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Thai / Isaan girls entitled? I don't understand

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10 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Ask  yours if she'd like 10k/month?

It's more than she'd get for 6x 10hr shifts a week in 7-11 or any of the other stores.

Well she does get 10k a week from her little business, for very little effort / hours, while I take care of her son and everything else 

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7 minutes ago, ProbPossConf said:

Will she take care, help, assist when you are later in your years, or even if now you might have an accident or medical issue that may render you inept?

Well that's the hope. But I have seen that go pear shaped many times. More concerning is the plan is for her to take care of my son. But you know Thais, it's buy now pay later. Aka no worry, I take care you sure. I knew of a blokes wife here didn't even go to her husbands funeral, been together 20 years. I think she would be ok in as much as I think any Thai would be ok, but there is always the question mark. I would hope so, I have taken care of her twice lengthy periods she was hospitalized and then at home incapacitated. She's not a bad person as such. Not coniving and sly like some. It's mainly the attitude. I honestly think the quick temper, moodiness and wanting to sleep all the time has something to do with their diet. Liter cups of coke, Milk teas, all the rice and sticky rice, snacks....and sugar in nearly everything they eat. they eat enough sugar in a day to kill an elephant. 

Edited by Tingtong2mut
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.... Liter cups of coke, Milk teas, all the rice and sticky rice, snacks....and sugar in nearly everything they eat. they eat enough sugar in a day to kill an elephant. 



With a diet like that, you should be more worried that she'll die before you!


If my wife/longterm GF ate that kind of cr*p, I'd be long gone.  


Er ... wait a moment.... they did and I was!!  ????

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5 hours ago, Tingtong2mut said:

My question is, how does someone from a background like that become so entitled? They seem to want to go from near poverty to the penthouse in one leap.


That's because of the many stupid farang that came before you actually bought them a penthouse.  Now, their sisters, cousins, daughters, nieces, friends etc expect the same, because all farang are stupid.  ????  

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57 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I suspect it's more to do with living with a guy she doesn't like, but I may be wrong.

When you wake up in the morning, is she pressed against you or as far from you as possible without falling off the bed?

Actually sleeps on top of me but I know what you mean. Like they would rather be in another country 6 feet away clinging to the opposite edge of the bed. This one is like bi polar. Affection way over the top, needy then angry and moody. I'm wondering which one is the real person or if there are 2 of them in there

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41 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I'm trying to impress on this young chap that his woman would probably sleep with Quasimodo's granddad for a few dollars. I know the youngsters like to think they get a better deal, 'cos they're slim and handsome, but in reality we're all buying the same product.

If you are referring to me I am more like you describe yourself than the latter lol. It doesn't matter here. I know a few really decent looking young guys here, and good guys too seem to have all the same issues. I have been here long enough to know the difference with what you're describing. I don't doubt her love, it's the chip on the shoulder and urge to win at all costs thing, and it doesn't matter how petty the topic. Like fight / deflect / debate for an hour over something that would take 5 minutes to complete. You haven't seen this in (some / many) Thai women? 

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10 minutes ago, Tingtong2mut said:

Actually sleeps on top of me but I know what you mean. Like they would rather be in another country 6 feet away clinging to the opposite edge of the bed. This one is like bi polar. Affection way over the top, needy then angry and moody. I'm wondering which one is the real person or if there are 2 of them in there

Sounds normal to me, my advice, drink more beer, argue less, put earbuds in when they try to nag.

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6 hours ago, Berkshire said:

I've heard some farangs mention that their Thai female "brings nothing to the table."  Have you ever considered what YOU bring to the table?  I'm not talking about money or other material things.  I'm talking about a decent conversation, wit, charm, and sense of humor....in the Thai language of course.  This is really what moves most Thai women...beyond the financial security.  And this is why some dirt poor Thai guy can have multiple women and never pay for it.

What a lot of rot lol. Do you live in Thailand or ever lived in a village? A dirt poor guy gas multiple women lol.


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49 minutes ago, Brick Top said:

I identify everything in your post , it feels like there thd ones doing you a favour.

One example is , I had a Thai girlfriend who was working in a massage shop , earning about 100 baht for giving an hour massage. I did everything for this lady , she wasnt young , aged 55 , I built her a house , new motorbike , gave her a salary off 13,000 a month so she didn't need to work. 

When I asked her to give me a massage , it was met with a refusal and told me to go to a massage shop. She prefaired to lay on the sofa and play her smartphone.

In the end I cut my losses and left her to it.

I thought at one time I might be better off with a middle aged lady, but have seen many mates have just as many problems with them. One in particular at the moment he's done the buy the house, cars thing (in her name) and just discovered the numerous daily disappearances are the result of a gambling problem. The other thing that has disappeared are the land deeds. And as everything in her name already the act is over and its "like it or lump it"

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14 minutes ago, Tingtong2mut said:

What a lot of rot lol. Do you live in Thailand or ever lived in a village? A dirt poor guy gas multiple women lol.


I've lived in Thailand for 15+ years and have known more Thai women than I care to mention.  You might say I've done in-depth research on the topic matter...in a manner of speaking. 

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52 minutes ago, Brick Top said:

I identify everything in your post , it feels like there thd ones doing you a favour.

One example is , I had a Thai girlfriend who was working in a massage shop , earning about 100 baht for giving an hour massage. I did everything for this lady , she wasnt young , aged 55 , I built her a house , new motorbike , gave her a salary off 13,000 a month so she didn't need to work. 

When I asked her to give me a massage , it was met with a refusal and told me to go to a massage shop. She prefaired to lay on the sofa and play her smartphone.

In the end I cut my losses and left her to it.


Your experience is a very common one, but with so much information out that warning you against doing what you did, why did you still do it?  Was it the "my girl is different" syndrome?  

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6 minutes ago, Leaver said:


Your experience is a very common one, but with so much information out that warning you against doing what you did, why did you still do it?  Was it the "my girl is different" syndrome?  

The problem is they are always good, often amazing at first. The cracks usually start to show after a couple of weeks to a month and if you have any experience here you can spot this pretty quickly. The really dangerous ones that play the long game can put on a good front for years, until you see their real colors. I now three or 4 guys here living now in misery. Spent nearly all they had to make the women happy. Probably thought they would get set up and could live on a budget. Unfortunately put all the assets in the wife's name and now dancing to her tune. She knows the golden gooses a$$ is spent and would like nothing better than they Foxtrot Oscar. All unable to return home and live off only their pension or what they have left, nor start again with someone else here. And my girl is different. She's not a psycho or a money grubber but a weirdo


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16 minutes ago, Tingtong2mut said:

What miserly attitude? Expecting that they at least pick up after themselves or take care of themselves in some way.... or its ok to shower them in money while they sit on the sofa taking selfies and watching TV all day? Never lifting a finger, particularly when they brought a child into the mix as well. Mine has a nice comfortable home, expensive phone, Macbook, tablet....gold...room full of clothes and bags, savings in the bank and a daily free ride. Everything she owned fitted into a sports bag when I met her and her 2yo old child was basically fending for himself in a village. Forgive me for not feeling any guilt.   

Almost sounds like you are jealous

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I think many Thai ladies are like teenagers. They sometimes seem immature, rash, emotional, lazy and aggravating. But, boy, they can make your life exciting and fun.


I don't think Isan woman are 'entitled'. In fact I think they are very adaptable. So many single Mums struggling to support their children (and often family), working hard, but still coming up with a smile and joy for life.


However, like all people, they need to have a purpose in life. Think of a caged wild animal. They have everything they need, can lounge around and no longer have to fend for themselves. But what is the point to their lives.


Sometimes I think an Isan woman needs hardship, thrives on hardship and doesn't know what to do when all her creature comforts are available with little effort. She doesn't even know herself what is missing and becomes unsettled and a goes a little crazy.


I don't know what the answer is. But someone who is more mature in age, has a decent job, house and car can be more appreciative and stable.

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