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Antibiotic suggestion please


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17 hours ago, BritManToo said:

OP's friend doesn't admit to a STD, it could just as well be a UTI (which can be sexually transmitted, or just caused by contact). The guy did nothing for 2 weeks, taking Amoxicillin at the first sign of trouble may have fixed it immediately, and it wouldn't have made it worse. 


yes, its definitely not STD. he got it from the lady he sex and she admitted that she had a bacterial infection in her vagina and told him that she used med for it and should be ok by now.. well seems not ok by now. Also he said its getting better every week but obviously not fast enough. its 100% UTI

I think this is why he chose Amoxicillin at the moment. 

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3 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

xylophone - 

"I had some sort of UTI and went to the specialist at the big hospital here...".


What hospital?


Or at least, where is "here"?

Bangkok Phuket Hospital. Has one urologist I wouldn't touch with a barge pole, one good one and a couple who also practice in other hospitals. 

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The lady who had sex with 'your friend' is not being honest. I suggest that you go to a good hospital and get an Sexually Transmitted Disease test, it might turn out to be much more serious than a bacterial infection.


I don't think she even know what is the diff between bacteria, fungi and virus. So it's better to let a doctor do a proper lab test to determine what it is.


Virus or fungi infection don't respond well to anti-biotics.


Herpes and genital warts are caused by virus and not bacteria





Edited by EricTh
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2 minutes ago, EricTh said:



The lady who had sex with 'your friend' is not being honest. I suggest that you go to a good hospital and get an Sexually Transmitted Disease test, it might turn out to be much more serious than a bacterial infection.


I don't think she even know what is the diff between bacteria, fungi and virus. So it's better to let a doctor do a proper lab test to determine what it is.








It's unlikely to be serious but I agree it's unlikely a sex worker said she had a bacteria infection, often they are clueless so that part of the story is dubious

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2 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

People have lost vision (which does not return) among other dangerous effects.


The fact that it is prescribed in SEA as if it is candy doesn't change that.


(This goes for other fluoroquinalones as well).

Edited 2 hours ago by JimmyJ


i think most people never had the vision to begin with.   lol     The art of critical thinking died in the era BC  (before Carlin) .    

Health subjects are just one more example how easily people are to lead ,   for the leaders to present the population with "facts"   and dictate to the willing subjects what the correct way of being and staying healthy are.   Then some of these subjects go on forums and quote their leaders and tell anyone with other ideas how misguided they are.  

As a few intelligent people have noted:   there are very few interesting members left.

The reason is simple.   It can not be stated here, because that would be against the "rules"

Ahhh,   always those rules.      

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1 hour ago, xylophone said:

Your assertion that your friends "ailment" is definitely not an STD, is therefore puzzling.

UTI's are a bit of a weird middle ground.

My step-daughter and I both managed to have the same UTI at the same time, and we definitely weren't having sex with each other. But my misses didn't get it. Cipro killed it for both of us with no adverse side effects.

Edited by BritManToo
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9 hours ago, problemfarang said:


yes, its definitely not STD. he got it from the lady he sex and she admitted that she had a bacterial infection in her vagina and told him that she used med for it and should be ok by now.. well seems not ok by now. Also he said its getting better every week but obviously not fast enough. its 100% UTI

I think this is why he chose Amoxicillin at the moment. 


So, she has no symptoms anymore but is still spreading it around. Soon, his symptoms could be gone and he will do the same thing to other ladies. And so on, and so on. That is why it is important to be tested by a lab before and after treatment.

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1 hour ago, cyril sneer said:

not in Thailand, where you either have to queue for hours or pay an overly inflated price for a medicine that the doctor will just guess works

If you want to use cheapest government facility it may indeed involve a short queue, as in most countries where this is even an option.  As for inflated price (guess you mean from a private hospital) there is almost never a requirement to obtain drug there as very few drugs here can not be bought from a public pharmacy.  

Edited by lopburi3
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6 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

wasn't aware of this thanks

Most doctors have no issue with you buying elsewhere - if they do just advise payment window you do not need the medications and they can remove from bill.

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3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

the cashier\pharmacy staff at the hospital will look at you in shock as if no one has ever asked before to take the meds off the bill, they are good actors

I've only tried to remove meds when visiting a clinic rather than private hospital


I needed antibiotics for a minor thing and the doctor had listed 5 additional medicines. After saying i dont need them he violently scribbled them off the list and opened the door for me to wait outside

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4 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

the cashier\pharmacy staff at the hospital will look at you in shock as if no one has ever asked before to take the meds off the bill, they are good actors


i do it al the time


I find it easiest to just say I already have them.


Where possible tell them this upfront before they print out the bill, saves time

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4 hours ago, faraday said:

Seen it have you?


Chlamydia gives a slight clear discharge, so maybe he doesn't even suspect.


gonorrhea-chlamydia gives yellow discharge and there is NO way you cannot see it. Also you will be in real pain in the mornings.. Plus he has non of them. Anyway if you read my update.. he is happy now. Went to a doc and knows what it is. Infection

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2 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

Question for Sheryl - 


What is your advice when ciprofloxacin is prescribed?


(And other fluoroquinolones?)


I.e., Ask for an alternative?

Or accept and take it?



There is no one size fits all answer.It completely depends.:


- prescribed based on culture and sensitivity results?

- other alternatives?

- patient has used this class of drugs before without problem?

- long or short treatment course?



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3 hours ago, problemfarang said:


gonorrhea-chlamydia gives yellow discharge and there is NO way you cannot see it. Also you will be in real pain in the mornings.. Plus he has non of them. Anyway if you read my update.. he is happy now. Went to a doc and knows what it is. Infection


Gonorrhea yes but chlamydia does not always have a discharge and men can  have it without knowing.

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