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Why do Thais recommend divorced women with children to farang?


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6 hours ago, Elkski said:

Farangia.  Haha. 

If you think most thai women start having sex at 16 your hanging in low places.

I've met 2 thai women who were virgins over 40.  I've met several over 40 who only had 1 or 2 man ever.  I have met more conservative over 40 in Thailand than in the west. 

I've met many thai women who got dumped by somchi with the kid(s) at midv30's for a 20 something.  I only know 1 mom who got support from from her ex . This one thai man supported her and children well. 

I've met many thai women who think most thai men smoke, drink to mut, gamble,  like mia nois, giks, abuse and they will not consider another thai man.   Quite often thai women have friends or see happy thai women on FB who have amazing lives with a western man.  Also there is the thought of having a beautiful  Lukkreung  child.  Look at all the TV stars and models.   They all want a western nose,, height,And light skin  I despise all this plastic  surgery.  The Micheal Jackson noses and anime look is so sad.  How will these pretties look when they are 50?   

A newbie western guy can be a great catch. 


Gimme a break. This is Thailand where everyone f everyone. 


The difference between Thai and western women is that they don't brag about their conquests. If they received a few hard pounding on a night of drunken stupor here and there you think they are going to share it with a guy who doesn't even speak Thai?

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:


Wow. Great story. Thanks for that. Talk about a glimpse into a cultural gap. For us, it just sounds like an astonishing degree of ignorance, convention, conservatism, and closed mindedness. Coupled with an astonishing lack of compassion and kindness, and a pathological fear of a loss of face, on the part of the horrific elder brother. 


I sure hope the "insipid elder brother" is not invited to family functions, and iced out of their lives. He sounds like he serves no useful purpose anyway, and is not much of an example for the kids. And the kids likely despise him, for good reason. 


The citation of a law here, or lack thereof, can be quite effective. And kudos to the senior cop for his humanity and reason. Likewise, kudos to his wife, for standing up to her stunningly ignorant and immoral brother. 


If I was in the husbands position, I would have gotten in the brother's face afterwards, and explained to him he is NEVER welcome in the house, nor is he permitted to even talk to the kids, after pulling a juvenile and nasty stunt like that. See ya! Good riddens. Uncle no more! 

I might have even gone so far as to threaten the rotten brother with attempted kidnapping. 

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On 12/27/2020 at 9:33 AM, scorecard said:


Let's not forget the long-term solid Thai social 'rule' that men don't accept the existing children of girls/ladies they meet.


Why? Because 'they don't have the male partners blood'. Their blood is not the same as the master of the house., therefore the GFs children cannot live in the house.


90+ % of Thais follow this thinking, common also in Cambodia, Lao and Myanmar.


This is another reason why so many Thai kids live with grandma and in many cases ahave never been to the house where their birth mother now lives and know they are not welcome.


On the other hand the majority of western men (I think this is true) readily accept that their new GF has kids and she should remain strongly in their lives, and therefore accept her kids into their daily lives and into their house, accept responsibility for their welfare. education etc., and often become very good step-fathers. 


One of my professor buddies in Bkk met a female professor at his uni and they quickly formed a happy relationship. She speaks advanced English, lovely pleasant and intelligent young lady, never asked for anything.. 


She had  kids from a previous marriage with a Thai man,  2.5 yo and 5 yo. The lady professor informed my buddy she had kids as soon as they met.


The farang made it clear he wanted to meet her kids and get to know them, this happened quickly, the kids bonded with the farang quickly and were young enough to quickly pick up plenty of English.


Two years later they married and the kids featured in the ceremony and the wedding celebrations.


The lady professors elder brother made it plain from day 1 that the couple met that the kids had to be split up & each one go to live with a grandmother. 


Farang insisted this not happen and a few months before the wedding bought a new house with enough bedrooms for the two kids to each have their own very comfortable rooms, a shared bathroom, some electronics etc., and the kids (suggested/prompted by the farang and accepted by their mother) had been moved into better schools. They all moved into the new house a month or so before the wedding.


The day after the wedding the farang came home to a severe argument between his new wife and her elder brother who had arrived at the house, rounded up the 2 kids and demanded they each go to their rooms with big black plastic bags to gather up their clothes etc. Their mother was telling them 'you are not moving anywhere, this is your home, our family home'.


Both kids ran to the farang and clung onto him and with lots of crying said they didn't want to leave the house. 


Farang called a Thai lawyer friend and his wife called the police.


The police arrived first and tried to tell the farang that his wifes' brother was correct by Thai law, the kids could not stay there.


Lawyer arrived soon after and quickly demanded that both the police and the older brother quote the supposed Thai law which states that they could not live in the new house because their blood was not the same as the new husband'.


Both police and older brother couldn't quote any such law. Lawyer demanded the phone number of the senior the 2 cops reported to and lawyer called him. Senior arrived at the house 10 minutes later and got very angry with his 2 junior cops telling them 'you've been told before there is no such law and that you cannot make up laws'.


Senior cops spoke some English, he told the farang 'you are not breaking any laws, and I'm happy to see that the 2 children and being well taken care of'. '


Senior cop then spoke strongly to the older brother and made him confirm that he now understood there is no such law, then told the farang 'if you have any further problems please call me' and gave his card and mobile no. 



A great report and thanks for the time to write it.....

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2 hours ago, xylophone said:

That is a sad comment, and I will try not to take offence at it, but for the record, she moved in with us when she was about six or seven, and I gave her nothing but love and friendship, as well as helping her with her English, and occasionally I would pick her up from school on the motorbike and she loved it.


I also took her and her young girlfriend swimming in the pool nearby and at no time did I ever provide any financial support for her until such time as she started high school.


I do remember that every day before Jr school she would come into the bedroom and climb onto the bed and give me a big kiss and say goodbye papa or I love papa.


And one of her school projects was making a Christmas card for her parents, and she made one specifically for me, and it was lovely, even though she was about nine years old when she made it.


I think I'm old enough now at 73 years old, having had many relationships in a few countries and reached a high position in the corporate world, along with training for things such as financial planning, interpersonal management skills and managing large teams of people, to know what is what in this world, so I'm comfortable with our relationship, and I'm sorry to hear that there are people out there who think like you do.

I didn't mean to offend. There are thousands of foreign men who have or have had a similar relationship. However, when the "take care" and funds flow stops, the communications, professed love and relationship erodes and disappears. Lots of stories here in Thailand where the foreigner spends all his assets to "take care" of their loved ones. When the "take-care" funds flow reduces, he awakes one day and is told leave the house he funded, the vehicles he purchased, etc.. They all thought as you do, it was "love". It was love, it was love for the money

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7 hours ago, Pravda said:


Gimme a break. This is Thailand where everyone f everyone. 


The difference between Thai and western women is that they don't brag about their conquests. If they received a few hard pounding on a night of drunken stupor here and there you think they are going to share it with a guy who doesn't even speak Thai?

I understand that Thai people don't feel some statements or ommisions are ok.  They think it's best to say that which will cause less pain, damage, loss of face, or whatever.  And I understand they think it's important to all men that they are virgins. This is just my story of the situation as my intuition and experience tells me is true.   Some women want to please their father or parents so much that they work so hard on their education.  Some fall in with a bad crowd or influence but some are in company of other hard working, studying women that they don't go out on the town or entertain a man until after they finish school and establish a solid career.  Some have told me no sex until 26.  One even told me that she never did self gratification because no privacy at nursing school or housing.   Some women in this World are late bloomers.  But in late 30's the biological is close to striking midnight.   I have always sought out this  prim and proper type.  These women have high expectations in a man at this point in their careers.  They may have a car, nice accomodations, work  long hours 6 days a week. Sending lots of salary home to mom.  Established thai men of similar stature can easily attract 18-20 year olds.  Most thai women have experienced an alcoholic in their famiky. For some this makes bars and drinking seem like the devil's den.  I have never met or seen so many women who dress down as in Thailand.  even in the outdoor playgrounds of America women don't wear baggy dress like t-shirts.  Many thai women wear clothes to hide their womanly features. Many wear little to no make-up.  Many have been stigmatized by all the media and BS that they are so self conscious of their nose, darker skin so much so it's sad.   To many western men they don't hardly even see any skin color variations in thai women.  We are used to color range from albino white to the darkest black.  Thai skin color range maybe just 10% but thai people see that difference like black and white.  I admit what I speak if is rare. But I am a good hunter. 

Edited by Elkski
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18 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


Wow. Great story. Thanks for that. Talk about a glimpse into a cultural gap. For us, it just sounds like an astonishing degree of ignorance, convention, conservatism, and closed mindedness. Coupled with an astonishing lack of compassion and kindness, and a pathological fear of a loss of face, on the part of the horrific elder brother. 


I sure hope the "insipid elder brother" is not invited to family functions, and iced out of their lives. He sounds like he serves no useful purpose anyway, and is not much of an example for the kids. And the kids likely despise him, for good reason. 


The citation of a law here, or lack thereof, can be quite effective. And kudos to the senior cop for his humanity and reason. Likewise, kudos to his wife, for standing up to her stunningly ignorant and immoral brother. 


If I was in the husbands position, I would have gotten in the brother's face afterwards, and explained to him he is NEVER welcome in the house, nor is he permitted to even talk to the kids, after pulling a juvenile and nasty stunt like that. See ya! Good riddens. Uncle no more! 


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On 12/27/2020 at 4:31 AM, A1Str8 said:

Because no thai man wants them.

Over the years I have asked a number of Thai women, most with children, why they are single. Usual reasons.

1. Thai man no good.

2. Thai man lazy and drink too much. 

3. Thai man gamble, lose money.

4. Thai man like boom boom too many ladies.

5. Thai man, he angry, he beat me.

It doesn't matter what their background, many Thai men are lazy and let the women do the work.

Many, however are very hard working, so I am not trying to generalize..  

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On 12/26/2020 at 10:31 PM, A1Str8 said:

Because no thai man wants them.

Right on. Any Thai Male with any "standing" within Thai Society would never consider getting involved in such a constellation, unless the future wife is financially very well established, way above the Thai grooms current financial capabilities.
- But that's when the "Farang-Syndrome" comes into play.

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On 12/26/2020 at 11:44 PM, HampiK said:

Seems you know the wrong girls!
Most woman I know not have children. If you look at working woman (Office jobs in Bangkok for example) then the situation is much different to maybe low paid jobs which they work in as they have stopped their schools because of a child.

And even there I think it's not that bad as you paint the picture. It's like with everything the bad example you feel to happen more often.

Eventually, you may have to take off your rose colored glasses, regardless of your conception of how the "love-world" should function.

See yourself within a "learning-process". You are in good company, you are not alone and not the only one.


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On 12/28/2020 at 10:41 AM, Sparx60 said:

   At  a recent public discussion, a question was asked about what is the difference between FINISHED and COMPLETED. An Indian bloke got a standing ovation for his answer: " If you marry a wrong woman, your life will be  finished, but if you marry a right one, your life will be completed. However, if the right woman catches you with a wrong one, your life will be TOTALY FINISHED. Cheers and a Happy New Year to all.




Nice story and all the best to you...  I just wanted to correct the minor points for when you re-tell this amusing part of your story: 



....The difference between finished and complete.

"If you marry the wrong woman, your life will be  finished, but if you marry the right one, your life will be complete. However, if the right woman catches you with a wrong one, your life will be completely finished"







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On 12/28/2020 at 1:33 PM, Banana7 said:

That's an interesting story. I wonder if the daughter would love you so dearly if you didn't provide financial support or "take care" of her? Are you sure she loves you, or does she love your money and its free flow for her benefit?



There’s no need to tarnish a warming story with your bitter perspective. After all, would a biological child love a parent so dearly if the biological parent didn’t provide financial support or “take care” of them ? - I think not. Thus your comparison simply attempts to load negative bias without actually stepping back and considering the question you are asking with any degree of critical intelligence or forethought. 






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22 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Nice story and all the best to you...  I just wanted to correct the minor points for when you re-tell this amusing part of your story: 



....The difference between finished and complete.

"If you marry the wrong woman, your life will be  finished, but if you marry the right one, your life will be complete. However, if the right woman catches you with a wrong one, your life will be completely finished"







Thanks for the correction. After submitting the letter I realised I should have used "completely" instead of "totally".

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On 12/27/2020 at 2:41 AM, ZhangYimou said:

Has anyone else noticed this pattern? Is it because Thai people think that farang are more accepting of women with children or is it just that they think that farangs are all a bunch of  losers and below Thais on the social scale?

I only notice this behavior in Thailand.  

You forgot to mention the part where she went to work in a bar before you introduce them.  ????

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On 12/27/2020 at 4:03 AM, Lacessit said:

Allow me to observe there are quite a few rural village girls who are just as good-looking as any Hi-So.

You view them as good-looking, but to a Thai, they are not.  They appear Laotian, and speak the same way.  

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On 12/30/2020 at 7:06 AM, richard_smith237 said:

Yes you did. Otherwise you would have chosen not to be so outrageously untactful, idiotic and moronic with your reply. Unless your lack of tact is something you lack choice over as a result of some form mental incapacity.


And you know them all, right ? No.. You are making an assumption and you know what assume means.. making an a$$ of u and me. Well, in this case, just you. 



I’m sure it happens, has happened. But to project this opinion and attitude onto someone you don’t know, who has explained quite clearly a very happy situation, only serves to highly yourself as nothing other than a total and utter twerp. 

This is the problem with people who don’t know they are stupid, they are so simply unaware of what they don't know they are only capable of projecting their limited experiences without possessing the ability to recognise the multitude of possibilities and interactions out there.


Instead of seeing a wider world and more possibilities you have chosen to pigeonhole your highly and unimaginatively flawed narrative.


You’ve missed common sense by a county mile and peddled bar-stool twallop. 


Rather foolish. In short, the words of an insensitive idiot. 






Or this old happy guy is delusional imagining "love" when it is nothing but bought affection. Go back to bar and peddle more idiotic  imaginary bar-stool garbage. Silly old goat.

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After arriving in BKK for the first time, and having a little fun, I felt it was time to try "real" dating with some "real" ladies. Yes, this is quite difficult even on the dating sites, as there you'll still mostly find solicitations for pay-for-play.


After filtering these out, I quickly found that among the ladies genuinely looking for potential partners, these were all single mothers. This isn't hard to figure out. Anywhere in the world, these are the ones with the hardest time in this situation.


I was real fortunate to have met this woman I ended up dating awhile. Very kind, polite, and eloquent. High level office job. I still have her fancy card. The kind of lady most of the TVF claims to have. ???? But in the end we weren't clicking, and she made it clear we were to be friends. She obviously had her sights set higher than a lowly English teacher. Nonetheless she still kept on touch and helped me, with tips for getting around BKK, cultural issues, and even job references. I was amazed. It's something I've found to be an integral part of Thai culture, despite all the negativity you hear.


On our last few dates she was on the phone a bit, claiming it to be for work. I then noticed her troubled expressions, and eventually caught wind of one of these convos. It was with another potential, farang partner. One by one the prospects weren't panning out, while still hoping to see how high she can go. Well, who can blame her. She's got her kid to think about. But herein is the dilemma. Her clock is ticking. She's quite lovely, but not a head turner in this country of many, and her son approaching the terrible teenage years was likely the most unattractive part of the deal, and well as having to be on par with her job status.


We all have to compromise. I've since become happily married, accepting why I wasn't scoring the top end, head turning ladies, and also why their issues make them the ones you should avoid considering.


As with other posters, I also don't get why the hi-so, bleached, surgeried, Chinese/Korean look is considered attractive/high status. I could've gone to those countries, or stayed in the US for that, both a look and attitude I neither fancy. Look up "It's me Sai" on YT, for an excellent example of the classic, clean, Issan look. ????

Edited by CrunchWrapSupreme
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2 hours ago, Banana7 said:

Or this old happy guy is delusional imagining "love" when it is nothing but bought affection. Go back to bar and peddle more idiotic  imaginary bar-stool garbage. Silly old goat.

I'm OK with buying love, it worked out much better for me than the real thing back in the UK, which ended up costing me 66% of my net worth.

Nearly 12 years of living with a hired Thai woman (3 sequential women), and 2 children (they were the same).

Lots more sex, and much less trouble than the one in the UK that lived with me for love.

Edited by BritManToo
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On 12/30/2020 at 7:06 AM, richard_smith237 said:

Yes you did. Otherwise you would have chosen not to be so outrageously untactful, idiotic and moronic with your reply. Unless your lack of tact is something you lack choice over as a result of some form mental incapacity.


And you know them all, right ? No.. You are making an assumption and you know what assume means.. making an a$$ of u and me. Well, in this case, just you. 



I’m sure it happens, has happened. But to project this opinion and attitude onto someone you don’t know, who has explained quite clearly a very happy situation, only serves to highly yourself as nothing other than a total and utter twerp. 

This is the problem with people who don’t know they are stupid, they are so simply unaware of what they don't know they are only capable of projecting their limited experiences without possessing the ability to recognise the multitude of possibilities and interactions out there.


Instead of seeing a wider world and more possibilities you have chosen to pigeonhole your highly and unimaginatively flawed narrative.


You’ve missed common sense by a county mile and peddled bar-stool twallop. 


Rather foolish. In short, the words of an insensitive idiot. 






All these stories....  I see at the end of the day, yes different values and such but  females are hard wired to be taken care off.... never mind the crazy western spn on feminism and all the rest thats another srory...   the fundamental dna thing since forever is, yes different versions but the man is the provider and the female the nurtuer... and when that is not happening then mostly it all falls down....

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