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Why Do Foreigners Fully Vaccinated Need To Be Quarantined ?

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54 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

How can you use common sense when there are so many opinions about this virus and vaccines, and they keep changing every day?

Just supposing that the CDC is right, and there is every chance it is, you will have all the rich parasites who run insurance companies and private hospitals etc, and don't forget some countries governments disagreeing with it, as their off shore accounts will stop piling up.


Why not? I took some basic medical courses in university. 


Virus and bacteria are just external entities (microbiology), just because you had food poisoning once, it doesn't mean that you will never have food poisoning again when you get the same bacteria in your food in the future, do you? 


It's the same with virus, the only difference with the vaccine is that your immune system is ready to produce specific antibodies to fight it because it has met it before.


I am talking about those traditional vaccines which don't change our DNA structure.



Edited by EricTh
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16 hours ago, Solinvictus said:

Whatever happened to a having a backbone or standing up for yourself. I guess that fades for some..


Whatever happened to holding back the ocean waves or sweeping the beach? 

Too much effort for too little return. 

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57 minutes ago, EricTh said:


Why not? I took some basic medical courses in university. 


Virus and bacteria are just external entities (microbiology), just because you had food poisoning once, it doesn't mean that you will never have food poisoning again when you get the same bacteria in your food in the future, do you? 


It's the same with virus, the only difference with the vaccine is that your immune system is ready to produce specific antibodies to fight it because it has met it before.


I am talking about those traditional vaccines which don't change our DNA structure.



mRNA vaccines also do not change your DNA structure. The mRNA enter the cell, do their job and are broken down. 
   They never pass the Nucleus barrier. They never enter the Nucleus of the cell where your DNA is. 
    You’re not going to turn into a dog or tree or twisted human freak or zombie. 

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4 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

Have you read that 8 of the NY Yankees fully-vaccinated baseball team have contracted COVID 19 this week?

Yeah, it takes a while for the vaccine to build immunity in your system. Until then, you can be fully vaccinated and still get the disease.

  But with any luck, and partial immunity, it should be a milder case than you would have gotten without the vaccination. 
    Same with all vaccines. You can be vaccinated against anything, but it takes weeks for the body to use that vaccine to build full defence.

  Until then, you can still get whatever disease it is you got vaccinated against. 

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19 hours ago, BritManToo said:

There's a story around where 8 vaccinated baseball players all caught COVID.

If you can catch it you can spread it.


I believe the Thai authorities are correct in insisting on 14 days quarantine for everyone.

Assuming you believe COVID is a serious problem.

It makes sense when people are coming from countries with a lot of cases of the worst variants, especially if the travelers were vaccinated with low efficacy vaccines. As more vaccines are approved, it is going to get chaotic - figuring out which vaccinated people should be quarantined. That goes to the vaccine passport issue, where no solution has been generally accepted. WHO has a deal with Estonia to develop a digital WHO card, though. Not sure whether that will help if WHO treats all vaccines as equals. Then back to square one - quarantine for all???

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17 hours ago, treetops said:


Do you have a link to where they've stated that?  Latest information I recall reading was that about 70% of AZ vaccinated folk could get infected and 50% of Pfizer vaccinated (the numbers might not be spot on but it gives you the idea).  These infections will be very mild, with perhaps no symptoms at all, due to the vaccine, but while infected they can still spread to others.


Quarantine is therefore needed to minimise that spread.

It depends on the level of outbreak and the infectiousness of the circulating variants in the country of traveler origin.

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7 hours ago, Phillip9 said:


Have you seen the plain paper card that the CDC came up with as your evidence of being vaccinated?  Anyone with a computer and printer could fake it in 5 minutes.


I blame the CDC for not coming up with something a little difficult to fake.  With the yellow fever vaccine I at least got an official sticker from the vaccine vial as proof.

The CDC vaccination card is really a problem. This is driven by a libertarian distaste for the government keeping records on citizens. The vaccination czar Zients has pronounced categorical opposition to a database or vaccine passports. There is apparently a CDC record for all who were born in the US, though.

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6 hours ago, Guderian said:


Please provide a link, because that view is either outdated or incorrect. The latest findings I've seen regarding the AZ and Pfizer vaccines is that between 50% and 60% of people are still likely to be able to transmit the virus to others.




Here's a detailed report from Reuters on the CDC study. It seems well designed.


The BBC report on the UK study mixes Pfizer & AZ jabs and does not include any detail on study methdology.

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9 minutes ago, placnx said:

Here's a detailed report from Reuters on the CDC study. It seems well designed.


The BBC report on the UK study mixes Pfizer & AZ jabs and does not include any detail on study methdology.


Seems like the same study brought up in page 1 of this thread which has been poorly interpreted by the media.

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52 minutes ago, Catoni said:

Wow… Trump haters are still hanging around. 

What ever happened to “old what’s his name” anyway!

Its like he just disappeared....having said that I don’t spend much time on N American news these days as I ......just don’t care.

What did happen to him....are they still trying to impeach the poor buggar?!

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36 minutes ago, khunPer said:

Because the government says that you need to be quarantined to enter Thailand (full stop)...????


Reminds me of a gorgeous young Thai lady(????) that said: "Khun Per, there are so much you don't understand about Thailand"; I've since learned to accept how it is, and not asking too many questions...????

Happy Thai wife is a happy Thai life ????

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As governments embrace totalitarianism, what fun is wielding near dictatorial power if one can not make the little people, commoners, and foreigners dance at the ends of the strings you are pulling?

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8 hours ago, Catoni said:

The “Yellow Book” is good. I also have mine.
      But I also use “Vaccine Record for Travelers” app by Dr. Deb the travel doctor, from the App Store.  My first Covid Pfizer-BioNTech Covid shot is now recorded there, together with a Hi-Def photo of the printed signed document of my shot.  Waiting for my second shot…..then live free with no mask again. ???????????? 

 I keep all my basic vaccine  and booster records there, and record all my Tropical vaccine records there, up-dated. And keep a record in two “Cloud” services. 



Thank you!!!! I did not know there was an online record service. ????

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55 minutes ago, connda said:

As governments embrace totalitarianism, what fun is wielding near dictatorial power if one can not make the little people, commoners, and foreigners dance at the ends of the strings you are pulling?

???????????? where do you get this stuff...priceless

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16 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Right, and just at what point do you run with it ? Some point you have to take a chance with it. With constant mutation your suggesting locking down the planet forever potentially  with no opening solution other than 28 days quarantining for travellers - which is daft.


Vaccinate what you can for the next 6 months and open the planet. Its too long now and any more risks worse.

Totally agree.  I've probably followed the lockdown rules more than most (in the UK) not because I'm a good boy but because my lifestyle and location make it fairly easy to comply. However, I'm getting tired of it now and it seems things may not be going as well in the UK as we thought - rumblings of further restrictions and possible delays to removing some.


The vaccine is not a total saviour but I think its been clearly demonstrated to reduce severe disease death and transmission significantly.  Covid 19 is going to be with us for a long time - its about time every country pulled its socks up and got its population vaccinated so we can get back to some sort of normal - and that means learning to live with Covid.


For a country that likes to think of itself as being at the upper end of the 'developing' strata - Thailand has done a very poor job of vaccinating its people.  Given who's in charge, that's not so surprising though.  When you're elected whatever the vote, you don't have to worry about doing a good job.


Had they vaccinated a significant percentage of their population they would be able to open up and stop the damage to the economy - much of which I suspect has been either downplayed or hidden.  Talking to people in Thailand, things seem far worse than the reports say.

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1 hour ago, Kanada said:

???????????? where do you get this stuff...priceless

I think that's a pretty good description of what's going on in Thailand to be fair. To have a democracy you have to have an opposition that you don't lock up, freedom of speech, an uncensored press and an honest vote. 


Given that any future PM has to be approved by the senate (controlled by the generals) which ensures the 'correct' candidate is 'approved' - what else is Thailand other than a dictatorship?


Prayut can do anything he wants, including failing to get a vaccination programme underway, blaming outbreaks on people bringing the virus from abroad and devastating the country's tourist industry - without any fear of being kicked out. That's a dictator.

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Lots of discussion about studies detailing the efficacy of vaccines.  If you want to see how effective they really are - just look at the real world results from countries that have vaccinated a significant proportion of their population.  Studies can be biased either way and various factors can be included or missed out - hospitals and cemetries tell the true story.

Edited by KhaoYai
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8 hours ago, bikerlou47 said:

Here are the facts:

If you are fully vaccinated you may still test positive for 19 BUT the infection is very LOW and it is almost impossible for you to infect others due to the fact that it is so low!

You must be tested before you get on a plane

You must be tested after you arrive

IF both those tests are negative THERE IS NO NEED FOR QUARANTINE!

Those Yankees are asymptomatic for the most part those who are not have very little problem with their health



Expats who are married to a Thai should have first priority over anyone that is not a Thai citizen. Tired of all the lame excuses . The Thai government is so incompetent, lost and greedy it totally lost the plot about caring for its citizens and the foreigners who live there. What a bunch of fracking morons running the government. About any teenager has more common sense and brain power than those in charge. If they had their act together most of the Thai population should have been tested and vaccinated months ago. What a bunch of brain dead clowns running the show!

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6 hours ago, possum1931 said:

If we are all going to wait until this Chinese virus finishes, and keep on having lockdowns and quarantines, making certain hotel owners and insurance companies very rich then we are going to wait forever. There are risks in everything we do, we just have to accept it is part of life.

It is all about their already rich buddies making even more money. You can never have enough . It has never been about quarantine it all about more $$$ for my buddies .

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Prediction is 48% of all hotels in Thailand will be closed by July 1 unless there’s a drastic positive in the near future and I think we all know that won’t happen.

The cost of making an average hotel quarantine ready isn’t in the budget for most hotel owners after going thru a year of really poor sledding before Covid entered the picture!

Let’s remember how poor the tourist market already was for 2019.

My Son is a manager with Marriott Hotels and this is the biggest setback they have ever experienced and they’ve been around for a long time and seen it all.

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Data keeps changing and people don't know what they are doing. Just look at the mask debate and 6' rules if you have any doubt about this.


Wear your mask and do your quarantine and stop complaining until things settle down! Get back in your room!


People flouting the rules early is a main reason reason why this keeps spreading.

Edited by DerbyDan
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