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Thai private hospitals reserve COVID-19 vaccines ahead of approval


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10 hours ago, wasabi said:

So far Sinovac and at some point the AstraZeneca vaccines appear to be the only choices in Thailand. If those two I will be taking the AstraZeneca one.

Sinovac has a very low success rate when compared to other vaccines. I’m with you!

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9 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:




This is corrupt private enterprise taking over what should be supplied by the Thai government. Will be saving Anutin's budget and providing a nice fat profit for the private hospitals. 3,200 baht when the cost price is only $5 USD (150 baht)


It is private enterprise that has produced the vaccine in record time.I'm not sure that corruption is more likely on the private enterprise than on the government side.Private enterprise is driven by profit but this is tempered by competition so that the consumer should achieve a reasonable price.A fully government effort in a country like Thailand is in my opinion open to much greater exploitation, but without the private sector's advantage of relative efficiency.

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2 hours ago, dr_lucas said:

Yeah, you're also able to get covid faster in Thailand nowadays than if you still lived in Australia. 

Nah Doc, no cases in my Thai province Phangnga. 
Cant be said for Melbourne. 
I am much safer here in the exclusive Natai Beach.

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6 hours ago, phuketitnet said:

While I agree with the ethical side to your point, even though there is a report of it costing $5 in Thailand, does that apply to government contract only? Perhaps the cost for purchasing in large quantities would be $5. Would 1 million be too few for this price? Who knows.


Also, the THB 3,200 cost is for 2 doses (THB 1,600) each. Still well above the actual cost I'm sure, but they are a business, albeit in healthcare and have other costs to cover, not just the vaccine shot.


They will make some profit, no one know's how much of course, as there is little transparency - it would be interesting to know though.

Unlikely you will ever know. It is highly likely the purchasing chain will be different, the government buying direct from the manufacturer, and the hospitals buying through an intermediary. The latter can cause a huge difference between final price and base price with both entities looking to make a profit.

It has been said that Israel paid a large premium to be one of the first to get the Pfizer vaccine, government just refused to confirm or deny.

The one thing that cannot be denied, worldwide, money talks.


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1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

It's just the way Beijing prices them.  Lower price for friends, higher price if you're not.


From your article:


China rarely supplies anything without strings attached. Unfortunately  vaccines are in short supply so if you can be vaccinated in a private hospital this is unlikely to be cheap.  Australia has announced their borders will be closed until next year earliest expect Thailand to do the same. International tourism unlikely until world vaccination programme underway hopefully next year.

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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

For patients, Thonburi's medical centres plan to offer two vaccine injections for 3,200 baht ($106.28).


I don't know what the rush is, could it be for the profit, i.e. first in best dressed.


This guy is big noting himself, a million then another request for 9 million, yeh right.


What's the rush, currently 117 vaccines in trials in 47 countries around the globe.


I will now sit on the fence after the 56 year old Doctor in the US died and the recent Norway event where 29 people died, regardless of the being elderly, some patients vaccinated having terminal illnesses.


By the time I get vaxed, maybe Thailand would have reached herd immunity, hurry up and vax them all I say ????


What does worry me is getting out of an in the country in the future, i.e. are going to be required to prove we have been vaxed ?


Will government around the world use their powers to vaccinate us and or restrict us in entering their countries without being vaxed.


Far too early to get the jab, too much mixed information, albeit it some of it sounds promising, however I won't be evening considering the mRNA vax.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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8 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

Private hospitals have been providing vaccines for years for those who wish to use their services not all vaccines are free even toThai people including children.

The Thai Government has never provided free vaccines to non Thais in the years I have lived here so why would you expect Covid to be any different ?

I think you are suffering from a case of Welfare State syndrome.

No I'm suffering along with millions of other people from the effects of a pandemic where rule books and history is being made...............

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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

For patients, Thonburi's medical centres plan to offer two vaccine injections for 3,200 baht ($106.28).


"We cannot take a profit here because it is a humanitarian issue for the country," he said.


But the Sinovac Vaccine (if anyone is game to take the Chinese one) is about 5 dollars a dose - so thats 90 dollars for the administration and handling..... Hmmmm

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1 hour ago, Prairieboy said:
From Facebook:
According to the government...
If I get vaccinated:
1.- Can I stop wearing the mask?
Government Response - No
2.- Can they reopen restaurants, pubs, bars etc and everyone work normally?
Government Response - No
3.- Will I be resistant to covid?
Government Response - Maybe, but we don't know exactly, it probably won't stop you getting it
4.- At least I won't be contagious to others anymore?
Government Response - No you can still pass it on, possibly, nobody knows.
5.- If we vaccinate all children, will school resume normally?
Government Response - No
6.- If I am vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?
Government Response - No
7.- If I am vaccinated, can I stop disinfecting my hands?
Government Response - No
8.- If I vaccinate myself and my grandfather, can we hug each other?
Government Response - No
9.- Will cinemas, theatres and stadiums be reopened thanks to vaccines?
Government Response - No
10.- Will the vaccinated be able to gather?
Government Response - No
11.- What is the real benefit of vaccination?
Government Response - The virus won't kill you.
12.- Are you sure it won't kill me?
Government Response - No
13.- If statistically the virus won't kill me anyway ... Why would I get vaccinated?"
Government Response - To protect others.
14.- So if I get vaccinated, the others are 100% sure I'm not infecting them?
Government Response - No
So to summarize, the Covid19 vaccine...
Does not give immunity.
Does not eliminate the virus.
Does not prevent death.
Does not guarantee you won’t get it.
Does not prevent you from getting it.
Does not stop you passing it on
Does not eliminate the need for travel bans.
Does not eliminate the need for business closures.
Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns.
Does not eliminate the need for masking.
So... I guess I should rush out and get one?

Hilarious and true..

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For patients, Thonburi's medical centres plan to offer two vaccine injections for 3,200 baht ($106.28).


"We cannot take a profit here because it is a humanitarian issue for the country," he said."


BIG LIAR. the cost for Astra Zenica is about 120 Baht for the two doses. thats a HUGE MARKUP.

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3 hours ago, Netzero said:

Moderna and Pfizer have not applied for approval-? - WHY would that be? So THAT is the reason only the Chinese vaccine and the soon to be locally manufactured Oxford vaccine will be approved. Come on - just let the private hospitals distribute Moderna and/or Pfizer and let's get on with it. 

Every country has their own version of the “FDA.” They need to approve every drug that enters a country.


2 hours ago, Thaiophil said:

These two vaccines are in short supply and rich countries have prebought what is available for months to come. Why should the manufacturers bother to register in Thailand at this point? 


From government’s pov, they have to be stored at -70 degrees C, so not great for mass vaccination in a tropical country

They are packed in dry ice and will need to be in stored in temperature controlled storage regardless.


2 hours ago, apetryxx said:

Sinovac has a very low success rate when compared to other vaccines. I’m with you!

>50% efficacy is the requirement for approval.


2 hours ago, Prairieboy said:
From Facebook:
According to the government...
If I get vaccinated:
1.- Can I stop wearing the mask?
Government Response - No
2.- Can they reopen restaurants, pubs, bars etc and everyone work normally?
Government Response - No
3.- Will I be resistant to covid?
Government Response - Maybe, but we don't know exactly, it probably won't stop you getting it
4.- At least I won't be contagious to others anymore?
Government Response - No you can still pass it on, possibly, nobody knows.
5.- If we vaccinate all children, will school resume normally?
Government Response - No
6.- If I am vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?
Government Response - No
7.- If I am vaccinated, can I stop disinfecting my hands?
Government Response - No
8.- If I vaccinate myself and my grandfather, can we hug each other?
Government Response - No
9.- Will cinemas, theatres and stadiums be reopened thanks to vaccines?
Government Response - No
10.- Will the vaccinated be able to gather?
Government Response - No
11.- What is the real benefit of vaccination?
Government Response - The virus won't kill you.
12.- Are you sure it won't kill me?
Government Response - No
13.- If statistically the virus won't kill me anyway ... Why would I get vaccinated?"
Government Response - To protect others.
14.- So if I get vaccinated, the others are 100% sure I'm not infecting them?
Government Response - No
So to summarize, the Covid19 vaccine...
Does not give immunity.
Does not eliminate the virus.
Does not prevent death.
Does not guarantee you won’t get it.
Does not prevent you from getting it.
Does not stop you passing it on
Does not eliminate the need for travel bans.
Does not eliminate the need for business closures.
Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns.
Does not eliminate the need for masking.
So... I guess I should rush out and get one?

The faster people get vaccinated, the faster the virus will die off and things can get back to normal.

38 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

You didn't get the point.  If you get the vaccine, you can still get the virus and pass it on. This requires the entire population to be vaccinated- probably every year 

It took many years to eradicate smallpox.  Ebola comes and disappears.  

Covid will be pushed down and return for many years 

It is still unknown if Covid19 will return after it disappears.


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That government has bought 2mln sinovac for 1.3bln baht means 650 per shoot. 
private hospital is going to pay over that price, because it’s commercial enterprise. 
you pay for quality of service. In public hospital you have to que, even for hours. 
They will also offer higher quality of aftercare, if any side effects. You can sue private hospital, but not the government health service. 
private hospital is also paying import duty, taxes on profit

Edited by internationalism
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