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How Important is Music in your Life?


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22 hours ago, moogradod said:

I am (still) a musician, playing acoustic and electric guitar for more than 50 years. My first guitar was a marketing giveaway my father gave me. It had plastic frets ????.


In my younger days I was travelling from pub to pub with a battery operated amp, playing and singing for a beer - mainly Ragtime, with songs like Hesitation Blues which I picked up from the late John Pearse. Then quite a number of songs from Pierre Bensusan (maybe from 15+ years back, I was not able to play things that complicated when I was young) - in one word, fingerpicking. And on the electrics (still have a Peerless Imperial Jazz Box) some sort of Jazzy something.


When I moved to Thailand I brought with me two AER acoustic amps and I currently still have 5 guitars, having owned and played all the usual suspects (exept a Strat) - too many to remember all. But rarely playing nowadays.


Music is very important to me - but I need either to play myself or listen concentrated. I sold all of my Hig End Gear when we moved to Thailand but I still own a WOO Headphone amp with NOS tubes of which some are as old as myself - around 65. And even my PC has an astounding capability to reproduce music over its two active KEF speakers. Music very rarely plays in the background in our household just to add to the current noises around. In this case I find music is more disturbing the other activities than adding to my enjoyment - which is not exactly what my wife thinks I may add.


I started to be an audiophile in the mid 80's when I listened to a combination of full range Apogee Speakers with Krell electronics at an exhibition - which I NEEDED to acquire after that listening session no matter what. It was the time when the CD just took off and there were not even many players around I remember. I guess I did invest many many years in perfecting my listening environment (later changed to Enlightened Audio electronics with Canton Speakers - and no - this was no downgrade as you might suspect from the names alone). After modifiying everything from Power Sources (PS Audio) to the room itself over some years - the performance was simply breathtaking.


May I share with you a very small section and meaningful statement from the foreword of the wonderful book of Robert Harley "What is High End" which I would highly recommend to anybody interested in music and its reproduction ? It fits very well to the headline of the OP.


It goes:



«What is high-end audio? What is high-end sound?


It is when the playback system js forgotten, seemingly replaced by the performers in the listening room.


It is when you feel the composer or performer is speaking across time and space to you. It is a feeling of a physical rush during a musical climax. It is the ineffable roller-coaster ride of emotion the composer somehow managed to encrypt in a combination of sounds.


It is when the physical world disappears, leaving only your consciousness and the music.


That is high-end audio»


i got to meet Robert Harley at CES one year.  nice chap and a good reviewer

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1 hour ago, KannikaP said:

You like it low quality and inconvenient then...........vinyl, reel to reel, cassette, minidisc (when did they disappear? )? 

Not necessarily low quality, but definitely inconvenient..


Cassette (low) vinyl (good) but give me a break.. 17 minutes a side!  reel to reel (good) but so inconvenient  minidisc (good ) but extinct in the wild 25+ years already


MP3 320 (good) FLAC (as good as the best) and hours of playback uninterrupted.


I ain't never going back to legacy playback options...

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21 hours ago, canthai55 said:

I am from Canada, and when Sirius satellite radio came out I bought one of the first ones.

Now you can stream online - I download and save to a USB for portable tunes.

You need to sign up to a package, but mine is $10 a month so not breaking the bank. Hundreds of channels - no adverts


Also a .com for USA

You need to use a VPN to access

Tidal premium is cheaper here than in the States also

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19 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

I also like "sounds" as opposed to music, music rarely in the house, but I do like "sounds" of lightening, thunderstorms, heavy rain, waves crashing on the shore, babbling brook in the forest, when relaxing in a dark room.

My first trip to Thailand in 1987 included recording of a small waterfall, crickets and sea waves for a client that was selling relaxing nature sounds on cassette tapes.



Recording a small relaxing waterfall running out in River Kwai in 1987.


His first order was a cassette duplication work of a spring-recording from the woods. Unfortunately he lost the master tape in the mail – and of course no safecopy...???? – and he already had hundreds of prepaid tapes in order. He explained what the master tape sounded like, and I offered to make him a new master for free overnight, but it would then be a fake recording, which he accepted.


I already had recorded early morning birds waking up in a wood. I decided to use a basin in one of the my recording studio's restrooms for the spring, with a stereo-cross microphone-set over the water tap with the airfilter removed, so it sounded really rough, and a bass microphone down in the floor drain. It however sounded wrong, so I went out to find some stones and pieces of foam rubber as grass-edges, together with a huge acoustic softening plate to eliminate the small hard-room reverberation. Bingo, it sounded just like a perfect spring...???? Mixed with the awaking birds, and a humming bee flying from flower to flower, I made 45 minutes recording for tape, and an extended 60 minutes version for CD master, during the night; perfect timing without any disturbing sounds.


It was outstanding, my client said, and so much better than his lost mastertape. He ended up selling it in tenthousands, even exporting it to Australia, where the critics said that it was an amazing nature recording without any disturbing remote sounds from traffic or airplanes...????


Enough years have passed now, so I can reveal the truth...????

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1 hour ago, 1FinickyOne said:

combative, grumpy, complaining on a forum that others like something you once did too and is pretty universally liked... 


thats pretty cranky to me... 

To be fair, that was the OP's position, and as I said, I was pretty sure others shared his opinion...


I love music.. and luckily for me, I'm pretty agnostic in my tastes. Except for Classical.. I tried. I honestly did. Usually bragging rights for the "audiophiles"..

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3 minutes ago, bobbin said:

To be fair, that was the OP's position, and as I said, I was pretty sure others shared his opinion...


I love music.. and luckily for me, I'm pretty agnostic in my tastes. Except for Classical.. I tried. I honestly did. Usually bragging rights for the "audiophiles"..

Try Classic FM on Global Radio. They only play the popular, well known stuff. Unfortunately they have very condescending presenters and regular adverts.

Having been a pop musician for a long time, I listen to this classical and think, how can someone have written this symphony with just a piano, no recording or over-dubbing, then how did he write it all down exactly as he remembered it, and how can some musicians play so quickly with lightning fingers, and how can 70 odd musos play in exact tune and timing.(I have heard three-piece bands who cannot do that!)

Edited by KannikaP
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for me its very important- i am a dj and club owner,promoter ! so i worship at the temple of gnostic sonics..but seriously , you need to take control of what u listen to ..i found youtube to be amazing in this respect(once i got the ads off by subscribing) then you go fishing..according to your mood ,the memories you want to evoke ,the emotion.save these tunes to different playlists.youtube will work out where you want to go and throw up some suggestions .if you still dont need melodies,try the ambient stuff like rain falling and other soothing sounds .you will know when you hit the spot because it will resonate with you..now go and put on a cowboy hat and listen to this..



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1 hour ago, malibukid said:

i got to meet Robert Harley at CES one year.  nice chap and a good reviewer

Interesting ! He really has written the Music Playback bible with his work "The complete Guide to High End Audio" and explains why recreating music with the highest possible fidelity is important (his words).


In the foreword Keith Jarrett - in my opinion one of the most capable musicians of all time - has as well emphasized why a high quality playback deeply matters in order to not miss the message of the musician.


Unfortunately many have never experienced what grade of reproduction quality is actually possible and would not believe it without listening themselves. I swear from my own experience - in the best case you would not be able to tell if the musicians are right there in your listening room with you or if this is a recording playing if you would put a curtain between you as a listener and the playback system.


I would recommend to attend a really good high end fair if you ever have the chance to attend one where - with luck - you could eventually come across such a Highest End installation. Could be an "ear opening experience" you will never ever forget.


When it comes to music itself there would be myriads of recommendations. Recently I came across Jon Gomm with his "The Ghost Inside You". Maybe not really mainstream but listen for yourself:



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Music....MY NUMBER ONE PRIORITY IN LIFE.... (literally)


I've been collecting rare 60s/early 70s pop records for over 40 years now.

Literally traveled the world on vinyl hunts... Let's say my focus is on strong, melodic pop, backed by an orchestration but records that hardly or never got airplay, despite their commercial appeal.... I was asked to share those singles and I've done that. I am retired now, so I have time to edit videos for those forgotten pop (and pleasant psych pop) records. Music needs to be heard so that is why I am sharing what I bought for 4 decades and posted it on youtube. I don't gain a penny from this. It's a labor of love for great pop music.



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 Every morning with my wireless headphones on during a five mile walk I rotate between Youtube Music, iHeart radio, Accutune as well my iTunes. At 8 I sit on the terrace and listen to Spotify and another hour of stretching also listening on Spotify while I have my 4K videos taking me to world views using Android box. Music is so much of my entertainment. I have to say today's music and these selections are a real treasure

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I have 731 giga bytes of music on my pc,so the answer is yes,music is very important to me.

It all depends what day and what mood i am in,i basically listen to all kinds of music.

What i find just as important as the music i am listening to is the sound.

Good music on a bad system does not make me happy.

Usually i listen with headphones but sometimes i crank up the old stereo system,

when i am home alone.

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I can imagine that these things are a life saver for many. We don't always have someone around to say the things we need to hear, create an appropriate atmosphere, remind of us from whence we came.


We have the choice at our fingertips of all of this and more these days. For me this is a great thread. I would hate to think someone held back from sharing their experience because they were afraid that someone would criticise.


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25 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


There was no comment for nor against rap music; but yet you felt the need to potentially insult someone else's taste in music.


I used to listen to a lot of rap. I'm used to people saying it's rubbish and took no offence to his joke. Even if he was serious, he's allowed an opinion. Because I used to live in London I took a liking to akala, wretch 32, Lowkey, Dave etc, but I still enjoyed listening to Tupac, biggy, Nas, mob deep etc from across the pond.



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23 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


Actually you are on my ignore list, but I have taken you off temporarily to discover quite why you would make such a comment.

There was no comment for nor against rap music; but yet you felt the need to potentially insult someone else's taste in music.


People listen to music for differing reasons and I don't presume that everyone should like what I like and vice versa. Nor would I attempt to denigrate someone for their taste in music.

I might try to introduce them to what I like.


I won't pretend to know much about rap, but the point of it is that there is a message in the music.. The message isn't for you. Your message is that your heart must go on. Some might scoff at that. But it's your experience and me making fun of it isn't likely to create a good atmosphere...like pleasing music.


AFAIK, rap music came from the tradition of Jamaican 'Toasting'...which in turn may have deeper roots.

''Toasting'' is like improvisation over and in between the music.....often Reggae music. Imagine a poet or even a preacher spreading his message.

If you think about Bob Marley...not so different.

Later it was appropriated to talk about the experiences of some black youth in the USA and set against a completely different beat. Hence, murder, police brutality, gang culture..

Of course nothing that you experience, so there is no connection for you. But for people having to live that life....



So it's best to not insult other people's choices out of ignorance and instead just say what you like. Then everyone can carry on supporting each other in harmony. 


I also don't listen to rap music as most of it isn't my experience either. But I won't insult the taste of another. Walk in their shoes first before you criticise.


Music isn't just one thing to all.  People enjoy what they enjoy. My tastes, I hope, are ever evolving. Some people just like things to stay the same.


What you might consider as a bass player; I might consider as a cave man with no ability at all. But that is just my personal taste. 

I am not a big fan of pop music; but I would make few friends if I stated "excuse me, we are talking about music here"...even if I that is what I really thought.


Let's keep it positive. ????





Well do me a favour and put me back on your ignore list. I will not criticise anyones taste of what is enjoyment to them, but to someone with a musical ear, Rap is not music, I have heard a better noise flushing the toilet, I wonder if it is played by musical instruments? Or is it out of a computer?

As for Reggae, if I want to hear anything that sounds like Reggae, I will go and stand outside a factory door and listen to the machines.

No, give me a melody you can make out, and a singer with a good range in his/her voice, like Elvis, Roy Orbison, Celine Dion, Carrie Underwood.

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When I grew up, neither my father, or later on, step-father were into music.  In fact, I think they both declared themselves pretty much tone deaf, not sure if this is anything to do with the one thing they had in common - my mum ????.


When I was a teenager, I had a posh mate with a nice hifi system and through him, I "got into music".
One of the best things to happen to me.  I also got into hiend equipment through the years.

Many a time, I would come home from work exhausted, put some music (heavy metal is my favourite to fall asleep to) on and relax, or it would hype me up, singing along etc.  A great mood enhancer.

I do struggle to keep up with the music trends in the last 15 years or so, not liking a lot of what is played on radio and struggling to find "new" music for me to purchase (I still buy CD's occasionally), but most of my music is now legacy.

My father & stepfather were both miserable people on the whole, I always thought that these are the people who need music lol

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On 4/22/2021 at 5:59 PM, bobbin said:

Lots of talk about old UK radio stations I've never heard of but hey..


I'm from Canada..


And I'm fine with 320 quality mp3s..


How do you think I ended up with 100GB of music?


Last but definitely not least, I'd wager that most of us discussing this right now can no longer hear the highs anyway..

I'm 66yo and I thought my high frequency hearing was 'shot' until recently...

I just upgraded the cartridge on my Turntable and I'm hearing instruments I never heard before (on previously played tracks).  Cymbals, hi-hats, tambourines, triangles and hidden xylophone notes from the depths of the vinyl are now attacking my ears within!  Amazing!

Music is my therapy!

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18 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Well do me a favour and put me back on your ignore list. I will not criticise anyones taste of what is enjoyment to them, but to someone with a musical ear, Rap is not music, I have heard a better noise flushing the toilet, I wonder if it is played by musical instruments? Or is it out of a computer?

As for Reggae, if I want to hear anything that sounds like Reggae, I will go and stand outside a factory door and listen to the machines.

No, give me a melody you can make out, and a singer with a good range in his/her voice, like Elvis, Roy Orbison, Celine Dion, Carrie Underwood.

I like a bit of everything, recently Fairport Convention, Jethro Tull, and here is a nice Youtube I randomly found ........


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Love music and love it loud, not allowed to play it loud at home so have stuffed one of the Skoda's full of gear (4 12" subs and 2 sets of Focal 3 way components all running active (no passive cross overs)).... pushes 130DB quite nicely.

Edited by Ralf001
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On 4/23/2021 at 12:52 PM, keithkarmann said:

I only listen to real music on vinyl, reel to reel, cassette, minidisc and CD. I do admit to Spotify in my car when I am away from home.

I always dreamt about a reel to reel, especially one with the really big spools. I wanted to buy an Akai, but never got around to it. I settled for an Akai cassette machine instead. It had big needles in two instruments that moved as it recorded, which looked impressive, though I never found out if they made a difference when recording anything. Same with Dolby, which was always included in the advertising, though I could never tell the difference. I mainly listened to tapes in my car, so sound quality was not the most important aspect. In the house it was always records.

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Just seen a thing in the dirty mail about some old Brit radio DJs from the 50s,60s70s,seems there's a radio station called Boomradio or such like,some of you may like that! I'm of to slash my wrists after I use red hot pokers in my eyes.

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