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Doctor Recommends Vaccine Purchase from China, Russia


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1 hour ago, DLock said:

What is Bill Gates "trash shots"?


Well, the first was DOS 1.0. Then it never really stopped.


He is the last person I would trust for honest information on vaccines.


Edited by rabas
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4 minutes ago, RocketDog said:

Perhaps not. However, some of us do. 


I simply avoid going out for trivial pursuits, wear masks, clean my hands when away from home, etc. 


To be fair though I live in a nice house in the country, keep extra food and supplies on hand, am retired, and enjoy a like-minded Thai woman for a mate. It's easy to stay home. I feel very lucky to be in the Kingdom right now versus the waking nightmare my American friends are living now. 

I will ride that horse as long as I can until genuine vaccines from trusted countries with a good track record are available; at that point I will get vaccinated as soon as possible regardless of cost . I would only take a Russian or chinese vaccine under extreme duress. 


But that's me. Everybody will make their own best decisions. The point is that some people can choose to wait by giving up some activities if they really want/need to. 


I would prefer an mRNA vaccine because of efficacy and they are less able to disturb your system. 


Otherwise, I would be happy with the Russian vaccine but would never take the Chinese one. Sputnik-5 is the same DNA type vaccine as AstraZenica with a very clever improvement. They use two different Adendovisus vectors for dose 1 and 2. This prevents the kind of dosing and efficacy problems seen with AZ.


I have also heard that Sinovac's vaccine is not used in China.

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17 hours ago, internationalism said:

yes, indian Covaxin.

why, out of all ASEAN countries and some 150 from around the world, thailand decided to keep all corruption in their own hands?



What is Thailand waiting for? All her  neighbours seem to have done their deals and are getting on with it? Do they think herd immunity is an Asean wide initiative or do they think Wuflu only invades over land borders by way of immigrant workforces?

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19 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

The final word is still out on the Chinese vaccines but the Russian Sputnik-V vaccine has been shown to be right up there with the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, despite using an older vaccine technology. Effectiveness was above 90% and serious Covid disease was basically zero. The main problem being the Russians don't have a lot of production capacity to crank out large volumes of the vaccine. 


A peer-reviewed article in The Lancet shows the vaccine has an impressive 91.6 percent efficacy rate against the virus and is completely protective against severe cases of Covid-19.





The Russian vaccine appears to be the best (as in least harmful) on the market, those that brought us the fake Russiagate story seem to be obsessed with Russia, thus lots of political pressure from the US to not use it. The Chinese vaccine is yet to prove that it is viable.

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1 hour ago, Rancid said:

The Russian vaccine appears to be the best (as in least harmful) on the market, those that brought us the fake Russiagate story seem to be obsessed with Russia, thus lots of political pressure from the US to not use it. The Chinese vaccine is yet to prove that it is viable.

china has already 4, another 3 coming shortly (hopefully)


approved already in china:


"The Chinese company CanSino Biologics developed Convidecia in partnership with the Institute of Biology at the country’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences"


"The Beijing Institute of Biological Products created an inactivated coronavirus vaccine that was put into clinical trials by the state-owned Chinese company Sinopharm." APPROVED FOR USE IN: Bahrain, China, United Arab Emirates. EMERGENCY USE IN: Egypt, Hungary, Jordan, Pakistan.


"Sinovac Biotech, a private Chinese company, developed an inactivated vaccine called CoronaVac in early 2020" EMERGENCY USE IN: Azerbaijan, Brazil, China, Chile, Indonesia, Turkey.


"Along with their Beijing Institute vaccine, Sinopharm also tested an inactivated virus vaccine developed by the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products" LIMITED USE IN: China, United Arab Emirates


phase 3:


"The Chinese company Anhui Zhifei Longcom and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences partnered to make a vaccine. ... Phase 3 trial with 29,000 volunteers in December"


"Clover Biopharmaceuticals developed a vaccine containing the spike protein from coronaviruses. To further stimulate the immune system, the company is testing so-called adjuvants made by ... the American company Dynavax"


"Researchers at the Institute of Medical Biology at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, which has invented vaccines for polio and hepatitis A, created an inactivated coronavirus vaccine" In December the researchers launched a Phase 3 trial on up to 34,020 volunteers in Brazil and Malaysia"



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On 2/5/2021 at 7:07 PM, Pattaya Spotter said:

The final word is still out on the Chinese vaccines but the Russian Sputnik-V vaccine has been shown to be right up there with the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, despite using an older vaccine technology. Effectiveness was above 90% and serious Covid disease was basically zero. The main problem being the Russians don't have a lot of production capacity to crank out large volumes of the vaccine. 


A peer-reviewed article in The Lancet shows the vaccine has an impressive 91.6 percent efficacy rate against the virus and is completely protective against severe cases of Covid-19.





In this age of constant lies from the media, how can you believe ANYTHING they say?

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On 2/5/2021 at 9:30 PM, Dmitry2222 said:

The reason for the jokes is not clear, efficiency:

Sputnik - 92%

AstraZeneca - up to 90%




While the margin of improved efficacy is 2 % points in favour of sputnik, AZ Indian facility has massive production capacity and continuing send free doses to most of SE Asian nations for free while we are here continuing to speculate; 

- early doses, coming 6 months too late!

- local vaccine production hub,

- planning to start  vaccinations 6 months after rest of the world started

- do we have to administer jab, once they become available? or will be lose few months for planning distribution 

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17 hours ago, Jimbo2014 said:

My wife believes the Thai government is holding out so that Weed Man (the health Min..) can make a quid out of it.  I hope not.  Could be a long wait.


more pointers in that direction;


- Thailand ordered early doses of AZ Italy, while euro zone struggling with AZ re delivery of promised doses,

- His construction business have JV partners from milano,

- They rejected free doses of AZ from India

-  plans to produce AZ locally at a facility that is yet to produce a vial.


Where is the sense of urgency to get over the pandemic, protect citizens and kick start the economy!

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What is the reported efficacy rate of the India vaccines - as I know there are two of them:


1) Covishield  - local variant of the Astra Zeneca vaccine

2) Covaxin - both produced and developed locally

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6 minutes ago, varun said:

What is the reported efficacy rate of the India vaccines - as I know there are two of them:


1) Covishield  - local variant of the Astra Zeneca vaccine

2) Covaxin - both produced and developed locally

Covaxin and Covishield: What we know about India's Covid vaccines https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-55748124

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23 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Who the heck gave the center this obnoxious name?

Did a simple and sane "Center of Clinical Virology" not suffice?


17 hours ago, internationalism said:

china has already 4, another 3 coming shortly (hopefully)


approved already in china:


"The Chinese company CanSino Biologics developed Convidecia in partnership with the Institute of Biology at the country’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences"


"The Beijing Institute of Biological Products created an inactivated coronavirus vaccine that was put into clinical trials by the state-owned Chinese company Sinopharm." APPROVED FOR USE IN: Bahrain, China, United Arab Emirates. EMERGENCY USE IN: Egypt, Hungary, Jordan, Pakistan.


"Sinovac Biotech, a private Chinese company, developed an inactivated vaccine called CoronaVac in early 2020" EMERGENCY USE IN: Azerbaijan, Brazil, China, Chile, Indonesia, Turkey.


"Along with their Beijing Institute vaccine, Sinopharm also tested an inactivated virus vaccine developed by the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products" LIMITED USE IN: China, United Arab Emirates


phase 3:


"The Chinese company Anhui Zhifei Longcom and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences partnered to make a vaccine. ... Phase 3 trial with 29,000 volunteers in December"


"Clover Biopharmaceuticals developed a vaccine containing the spike protein from coronaviruses. To further stimulate the immune system, the company is testing so-called adjuvants made by ... the American company Dynavax"


"Researchers at the Institute of Medical Biology at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, which has invented vaccines for polio and hepatitis A, created an inactivated coronavirus vaccine" In December the researchers launched a Phase 3 trial on up to 34,020 volunteers in Brazil and Malaysia"




Another paid 'wumao'?


You can stop pushing Chinese propaganda here. Billions of people all over the world hate China now. And with good reason. The benefit of the doubt will not be given to China for decades. 


Only very daft people trust them.

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20 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:



Another paid 'wumao'?


You can stop pushing Chinese propaganda here. Billions of people all over the world hate China now. And with good reason. The benefit of the doubt will not be given to China for decades. 


Only very daft people trust them.

I have quoted new york times, a respectable journal. It's scientific summary of what is available. That is not an article about politics.

But it's you who is trying push red necks perspective into this discussion.


No, covid did not created mass hate against china. But I can see hatred coming against each government which were inept in dealing with pandemic - that does include the USA, the UK, Brasil, where presidents openly spread disinformation and ignored incoming danger.

That would backfire not only against those governments (Trump lost election, Johnson also likely), but in the long term would lead to deeper political changes in those countries and worldwide. Profound change, similar to social and political changes which took place after the 1st and the 2nd world war. 

That would also include china and thailand, even those governments were better in dealing with pandemic (or just lucky due to milder strain of covid or to many other factors).

Yes, at times of deep crisis, as we are now, hatred, nationalism, xenophobia and racism would emerge, and you are a prime example of such attitudes. Try to cope with stres in different ways than hatred, because it only destroys you and other around you. For me you are yet another frustrated gonzo, which just landed in my ignore list, so don't expect another reply

Edited by internationalism
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20 minutes ago, internationalism said:

I have quoted new york times, a respectable journal. It's scientific summary of what is available. That is not an article about politics.

But it's you who is trying push red necks perspective into this discussion.


No, covid did not created mass hate against china. But I can see hatred coming against each government which were inept in dealing with pandemic - that does include the USA, the UK, Brasil, where presidents openly spread disinformation and ignored incoming danger.

That would backfire not only against those governments (Trump lost election, Johnson also likely), but in the long term would lead to deeper political changes in those countries and worldwide. Profound change, similar to social and political changes which took place after the 1st and the 2nd world war. 

That would also include china and thailand, even those governments were better in dealing with pandemic (or just lucky due to milder strain of covid or to many other factors).

Yes, at times of deep crisis, as we are now, hatred, nationalism, xenophobia and racism would emerge, and you are a prime example of such attitudes. Try to cope with stres in different ways than hatred, because it only destroys you and other around you. For me you are yet another frustrated gonzo, which just landed in my ignore list, so don't expect another reply

The fact you believe China's version of the truth is all I need to know about you.


All the best 

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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

Considering China [allegedly] manufactured Covid 19 you'd think they would have the first vaccine.

yes, they did have the first  vaccine, as early as spring. Used the inactivated virus, which is a traditional way of making many other vaccines.

they might be less efficient, but easier, faster to make and cheaper.

They had head start from the rest of the world, because they had virus as the first. 

Trump were ignoring pandemic for very long, even to the point of leaving WHO, who he seen as spearheading global fight

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1 hour ago, internationalism said:

yes, they did have the first  vaccine, as early as spring


But we can certainly begin to discuss which calendar date you mean by "spring".

1 hour ago, internationalism said:

inactivated virus, which is a traditional way of making many other vaccines.

Yes. It is THE traditional way of making vaccines,  few vaccines have ever been made in a different way. 


1 hour ago, internationalism said:

they might be less efficient

In the case of covid, yes. But not all traditional vaccines are less efficient. 


1 hour ago, internationalism said:

easier, faster to make and cheaper


They are easier to develop but more difficult to ramp up production.

It takes more time to develop them and to produce them. 

The whole process is more expensive. 


Vector-based DNA vaccines ( like AZ and Johnson and Johnson) and mRNA vaccines (like Biontech/Pfizer and Moderna) have been developed - before Covid - because they are easier, faster to make and cheaper.

They have been considered the future of vaccines for years. 

Covid is their first big real world application. 


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59 minutes ago, rabas said:

The WHO was busy alleviating concern as China clandestinely was buying up the world's mask supply.

Taiwan bought a few,  too.


1 hour ago, rabas said:

Obviously China knew they had a serious problem long before.  And where was WHO?

The boss of the WHO was China's candidate. You probably knew this already. 

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