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Will you embassy supply vaccine? Mine won't

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31 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

And you counted on that? 555

No, of course not. BUT he is the president (for now) and use his words to make points with gov underlings. I know we've been beaten silly by the tsunami of lies, which may have been his plan all along, but with a normal human, we hold them to what they say

36 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

Your vaccine is free and sitting there waiting for you......just pop home and get your jab.


See you back here next year..............................:coffee1:

You are joking, I hope. "Pop home" to the worst place on the planet for covid & how long before vaccine effect kicks in? 14 days? How many thousands of dollars would be the final tab, what with quarantine here, 3 weeks or so in US, etc etc.

Seems US goes out of it's way to ensure nothing of benefit is provided for American expats. Oh, and in the notice their is the phrase "private U.S. citizens", so safe to assume they will import plenty of vaccine for embassy staff, but the rest of us can just stuff it.

42 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

It is not your embassy's task to take care of your health.

"Trump said", he lies multiple times a day.

This is from official state department mission statement:

"Safety. Security. Service. Our highest priority is to protect the lives and interests of U.S. citizens overseas. We do this through routine and emergency services to Americans at our embassies and consulates around the world. We serve our fellow citizens during their most important moments – births, deaths, disasters, arrests, and medical emergencies"

underlines mine. I'd say providing vaccines during pandemic might have something to do with protecting US citizens lives.

If it is important enough to provide free vaccines to Americans who are in America, what sensible reason might there be to not do so here? Anyone with half a brain would assume the foreign nation would put us at the end of the line & take care of their citizens first.

Now with $ signs in their eyes, Thai hospitals are on track for okay to sell vaccine. Which one? The questionable Chinese one? How can we know if the vaccine has been in proper storage during transport? How can we be sure if the jab is even vaccine?


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Probably at some stage the USA will give you the chance to get your personal dose of a vaccine. The big question is obviously when. As you wrote yourself they have huge problems over there inside the USA so it makes a lot of sense that they use the vaccine first over there. And after they distributed maybe 300 million doses over there then they might give Americans somewhere in the rest of the world a chance to get the vaccine. Maybe they can ship it to you (very unlikely) or you can go to the USA to get your shot or whatever. But in reality that is so far away in the future that if you really want it then better contact a private hospital in Thailand and pay for it.


Imagine you would live in the USA now. Would you want that first the people in the country with the biggest pandemic get the vaccine or the American citizens who live somewhere far away in a country with relative low risk?


IMO it doesn't matter if I have to pay for a vaccine myself, IF it is reasonably priced. 500 - 1000 baht is OK. I suspect, however, that the private hospitals here applying to import vaccines will be tempted to do some price gouging, especially if the Thai government mandates vaccination as part of visa extension conditions.

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1 hour ago, Emdog said:

President Trump said vaccine will be available to all American citizens and for free. I am an American citizen.

Don’t worry, Joe will honour all DJT’s statements I’m sure .

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Of course not.  It has never been the responsibility of US embassies to provide health services to US citizens.  You need to find your best option without hoping for something that's never going to happen.


This maybe little bit off topic but latest news added more trouble to all international travelers going to US as they will be

require to show negative covid test within 72 hours of flying and it all start from January 26 2021. 

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5 hours ago, Emdog said:

This is from official state department mission statement:

"Safety. Security. Service. Our highest priority is to protect the lives and interests of U.S. citizens overseas. We do this through routine and emergency services to Americans at our embassies and consulates around the world. We serve our fellow citizens during their most important moments – births, deaths, disasters, arrests, and medical emergencies"

underlines mine. I'd say providing vaccines during pandemic might have something to do with protecting US citizens lives.

If it is important enough to provide free vaccines to Americans who are in America, what sensible reason might there be to not do so here? Anyone with half a brain would assume the foreign nation would put us at the end of the line & take care of their citizens first.

Now with $ signs in their eyes, Thai hospitals are on track for okay to sell vaccine. Which one? The questionable Chinese one? How can we know if the vaccine has been in proper storage during transport? How can we be sure if the jab is even vaccine?


Sure, that is why all USA citizens have affordable healthcare.

  • Haha 1

I find it completely astounding that anybody would expect this much of their embassy.  They are a handful of public servants on a cushy number abroad....in this case Thailand. They cant even answer the phone because they are too busy not doing any paperwork.....To expect them to organise a vaccine for you....."would you like an appointment sir?"....."How does 10:15 tomorrow sound"??........"I'll just let the nurse know you're coming"...


Sir, your country is in tatters. One buffoon is being replaced by another, more forgetful buffoon. But dont worry, there is a Chinese vaccine coming soon. Its probably only slightly more dangerous than the virus itself.  

  • Haha 1
17 hours ago, Lacessit said:

IMO it doesn't matter if I have to pay for a vaccine myself, IF it is reasonably priced. 500 - 1000 baht is OK. I suspect, however, that the private hospitals here applying to import vaccines will be tempted to do some price gouging, especially if the Thai government mandates vaccination as part of visa extension conditions.

I would guess that you have to multiply your figures with a factor of ten or so. However, maybe someone has the price of other local vaccinations, that should give some idea about the cost.  

  • Thanks 1

They are certainly not set up to provide health services.

Also sure they have been provided with more than they need for embassy staff and dependents and some will expire and be thrown away. 

On 1/13/2021 at 9:53 AM, Emdog said:

No, of course not. BUT he is the president (for now) and use his words to make points with gov underlings. I know we've been beaten silly by the tsunami of lies, which may have been his plan all along, but with a normal human, we hold them to what they say

I,m sure president trump would have upheld his promise to sort out vaccines for us citizens overseas,unfortunatly recent events such as the storming of the white house seems to have put his pledge on the back burner and unlikely to be honoured, as hes shortly going to get the spanish archer.i would personally get the vaccine from a reputable establishment( i.e not a back street " clinic") and foreward the bill to the us embassy reminding them of president trumps promise.i,m sure they would reimburse you to avoid a potentially embarrassing incident that could have international repercussions.

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12 hours ago, XBroker said:

It's cute that he actually listens to what US puppet presidents have to say.  ..well not 70 year old cute.. but still..

Of course we know he was lying... words were coming out of his mouth. That said, state department is part of executive branch under president and brought that up with embassy to see how they could contradict what he said and still seem a "team player". "Ah shucks, that's just uncle Don, he's jus shootin his mouth agin. Pay him no mind"

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