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Ambitious "landbridge" plans could see Thailand as hub of worldwide  sea transport


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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The "Landbridge" plans could also be a boon for tourism with improved communications links on land and sea. 

I also see a big boon coming! :intheclub:
Man, how I missed those good old "hub" articles...

Edited by Freigeist365
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Surely large capacity cargo carrying submarines would solve the problem. Load up in the Gulf of Thailand, submerge, sail under the peninsular, surface in the Andaman Sea, unload...repeat. Are there no forward thinkers in this government?......????

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BTW - I very much doubt that any of those "hub planners" put some thoughts on possible sea elevation differences and/or impact on reefs, marine life and nature... Hopefully, someone told them that this canal construction will a bit more demanding than doing a root canal surgery on a rotten tooth...

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27 minutes ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

Surely large capacity cargo carrying submarines would solve the problem. Load up in the Gulf of Thailand, submerge, sail under the peninsular, surface in the Andaman Sea, unload...repeat. Are there no forward thinkers in this government?......????

Rest assured that some of the officials involved in signing and... ahemmm "planning" will emerge heavily loaded, once this sucker has been constructed ???? 

BTW - love your signature line! My missus added, our Duo could generate enough "free" energy to even light up planet Mars ????

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3 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

"Albert Mathieu, planned the first tunnel under the English Channel in 1802, envisioning an underground passage with ventilation chimneys that would stretch above the waves."


In 1865, a deputation led by George Ward Hunt proposed the idea of a tunnel to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.


The first meaningful attempt to build a tunnel across the English Channel happened much earlier than most people think. In 1880,


The idea for a canal across Panama dates back to the 16th century. In 1513,



Gosh aren't the Thais stupid ---they talked about this Hugh engineering feat of cutting through Thailand & joining two oceans a few years ago--but they "still" haven't done anything about it yet..... I guess thats Thailand for you. lazy gits............:w00t:

I’m curious to know what a Hugh engineering feat is. I’ve never seen one before. 


And yours is an impressively cynical attack. Thais are ‘stupid’, ‘lazy gits’, are they?


Miserable <deleted>. 

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

The whole plan will ultimately link up with the EEC scheme on the eastern seaboard that includes a high speed train from Bangkok to Rayong and huge investment in infrastructure.

Funded by whom?

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm sure they have plans for a rail line from China to the Burmese coast


Yes indeed:-

Survey starts for major railway project | The Myanmar Times


Construction within China (Yunnan) is well under way or has been completed:-


Main body of arch bridge of Dali-Ruili railway to be completed - Xinhua |  English.news.cn


Survey work was started in Burma in 2019, but to what extent these days due to the recent coup by the despot Generals Junta.

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8 hours ago, mfd101 said:

Slowly the chips are falling into place for China's domination of half the world - Myanmar cot case, Thailand corruption, Cambodia ditto both, Laos ditto both, Pakistan ditto both ... India surrounded, Oz cut off, Japan cut off ...

Just move back to USA and you will be okay.

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6 hours ago, AndyEast said:

I’m curious to know what a Hugh engineering feat is. I’ve never seen one before. 


And yours is an impressively cynical attack. Thais are ‘stupid’, ‘lazy gits’, are they?


Miserable <deleted>. 


Sadly, the majority of Thais are exactly that. Or perhaps you have a better reason why the land of the everlasting hub is still as poor as it is? People badly need to come to terms with the reality that Thais are not at all interested in development, they are only interested in the face that comes from being able to pretend that they're a developed country.


Not at all the same thing.


Learn something about the psychology and culture of Thais, preferably before insulting someone who does not share your views. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what brought the majority of expats here in the first place; which probably includes you.



Edited by Taswegian23
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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

This is old news....


...No need for this for Chinese goods going west anyway. I'm sure they have plans for a rail line from China to the Burmese coast.

Yes it's been a dream for a long time.


Correct, the Chinese always think ahead, "dig the well before you're thirsty". They also prefer multiple options, just in case one fails, or friendships change. So not only have they an agreement for a link to the Burmese ports of Yangon and Kyaukpyu, but additional plans for a link to Kolkata.

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5 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

Give us some statistics. Or do we believe a newbie TVF'er.


Believe who you want friend. Disbelieve who you want. I don't care very much really.


Start with the average IQ, then go to employment rate (don't believe the government figures without corroboration - assume they're lying). Then go to average debt and average savings, you'll get the hang of it after a while.


Then draw your own conclusions from the science and the statistics.


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2 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

Just move back to USA and you will be okay.

If I were to move anywhere it would be back to Australia. Where the Chinese are currently planning a major naval base on the south coast of PNG, roughly 200 miles from Oz.

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Cutting out the need to go round straits Malacca and dock at Singapore. Going round straits Malacca doesn't mean docking at Singapore is necessary. More over most VLCC's are crossing Panama canal so not coming any where near Thailand/Straits Malacca/Singapore. An insane project from insane people.

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Land Briges, Moon Missions.................... if only they put as much effort in to actually finishing current projects as they do dreaming up new schemes.  The Bangkok-Korat Elevated Highway was supposed to be finished by September 2019 - its now looking doubtful it will be ready this September. Then there's the Bangkok-Korat High Speed Train, I haven't followed that very closely but last time I heard, it had come to a grinding halt, basic materials suppliers weren't being paid and some form of high up management changes were blamed on the delays.  That's just 2 that I know about, I believe there are many others all over the country.


There's always been more ideas than money but at the moment the dream department is in overdrive.

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12 hours ago, Patong2021 said:

There is a fatal assumption that China trade will remain as is or grow in the next decade.

I think the world has had a wake up call with Covid and seen what happens when too much manufacturing  capability is given to China. Look at the dramatic shift that has taken place for PPE and pharmaceuticals in less than a year.  It's incredible. Many countries have repatriated the manufacturing of PPE and required viable alternative suppliers to China for their medications. Look at high tech electronics and IT with the shutting out of Huawei. The western world is looking to alternative suppliers in South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and India  even if slightly more expensive. No one wants to be at the mercy of China again, especially if there is  economic conflict in the coming years.

Indeed. And they knew what they were doing - draw in the big boys (Apple etc) with highly efficient city-sized bases populated by obedient automatons and produce, produce, produce on the cheap. When everyone is 'all-in', hoik up shipping and cheap prices go begging. The world needs to seriously move away from China. Absolutely no issue with Chinese folk, it is that scumbag politburo. Where's Dr. Manhattan when you need him!


As for the canal, aside from the ecological impact, not a bad idea... bit of a twot driving them boats down and around Singapore.

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15 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

My point is that they are exactly the same as any other country.......................:coffee1:

Correct. Auckland in NZ should have had another harbour bridge or a tunnel 30 years ago, but it's all gone wrong now and they have done ZERO about it, far as I know ( perhaps they have a super plan to fix it, but it's been kept very secret ).

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