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The year long Phony War is over - unless you’re a pandemic denier


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On 4/25/2021 at 10:30 AM, mikebike said:

Funny... my research has revealed that world leaders are only listening to their corporate overlords and generally ignoring or reacting late to the current advisories from the above-mentioned groups...

never been a clearer example of "follow the money"

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On 4/28/2021 at 12:52 AM, covidiot said:

What is denial?


A lot of people are still smoking, obese, not taking care of their health after being locked down for a year for a virus that could have wiped out humanity. That's a form of denial.







"wipe out humanity" are you  for real???

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On 4/26/2021 at 6:14 PM, Mark mark said:

"Rooster went to town on a story about a Thai teacher on an exchange at a school in New South Wales."


I clicked on the link, and had a look at it Rooster, nice story there ... (but nowhere I could see to comment.) ... But it went somewhere, and somewhere good also I thought. .... And yes Thanks for that. … Like the way for Potential Progress ?


... Though I must tell you that Though most people here DO slur their words, … not many people actually speak like you wrote them up to,  (Or even closely like that anymore ?) … and probably a lot less in the education system as well. ! ... (My Father was a School teacher, and then district inspector, lasting there for his whole working life, and my Mother was a teacher also, and my Brother was also as well, … until he got stressed out and dropped his Bundle, so to speak ... Opting out to be a Happy Tradie !!! … Rather than a mental Teacher in the loony bin, … to use his own words. … So I do know about Teaching, and the Schools here also.


And also in Thailand, being the only unemployed car driver in my Extended Family, I act as just about the only Drop Off parent, for the 4, 4 year old to 10 year old children in our family, at the local Thai Primary school. …  Like they are all just going by Motor bike just now … when they do go ? I guess ? … Like they do not, when it is raining right ? ???  … Well, where I live any way. And yes the Kids at the Thai school, are a lot LOT more Polite I think ? … Than many of them are in Australia now I suspect ??? … Though well Humans being Humans, … as an Un-committed, just passing by, person, they like all people, are probably pretty good just about everywhere I guess.


  Yes here in Auz, we do have out Bogan "Sowf Londn" type Suburbs where they might speak like that, and in every city also, ... But well probably now, "Norwww Londn" type places, ? these days possibly ??? Right ? …. And then there is also our country areas, which would probably be trying for the West Country, or Yorkshire accent awards ... Auzie style also.


...  But well things have changed  a lot here now I think ... Back when I went to Primary school in about the 60's I guess ? "We Won the War in 1964” being a chant in the school grounds that I remember to fix that date, ... We used to have a big base drum, and morning assembly when they would beat it, and we would march to class .... But I am not too sure about a Flag ? … Australia’s High UV and unpredictable weather pretty much destroying most flags that we ever had, in Quick Smart time I think.  ... And like people were a LOT poorer back then also …. None of this from questionably origins ? NEW money around back then, for Flags and Flag Poles ? Well ? I think I remember ? …. Though most schools had bells Right, ...  like REAL bells, that you rang to start and stop things, at the correct times.


 ... But well, now things HAVE changed !!! And well, … Getting in and out of the places alive, and in physically reasonable shape, probably being one of most Teachers main Priorities !!! … And well my Brothers comment, though it came when relieving in a private, … ? Religious school I think, ... "I would be a Happy Tradie !!!  ... Than a mental Teacher in the loony Bin" Would still now apply quite widely I would suspect ... Though well like everything … The tough get going !!! … And the Tough (And Smart) KEEP going.


… I do know other teachers here … who Teach now ! … AND In High Schools also !!! ... Shudder Shudder, and Shake Shake !!! … (And do not get sued either) … God bless them, … and Let us pray for their mental sanity, and sacred "Give it a Go Mattteee" souls also. Right.


… And in another Cultural line “Matteee” ….  You should know that N. S. W. though it’s people might think that IT is the .... Most Authentically “Australian” place in Australia, ... It, probably actually,  is not ! ... And all of the rest of us here, do often just get quite sick and tired of them, … and their East Coast, “We are the originals” attitude AND accents  (And rugby Union also) ...  And, Scomo !!! (Scott Morison our Prime minister) … “The Prime minister of Bunning’s” Right ? (One of our Great Paul Keating’s one liners, .... You remember him, the guy who called Dr. Mahathir in Malaysia “Recalcitrant” and send the entire press core scuttling off searching for their dictionaries !!! … and who then also Gave your her Majesty that great Hug once back then also ?) Yes, Scomo comes from there also you know !!! …


  Any way, give me the AFL and a good Port Adelaide, Jordie or West Country accent !!! Any day myself !!! … ...  And well, a large proportion of our Slang, is English Cockney based any way. … Like "Point Percy at the Porcelain", our favorite when I was young !!! And a drinker !!! Right. Or "Shake Hands with your wife's best Friend"  .... which possibly may get you sued for gender Bias these days I guess Or sacked at least ???


Mark mark

have you been drinking?

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On 4/29/2021 at 6:49 PM, Danderman123 said:

Still, there are not many Deniers who can top Mexican Deniers:

I hadn't read about that. I just did a quick search and found this describing the attacks on health workers in mexico:

(if any of this can be trusted ... as far as i'm concerned most news is half-fiction)



1 - Health workers were being attacked before covid. 


2 - It doesn't appear to be because of Covid denial.

Some of the attacks appear to have been motivated by a misguided attempt to disinfect health workers.

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9 hours ago, cdemundo said:

How many words in "self-awareness"?

An unlucky amount.


Your turn, how many words in "tolerate", while your working that out, might as well also include "choice".

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7 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

Its not possible and if you believe otherwise there is no point in trying to educate you

It's only fair to warn you I've been arguing with people on forums for years. I have all the patience in the world.

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1 hour ago, Bday Prang said:

It doesn't stop there either, mainstream media , especially sky and bbc news are very selective with what they report and how they report it and neither can be trusted. In this digital world we are supposed to be well informed but it just seems that we are fed rubbish from all sides

There is the question of bias, and then the issue of bad reporting. I don’t see a lot of bias in the media concerning this plague, but I do see a lot of bad reporting.

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

An unlucky amount.


Your turn, how many words in "tolerate", while your working that out, might as well also include "choice".

Was referring to your comment on nitpick, was a joke.

Are you a little thin-skinned?

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On 4/25/2021 at 1:43 PM, robblok said:

I agree that there should be freedom of speech but is that the same as freedom to lie ?


Especially if those lies put others in danger.


Its a slippery slope but those "village idiots" eh i mean covid deniers are influencing other people and making people break the rules thus endangering others.


Like Rooster said, there are still people denying the holocaust, we all know that it happend why should they be allowed to lie about it. That is not freedom of speech or a different opinion. That is a lie. Same goes for many covid deniers. Sure you can have some remarks about the finer points and efficiancy but that is it.


Also those anti vaxers were talking about how many people would die.. i believe close to or over 1 billion vaccinated already. Where are all the people that are dropping dead.. or growing a third arm (you know it messes with your DNA is one of those claims).

Sure there have been deaths, but that happens with all medicine. As long as the cure is not much more lethal then the disease its a moot point. But it has to be said the number of deaths because of vaccination are miniscule compared to the number of vaccinations. Now compare that to covid deaths.


Its time that antivaxers and covid deniers are called what they are the fruitcakes (and that is naming it nicely)


Hopping from one theory to an other each time forgetting that their previous theories have been debunked. Never looking back at their track record and thinking that they might be wrong. People should look down onto these strange people.


I am still amazed because some of those people are actually not stupid, some are even smart. Then again religious people are the same so i should not be so surprised. Some people just can't accept logic and the truth if it does not conform to their opinion.


Everyone hates this virus and wants it to be over, the efforts of anti vaxers and covid deniers are making this harder.


Maybe those caught doing it should be made to work at a hospital among covid patients. Then they can explain to those patients how they are not sick and that they are not dying from the disease but from their other health conditions. I am sure that would be a fun conversation.



Ad hominum.


Bla bla bla.


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8 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

He should be on this Forum offering an apology for his statement.

If any members made such post they would - at the least - have the post removed, maybe a Warning issued.

Advocating the restraint of Free Speech is a Gross Violation IM not so HO

How else are we gonna shut you guys up?

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1 hour ago, DJBenz said:

There is no free speech on a privately owned platform like ThaiVisa or Facebook, there is only operating within the conditions set by the platform. 


One should also note that such privately owned platforms including YouTube have been monitoring and censoring  their platforms for years-there is quite a burgeoning industry in the Philippines performing that function for the media giants.


I think TVF has done rather well in navigating the stormy seas over the past year.

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9 hours ago, DJBenz said:

You’re on a privately owned platform that has its own set of rules and terms and conditions that you agreed to in order to sign up.

There is no free speech on a privately owned platform like ThaiVisa or Facebook, there is only operating within the conditions set by the platform. 


If you want a platform with free speech, start your own but take a note of what happened when Parler tried it. 

Don't forget twitter 

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11 hours ago, DJBenz said:

If you want a platform with free speech, start your own but take a note of what happened when Parler tried it. 

The right to freedom of expression is enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which sets out in broad terms the human rights that each of us has. It was later protected legally by a raft of international and regional treaties.

Defending freedom of expression has always been a core part of Amnesty International’s work and is vital in holding the powerful to account. Freedom of expression also underpins other human rights such as the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion - and allows them to flourish.

It is also closely linked to freedom of association - the right to  form and join clubs, societies, trade unions or political parties with anyone you choose; and freedom of peaceful assembly - the right to take part in a peaceful demonstration or public meeting.


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27 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

The right to freedom of expression is enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which sets out in broad terms the human rights that each of us has. It was later protected legally by a raft of international and regional treaties.

Defending freedom of expression has always been a core part of Amnesty International’s work and is vital in holding the powerful to account. Freedom of expression also underpins other human rights such as the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion - and allows them to flourish.

It is also closely linked to freedom of association - the right to  form and join clubs, societies, trade unions or political parties with anyone you choose; and freedom of peaceful assembly - the right to take part in a peaceful demonstration or public meeting.


Tell that to the people in jail for breaking the la majest law 

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