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I just read about a Thai dentist in Bkk who will be shutting her clinic for a month to fly to the USA to get a vaccine.


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I will not name the clinic but its on facebook stating that the owner will be flying to America in early May and closing her clinic for 1 month. She said she is disappointed with the situation here in Thailand which seems to be getting worse and thus will shut her clinic to fly there and fly back immediately. She said the vaccines on offer here are not good enough for her. 


I respect her a lot for doing this but wonder if she knows the risks inherent with visiting airports, long haul flights, taxis and hotels. Quite a significant risk to take just to get a vaccine. 


What a failure this government is when its front line medical workers see the need to fly to America to get a quality vaccine. Why wasn't the government negotiating contracts 12 months ago for vaccine purchases. 

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8 minutes ago, bbabythai said:

Why wasn't the government negotiating contracts 12 months ago for vaccine purchases. 

Because 23 months ago, vaccines were very expensive. Next year when everyone else in the world are vaccinated prices will be dirt cheap. That's the time to negotiate!!

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wealthy enough to have 1 months holiday, probably deserved.

on return she will have clinic full of patients, not afraid much of catching covid from her.

sometimes ago americans and others wanted desperately to move to thailand.

now some would like to leave thailand.

still, so far not any dentist has died, there was one doctor with cancer who passed during th second wave, and a nurse just a few days ago (probably also with condition). In italy 15% of perished were medics, probably in thousands.

there are now 2 vax available in thailand, for those in risk groups. She has a whim to get one, which she likes. 

The last year my dentist in private hospital meet me in a full hazmat suite, so probably minimal risk for him. He even did not know about any medicines related to covid

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7 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Because 23 months ago, vaccines were very expensive. Next year when everyone else in the world are vaccinated prices will be dirt cheap. That's the time to negotiate!!


The main western produced ones are all being sold at cost until the WHO declare the pandemic over.  Prices may well go up if anything when that happens.

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I don't blame her for wanting to get vaccinated sooner rather than later.  Even with PPE, working in someone's mouth is about as up close and personal as one could get with the virus.  

She will likely be able to get her shot on the day she arrives.  Some of the sites are open 24 hours a day so even if she arrives in the middle of the night, she can get vaccinated.  She can choose between the one-shot J&J or the two shot vaccines.  

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2 hours ago, bbabythai said:

respect her a lot for doing this but wonder if she knows the risks inherent with visiting airports, long haul flights, taxis and hotels. Quite a significant risk to take just to get a vaccine. 


On my recent flight to the US, neither of my flights were more than 10% full and everyone on those planes was tested before departure.  The highest risk part of the trip was probably the taxi ride to the airport in Bangkok.  


Vaccines are readily available in every pharmacy in the US for free.  I don't know why more people aren't doing this.

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8 hours ago, sirineou said:

Because 23 months ago, vaccines were very expensive. Next year when everyone else in the world are vaccinated prices will be dirt cheap. That's the time to negotiate!!

Wrong answer.The government became complacent about vaccines since it believed the virus was very much under control in Thailand (which it was initially). Possibly it believed that delaying action might increase its range of buying options but I doubt if getting supplies "dirt cheap" was a driving concern. It placed excessive reliance on the Siam Bio science production of Astra Zeneca.Less said about that the better.Sadly however the key explanations for the slow rollout are incompetence and cronyism.


My hunch is that Thailand will ride through this latest spike and vaccines will come on stream in second half of the year. Thailand will get through this because of its many strengths.Government's overall record isn't disgraceful but it could have been so much better.

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Call me a sceptic if you wish but I doubt this story, it seems as though it is designed to impress and perhaps make a point. The logistics of making the trip and the cost make it all seem implausible, unless she's got more money than sense. And even if it's true, by the time she gets back the roll out of vaccines in Thailand will have begun so she'll be be poorer but no further ahead. And anyway, medical staff are all able to get vaccinated here, why can't she.

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24 minutes ago, Brierley said:

The logistics of making the trip and the cost make it all seem implausible, unless she's got more money than sense.


What logistics and costs?   Flights to the US are super cheap, and Thais don't have to pay for quarantine on return.  Perhaps she wants to vacation in the US or visit family there anyway.  Seems like the best time ever to do that.  With Thailand in near lockdown for the foreseeable future she probably wouldn't have many customers anyway.  



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7 minutes ago, Phillip9 said:


What logistics and costs?   Flights to the US are super cheap, and Thais don't have to pay for quarantine on return.  Perhaps she wants to vacation in the US or visit family there anyway.  Seems like the best time ever to do that.  With Thailand in near lockdown for the foreseeable future she probably wouldn't have many customers anyway.  



Super cheap for Westerners but not that cheap for native Thai's. And don't underestimate the logistics of having to provide tests  before the flight and upon arrival. A friend just went through that and thought he had it all covered and then the airline moved the departure time which invalidated the test results he need upon arrival.

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9 hours ago, Phillip9 said:


On my recent flight to the US, neither of my flights were more than 10% full and everyone on those planes was tested before departure.  The highest risk part of the trip was probably the taxi ride to the airport in Bangkok.  


Vaccines are readily available in every pharmacy in the US for free.  I don't know why more people aren't doing this.

Wow. Is this available to non American citizens ie tourists?


Does one have to do quaranteen on arrival in the States?


What about flying back to Thailand. Is it tricky

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2 hours ago, Brierley said:

Call me a sceptic if you wish but I doubt this story, it seems as though it is designed to impress and perhaps make a point. The logistics of making the trip and the cost make it all seem implausible, unless she's got more money than sense. And even if it's true, by the time she gets back the roll out of vaccines in Thailand will have begun so she'll be be poorer but no further ahead. And anyway, medical staff are all able to get vaccinated here, why can't she.

Read the original post. She does like the idea of getting the Sinovac jab as its not quality. 50% effective. 


I can PM you the name of the clinic and you look on fbook. Do you want me to? 

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1 minute ago, bbabythai said:

Read the original post. She does like the idea of getting the Sinovac jab as its not quality. 50% effective. 


I can PM you the name of the clinic and you look on fbook. Do you want me to? 

I do not doubt that you have accurately read what you said you have, I'm just not sure if what she posted is actually true, it doesn't make any sense to me however.


I have talked with doctors in Thai hospitals and asked them if they would have the Sinovac jab and they all have said yes. This business of only being 50% effective is not understood correctly, and it has been clarified in the media several times yet the story still circulates, probably amplified as a result of anti-Chinese bias. "According to Fiona Russell from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne and Paul Griffin, a professor from the University of Queensland in Brisbane":


"The Sinovac study was to look at how the vaccine works against the entire range of clinical symptoms, from mild infections to severe ones, including death. The efficacy data of about 50% is for very mild disease, requiring no treatment. For infections requiring some medical intervention, it’s about 84% and for moderate-to-severe Covid cases, it’s 100%.

That’s what you expect from Covid vaccines -- higher efficacy against more severe infections and lower against milder ones. From what I can see, it looks like a very worthwhile vaccine. The problem with the data is it didn’t include many old people or many people with co-morbidities". 



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3 minutes ago, bbabythai said:

Wow. Is this available to non American citizens ie tourists?


Does one have to do quaranteen on arrival in the States?


It is not just for US citizens.  Some states are technically limiting it to only residents, but other states are openly vaccinating anyone.  In practice, I think a foreigner could get it in any state if they tried. 


There is no quarantine requirement to enter the US from Thailand, but getting back to Thailand would be tricky.



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9 minutes ago, Brierley said:

I do not doubt that you have accurately read what you said you have, I'm just not sure if what she posted is actually true, it doesn't make any sense to me however.


I have talked with doctors in Thai hospitals and asked them if they would have the Sinovac jab and they all have said yes. This business of only being 50% effective is not understood correctly, and it has been clarified in the media several times yet the story still circulates, probably amplified as a result of anti-Chinese bias. "According to Fiona Russell from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne and Paul Griffin, a professor from the University of Queensland in Brisbane":


"The Sinovac study was to look at how the vaccine works against the entire range of clinical symptoms, from mild infections to severe ones, including death. The efficacy data of about 50% is for very mild disease, requiring no treatment. For infections requiring some medical intervention, it’s about 84% and for moderate-to-severe Covid cases, it’s 100%.

That’s what you expect from Covid vaccines -- higher efficacy against more severe infections and lower against milder ones. From what I can see, it looks like a very worthwhile vaccine. The problem with the data is it didn’t include many old people or many people with co-morbidities". 



My wife is a Dr and she had the sinovac jab last week. What you might not understand about that dentist is that she is telling all of her customers that she is going to do it. That is to say that she is putting her whole reputation on the line. When I told my wife that you are doubting this story she said that maybe he doesnt understand strong, smart thai women very well....

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6 minutes ago, bbabythai said:

My wife is a Dr and she had the sinovac jab last week. What you might not understand about that dentist is that she is telling all of her customers that she is going to do it. That is to say that she is putting her whole reputation on the line. When I told my wife that you are doubting this story she said that maybe he doesnt understand strong, smart thai women very well....

With all due respect I care less about what your wife thinks than I do what the dentist thinks, I'm merely expressing my opinion.

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29 minutes ago, Brierley said:

With all due respect I care less about what your wife thinks than I do what the dentist thinks, I'm merely expressing my opinion.

I think you are quite a cynical person. A real man would accept that they got it wrong. Your last comment indicates to me that perhaps you are also a sensitive person. 

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3 hours ago, Brierley said:

And anyway, medical staff are all able to get vaccinated here, why can't she.

Because here she can get Sinovac, not very efficient and caused paralysis in Thai woman. 

Or she can get AstraZeneca, which may cause deadly thromoses in younger women.

I find her decision very reasonable. 

I want a vaccine, too, and it's quite obvious that I won't get one here. 


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Just now, bbabythai said:

I think you are quite a cynical person. A real man would accept that they got it wrong. Your last comment indicates to me that perhaps you are also a sensitive person. 

Oh well, you'll get over it I'm sure.

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3 hours ago, Brierley said:

Super cheap for Westerners but not that cheap for native Thai's. 

You have no idea how much money a Bangkok  dentist has. 

And maybe no idea how little money the average Westerner has.


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1 hour ago, Kiujunn said:

China is the one who gave covid to the world.

This is an US propaganda political statement. And the truth is the origin of the virus is still unknown (according to WHO). We only can suggest what it could be and where.

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5 minutes ago, friendofthai said:

This is an US propaganda political statement. And the truth is the origin of the virus is still unknown (according to WHO). We only can suggest what it could be and where.

Yes and no. It probably started in China. It's even possible but unlikely that it was a lab accident. It's also true that China was less than transparent in the earlier stages there. But to say China gave it to the world implies an intentional evil action,  which I really doubt. But it is true that China is benefitting from this happening, but it's a long way from realizing that to saying it was all planned by them. 

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I have thought about doing the exact same thing.  This is because I doubt I can get vaccinated in LOS until 2022?(at least I hope I do not have to wait that long).  I am willing to pay for the vaccine in LOS if private hospitals were to offer them(I would only take the Pfizer, Moderna, J&J or AstraZeneca).


i have looked into what it would cost  me to fly back to Los Angeles to get vaccinated and then return.


1.  BKK Covid Test                            $100

2. BKK to LAX roundtrip                  $1,000(I can connect in Manila for $650 but might not be a good idea).

3. LAX Rental Car for 21 Days        $1,000(I was shocked at this number but it looks the supply of cars is low for Hertz or Enterprise)

4. LA area hotel, motel or AirBnB  $1500(could be $2,000?)

5. LAX Covid Test before return     $150

6. 7 Day ASQ upon return to BKK   $700-1000


Initial total estimate                         $4450

*Not including food and/or wine


I already have  the required Health Insurance and the only other thing I would need is a COE from the LA 



In the end I will wait in LOS and wait for my turn at getting "jabbed".   I just hope my turn comes in 2021? 

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2 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

 I just hope my turn comes in 2021? 

From your least sentence I infer that you are Thai, rich and well-connected.


One more thing: here you will only get Sinovac - the least desirable of all vaccines - or AZ made in Thailand,  which for well-known unspeakable reasons couldn't undergo an independent evaluation. 


BTW Pfizer, Moderna and quite  a few virologists are now talking about a booster in autumn. That's in 6 months.  Would you want to do this trip again in just 6 months? Pfizer certainly hopes so. Then it wouldn't be a yearly jab, it would be something like a continuous vaccination.  How does that fit into living in Thailand? 

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2 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

2. BKK to LAX roundtrip                  $1,000(I can connect in Manila for $650 but might not be a good idea).

3. LAX Rental Car for 21 Days        $1,000(I was shocked at this number but it looks the supply of cars is low for Hertz or Enterprise)

4. LA area hotel, motel or AirBnB  $1500(could be $2,000?)


You can't transit Philippines now.  It's not allowed for anyone. 



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