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China says China, U.S. and Europe should work together to uphold multilateralism


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China says China, U.S. and Europe should work together to uphold multilateralism


Multilateralism chinese style ...? No , thanks ...




China calls for a reset, but U.S. says Beijing trying to 'avert blame' .


Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi said on Monday the United States and China could work together on various issues if they repaired their damaged bilateral relations, but Washington accused Beijing of trying to avert blame for its actions.



Btw ... https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-un-rights-china-speech/britain-denounces-abuses-on-industrial-scale-in-chinas-xinjiang-idUSKBN2AM1DC


Britain’s foreign secretary Dominic Raab on Monday denounced torture, forced labour and sterilisations that he said were taking place against Muslim Uighurs on an “industrial scale” in China’s Xinjiang region.

Raab, in a recorded speech to the U.N. Human Rights Council, said that the rights of people in Hong Kong - a former British colony - were being “systematically violated”. The national security law imposed by China was inhibiting freedoms, he said, calling for free and fair legislative elections to take place.

“The reported abuses – which include torture, forced labour and forced sterilisation of women – are extreme and they are extensive. They are taking place on an industrial scale,” he said.

Edited by nobodysfriend
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Another thread reminding me of the song  "Both sides of the story".


Thais came from Southern China what you Chinese critics say about them.   


I'd like to see everyone on here who don't want Chinese products or parts in there house to throw them out. ????

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5 hours ago, Patong2021 said:

We live in the present. You refer to  products not used or banned since 1970's and 1980's.

Syria has slaughtered tens of thousands of  non combatants including children using Russian and Chinese sourced munitions and products. China and Russia have blocked UN efforts to launch war crime censure.

China (and Russia) is now one of the lead backers of despotic regimes. Myanmar military does as it wishes because it has China support. The  mass murderer of North Korea has concentration  camps and slave labor camps with China support. African dictators stay in power because of China money. China  tries to stir up war against India. Thailand military does as it wishes because it has China support.

... Trump is gone. Democracy triumphed. That is something we will never see in China. 





Ah yes now its spent uranium in munitions.  But do you think banning it will help the 1,000's of people and the land that have been forever contaminated?


Maybe the west should sell the Chinese opium and then put gunboat outside the cities if they resist.  


Denying the past is denying the present.

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1 minute ago, ThaiFelix said:

Capitalism doesnt work if things last forever......factories would go broke, unemployment would soar.  China just fits the scenario perfectly at the moment, just as Japan once did, along with Sth Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong  etc etc.  Giving people what they want.  If your successful at it you make more money leading to more power, more control.  Empires come and empires go.  You just need to learn to step aside and make the best of it.  So turns the wheel.


Many years ago, I read a science fiction story, whose title I don't remember, in which almost the entire population was given a quota of goods they must consume every day, week, and month. And because it was considered psychologically destructive for the harm it might do to consumers' and producers' relationship to the means of production, people were not allowed to artificially use things until they wore out. So, for example, you couldn't artificially wear out your blue jeans by using a machine that would eventually create holes or tears. In this society, the elite were the ones who did not have to consume, who could live in isolation, in remote cabins, wearing flannel shirts, the same old dungarees, who need not own a phone or a television. Elites could enjoy life instead of consuming products. How far away is that reality today?

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19 minutes ago, Isaan sailor said:

I don’t think the beautiful darker skinned Isaan women have much Chinese in them.


Wouldn't know about that, being on the other side of the country. Since we moved to the new house with its big yard, the Mrs. been complaining about getting too tanned from garden work. I actually love it, looks good on her.

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1 hour ago, nobodysfriend said:

Sorry , but not really .

Cheap is what the importers of chinese goods want , they can make more profit if they buy cheaper .

China can ' good quality ' , too , but at a higher price , of course .

It is the importers greed for profit ,( the cheaper they buy , the cheaper they can afford to sell ), and the quantities will be higher , just as their profit .

Importers are people too.  And they dont invest in goods they think people wont buy.

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6 hours ago, John Drake said:

In this society, the elite were the ones who did not have to consume, who could live in isolation, in remote cabins, wearing flannel shirts, the same old dungarees, who need not own a phone or a television. Elites could enjoy life instead of consuming products. How far away is that reality today?

Is the USA today or tomorrow ?

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