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Samut Sakhon confirms another 900 COVID-19 cases


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11 hours ago, meechai said:


This ^^^^


As has been mentioned many times on this forum

In Winter 2019 when this all started in China there were many Chinese tourist in Thailand


Eventually as the west reported more & more cases Thailand locked up

Did anyone really believe that when all the tourist left it created a vacuum & all the Covid left with them??? Really???


No instead this past year  elderly have died in Village hospitals of a super pneumonia (we knew 3 personally) & nothing was said & nothing tested for Covid

Was it Covid? Obviously without testing we will never know....officially


Instead this year they tested only incoming quarantined visitors always finding many cases but no not already Thailand none....None being none tested

so of course results being none also


Ok the good news? Obviously the Covid has been in Thailand 1+ years already

The hospitals were not completely overrun & they will likely not be now as obvious by the high infected rate low death rates being reported


But anyone who believes this all started because those few women crept back in from Myanmar or that this is mainly because Myanmar

immigrant workers brought it all in.......Puleeze take 2 aspirin & lay down


I think your views deserve an airing.


It's certainly true that Thai hospitals have not been overwhelmed.  And this leads us to believe that covid19 has not been present within the country.


Supposing, however, that we run with your narrative.  That leads to some interesting questions. eg, Do Thais have better immunity to this sort of virus? Is there some environmental factor which minimizes spread? Does Thailand have a lesser variant of the virus, which leads not only to milder infection but confers immunity to the more aggressive strains?  


Members of my family have certainly suffered a viral illness which sounds like long covid.


Random sampling would provide a good place to start.  

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27 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

I agree 100% To think this virus 'magically' disappeared sometime in April/May when the lockdowns happened....come on. The virus was floating around in Thailand from, probably Decemberish. So, Dec - March it was let to roam as it wanted. I got a bad sore throat, fever etc in Feb. I remember being at school and having to lie down in the nurses office between classes. I had a few days off school, his is very unusual for me. At the time there was NO Covid test and the rumors of Covid 19 being at the school were quashed. This at a Sathit school which is in the same complex as a teaching hospital...mummy and daddy doctors there etc. The coughs and temps at the time were put down to Influenza A.....ok, maybe.....


Think about conditions in this country back early this year. How many tourists coming and going EVERYWHERE in this country. No Covid tests available. Covid 19 must have run rampant over this time. I dont think it ever really went away. It may have been slowed....They say up to 80% of people can be asymptomatic. Colds, coughs....have been going round schools for months. NO one bothered to get tested because, in the most part it was mild. 


Many of us experienced a very harsh virus at around the time you mentioned, but it wasn't necessarily covid19.  In fact I think some people had an antibody test which came back negative.  Also there was a particularly nasty throat infection going around at that time too, which led to secondary infection of the tonsils.  It was the worst URI I have ever experienced, and I well remember coughing incessantly and deeply for near 24 hours.  At one point I remember thinking this was going to see me off.  As it happened in mid November 2019 I accepted it couldn't have been covid 19.


I have been in Thailand for a long time.  And it struck me early on from my own experience, and that of others, that infection with a virus can be a far more grueling experience than in the west- reasons unknown.



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5 minutes ago, mommysboy said:


Many of us experienced a very harsh virus at around the time you mentioned, but it wasn't necessarily covid19.  In fact I think some people had an antibody test which came back negative.  Also there was a particularly nasty throat infection going around at that time too, which led to secondary infection of the tonsils.  It was the worst URI I have ever experienced, and I well remember coughing incessantly and deeply for near 24 hours.  At one point I remember thinking this was going to see me off.  As it happened in mid November 2019 I accepted it couldn't have been covid 19.


I have been in Thailand for a long time.  And it struck me early on from my own experience, and that of others, that infection with a virus can be a far more grueling experience than in the west- reasons unknown.



A massive antibody test...is that what is used to test if you HAD the virus??? Anyway, a massive sampling of that nature around the country would be VERY interesting indeed. 

Edited by 248900_1469958220
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What are Thai hospitals using to treat Covid 19? In the West it seems you get sent home and told to tough it out......which seems harsh as there seem to be some decent treatments around.....(but but but the vaccine) Anyway, if any of us end up in hospital with it, what are we likely to get? Anyone have any concrete info? Thanks.

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On 1/6/2021 at 6:01 PM, Bkk Brian said:

The new count announced today was 365 so these new ones will go into tomorrows official figures meaning that it will be well over 1000 cases tomorrow. The highest ever recorded in Thailand in a 24 hour period. 


Out of the 3800 total tested in this blitz on factories in Samut Sakhon 900 are positive giving a positivity rate of around 24%. Thats massive and proof that there is a tragic lack of tests being carried out.

All because the greedy fishing magnates want cheap labour, from the first deaths reported it would seem that this has been festering long b4 the discovery of the virus coming across the boarders.

Prayuts own men involved in the smuggling and gambling rackets who thought they were covid proof. 


The problem is now they may not be able to contain this. 

I know from family that people are worried. 

Samut Sakhon should have been locked down immediately, but instead they let the holiday travellers run all over the country, very sad. 


It is sickening that people are still crossing the border illegally, they don't understand covid, they can't see it, they don't care, combined with a corrupt bunch of thugs from the Army and Police and Bingo, disaster strikes. 


I to hope this can be brought under control quickly. 

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On 1/6/2021 at 12:15 PM, Dmaxdan said:

You clearly don't understand how this works. The virus is out there now and it will take weeks for all the new restrictions and lockdowns to kick in before the numbers that are reported finally start the reduce. It is all about flattening the curve.

The PM has already stated this a couple of weeks ago and told people not to panic if the numbers increase in the near future. 

But countries have been in theory flattening the curve for all of 2020 since the inception of this contagious virus. 


And it has not produced the desired outcome, all it does is propagate the issue down the timeline. 

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18 hours ago, flexomike said:

Do you mean the fat lady is singing?

The fat lady is backstage with a nasty cough. They suggested she go home as she won't be needed any time soon. Maybe find new work, they told her. 

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2 minutes ago, berrec said:

But countries have been in theory flattening the curve for all of 2020 since the inception of this contagious virus. 


And it has not produced the desired outcome, all it does is propagate the issue down the timeline. 


It severely flattened the seasonal influenza curve. Just imagine COVID-19 had they not taken precautions.  

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8 hours ago, HandsomeTallFarang said:

Everyone is going to die from the Doomsday Virus, that’s why everyone’s life needs to be ruined, the economy needs to be made non-existent and the single greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world has to happen. 

Please explain this wealth transfer. 

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On 1/6/2021 at 11:38 AM, Blumpie said:

Lockdowns for the whole country are coming and I think that everyone knows it.

In L.A. they are telling paramedics not to pick up people who won't make it and leave them.  They have mobile refrigerated trucks for bodies in parts of north america because morgues cannot handle the bodies.

IT's not about the 1 percent or so death rate, it's about it happening all at once.  

And unfortunately, as much as it hurts, Thailand is heading in the same direction.  I only hope they can pull out of it.  


You reckon? 


Based on what logic do you believe Thailand is heading in the same direction as California?

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40 minutes ago, Quietus said:

What do they expect if they import thousands of illegal workers from a country with high Covid rates. duh !!

Who are  ‘they’? What  country with high Covid rates are they imported from ? The UK? USA?




Did you miss all the articles about how this new wave started in a fish market, in a province in which a large number of illegal immigrant workers from Myanmar, a country with high infections and poor checks, were found to be infected? 

A fish market that attracts customers from many other provinces and makes deliveries to many provinces? 


To be fair, one official also noted many Thais also crossed the Myanmar border without checks.


The Myanmar strain is apparently similar to the strain first discovered in the UK in that it is fast spreading, which makes it worse. 


Vaccinations are looking more and more like the only solution.

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22 hours ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

Thailand had several months without infections here. It wasn't lower numbers it was no numbers! Why some people keep saying it was only because of no testing I will never understand. No infections means no need to test. If large numbers of people were infected in Thailand all along then that would clearly have shown up on hospital admissions. Stop the conspiracy <deleted>. I work with hospitals and there has been no cover up!!!

Who said something about conspiracy or cover up? Yes, there were no deaths or crowded hospitals in Thailand because most cases are asymptomatic. That's a fact and proven by the recent proactive testing of migrants. Still it doesn't means there have been no infections in the last six months or earlier. The virus has been circulating all the time in Thailand but there has been little to no testing. Because the government wants Thailand to appear Covid free which is a lie. If you can come up with testing numbers of Thailand please show me and also compare it with other countries.

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1 hour ago, CLW said:

Who said something about conspiracy or cover up? Yes, there were no deaths or crowded hospitals in Thailand because most cases are asymptomatic. That's a fact and proven by the recent proactive testing of migrants. Still it doesn't means there have been no infections in the last six months or earlier. The virus has been circulating all the time in Thailand but there has been little to no testing. Because the government wants Thailand to appear Covid free which is a lie. If you can come up with testing numbers of Thailand please show me and also compare it with other countries.

Most cases are NOT asymptomatic (perhaps 20% worldwide, as published). There MAY have been asymptomatic people but the numbers must be very low (or they don't easily transmit the virus). Any symptomatic case presented to a hospital in 2020 would have been recorded. Also, when 7000+ in Rayong were tested a few months ago, there were 0 positive cases. 


Covid has probably become more active since September/October when workers from Myanmar introduced it. The government from that time should have been proactively testing them. 

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16 hours ago, laosnative said:

I am in Luang prabang Laos, there have been minimal infections and not one death.

The healthcare system, which is very limited here, would be overwhelmed with only a relatively small infection increase, and would not go unnoticed.

The country is basically shut down to all but those already here.

It seems to have worked.....

Economicaly disastrous and boring as hell .....but a safe place to be. 

Just be careful about those from Lao returing from Thailand who may introduce it there. It seems to have spread from Bangladesh to Myanmar, to Thailand, possibly then to Lao / Cambodia. 

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3 hours ago, DLock said:

The 900 from yesterday are apparently old news and counted in previous numbers...according to another newspaper in Bangkok...



That's published in Thai press as well. I think the number refers to those infected from certain companies, but is actually already recorded in the daily stats over the last few days. 

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On 1/6/2021 at 11:23 AM, Guderian said:

So today's total of new cases is going to top 1,000 for the first time. Might even top 1,500 if it's been a bad day in the provinces.

Mr Prayut, this is not something to be proud of. Listen to your experts in the CCSA, for goodness sake. Get your finger out and fix it!

We can all thank those in charge for letting this happen. There's absolutely no reason why foreign workers should have ever been allowed to come into the country when so many people are out of work. Enforce the minimum wage laws and imprison those that violate it, period! Stop giving government handouts to people that don't want to work, period!

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On 1/7/2021 at 2:26 PM, CLW said:

Who said something about conspiracy or cover up? Yes, there were no deaths or crowded hospitals in Thailand because most cases are asymptomatic. That's a fact and proven by the recent proactive testing of migrants. Still it doesn't means there have been no infections in the last six months or earlier. The virus has been circulating all the time in Thailand but there has been little to no testing. Because the government wants Thailand to appear Covid free which is a lie. If you can come up with testing numbers of Thailand please show me and also compare it with other countries.

the percentage of asymptomatic and symptomatic cases are about the same around the entire world. Are you suggesting that Thailand somehow had only cases of asymptomatic and that is the reason that NO ONE was showing up in the hospitals with the Virus? Not even 1 foreigner? No deaths?

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On 1/7/2021 at 3:26 PM, CLW said:

Who said something about conspiracy or cover up? Yes, there were no deaths or crowded hospitals in Thailand because most cases are asymptomatic. That's a fact and proven by the recent proactive testing of migrants. Still it doesn't means there have been no infections in the last six months or earlier. The virus has been circulating all the time in Thailand but there has been little to no testing. Because the government wants Thailand to appear Covid free which is a lie. If you can come up with testing numbers of Thailand please show me and also compare it with other countries.



So many incredibly poorly educated Westerners here. It really is amazing. People who think Thailand has been covid free have no ability to think critically.


Thailand? The #1 country for Chinese travellers and #1 for Chinese from Wuhan. And, the same country that was one of the last to close its travel to Chinese.  The same country that can't coordinate and execute any national initiatives. 


Yes, Thailand is amongst the ONLY countries in the world that magically figured it out. 


Sorry, there are lots of expats here who are no more clever than the bar girls they date and marry. 


Edited by Fex Bluse
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