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Thailand reports 4,887 COVID-19 cases, 32 new deaths 

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2 hours ago, Rhacsyn said:

Hi TallGuyJohn


I have tried scanning back through the pages to find the daily numbers per province. There are so many pages today! Could you (or somebody else) possibly send me the link or the data please. I have been compiling a daily chart for myself.




Sorry, I didn't have a chance to post those for Thursday....


But the EN reports of today's province by province case counts are here...




  • Like 1
1 minute ago, anchadian said:

Looks like the vaccination of educational personnel is going ahead this month. And it includes foreigners. I’ve just filled out this survey form by the Samut Prakan Provincial Public Health Office. They will send me an SMS once my appointment has been booked #Thailand


Further reading



Excellent news for the International teachers who must have been wondering about this

  • Like 1
36 minutes ago, Spock said:

Actually, I think Thai authorities and population generally could very easily ignore the plight of prisoners. Prisoners are the lowest of the low in Thailand. Only the families of prisoners have any concern for their welfare.

Which differs from most of the rest of the world how?

52 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:



I think your comment is too sweeping.


I believe that you have to look at this from a regional perspective.


Take out Bangkok and most regions are reporting a tapering off of the post-Songkran surge that everyone expected.

I take your point, but how can you take Bangkok out of the equation? It’s the capital city and home to 10-12 million people, depending on what you deem to be bangkok. It’s kinda hard to ignore.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, anchadian said:



Good news. The Facebook page ‘CityLife ChiangMai’ has just posted to say that the Governor of Chiang Mai is offering free vaccination to all foreigners in June. It doesn’t say which vaccine but it will most likely be AstraZeneca which is being rolled out next month #Thailand



That's nice. Let's hope he does not get overruled by the other powers to be.

6 minutes ago, anchadian said:



Good news. The Facebook page ‘CityLife ChiangMai’ has just posted to say that the Governor of Chiang Mai is offering free vaccination to all foreigners in June. It doesn’t say which vaccine but it will most likely be AstraZeneca which is being rolled out next month #Thailand



Interestingly, this afternoon I had a call from the private hospital I use for an annual check up.


the woman asked if I wanted to register for a “astra Zeneca from the government” in June. I said yes, upon which she asked if I had a pink card, which I do.


I asked her if my thai wife could also register . She messaged back later to say no, my wife is only 53 and so she would be in the second round in July.


it seems there has been a u turn vis a vis vaccinating only Thais at first.

  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, hotandsticky said:

I cannot see any logic, anywhere in the world, in incarcerating asymptomatic people. 

To stop them spreading the virus????

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, anchadian said:

We're getting closer.  Start of the 3rd wave to today, but again, why is nearly 3,000 being reported only today?




In a new press release, the Corrections Department has clarified that the number of infected people in prison reported yesterday (Bangkok Remand Prison 1,794 cases & Central Women's Correctional Institution 1,039 cases) was the total since the start of the new outbreak in April.





For those who missed this earlier, the Corrections Department clarified during the course of the day that today's load of newly reported prison COVID cases is based on inmate testing dating back to the beginning of April -- and just not publicly reported until yesterday and then added to the official national tally today....  but still haven't heard any explanation of why.


Perhaps the Thai government's own version of a local "don't ask, don't tell" policy...  ????


With that admission, it seems, they open themselves up more and more to accusations of having engaged in a cover-up ... until public COVID infection reporting by high-profile released political detainees made continuing the charade untenable.



  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:



For those who missed this earlier, the Corrections Department clarified during the course of the day that today's load of newly reported prison COVID cases is based on inmate testing dating back to the beginning of April -- and just not publicly reported until yesterday and then added to the official national tally today....  but still haven't heard any explanation of why.



Getting all the dirty linen washed.

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:



For those who missed this earlier, the Corrections Department clarified during the course of the day that today's load of newly reported prison COVID cases is based on inmate testing dating back to the beginning of April -- and just not publicly reported until yesterday and then added to the official national tally today....  but still haven't heard any explanation of why.




Begs the question, how many more known clusters have gone unreported in the past month.


Just another example of the lack of credibility in the reporting

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

As you dont seem able to grasp the obvious , I will further clarify ;

The low level of testing makes the daily reported figures utterly worthless , nobody knows the true level of infection.

The situation will not improve markedly until a large proportion of the population is vaccinated.

Isn't it strange how the basement dwellers get so aggressive and hysterical towards anyone who contradicts their narrative? But let's stay calm and go through this rationally. The figures currently being published in Thailand are similar to those published in the first wave in the UK in that they mainly record cases confirmed in hospitals. This is certainly not ideal because the true number of cases might be ten times higher. But it certainly isn't worthless because it's a reliable indicator of the overall trend, especially if it's read in conjunction with deaths and ICU admissions. So if we ignore the noise of this one-off inclusion of all the prisoner cases of the current wave, it is clear that cases are in a long plateau. I agree that it's unlikely to come down until a significant proportion of the population is vaccinated.

  • Confused 1
  • Sad 1
19 minutes ago, Susco said:


Begs the question, how many more known clusters have gone unreported in the past month.


Just another example of the lack of credibility in the reporting

It seems that a lot of people are getting confused by the purpose of reporting the case numbers. Nobody is suggesting that every single case is being picked up. Of course the actual number is much higher. But cases confirmed in hospitals are just one tool that can be used by policy makers and the general population.

4 minutes ago, Ken Jones said:

32 deaths is very low, more die in auto accidents, not necessary to inconvenience 99% of the population to save 1%

Do you think maybe the reason the numbers are so low is becuase of widespread mask wearing and social distancing? Have you contemplated the situations in countries like, say, brazil, where these precautions weren't taken?


I wonder why the number of cases, excluding the prison cases today of course, is always right around 2,000?  Isn't that a little strange/staged?  

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Ken Jones said:

32 deaths is very low, more die in auto accidents, not necessary to inconvenience 99% of the population to save 1%

Tell that to to the grieving Indian families !


2 hours ago, Ken Jones said:

32 deaths is very low, more die in auto accidents, not necessary to inconvenience 99% of the population to save 1%

Comparing apples and pears. The death rate on Thailand's roads has remained pretty constant and will only reduce through driver/rider education, new laws, proper enforcement of existing laws, change of road demographics. Do none of these and it will stay the same. Do nothing to reduce the means and social interactions by which covid spreads, infection rate will not stay constant, it will increase. You cannot compare the two.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Ken Jones said:

32 deaths is very low, more die in auto accidents, not necessary to inconvenience 99% of the population to save 1%

Why always compare to traffic fatalities that does not affect people not living in Thailand but bringing the virus into my country affects me use your brain

1 hour ago, joecoolfrog said:

Basement dweller ?

So I see as well as being somewhat deluded , you are also a hypocrite , congratulations.

You fail to mention that the UK fairly rapidly ramped up its level of testing , Thailand did not.


You're completely missing the point. Where did I say Thailand's response was as good as the UK's response? Please read carefully. I was just trying to explain to you slowly why covid cases confirmed in hospitals are not totally worthless as you claim. The argument was obviously too nuanced for you. You seem to be a simple-minded kind of guy who needs everything to be black and white but the real world doesn't work like that.

  • Haha 1
40 minutes ago, Petey11 said:

Comparing apples and pears. The death rate on Thailand's roads has remained pretty constant and will only reduce through driver/rider education, new laws, proper enforcement of existing laws, change of road demographics. Do none of these and it will stay the same. Do nothing to reduce the means and social interactions by which covid spreads, infection rate will not stay constant, it will increase. You cannot compare the two.

Yet SO many people here and on other forms of social media try oh so hard to do so, regardless of how ridiculous they sound


At least he was honest and admitted that his whole issue is being inconvenienced. Every single person that's anti-mask is that way because it's slightly inconvenient to wear one, and they'd be more than happy to risk killing a stranger than deal with that inconvenience. Just like how most people here clamoring for no restrictions are doing so because of how inconvenient it is to not be able to go to the pub. Only unlike Mr. Jones above, they come up with every possible lame excuse there is to defend their opinion instead of just saying they'd rather random people die than they be inconvenienced.


So kudos to him for at least being honest

  • Like 2
40 minutes ago, Petey11 said:

Comparing apples and pears. The death rate on Thailand's roads has remained pretty constant and will only reduce through driver/rider education, new laws, proper enforcement of existing laws, change of road demographics. Do none of these and it will stay the same. Do nothing to reduce the means and social interactions by which covid spreads, infection rate will not stay constant, it will increase. You cannot compare the two.

Yet SO many people here and on other forms of social media try oh so hard to do so, regardless of how ridiculous they sound


At least he was honest and admitted that his whole issue is being inconvenienced. Every single person that's anti-mask is that way because it's slightly inconvenient to wear one, and they'd be more than happy to risk killing a stranger than deal with that inconvenience. Just like how most people here clamoring for no restrictions are doing so because of how inconvenient it is to not be able to go to the pub. Only unlike Mr. Jones above, they come up with every possible lame excuse there is to defend their opinion instead of just saying they'd rather random people die than they be inconvenienced.


So kudos to him for at least being honest

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