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Shooting erupts at Colorado supermarket, bloodied man shown in handcuffs


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1 hour ago, Yellowtail said:


I have no credibility with the left.


Your link substantiates my claim, as does this link from Wiki:

Gun violence in the United States by state - Wikipedia

Both our links could be wrong, I was shocked when I read Hawaii was high. 


New Jersey is interesting, their firearm ownership ship rates are about a forth of the ownership rate in Idaho, yet their firearm homicide rate is double. 


Washington DC's gun ownership rate is less than half that of Idaho, yet the gun homicide rate is twelve times as high. 


Sure, you can find states with low ownership rates and low homicide rates, and states with high ownership rates and high homicide rates, but that is certainly not the rule. California has a much lower ownership rate than Texas, yet their gun homicide rates are the same.



Now factor in State population and population density.


Idaho, population density less then 20 people /square mile, while Washington DC approaches 12,000 per square mile.


You are correct, you have no credibility with the left.



Edited by Chomper Higgot
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11 hours ago, Thomas J said:

I have attached a link that shows the requirement for a background check.  

Trust me, I have purchased firearms and you are required to show ID and wait for the background check to be completed before you can obtain the gun.  That is not true for "private sales" but I don't think that most would object to it being mandated s well. 


Edited 11 hours ago by Thomas J

I have no argument on the fact that current laws required background check. Apparently the checks are not extensive enough and allowed mass shooting incidents to occur over and over again. So much for the idiom of repeating the same studity by doing the same thing. The system is broken and need to be fixed and one way is for a more expansive universal background check and a complete registry for all gun owners that the NRA and some GOPs are resisting. I attached this link which explain the problems of the current guns laws that I hope can be fixed. .


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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It’s time to do something about gun violence.


Biden is on it.

I doubt that he will achieve any real changes. Trump will be remembered for all the bad things he did. Biden will be remembered for not much at all.

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2 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

I'm not familiar with the statistics. Most people in the US do not carry weapons. All I'm saying is that if everyone were to carry one it could make a difference, even just as a deterrent.  If you know everyone is armed you'd probably think twice before starting a firefight. 


Seems to me if a member of the public is not trained to respond to an 'active shooter' situation, the last thing law enforcement and the public would want is for them to be involved, further complicating law enforcement response.

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32 minutes ago, polpott said:

I doubt that he will achieve any real changes. Trump will be remembered for all the bad things he did. Biden will be remembered for not much at all.

Trump did nothing and even threatened veto on gun legislation if it passed Congress. He even said the gun and magazine bans are a total failure. Biden is pushing for extensive and expansive gun law reforms and the Dems in Congress are in unison on this push. The Dems kept their part of the deal for stricter gun reforms. The GOPs will be remembered for not doing much at all not Biden nor the Dems. 

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On 3/23/2021 at 10:42 AM, NorthernRyland said:

Disarming law abiding citizens and preventing them from defending themselves is immoral and unjust. If you're so afraid of guns then move to Japan or some rural community.

Ah the mantra of more guns, more guns did not stop the death of these 10 people nor the death of 8 people in Atlanta. This has been screamed by people such as yourself since Columbind High School shooting. More guns has not made a bit of difference in fact it has made the situation worse.

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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Now factor in State population and population density.


Idaho, population density less then 20 people /square mile, while Washington DC approaches 12,000 per square mile.


You are correct, you have no credibility with the left.




Now figure in political ideology. Cleary this problem comes from the left.


No one that does not march lock-step with the left has any credibility with the left.

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40 minutes ago, moe666 said:

Ah the mantra of more guns, more guns did not stop the death of these 10 people nor the death of 8 people in Atlanta. This has been screamed by people such as yourself since Columbind High School shooting. More guns has not made a bit of difference in fact it has made the situation worse.


What gun control law could have been implemented that would have stopped these shootings? 



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12 hours ago, mogandave said:

Should the judge have also have restricted his right to buy a firearm? 

100%...absolutely....no doubt whatsoever.....any tiny indication of the wrong temperament (assuming a country is even stupid enough in the first place to allow its citizens deadly weapons) should mean .....no gun allowed!

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8 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Trolling much. 

Deflecting much?


You, nor anyone here has any idea what laws (beyond total confiscation) could have been enacted that would have stopped those crimes, so you call me a troll.



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Let's start a country from scratch


Equality for all....yes

Opportunity for all.....yes

Democracy for all....yes

No taxation without representation for all....yes

Deadly weapons for anyone who wants one ....hell yes...a big fat yes.....555



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6 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

Deflecting much?


You, nor anyone here has any idea what laws (beyond total confiscation) could have been enacted that would have stopped those crimes, so you call me a troll.



Ok I bite. Capital punishment for all gun crimes like in some sane countries. 

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6 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

100%...absolutely....no doubt whatsoever.....any tiny indication of the wrong temperament (assuming a country is even stupid enough in the first place to allow its citizens deadly weapons) should mean .....no gun allowed!


So a when a young person with a history of being taunted gets in scuffle and ends up with an assault conviction should have their right to own a firearm removed. Is that your position?


Would you support the right to own firearms removed from everyone with a conviction on their record?


Would you also support the right to own firearms be removed from people charged, but not convicted of assault? 


What other reasons would you support that would strip the right of individuals to own firearms? 

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6 hours ago, simple1 said:

So far as I know general public carrying weapons has not made any changes to mass killings of innocents.

It would seem sensible....on balance.....that they should not, then, be allowed to carry weapons.....is that your argument?........One with which I would wholeheartedly agree

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5 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


So a when a young person with a history of being taunted gets in scuffle and ends up with an assault conviction should have their right to own a firearm removed. Is that your position?


Would you support the right to own firearms removed from everyone with a conviction on their record?


Would you also support the right to own firearms be removed from people charged, but not convicted of assault? 


What other reasons would you support that would strip the right of individuals to own firearms? 

1. Yes

2. Yes

3. Yes

4. No

5. Mental health.


Others need a specific reason to own a gun and only after a cooling off period of months.

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3 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


So a when a young person with a history of being taunted gets in scuffle and ends up with an assault conviction should have their right to own a firearm removed. Is that your position?


Would you support the right to own firearms removed from everyone with a conviction on their record?


Would you also support the right to own firearms be removed from people charged, but not convicted of assault? 


What other reasons would you support that would strip the right of individuals to own firearms? 

I would search long and hard for absolutely any reason under the sun to deny them a gun.........

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1 minute ago, Surelynot said:

It would seem sensible....on balance.....that they should not, then, be allowed to carry weapons.....is that your argument?........One with which I would wholeheartedly agree


Yes, but isn't going to happen - US gun culture...

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1 hour ago, Yellowtail said:


What gun control law could have been implemented that would have stopped these shootings? 




What could have prevented it?


A ban on private ownership of AR-15s, AK-47s, and similar semi-auto, high mag capacity weapons. As Australia did after its mass shooting years ago, purchase all existing weapons at fair market value and ban their future possession.


Congress has always drawn the line regarding types of weapons for private ownership without violating the 2nd Amendment, whose authors wrote that unclear verbiage back when the most powerful weapon was a musket. Neither Madison nor Jefferson could have imagined RPG-7s, SAM-7s, bazookas or AR-15 style weapons, but since the 2nd was penned, many ownership restrictions on dangerous weapons have been implemented.  Just add another now.


Officer Talley might have had a chance if he faced a killer with only a 9mm like his own. The killer only owned the weapon for 6 days, yet the weapon is do deadly he could kill 10 people in short order. If he had had only a handgun, it's unlikely he would have the skill required to aim and fire so quickly and do as much damage. he likely would have jerked it around as he depressed the trigger, looking more like a Hollywood actor than a skilled shooter. Officer Talley might have had a chance to take him out, saving both himself and others.

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6 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Ok I bite. Capital punishment for all gun crimes like in some sane countries. 


You support capital punishment? I do not. 


To be clear, it your position that someone convicted of illegally discharging a firearm on on New Year's Eve should be put to death, correct?


If so, I believe that would greatly reduce the number of gun deaths n the US, but I do not not think it would have any significant impact on reducing mass shootings, as those people are already committing crimes that often punishable by death. 


Incidentally, a lot of leftists argue that the death penalty is NOT a deterrent.  

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1 hour ago, Yellowtail said:


What gun control law could have been implemented that would have stopped these shootings? 



Let me think.......how about............no one, as a private individual, is allowed to own or carry a gun....with very few exceptions.

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3 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Let me think.......how about............no one, as a private individual, is allowed to own or carry a gun....with very few exceptions.


I agree total confiscation from private citizens would reduce gun deaths. I do not think anyone would argue that. 

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6 minutes ago, Walker88 said:


What could have prevented it?


A ban on private ownership of AR-15s, AK-47s, and similar semi-auto, high mag capacity weapons. As Australia did after its mass shooting years ago, purchase all existing weapons at fair market value and ban their future possession.


Congress has always drawn the line regarding types of weapons for private ownership without violating the 2nd Amendment, whose authors wrote that unclear verbiage back when the most powerful weapon was a musket. Neither Madison nor Jefferson could have imagined RPG-7s, SAM-7s, bazookas or AR-15 style weapons, but since the 2nd was penned, many ownership restrictions on dangerous weapons have been implemented.  Just add another now.


Officer Talley might have had a chance if he faced a killer with only a 9mm like his own. The killer only owned the weapon for 6 days, yet the weapon is do deadly he could kill 10 people in short order. If he had had only a handgun, it's unlikely he would have the skill required to aim and fire so quickly and do as much damage. he likely would have jerked it around as he depressed the trigger, looking more like a Hollywood actor than a skilled shooter. Officer Talley might have had a chance to take him out, saving both himself and others.


The argument you are making would not have prevented the shootings, it would only have likely reduced the number of deaths. So rather than 50 deaths as a result of mass shootings, we'd have only 10-20, yes?


So rather than ~40,000 gun deaths a year, we'd only have 39,980....


It's brilliant!

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shooter is a muslim, also reported he hated trump, he is not "white" as being claimed but middle eastern which made a lot of left leaning news outlets/supporters quickly change their comments or remove them. Problem in the US is its too easy for idiots like this to get firearms, he was apparently on the fbi watch list, has been charged in the past for assault, threatened other people yet was still able to get a gun which shows just how broken the fbi really are along with law enforcement. There is nothing wrong with guns especially when used for protection/sport, I have been a shooter for much of my life, if I lived in the US I would definitely want to be able to carry a pistol where ever I went as there is way too much crime especially gang related crime, just walking the streets means taking your life in your own hands these days, way too many crazies, not much being said about the victims either apart from the police officer either  but as they were all white there is probably  no mileage in it for the left

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7 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


You support capital punishment? I do not. 


To be clear, it your position that someone convicted of illegally discharging a firearm on on New Year's Eve should be put to death, correct?


If so, I believe that would greatly reduce the number of gun deaths n the US, but I do not not think it would have any significant impact on reducing mass shootings, as those people are already committing crimes that often punishable by death. 


Incidentally, a lot of leftists argue that the death penalty is NOT a deterrent.  

Since you asked the question, it is my prerogative to provide an answer based on countries that ban guns and gun crimes punishable with capital punishment have little mass shooting like the scale in US. These strict deterrence worked in those countries. You can’t argue against that. 

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8 minutes ago, seajae said:

just walking the streets means taking your life in your own hands these days,



I imagine if you took out all the "hotspots"......and avoided them, America is probably no different, in terms of safety, to anywhere else in the world......even Japan.

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24 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


So a when a young person with a history of being taunted gets in scuffle and ends up with an assault conviction should have their right to own a firearm removed. Is that your position?


Would you support the right to own firearms removed from everyone with a conviction on their record?


Would you also support the right to own firearms be removed from people charged, but not convicted of assault? 


What other reasons would you support that would strip the right of individuals to own firearms? 

People are stripped of their right to vote on the basis of a conviction, why not stripped of their right to own a gun?


But since you asked.


There are good arguments to remove the right to own a gun from people convicted of domestic violence:



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