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Losing weight in a healthy way to fight Covid-19


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9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Sounds promising. So you're on a 5 / 19 fast. I'm on a 4 / 20 and considering "upgrading" to one meal a day. The thing is this isn't a one size fits all type of thing. Some people respond well to a 8 / 16 but many need to go more extreme. 

In my opinion the the 2 in 1 coffee is a mistake though. If you can't do black coffee, I would suggest a little bit of cream and no sweeteners. I assume you're talking about having the coffee during your fasting zone. During my fasting time I drink black coffee, well dilluted apple cider vinegar with Himalayan salt (upon waking), water, and soda water. 

The first link below details the impact that coffee+creamer has on fasting; in short it depends what your fasting goals are - the article breaks out the effect of a variety of food and drinks on 3 common fasting goals: losing weight/metabolic health; gut “reset” and longevity (impact varies depending upon the fasting goal).





BTW, the chief science/health guy behind Zero is Dr. Peter Attia who has a great podcast (The Drive) and website - highly recommend both if you are interested in deep dives into all things longevity related.



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I've tried fad diets over the years and have achieved large weight losses very quickly, but always put it back on when ceasing these unsustainable dietary changes.

This time, I've lost more than 15 kgs in the last 5-6 months, and continue to drop it off slowly with a fairly simple method.

For medical reasons I can't exercise like most, so food intake needed to be lowered. I realized I really didn't need the 3  meals a day that we traditionally consume, and cut it back to 2. 

I believe breakfast is important, and necessary for me because of the medications I take, so I dropped the midday meal. 

I have my usual morning coffee, but now eat breakfast later, around 10 ish.  I have snacks with coffee in the afternoon and an evening meal probably a little later than is traditional. I also eat more fruit during the day, particularly apples (2-3).

The weight is coming off at a steady rate and my body has now adapted to the new normal of two main meals a day.  I won't revert back.

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As a former fatty, keto works for me and has allowed me to maintain my weight (20 kilos down +/- a few over time). If I see it starting to creep up I do a few days intermittent fasting in an eating window 10 till 4. Over time I have naturally moved to 2 meals a day with something like a cup of chicken broth if I get hungry mid day.


Works for me, and as a few have mentioned, the hardest part is maintaining target weight but on keto am rarely hungry. I never count calories, never eat carbs other than vegetables, have recently given up alcohol and do a daily walk of at least 5 Km per day.


Sugar addiction is real and is the hardest part for me. Have to go stock up on Beng Beng.


Good luck.



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Also, this might be easier for most people:

if you are on FB, I have a colleague who has a Keto eating program he sells for $30 to $40 usd.  He has two facebook groups (FREE) with each over 1 Million members that you can join to sniff around about KEO, his program, and ask questions.

Many members post their results like this and are over 60:

Know your values and WHY they are important to you! I found my ultimate WHY in January 2019, (regain mobility) but I still hesitated to take the most important step. Hesitation due to my self imposed fear of failure. On 4/19 I finally took the step that completely changed the way I look physically and feel physically. I feel amazing!
.Speedketo since 4/1/19
.100 pounds lost
. No more arthritis pain
. No more acid reflux
. 62 years old and memaw to 7 kiddos!

I'm not sure if FB links allowed here?  But let me know if you want teh group name, can pm if not allowed.  



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Carbs are not the problem. Asians ate rice for thousands of years and stayed slim and healthy until late 1970's into 1980's when McDonalds and KFC and the Western diet of meat, eggs and dairy invaded Asia. With it came increases in cancer, heart disease and diabetes among others. Carbs like beans, rice, potatoes, corn have been the main diet of most successful societies for thousands of years. Keto is a lie because weight loss is short term only. True health exists inside the body in the arteries, veins, heart, kidneys etc. Animal protein (saturated fat) leads to clogged veins and arteries. 92% of all Americans over the age of 65 have one or more chronic diseases while plant based eaters thrive.  The only healthy, successful diet on earth is "plant-based diet", that is eating what is grown in the ground and eliminating All animal products. Ref: Dr. Colin Campbell and Dr. John McDougall among many, many others. Do your homework and get healthy. I'm 78 and disease free, walk 5 miles/day and gym 3 times/week (when it's open). I have more energy than ever after being plant based for four years. Do your homework and research and enjoy healthy living. It's worth it.

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Too many different diets and too many opinions,not everything works for everyone.

Sensible eating is not a diet and it shouldn't be,most people know why they are over weight and

they also know how to deal with it.

You do not wake up one morning and see you gained 20 kilo overnight!

Cut out the bad things and stick with it.

Weight does not need to come of fast but at a slow pace,you need a change in diet you can live

with from now one.

Fasting sounds ok but try to do it while working hard outside in minus 40 degree weather?

Use common sense and a little bit of will power.

It works.

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11 hours ago, Scouse123 said:




and I am doing it now. I started December 29th.


Cut portions, cut carbs, no beer abd 5 miles a day walking.

I lost 8 kg over about 6 months and still drank beer. I just added lots of ice to it. Tasted funny for a few days but then it is a drug. Your body will start liking the drug no matter  how you take it.

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5 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

Intermittent fasting is more starving yourself than calorie counting

Absolute nonsense,
i do IF, while eating 5000 calories a day, dont talk drivel


2 hours ago, jackdd said:

Intermittent fasting is one of many ways to achieve less calories in than calories out.

While you can do IF whilst at the same time reducing calorie intake
IF has nothing to do with reducing calories, see above


2 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

what do you recommend then? an 8-hour window of eating?

The shorter the better, a 4 hour window is much better,
this would mean eat as much as you want between 2pm and 6pm for example
8 hour eating window is huge, as it means eating between 9am and 5pm, its a good start though for most people.

Intermitant Fasting, has nothing to do with any specific diet, or calorie restriction.

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3 minutes ago, patman30 said:

While you can do IF whilst at the same time reducing calorie intake
IF has nothing to do with reducing calories, see above

While in theory you are right, in practice people use IF to limit calories intake (or in some cultures for religious reasons), if somebody wants to gain weight he wouldn't do IF.

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2 minutes ago, jackdd said:

While in theory you are right, in practice people use IF to limit calories intake (or in some cultures for religious reasons), if somebody wants to gain weight he wouldn't do IF.

NOT in theory mate
i am correct

In practice
people do NOT use IF to restrict calorie intake
they use IF to restrict their eating window
They use calorie restriction to restrict calories

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1 hour ago, patman30 said:

In practice
people do NOT use IF to restrict calorie intake

Maybe read some of the replies here in this topic. Multiple people here say they use IF to restrict calorie intake and don't count calories. So obviously in practice they do.

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1 hour ago, Wongkitlo said:

The best weight  loss advice I ever received was from a personal trainer. He told me if you feel hungry drink water. Often you are just thirsty and not hungry. Or at least you can convince your mind  this is true.

Yep.  Most people don't drink nearly the water they should.  It's an easy and simple methhod to do most of the above.


2 hours ago, howbri said:

Carbs are not the problem. Asians ate rice for thousands of years and stayed slim and healthy until late 1970's into 1980's when McDonalds and KFC and the Western diet of meat, eggs and dairy invaded Asia. With it came increases in cancer, heart disease and diabetes among others. Carbs like beans, rice, potatoes, corn have been the main diet of most successful societies for thousands of years. Keto is a lie because weight loss is short term only. True health exists inside the body in the arteries, veins, heart, kidneys etc. Animal protein (saturated fat) leads to clogged veins and arteries. 92% of all Americans over the age of 65 have one or more chronic diseases while plant based eaters thrive.  The only healthy, successful diet on earth is "plant-based diet", that is eating what is grown in the ground and eliminating All animal products. Ref: Dr. Colin Campbell and Dr. John McDougall among many, many others. Do your homework and get healthy. I'm 78 and disease free, walk 5 miles/day and gym 3 times/week (when it's open). I have more energy than ever after being plant based for four years. Do your homework and research and enjoy healthy living. It's worth it.

Asians are typically a certain body type.  My american GF can eat twice me and whatever she wants, drink like a fish, not work out, and remain 45 Kg.

As for everything else.  I already stated in another post here...many different ways to lose weight and different diets.  Keto, carnivore, veggie guy like you.  

But every reason you tried to claim is, well, if that's what you need to believe...
Do what works for you.  As the OP should too.  Find a lifestyle that works.

And Glad to hear you still out and about and feeling good.  Hope you have many more years sir.

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58 minutes ago, jackdd said:

Maybe read some of the replies here in this topic. Multiple people here say they use IF to restrict calorie intake and don't count calories. So obviously in practice they do.

how on earth can you restrict calories if you are not counting them.....????‍♂️

If you are not counting calories, then you are not restricting them as you never count them to know

The only "Multiple people" stating IF is used for calorie restriction, is yourself????‍♂️????
which i already replied to.????‍♂️

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1 hour ago, cyril sneer said:

how much weight are you losing eating 5000 a day?

Lost 38KG of fat (not just weight)
its actually not that hard to eat 5000 calories
many days i can eat upto 10,000 calories
it sounds a lot, but its just 1kg of belly pork
i dont count my calories daily but do know them
my diet most days is 1-2KG of meat and/or fish

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1 hour ago, patman30 said:

Lost 38KG of fat (not just weight)
its actually not that hard to eat 5000 calories
many days i can eat upto 10,000 calories
it sounds a lot, but its just 1kg of belly pork
i dont count my calories daily but do know them
my diet most days is 1-2KG of meat and/or fish

Crazy figures, but good for you if true 

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1 hour ago, patman30 said:

how on earth can you restrict calories if you are not counting them.....????‍♂️

If you are not counting calories, then you are not restricting them as you never count them to know

The only "Multiple people" stating IF is used for calorie restriction, is yourself????‍♂️????
which i already replied to.????‍♂️

I have lost 4kg since July. I just have breakfast and dinner  each day, drink tea or coffee or water when I am hungry and avoid sugar. I do eat sweet biscuits and cakes but try to limit them to 3 small fun o biscuits from 7/11  A day. I posted about drinking beer with ice and I still do that but have gone from every day to every second or third day or more. I find after 2 beers I have had so much water it is hard to drink more. I have never counted calories and think if you eat sensibly you don't need to. It is the second time I have dieted in this way  the first time being 5 years ago when I went from 78kg to 70kg.I am 55yo. I try to exercise for 2 hours a day- weights, bicycle, sometimes just a long walk.

Edited by Wongkitlo
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19 hours ago, jackdd said:

It's the only way, and everybody who says something else has no idea what they are talking about.


You're right of course, but it's the way you do it that matters, and often, people have a slightly different way of achieving it. I lost 20kg a while back, but I can't do it the same way now.


Bottom line: more calories out than in = lost weight. Always. More calories in than out = weight gained. Always.


It seems to be a law.



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3 minutes ago, Wongkitlo said:

I have lost 4kg since July. I just have breakfast and dinner  each day, drink tea or coffee or water when I am hungry and avoid sugar. I do eat sweet biscuits and cakes but try to limit them to 3 small fun o biscuits from 7/11  A day. I posted about drinking beer with ice and I still do that but have gone from every day to every second or third day or more. I find after 2 beers I have had so much water it is hard to drink more. I have never counted calories and think if you eat sensibly you don't need to. It is the second time I have dieted in this way  the first time being 5 years ago when I went from 78kg to 70kg.I am 55yo. I try to exercise for 2 hours a day- weights, bicycle, sometimes just a long walk.

Leme get this straight. You have lost 660 grams per month? Brutal! 

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5 minutes ago, madmen said:

Leme get this straight. You have lost 660 grams per month? Brutal! 

Truthfully I think that attitude gives people misconceptions about losing weight. You shouldn't need to go through pain and suffering to do it. It is more important making a lifestyle change than just punishing yourself for a while and losing a lot and then putting it back on again. The reason I put it back on the first time was because I had a stressful job in a restaurant where I could eat and drink as much as I liked so I picked up bad habits. I ate too much and drank too much. Now I have adjusted my lifestyle but can still have things I enjoy in moderation. I would prefer that than needing to take brutal measures.The way I am going by mid year I will be close to my desired weight which is around 70 kg.

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16 minutes ago, Glaswegian2 said:


You're right of course, but it's the way you do it that matters, and often, people have a slightly different way of achieving it. I lost 20kg a while back, but I can't do it the same way now.


Bottom line: more calories out than in = lost weight. Always. More calories in than out = weight gained. Always.


It seems to be a law.



It's a myth. It takes something extremely complex and makes it extremely simple.

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Watched a guy on TV (a doctor)...not selling a book.....he said the single biggest difference between fat people and thin people is thin people only eat to stop feeling hungry.......as soon as they don't feel hungry they stop eating.....eat small, healthy portions and don't be tempted to clear your plate or eat a little extra......I've lost 15kg (along with exercise) in 6 months.


The other idea that stems from this is that your are not "on a diet"....it is your new, permanent, life style

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Since I don't dine out that often anymore and get deliveries instead, I usually drink water instead of sugary sodas with my meals. Simply because I usually drink water at home out of habit. I think this change alone has made a big difference.


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11 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Watched a guy on TV (a doctor)...not selling a book.....he said the single biggest difference between fat people and thin people is thin people only eat to stop feeling hungry.......as soon as they don't feel hungry they stop eating.....eat small, healthy portions and don't be tempted to clear your plate or eat a little extra......I've lost 15kg (along with exercise) in 6 months.


The other idea that stems from this is that your are not "on a diet"....it is your new, permanent, life style

Well done. Related to that is there is a lapse of time between being full and your brain registering that you are full. In the past I ate too quickly and 30 minutes after I had finished I would realize I had eaten too much and felt bloated. . 

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