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Dual marriage drama - Cop could face disciplinary action for bringing the force into disrepute


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45 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

But the police force clearly has standards related to the behaviour of men and women in their ranks that go beyond the basic premises of the law, notes Thaivisa.


Hear, hear!


Yes, it is indeed rather widespread among members of this venerable, tremendously reputation-conscious force to go beyond the basic premises of the law.

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Nowt will happen to this Ratbag and as soon as another juicy story gets on Social Media this story will be forgotten.    Thai Men have such small brains and other parts that being a Policeman is to them only a job with a Pension attached; any Moral Responsibility or concept of being a 'Role Model' for Society is beyond their limited zone of thought.


Worst that can happen to this Twit is being moved to some Backwater out of the news for a few weeks; any thoughts of firing him won't even be considered !

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Having watched the video , I have come to the conclusion that the man in question has already handed over a good bit of gold and cash.

Not once did the " bride's " mother appear to ask what the hell is going on , nor did the " bride " bat a heavily made up eyelid.

and the monks , well they didn't miss a beat.

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I just love Thai news; today it was the following headline making my day
"bringing the force into disrepute"

If this is the only problem of the "force", then Thailand is blessed with a perfectly functioning, fair, honest and law implementing police force second to none. 

Reality though presents itself - at least to me - slightly different! 

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