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Thai woman tests positive for COVID-19 despite receiving vaccine


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Did she test positive for Covid-19 or did she test positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus in her system????


The vaccine is (allegedly) 95% effective in preventing the Covid-19 disease from developing in someone who has been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 Virus. 

The Thai lady may simply have the virus in her system for a short period, just like asymptomatic people. 

All the vaccine does is increase the likelihood that someone exposed to SARS-CoV-2 will not have Covid-19 symptoms. 

It could also have been a false positive result. 

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6 hours ago, TDCNINJA said:

Who said the China Vaccine was 95% effective?

I dont know. But not me. 

Please apply appropriate efficacy results for all vaccines , including  the ones made  from decorative chjna  LOL


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I think the properties and efficiency of vaccines was pretty well thrashed out on other threads. What I think the OP shows is the lack of organisation of the whole setup. The virus was found in the market and closed for two days??? She went back to work, had the saliva test and found out the result via a social media platform??? Very efficient, I'm sure (not).

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It is no wonder she tested positive as the PCR test has been proven not to work ( even Elon Musk tested negative on 2 out of 4 tests ) and there are grave questions about the effectiveness of the vaccines and their safety. No surprises there.

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11 hours ago, sirineou said:

If the vaccine  is 95% affective, then for every 100 people vaccinated, 5% will have the potential to catch the virus if exposed, They will not necessarily catch the virus  because they   might not come in contact with it, but they have the potential. 

If you have thousands of people vaccinated, it is inevitable that some of them, even though vaccinated will catch the virus and test positive,

  but  the chance of getting so sick that you will need to be hospitalized or die from it are very close to zero. 

I wish they will stop reporting these Non News, because is scares people,



I too wish news publishers were required to not only report facts, but also the correct interpretation of these facts as far as sensitive topics are concerned.


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13 hours ago, rooster59 said:

A Thai woman has tested positive for COVID-19 despite receiving the vaccine earlier this month.


The woman, from Ratchaburi, received the vaccine eight days ago but tested positive for the  virus on Friday.

And away we go.........

The "Do Covid vaccines create full immunity or just lessen the severity of symptoms if contracted?"

If the former - cool! ????  If the latter, then Thailand will be welcoming vaccinated potential carriers from across the globe to vacation in Thailand based of a false sense of security given a person's vaccination history. ????  We're always collectively led to believe that "vaccination" is equivalent to "immunity."  Aren't we? 

Edited by connda
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1 hour ago, MasterBaker said:

haven't heard of any vaccine actually preventing a decease


1 hour ago, sirineou said:

Of course it does. You don't think vaccines prevent deaths from the virus ?

Whether they do are don't imho is irrelevant.  All I know is that I get yearly rabies shots (boosters) right along with all my animals.  I handle of a lot of animal that are not mine and bites happen.  Rabies is pretty much 100% fatal.....So, the only thing that is relevant is that I "believe" that in the case of rabies vaccines will keep me safe.  However when it comes to viruses like flu?  How fatal are they if contracted?  You weight the risks of adverse reaction to vaccines to the risk of contracting and dying of the flu.  I haven't taken a flu shot since about 2002.  And I haven't had the flu since about 2002. Go ifigure?  So in the case of the seasonal flu, I'm willing to risk that my immune system will handle exposure to the virus just fine.  And Covid too.  Maybe when I'm 80 I might change my mind, but maybe not.  By that time you're gonna die of something.  Why not the flu or Covid seeing that your body is in terminal decline.  That's a relatively quick way to go.  Induced coma, vented, gone! 

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1 hour ago, connda said:


Whether they do are don't imho is irrelevant.  All I know is that I get yearly rabies shots (boosters) right along with all my animals.  I handle of a lot of animal that are not mine and bites happen.  Rabies is pretty much 100% fatal.....So, the only thing that is relevant is that I "believe" that in the case of rabies vaccines will keep me safe.  However when it comes to viruses like flu?  How fatal are they if contracted?  You weight the risks of adverse reaction to vaccines to the risk of contracting and dying of the flu.  I haven't taken a flu shot since about 2002.  And I haven't had the flu since about 2002. Go ifigure?  So in the case of the seasonal flu, I'm willing to risk that my immune system will handle exposure to the virus just fine.  And Covid too.  Maybe when I'm 80 I might change my mind, but maybe not.  By that time you're gonna die of something.  Why not the flu or Covid seeing that your body is in terminal decline.  That's a relatively quick way to go.  Induced coma, vented, gone! 

You are talking about your chance of dying from a virus and for you it might be low enough to ignore it.  but that is not the case for everyone, and as you get older it might not be the case for you. 

Regardless of any of the above the fact remains that vaccines helps prevent  deaths from viruses.

I am sure you must have had  had a vaccine for the measles virus.  

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Isn't a PCR test used for finding virus fragments? So what is the confusing talk about antibodies?

I would expect a positive PCR test after vaccination anyway as AZ mRNA makes your cells to factories of virus fragments, spikes from the docking proteins of the virus to bind to your cells. That way you produce your vaccination in your own cells yourself. These proteins your cells produced induce the immune response and your antibodies against this protein then block the virus from docking if you later get infected.

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17 hours ago, sirineou said:

If the vaccine  is 95% affective, then for every 100 people vaccinated, 5% will have the potential to catch the virus if exposed, They will not necessarily catch the virus  because they   might not come in contact with it, but they have the potential. 

If you have thousands of people vaccinated, it is inevitable that some of them, even though vaccinated will catch the virus and test positive,

  but  the chance of getting so sick that you will need to be hospitalized or die from it are very close to zero. 

I wish they will stop reporting these Non News, because is scares people,


Not sure why so many people have the same wrong view about efficacy like you.

Even if you have taken a vaccine with a 100% efficacy rate, you still can get infected and may have symptoms.


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1 hour ago, Selatan said:

Not sure why so many people have the same wrong view about efficacy like you.

Even if you have taken a vaccine with a 100% efficacy rate, you still can get infected and may have symptoms.


Maybe because we are stupid and you are smart? 

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20 hours ago, sirineou said:

If the vaccine  is 95% affective, then for every 100 people vaccinated, 5% will have the potential to catch the virus if exposed,

It's not as dire as that. I quote from a story on livescience.com:


"One common misunderstanding is that 95% efficacy means that in the Pfizer clinical trial, 5% of vaccinated people got COVID. But that's not true; the actual percentage of vaccinated people in the Pfizer (and Moderna) trials who got COVID-19 was about a hundred times less than that: 0.04%."  


Googling "meaning of 95 effective vaccine" will provide more details, if wanted.

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7 minutes ago, thaipara said:

It's not as dire as that. I quote from a story on livescience.com:


"One common misunderstanding is that 95% efficacy means that in the Pfizer clinical trial, 5% of vaccinated people got COVID. But that's not true; the actual percentage of vaccinated people in the Pfizer (and Moderna) trials who got COVID-19 was about a hundred times less than that: 0.04%."  


Googling "meaning of 95 effective vaccine" will provide more details, if wanted.

I did not say that 5% will get it, I said that 5% have the potential to get is. 

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After getting the first AZ jab at the start of March, the vaccinator said it would likely be two weeks for it to start to become effective. 


The second one ramps up the effective resistance.


Everyone can still get the SARScov2 Virus, but if Vaccinated hopefully your body can fight it off so quickly it does not  become a embedded COVID-19 infection, and the timescale that you can pass it on should be massively reduced.


But if your Vaccine is perhaps 60% first Jab, and 95% second jab. You still should worry that you may be one of that 40 out of 100, and then 5 out of 100. 


Still have to be very careful, as it could be your unlucky day if you are one of the 5 coming in contact with another 5 out of 100 person, or an unvaccinated person. Just much improved odds....????


Dad, will get his second jab in a couple of weeks hopefully  later in the year / early next he may get to use up his two future flight vouchers before they expire, the risk being reduced substantially. 


Of course if everyone runs out after getting the vaccine, and behaves like it is mid 2019 ????, that will be a big oops again...???? and many more  hospitality businesses may be scuppered ????




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23 hours ago, YetAnother said:

where is the surprise ? no one ever claimed any vaccine was 100 % effective

Absolutely, and they want to allow foreigners in before the Thais have been inoculated... 

Even if you have been inoculated you can be a carrier.

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On 3/28/2021 at 8:45 AM, Big Yuley said:

so she recieved 1 dose of a 2 dose vaccination.

and tested positive 3 days after recieivng it.

She obviously had the virus before she got the first does.


And how is this scare mongering BS news

My thoughts exactly and articles like this need to be carefully vetted to ensure clarity. 

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Media is thriving on scare porn atm that is why it is so hard for the world to move forward. Many people sitting their pants over something that for the vast majority of people will be nothing more than an inconvenience. 

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16 hours ago, sirineou said:

Maybe because we are stupid and you are smart? 

Wearing a helmet can prevent 67% serious head injuries during a crash.

Does that mean 33% of helmet wearers have zero protection against serious head injuries, no different from those who didn't wear helmets at all?

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11 minutes ago, Selatan said:

Wearing a helmet can prevent 67% serious head injuries during a crash.

Does that mean 33% of helmet wearers have zero protection against serious head injuries, no different from those who didn't wear helmets at all?


because helmets are there to protect against drain bramage and for 33% that boat has sailed. ????

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On 3/27/2021 at 11:26 PM, Forza2002 said:

Once this story hits Facebook the doubt will set in with the uneducated Thais about getting the vaccine. The number of people getting vaccinated in Thailand to date is very low compared to other countries and stories like this won't help...


You realize, of course, that the reason Thailand is so low on administering vaccines is because the government has dawdled so much on approving and ordering them.  It has nothing to do with education level or a bias against getting the jab.


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10 minutes ago, sirineou said:

No because helmets are there to protect against drain bramage and for 33% that boat has sailed. ????

I think most people do have some dain bramage, that's why they have such a hard time understanding this vaccine efficacy thing.

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