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Government Targets 30 Million Vaccinations by August

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"Government Targets 30 Million Vaccinations by August; Health Ministry Warns against Fake Claims on Covid-19 Vaccine"


The 2 parts of this sentence - splashed across the screen at the start of this TV page concerns the 2 main topics.


Together, they make the most hilarious statement regarding the actual government claim and the subsequent advice from Anutin.

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2 hours ago, ccarbaugh said:

If Thailand wants to be an innovative leader in the world, they would fully dismiss this planned-demic nonsense and ignore the nefarious mandates for jabs, masks and societal distancing.  The people would be infinitely better off by simply avoiding taking the "Franken-jab" (as well as being absolutely addicted to their face-diaper!)  Of course that has a near 100% unlikely chance of coming about due to the financial abundance lavished upon the top decision makers.  ????


Anyone else shouted Troll?


Dr Opas said the numbers of people being vaccinated and health facilities offering the service will increase in the coming months. This is vital for fast and effective vaccine distribution and coverage.


He's having a laugh with that statement isn't he ????

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Would’ve been good to see the planned schedule of when , where and how the vaccine will be administered. As a Samui resident for more than fifteen years the desperate Island is in dire need of help with the centre of Chawang more like Beriut than a tourist hub , such a shame .

A few days ago last week one of my staff went to the district office having seen a notice regarding vaccine for those in tourist related businesses. It is PC based and she asked the officer how people without internet and a PC might fill the forms ( 45 pages I think ) . She also asked regarding Falang, No answer to both. 
She  copied the forms and we looked at them and you had to register befor you completed them all in THAI , I have requested an English version and as of today we still have not received any reply ,it is now a week ago and of course local elections ????????????????

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pharmas and govt are always in collusion, the world -over. They scratch each other's back...

how business is done. So, the numbers and timeline will keep changing.

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4 hours ago, chilli42 said:

I am impressed by the constantly shifting numbers.  Is it possible that they are overlooking the possibility that many people don’t want or will not sign up to have a jab?  There was a survey on TVF a couple of days ago that said 40% will not avail themselves of a vaccine and another 20% were unsure.  If this is the flow of sentiment, the government will never get near their targets and will have a problem of a completely different nature.


I was talking to my Thai son, he says people are getting confused by numerous mixed messages, especially so many messages that people have got sick/seriously sick from the vaccine, also so many vaccines with little explanations, also mised and confusing messages about dates and how to register, all pushing many to have doubts about taking any vaccine.


He's convinced that vaccination for Covid 19 is the best direction. His Thai wife also, but her pushy siblings are trying hard to convince her she will get sick. 

4 hours ago, rangerboy said:

correct i hope that 30 million is openly availible with no side effects i heard the western world  aka farang can buy the jab for 2000 bhart is this true if so where 

Do t know about buying it. In the UK it's free to everyone who is in the UK

9 hours ago, vandeventer said:

If they were all J&J vaccines that require only 1 jab that would make sense. Also a lot of Thai people that I have talked to don't want any vaccines. Just maybe there has been too much talk about what can go wrong after they get the vaccine.

As with all things that are not explained fully to people, there will be fear and distrust.

The Government has been doing an excellent job as always of running off at the Mouth over the silliest of things. All of which will make the Thai people fearful of any vaccine.

We are talking about people here that get Lottery good luck numbers from the shape of the Buffalo <deleted> here.


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The actions of a jealous and incompetent EU with reagrds to the AZ vaccine has to be criminal. Their lies have spread all around the world to discredit AZ.

For those who don't know, the AZ vaccine was developed by AZ, Oxford university scientists, and funds form the UK taxpayer. It was one of the first vaccines to be approved and is still approved for everyone over the age of 18 by the WHO, the UK regulators and the EU regulators. The vaccine is being produced at cost only, a fantastic gesture by AZ, while the other vaccine makers are making billions.

The EU's vaccine effort was down to a French company and unfortunateley that effort failed and has been abandoned. So now the EU is fully dependent on vaccines developed in the UK and the USA. Both the AZ vaccine and the phizer vaccine are manufactured in the EU as well as in other countries. The EU commission decided in it's dictatorial way to take control of the entire EU vaccine program, much to the distaste of many countries, and they have messed it up big time. Their orders for the vaccines went in 3 months after the UK and after the orders from other countries. The EU commission is left discredited and even humiliated by it's own incompetence. To try and cover up it's incompetence it embarked on a very foolhardy vendetta against the AZ company and also the UK government. This of course backfired spectacularly and now they are trying to claw back some credibility by threatening to take control of the vaccines produced in the EU, something you would expect from a country like China.

As I understand it the blood clotting issue is something of a red herring, misinformation, something the EU are very good at. I am no expert on the matter but from what I have been able to find out , the blood clotting issue is no more prevelent with AZ than it is with the other vaccines and may be connected to the fact that young women on oral contaceptives are more likeley to have blood clotting anyway, and many essential health workers are young women, so have been vaccinated.  That is the figures the EU are coming up with are misleading, and as I said the regulators in the EU still approve of the vaccine. Maybe it is prudent to stop the roll out of the vaccine till the matter is cleared up, or maybe it is just more EU lies and misinformation.

    Here in the UK tens of millions have had there first shots, mostly the AZ vaccine, and we are hearing nothing about bad side effects. I had my first dose about five weeks ago and had some mild side effects for a coupld of days, others have had no side effects at all.

    I/we here in the UK may be wrong but it is looking like the EU's desperation to try and cover up it's own incompetence is the root cause of misinformation to do with the AZ vaccine.

    Just one question. Why hasn't Thailand made an effort to get at least one of the vaccines manufactured in Thailand.

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6 hours ago, allyoops said:

The actions of a jealous and incompetent EU with reagrds to the AZ vaccine has to be criminal. Their lies have spread all around the world to discredit AZ.

For those who don't know, the AZ vaccine was developed by AZ, Oxford university scientists, and funds form the UK taxpayer. It was one of the first vaccines to be approved and is still approved for everyone over the age of 18 by the WHO, the UK regulators and the EU regulators. The vaccine is being produced at cost only, a fantastic gesture by AZ, while the other vaccine makers are making billions.

The EU's vaccine effort was down to a French company and unfortunateley that effort failed and has been abandoned. So now the EU is fully dependent on vaccines developed in the UK and the USA. Both the AZ vaccine and the phizer vaccine are manufactured in the EU as well as in other countries. The EU commission decided in it's dictatorial way to take control of the entire EU vaccine program, much to the distaste of many countries, and they have messed it up big time. Their orders for the vaccines went in 3 months after the UK and after the orders from other countries. The EU commission is left discredited and even humiliated by it's own incompetence. To try and cover up it's incompetence it embarked on a very foolhardy vendetta against the AZ company and also the UK government. This of course backfired spectacularly and now they are trying to claw back some credibility by threatening to take control of the vaccines produced in the EU, something you would expect from a country like China.

As I understand it the blood clotting issue is something of a red herring, misinformation, something the EU are very good at. I am no expert on the matter but from what I have been able to find out , the blood clotting issue is no more prevelent with AZ than it is with the other vaccines and may be connected to the fact that young women on oral contaceptives are more likeley to have blood clotting anyway, and many essential health workers are young women, so have been vaccinated.  That is the figures the EU are coming up with are misleading, and as I said the regulators in the EU still approve of the vaccine. Maybe it is prudent to stop the roll out of the vaccine till the matter is cleared up, or maybe it is just more EU lies and misinformation.

    Here in the UK tens of millions have had there first shots, mostly the AZ vaccine, and we are hearing nothing about bad side effects. I had my first dose about five weeks ago and had some mild side effects for a coupld of days, others have had no side effects at all.

    I/we here in the UK may be wrong but it is looking like the EU's desperation to try and cover up it's own incompetence is the root cause of misinformation to do with the AZ vaccine.

    Just one question. Why hasn't Thailand made an effort to get at least one of the vaccines manufactured in Thailand.

The blood clothing started in Norway, not an EU member and the J&J vaccine was developped at Janssen vaccines, Leiden, The Netherlands, EU. Most of your story is BS.


It's all sour grapes as far as the EU is concerned I'm afraid,  they have declared the AZ vaccine unsafe and they won't be  taking it, but they won't allow it to leave the EU which is really odd don't you agree ??


Here's another thing regarding the EU i think is worth a mention,

How many millions of UK nationals travelled to European countries for a better life using their freedom of movement rights.

I honestly don't know anyone that has said right kids pack your bags we're off to Poland for a better life .




On 3/29/2021 at 1:30 PM, johnarth said:

all the members of my wife family and friends said before the vaccinations started that they do not want the jab, so when and what did the media say to the sheep that was so bad


The media do have a case to answer; very quick to publish stories about folks getting sick and a death from the vaccine.


Turns out they were very minor reactions (seen everywhere and for some folks a psychological reactions to getting a jab for anything), plus now and quickly proven that the person died form other causes not the vaccine. 


All indicates that nothing was checked before they published.


Just another example of the very poor level of professionalism of the Thai media. 

On 3/29/2021 at 8:09 AM, d2b2 said:

J&J now approved in Thailand, but when will hospitals and clinics be able to order and receive them? 

Without any currently placed orders Thailand will be quite long in the que for obtaining the doses.

It is beginning to appear like Thailand put all their eggs in the wrong basket.


Really ????  No way !!!   I for one put the Sinovac vaccine right at the top of my list of choices and will personally not touch any of the big western pharma vaccines which I do not trust being mainly all experimental and produced with the target of big profits.  I trust the Sinovac vaccine becuase it is NOT produced for profit but as a duty of care by a good Chinese people's public health service (you know what is so deplorably missing in the USA despite 80% of the folk there wanting such a publicly run free at source health service !!).  It is also importantly traditionally produced using dead virus cells long time tried and tested technology, just like tradional known safe and effective vaccines of old for the terrible diseases like polio and smallpox.  Sure anyone with any modicum of common sense would rather choose such a safe non experimental vaccine like Sinovac (or even the non big corporate pharma Astrazenica or Sputnik V offerings) which is known to be just about 100% effective against death or serious illness from CV19, so good enough for me and should be for most folk. 


Actually for the future safety of mankind I do hope the mRNA technology does prove to be safe and effective in the long term (lets see effects of it over say 5 or 10 years) but I for one have no intention of being a human guinea pig and rather leave that to brave volunteers, nor importantly do I want to swell the greedy pockets of the big corporate western



Anyyway thats my two pennyworth and of course leave it for everyone to have a free choice of whatever vaccine they prefer and trust or indeed if they really want then to not have a vaccine at all if they so choose. Informed freedom of choice is what is very important.  


Once more I repeat just like the effective way they promptly and effectively invoked proper lockdown here, and as they did in China too, with the borders almost immediately closed, the Thai Government have earned my respect for their handling of the Covid 19 crisis though I still feel they have been too slow in getting these good vaccines rolled out to the most vulnerable people and not enough need help given to those poor Thai people who have lost their livlihoods over the lockdown.  I am not too worried personally with the slow vaccine roll out as clearly COVID 19 here is, thanks to effective control, more like a rare disease than a pandemic and thus I feel pretty safe thankfully living here happily in Thailand


It's pretty clear where Thailand needs to go -- vaccinating two-thirds or so of its approx. 70 million population.


It's also pretty clear that at this point, they have a VERY long way to go in achieving that goal.


This chart from the Ministry of Public Health shows the numbers of vaccines they've "allocated" thus far in the country.




This chart from the MoPH shows the actual numbers of vaccines administered thus far:






The BMA (Bangkok Metropolitan Admin.) put out a chart today on their daily and cumulative CV vaccine efforts within the BMA's jurisdiction:


EN translation on FB:

Results of COVID-19 vaccine service in Bangkok area.
The total number of vaccine recipients adds 2,942 dose.
The total number of vaccine recipients collecting 87,525 dose
In other words, they apparently did 2942 new vaccinations the latest report, for a cumulative total of 87,525. And the red numbers below reflect the updated first and second shot numbers, while the blue numbers represent the cumulative first and second shot numbers.
Another chart indicated a significant portion of thus vaccinations that have occurred within the BMA thus far have been various medical personnel.







On 3/29/2021 at 7:37 PM, allyoops said:

The actions of a jealous and incompetent EU with reagrds to the AZ vaccine has to be criminal. Their lies have spread all around the world to discredit AZ.


In other news today




U.S. puts J&J in charge of plant that botched COVID vaccine, removes AstraZeneca


(Reuters) - The United States has put Johnson and Johnson in charge of a plant that ruined 15 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccine and has stopped British drugmaker AstraZeneca Plc from using the facility, a senior health official said on Saturday.


AstraZeneca, whose vaccine has not been approved in the United States, said it will work with President Joe Biden's administration to find an alternative site to produce its vaccine.


The top U.S. infectious disease doctor told Reuters on Thursday the country may not need AstraZeneca's vaccine even if it wins approval.

On 4/5/2021 at 6:13 PM, rayw said:


Really ????  No way !!!   I for one put the Sinovac vaccine right at the top of my list of choices and will personally not touch any of the big western pharma vaccines which I do not trust being mainly all experimental and produced with the target of big profits.  I trust the Sinovac vaccine becuase it is NOT produced for profit but as a duty of care by a good Chinese people's public health service (you know what is so deplorably missing in the USA despite 80% of the folk there wanting such a publicly run free at source health service !!).  It is also importantly traditionally produced using dead virus cells long time tried and tested technology, just like tradional known safe and effective vaccines of old for the terrible diseases like polio and smallpox.  Sure anyone with any modicum of common sense would rather choose such a safe non experimental vaccine like Sinovac (or even the non big corporate pharma Astrazenica or Sputnik V offerings) which is known to be just about 100% effective against death or serious illness from CV19, so good enough for me and should be for most folk. 


Actually for the future safety of mankind I do hope the mRNA technology does prove to be safe and effective in the long term (lets see effects of it over say 5 or 10 years) but I for one have no intention of being a human guinea pig and rather leave that to brave volunteers, nor importantly do I want to swell the greedy pockets of the big corporate western



Anyyway thats my two pennyworth and of course leave it for everyone to have a free choice of whatever vaccine they prefer and trust or indeed if they really want then to not have a vaccine at all if they so choose. Informed freedom of choice is what is very important.  


Once more I repeat just like the effective way they promptly and effectively invoked proper lockdown here, and as they did in China too, with the borders almost immediately closed, the Thai Government have earned my respect for their handling of the Covid 19 crisis though I still feel they have been too slow in getting these good vaccines rolled out to the most vulnerable people and not enough need help given to those poor Thai people who have lost their livlihoods over the lockdown.  I am not too worried personally with the slow vaccine roll out as clearly COVID 19 here is, thanks to effective control, more like a rare disease than a pandemic and thus I feel pretty safe thankfully living here happily in T

Chinese Sinovac has a 54% efficacy and barely passed  the minimum efficacy set by the World Health Organization. Those are roughly the same odds of winning in  Craps at a casino. 54% hardly seems worth lining up for a shot of the Chinese "gift" to the world you describe. 

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