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Nine student nurses suffer side effects after Sinovac vaccination

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12 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Still not approved by Who or the CDC amongst others. Yet used primarily here.


       Quite rite . 

          Life is cheap here , in the kingdom .

           Thai or farang , who cares ..

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1 minute ago, placeholder said:

Most likely your parents didn't feel that way. Or weren't you vaccinated against polio and an assortment of other diseases?


Did you read the part where I said "my adult life", or do you want to claim I wouldn't be writing this if i hadn't received those vaccines?


My adult life started 45 years ago, and in that time many must have vaccines have been released., not only the yearly flu jab.


Well I had none of them, and I'm still here and had no serious illness in those 45 years.


Now to give something else to consider. I have no idea if and what age I received the other vaccines you mention however it must have been before the age of 6, but at the age of 6 I fell sick and was in hospital for FOURTEEN months.


In that time I received thousands of injections with different substances. I remember a period where I would receive an anti-biotic injection every hour 24/7 for 14 days in a row. I must have eaten a truck load of pills and other form of medicines during that time.


To conclude, it was never discovered what disease I suffered from, and I don't recall to have taken any vaccines, or being serious ill after that.

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16 hours ago, ukrules said:


Pillows, really? Who writes this <deleted>?


At least they used the pillows correctly. Night have used them wrong and smothered them.  Must have very good too of the rang medical breathing supper equipment.....pillows. 

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30 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Most likely your parents didn't feel that way about . Or weren't you vaccinated against polio and an assortment of other diseases?

And of course, there is the question of one's obligation to others in the world we share. Apparently, that's not a consideration for you.

Sorry, I know your post was not in reply to me, but not everyone has lots of childhood injections.


I was only vaccinated for polio and one for BCG ...whatever that was for.


As I child I caught mumps, had whooping cough, measles and chicken pox. Got over then all without any doctors or hospital visits. Just home remedies and some stuff from the pharmacy and a few days off school. 


I am healthy and never (touch wood) spent any time in a hospital or been to the doctors. 


Also I have NEVER had a flu jab and never had the flu.  I simply keep myself reasonably fit, active and slim.. don't eat a lot of processed food or junk food either. 

Edited by jak2002003
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18 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

Sorry, I know your post was not in reply to me, but not everyone has lots of childhood injections.


I was only vaccinated for polio and one for BCG ...whatever that was for.


As I child I caught mumps, had whooping cough, measles and chicken pox. Got over then all without any doctors or hospital visits. Just home remedies and some stuff from the pharmacy and a few days off school. 


I am healthy and never (touch wood) spent any time in a hospital or been to the doctors. 


Also I have NEVER had a flu jab and never had the flu.  I simply keep myself reasonably fit, active and slim.. don't eat a lot of processed food or junk food either. 

And statistics and probability say that for most people those childhood diseases don't have serious consequences. But for enough they do so that vaccines are required in most developed nations. As for never had a flu shot or the flu, there are millions, or billions like you. But what does that prove?

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4 minutes ago, Letseng said:

You get side effects from AstraZ, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J.

I had Astra in Europe. Was ill for 5 days. 

Yes, agreed, I did, but not such 'significant' side effects in such a small vaccine roll out, that's was my point !


Of the nine, seven suffered significant side effects, including breathing difficulties, fatigue, partial body numbness, dizziness, muscle pains, chest pains and facial spasms

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7 hours ago, placeholder said:

These charts are nice. Simple and easy to use and there’s some great info here. 

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3 hours ago, placeholder said:

...For all kinds of reasons, it will be most likely be quite a while before other vaccines are available in Thailand. I guess you'd rather people wait and expose themselves to the risk of suffering serious illness and death in order to gain access to another vaccine that may protect them slightly more effectively against those unhappy outcomes.

I’d rather nothing, and I don’t care if you or others wish to conduct yourselves like lab rats and take the Chinese vaccine - knock yourself out. But don’t try to strong-arm or brow beat me into doing something just because you think it’s the right thing to do. I guess I should be ashamed for holding myself to a higher standard and I don’t trust the Chinese with anything technical like developing a reliable vaccine. You’ll recall it was the Chinese that brought us all covid in the first place. And I suppose you also believe the Chinese only have had 90,000+ covid cases so far among their 1.4 billion people (as depicted on those John’s Hopkins covid data graphs you provided this thread earlier). 

Edited by DBath
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13 minutes ago, DBath said:

I’d rather nothing, and I don’t care if you or others wish to conduct yourselves like lab rats and take the Chinese vaccine - knock yourself out. But don’t try to strong-arm or brow beat me into doing something just because you think it’s the right thing to do. I guess I should be ashamed for holding myself to a higher standard and I don’t trust the Chinese with anything technical like developing a reliable vaccine. You’ll recall it was the Chinese that brought us all covid in the first place. And I suppose you also believe the Chinese only have had 90,000+ covid cases so far among their 1.4 billion people (as depicted on those John’s Hopkins covid data graphs you provided this thread earlier). 

"The Chinese" did it? All the Chinese? Every last one of them? Thanks for exposing then nonsensical bigotry behind so much of the opposition to the Sinovac virus?

What higher standard would that be? Instead of obtaining a very high level of protection in 6 months against coming down with a severe or fatal case of covid you'll wait a year to something slightly more effective? More nonsense.

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21 minutes ago, placeholder said:

"The Chinese" did it? All the Chinese? Every last one of them? Thanks for exposing then nonsensical bigotry behind so much of the opposition to the Sinovac virus?

What higher standard would that be? Instead of obtaining a very high level of protection in 6 months against coming down with a severe or fatal case of covid you'll wait a year to something slightly more effective? More nonsense.

No need to overthink it, mate. Like I said, if you want to take it, knock yourself out. I really could care less what you do. I have no problem with you being a human guinea pig. What I do have a problem with is you expecting me to be one. 

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5 minutes ago, DBath said:

No need to overthink it, mate. Like I said, if you want to take it, knock yourself out. I really could care less what you do. I have no problem with you being a human guinea pig. What I do have a problem with is you expecting me to be one. 

I don't have a problem with your incomprehension of risk and probability either. So long as you keep yourself isolated from others.

Nor with your bigotry.

Edited by placeholder
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4 hours ago, Susco said:


Did you read the part where I said "my adult life", or do you want to claim I wouldn't be writing this if i hadn't received those vaccines?


My adult life started 45 years ago, and in that time many must have vaccines have been released., not only the yearly flu jab.


Well I had none of them, and I'm still here and had no serious illness in those 45 years.




It depends where you are and the level of exposure. Nobody who lives in Australia gets Typhoid jabs,  but I wouldn't go to India without it. Also if the recent malaria vaccine trials are successful, the vaccine will save hundreds of thousands of lives.

I had more than a dozen vaccines in my life, last one around an year ago. Never had any issue with them except a sore arm for a day or two.

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3 hours ago, placeholder said:

And statistics and probability say that for most people those childhood diseases don't have serious consequences. But for enough they do so that vaccines are required in most developed nations. As for never had a flu shot or the flu, there are millions, or billions like you. But what does that prove?

I am not trying to prove anything really.


Just seems a few posters on these kind of threads seem overly scared about potentially catching minor infections and get quite nasty if someone says they don't want a particular injection or dare to disagree with them.


One post I said I did not the Covid vaccine because I wanted to see how things panned out, as I was concerned just because it was so new and so is the disease.  I was immediately branded a fanatical anti vaxer and called stupid, a danger to society, selfish, and people said people like me should be forced to get injected or be banned from travel, employment, hospital treatment or be arrested and put on an island to die of diseases with all the other antivaxers 


Since then I have been a bit sensitive to the issue.  

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4 hours ago, placeholder said:

 I guess you'd rather people wait and expose themselves to the risk of suffering serious illness and death in order to gain access to another vaccine that may protect them slightly more effectively against those unhappy outcomes.


You're missing the point of this thread, which is that it may well be the vaccines themselves, not just Sinovac, AZ and Pfizer too, not to mention Johnson & Johnson as recent studies have shown, that could expose those very people to "serious illness and death". As you may know a Cerebral Thrombosis has been a cause of death in those taking the vaccine. Quite a serious illness often followed by death. It is perfectly legitimate to be wary of these vaccines and to demand further proof they are safe


It would appear the medical regulatory authorities across the board have approved vaccines that have killed people and in other cases made them very ill. 

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1 hour ago, placeholder said:

And the reverse coin of this kind of thinking is that because you know of some people who have won the lottery, therefore playing the lottery is a sensible to earn a living. Why is it so hard for people to understand basic probability and statistics? Is it because you can't actually pinpoint those people whose lives have been saved by vaccination? We know that a lot less vaccinated people die but it's impossible to point to any particular person. So instead we have an irrational reaction because those few who have been adversely affected can be pointed to. Apparently, the abstract thinking required to understand that more lives have been saved by the vaccines than have been lost to them is not available to some. There's a mathemetician named John Paulos who coined a word that explains this kind of flawed thinking. It's complementary to illiteracy. The word? Innumeracy.


Comparing lotteries with vaccines safety, well there's a word for that as well, but I don't think it's polite to say it.


Obviously vaccines have to be safe, to prevent loss of life, as recently happened with AstraZeneca vaccines due to Cerebreal Thrombosis, but wholly other standards apply to lotteries. Compare them if you want, but you just further illustrate that you're missing the point.  Safety for vaccines is paramount. I am not anti-vaccine in the slightest. I am against unsafe and deadly vaccines. By all accounts the numbers of fatalities and severe illnesses in the case of vaccines such as Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Sinovac and Johnson & Johnson have been of sufficient concern for politicians to decide not to issue these vaccines to certain age groups, which is quite something.


We should have vaccines against Covid19 and we should take them, but only if they really are safe, and not if they can kill us. 


In the general population cerebral thrombosis occurs in 2 to 5 people in 1 million. After 1.6 million vaccinations in Germany there were 13 cases of deadly cerebral thrombosis. Very obviously the Astrazeneca vaccine significantly increased the risk of cerebral thrombosis.  And the cases have kept increasing, there are now 59 cases of cerebral thrombosis in Germany alone according to the Paul Ehrlich Institute. There is a very clear link between Astra Zeneca and Cerebral Thrombosis, but perhaps you have an innumeracy problem? It now appears that other vaccines like Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer have very similar issues, and people are getting ill from Sinovac. It is a good thing high quality news outlets like ThaiVisa are reporting these issues.

Edited by Logosone
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1 hour ago, placeholder said:

I don't have a problem with your incomprehension of risk and probability either. So long as you keep yourself isolated from others.

Nor with your bigotry.

I don’t need you to explain risk or probability to me, I’m fully aware. And my wife is Chinese, so enough with your petty little accusations and calling me a bigot toward the Chinese. Your holier than thou opinion means nothing - regarding vaccines or anything else for that matter. So, go and lecture somebody who wants/needs your advice, okay buddy?

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21 minutes ago, Logosone said:


Comparing lotteries with vaccines safety, well there's a word for that as well, but I don't think it's polite to say it.


Obviously vaccines have to be safe, to prevent loss of life, as recently happened with AstraZeneca vaccines due to Cerebreal Thrombosis, but wholly other standards apply to lotteries. Compare them if you want, but you just further illustrate that you're missing the point.  Safety for vaccines is paramount. I am not anti-vaccine in the slightest. I am against unsafe and deadly vaccines. By all accounts the numbers of fatalities and severe illnesses in the case of vaccines such as Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Sinovac and Johnson & Johnson have been of sufficient concern for politicians to decide not to issue these vaccines to certain age groups, which is quite something.


We should have vaccines against Covid19 and we should take them, but only if they really are safe, and not if they can kill us. 


In the general population cerebral thrombosis occurs in 2 to 5 people in 1 million. After 1.6 million vaccinations in Germany there were 13 cases of deadly cerebral thrombosis. Very obviously the Astrazeneca vaccine significantly increased the risk of cerebral thrombosis.  And the cases have kept increasing, there are now 59 cases of cerebral thrombosis in Germany alone according to the Paul Ehrlich Institute. There is a very clear link between Astra Zeneca and Cerebral Thrombosis, but perhaps you have an innumeracy problem? It now appears that other vaccines like Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer have very similar issues, and people are getting ill from Sinovac. It is a good thing high quality news outlets like ThaiVisa are reporting these issues.


Interesting points.


I also want to add some date for the purposes of perspective:


- Thrombosis (anywhere in the body) occurs in healthy adults at an annual incidence of about 1 per 1000 adults (thats 1000 per million).


- Thrombosis (anywhere in the body) occurs at an annual incidence of about 1.1per 1000 women taking the birth control pill (thats 1100 per million) - an increase of 10%


- (As Logosone mentioned above) - normal incidence of cerebral thrombosis is 2-5 per million. 


- Recently in Germany there were 31 cases of CVST (cerebral veinous sinus thrombosis) out of 2.7 million AZ vaccinations - thats approximately 11.5 per million. 



My question: IF the regular birth control pill causes an estimated increase in 100 thrombic episodes per million each year, which is 10x greater than the AZ vaccine, why is there not the same ‘media frenzy’ damning the birth control pill ?





As the Astrazenica vaccine is a viral vector vaccines (genetically modified) and effectively makes us ‘unwell’ so that we built up antibodies, could our bodies be ‘dehydrated’ as a result much in the same manner it would be if we contracted a cold, influenza and even Covid-19 ???.... 


i.e. is the increased incidence of CVST any greater than in people with regular household colds ?










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Had my Second Astra Zeneka on Saturday. Sunday arm was a little sore but next day ok. Stick a needle any wound be it a needle or a slight cut on your arm and it will hurt. As for the Vax, im protected  from a trip to an ICU and placed on a ventilator.  Don't play the Russian Roulette game guys. Covid is real and a life taker i know watching 125k dieing in the UK from it. Due to our vaccines and lessons we learned today we had only 4 Death's and they were in Wales. Problem in Thailand is they've gone for the cheap Charlie Vaccine which i believe has only been given up to 20% effective.

I bet the high ranking Thai Governors were not given the cheap charlie vaccine.

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6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Interesting points.


I also want to add some date for the purposes of perspective:


- Thrombosis (anywhere in the body) occurs in healthy adults at an annual incidence of about 1 per 1000 adults (thats 1000 per million).


- Thrombosis (anywhere in the body) occurs at an annual incidence of about 1.1per 1000 women taking the birth control pill (thats 1100 per million) - an increase of 10%


- (As Logosone mentioned above) - normal incidence of cerebral thrombosis is 2-5 per million. 


- Recently in Germany there were 31 cases of CVST (cerebral veinous sinus thrombosis) out of 2.7 million AZ vaccinations - thats approximately 11.5 per million. 



My question: IF the regular birth control pill causes an estimated increase in 100 thrombic episodes per million each year, which is 10x greater than the AZ vaccine, why is there not the same ‘media frenzy’ damning the birth control pill ?





As the Astrazenica vaccine is a viral vector vaccines (genetically modified) and effectively makes us ‘unwell’ so that we built up antibodies, could our bodies be ‘dehydrated’ as a result much in the same manner it would be if we contracted a cold, influenza and even Covid-19 ???.... 


i.e. is the increased incidence of CVST any greater than in people with regular household colds ?











It is a very valid point to raise the contraceptive pill issue because it is well known that birth control pills also raise the risk of cerebral thrombosis. Perhaps that is a reason why some women use other methods of birth control rather than the contraceptive pill, but they are free to do or not do so, it is their choice. They do not get portrayed as stone age neanderthals with "numeracy" problems because they do not take the contraceptive pill. However, the pill has been well studied for decades and women can make an informed choice. The data for these vaccines is only now emerging, and I am not liking what I 'm seeing. Cerebral Thrombosis? There's no comeback from that, it is actually worse to have it than Corona in many cases.


Indeed the incidence of cerebral thrombosis may well generally be higher if an Australian study can be trusted, however, none of these relativist attempts are convincing. Ultimately the very real fact that there are now 59 cases of cerebral thrombosis in Germany speaks its own language, these were caused by AstraZenca, the vaccine supposed to save lives and approved by the regulatory agencies across the board. 59 people died because of it. In Germany alone. What kind of consolation is it for their children to hear 'ah but it was very rare'? No, vaccines have to be safe, or as is the case with the contraceptive pill, well studied so users can make an informed choice devoid of any bullying and pressure. That is not the case with these vaccines. Maybe that is why there is not such a media focus on contraceptive pills, the studies are done and dusted and women can make an informed choice, whereas the vaccines are the topic of the day and the data is still coming out and changing day by day, week by week.

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22 hours ago, cclub75 said:

The fact that even the UK has decided that AZ should not be given to people under 40 years old (source Reuters).


That's a patently false interpretation - did you even read the Reuters article you linked ?


"Officials said Britain would still offer a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine to all adults by the end of July, and emphasised it was better for people in the age group to receive AstraZeneca's shot if no other one was available."


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On 5/10/2021 at 4:18 AM, RichardColeman said:

Batch of Sinovac ? Nuff said.



Yes, it was a batch of Sinovac. However, could it be that Thailand is not administering the vaccine properly? In China there is a list of conditions that prohibit you from getting the Sinovac jab. However, in Thailand a lot of the same conditions are listed as either "not prohibitive" or in some cases suggested as reasons for getting preferential treatment for getting the vaccine. 

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22 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Sinopharm, not Sinovac


Sinovac Biotech : WHO gives emergency approval to first Chinese COVID-19 vaccine, Sinopharm | MarketScreener


The WHO has said it could reach a decision on China's other main COVID-19 vaccine, made by Sinovac Biotech, next week. The technical experts reviewed it on Wednesday.


So possibly this week it may be approved for use, but it has not as of yet.


The check hasn't cleared yet ...............

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9 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Of the nine, seven suffered significant side effects, including breathing difficulties, fatigue, partial body numbness, dizziness, muscle pains, chest pains and facial spasms

Wow, sounds like fun and it was 'only' 10% of the population. Sign me up for Sinovac!! (for those who are obtuse and/or who have no sense of humor - I'm being totally sarcastic).

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1 hour ago, DBath said:

Wow, sounds like fun and it was 'only' 10% of the population. Sign me up for Sinovac!! (for those who are obtuse and/or who have no sense of humor - I'm being totally sarcastic).

If you think that's fun, you're gonna love being intubated for oxygen therapy.

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