all over the country (I am afraid it's already too late)


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