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Buriram becomes first Thai province to penalize refusal for COVID-19 vaccine

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12 minutes ago, fleccer said:

And does it seems little to you? The immune system is the key to everything, and must be preserved not manipulated

How exactly does introducing  mRNA into a immune cells threaten the immune system? And don't old-fashioned vaccines also manipulate the immune system? After all, they're fooling it into acting as through there's a genuine threat when in fact there isn't.

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1 hour ago, todlad said:

High probability but not certainty.


But don't you think it's rather clever: don't want the vaccine, as a reward, you can join the list of the covid sufferers.


I have read lots of the comments on this thread and of course many of them are loopy.


I know there are doubts about the safety and efficacy of some of the vaccines but most of the stuff here is fantasy or fake news.


Anti vaxxers are nauseous and noxious people and it is good that Buriram is acting along the lines of making everyone think really seriously about their position in life!

Except there in life is the right to choose to what poison you would jab and the right to abstain of being of your own will. This joker is fully out of line. He is not their mom or dad, God, Jesus, or Buddha, but he is close to being a Tyrant. 

  • Like 2
8 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

Except there in life is the right to choose to what poison you would jab and the right to abstain of being of your own will. This joker is fully out of line. He is not their mom or dad, God, Jesus, or Buddha, but he is close to being a Tyrant. 

It depends on how a particular culture views which rights as being paramount. In this case, if a refusal to get vaccinated poses a danger to others, a culture that makes collective well being paramount, might well disagree that someone has the right to abstain from being vaccinated.


This should be interesting to watch unfold. They can’t even procure enough vaccines for everyone. What makes them think they can implement and administer such a ridiculous and draconian plan?

11 minutes ago, placeholder said:

It depends on how a particular culture views which rights as being paramount. In this case, if a refusal to get vaccinated poses a danger to others, a culture that makes collective well being paramount, might well disagree that someone has the right to abstain from being vaccinated.

Oh please spare me that nonsense. You don’t think this is about one iota of everyone’s collective well being with this clown do you? If they and the junta and elite thought this then there would have been no procrastination and smoke and mirrors holding up barrier walls against all vaccines while AZ is able to be produced here and rolled out by who? And the only other vaccine offered or let’s say forced is a crumby Chinese partly Chinese Thai owned inferior vaccine that the Chinese people won’t even take? Choice is the key and these guys are all bordering on tryany to only further their egos and who they actually support. I will eventually get it, but me and my family will not be oppressed and forced to jab what they say. I would bet bottom dollar they wouldn’t touch Sinovac and have perhaps gotten one in not allowed for their jab. 

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

Oh please spare me that nonsense. You don’t think this is about one iota of everyone’s collective well being with this clown do you? If they and the junta and elite thought this then there would have been no procrastination and smoke and mirrors holding up barrier walls against all vaccines while AZ is able to be produced here and rolled out by who? And the only other vaccine offered or let’s say forced is a crumby Chinese partly Chinese Thai owned inferior vaccine that the Chinese people won’t even take? Choice is the key and these guys are all bordering on tryany to only further their egos and who they actually support. I will eventually get it, but me and my family will not be oppressed and forced to jab what they say. I would bet bottom dollar they wouldn’t touch Sinovac and have perhaps gotten one in not allowed for their jab. 

I think there must be a vaccine out there that protects people against knowledge of the sinovac vaccine. Right now in Brazil a town named Serrana that vaccinated 98% of its adults with the Sinovac vaccine is back to normal while the pandemic rages all around it in Sao Paolo province.

As for the rest of your comments, as was the case lots of the political ruling class around the world, the threat posed by the pandemic wasn't properly understood. And there were pressures from very powerful interests not to purchase vaccines from abroad. I suspect rampant and unreflective nationalism played a role in this. And wishful thinking. The powers that be only got it half right. And the wrong half is now catching up with them and Thailand.

12 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Right now in Brazil a town named Serrana that vaccinated 98% of its adults with the Sinovac vaccine is back to normal while the pandemic rages all around it in Sao Paolo province.


How many of that 98% have had vaccine problems or permanent damage? Obviously this is not mentioned,

How many people have suffered damage due to their dirty business. Yes, dirty business, because that's what it's all about

  • Haha 2
3 hours ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

Aside from the GP track, Buri Ram is a boring, desolate and flat rice field with a few mountains in the south. It really is nothing special. Few foreigners have even heard of it. A friend last night asked me "what's Buri Ram" when I sent him a screenshot of this article. 

U forgot to mention some beautiful old Khmer temples.. and my wife..

22 hours ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

I'm right. If you think the army is going door to door to forcibly vaccinate foreigners against our will, then I think you've gone down the realm of conspiracy theory because that is never going to happen. The worst that could happen is we are given a week or so to leave the country. 


I am justifiably concerned about this mafia threat by the Buri Ram governor, which at this point in time only applies to Thais. However, I don't think it will be easy to jail potentially hundreds of thousands of people. 

Can you imagine the infrastructure that would have to be put in place to make this possible? I don’t see the governor giving up any of his ‘brown envelope’ money to build the kind of prison capacity that would be necessary to orchestrate such a ridiculously stupid and shortsighted plan. Notwithstanding the additional cost and effort it would require to administer it. 

4 minutes ago, fleccer said:

How many of that 98% have had vaccine problems or permanent damage? Obviously this is not mentioned,

How many people have suffered damage due to their dirty business. Yes, dirty business, because that's what it's all about

Do you understand that there's a pandemic raging all around this town? But not in this town? And the best you can do is allege hypothetical damage? Is that because when it comes to actual confirmed damage, it's clear who's suffering more? The trial is being run by the highly esteemed Butantan Institute. At least highly esteemed by those who don't cast aspersions without evidence.

  • Like 1
15 hours ago, bluejets said:

Government been trying to push Sinovac but without much success, people say "haven't we had enough problems already".

They won't be trusting anything that comes from China. 

I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it turns out China is incentivizing Thailand to force the vaccine on everyone. And Buriram is just the pilot for a soon-to-follow nationwide rollout. 

  • Haha 1
3 minutes ago, DBath said:

I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it turns out China is incentivizing Thailand to force the vaccine on everyone. And Buriram is just the pilot for a soon-to-follow nationwide rollout. 

And the Siam Biopharma manufacture of the Astra Zeneca vaccine is just a ruse. Uh-huh.

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

Although in Cambodia...it's exactly what the government has started to mandate:




Actually seems that article is saying elected govt officials & military are required




According to a newly released sub-decree signed and issued today by Prime Minister Hun Sen, it contains eight articles that require all government officials and armed forces to get inoculations against COVID-19.

Article 3 mandated that those who receive the vaccines are civil servants and all kinds of armed forces personnel in the executive branch, those who get elected by public mandate and public officials in the executive branch, judges, prosecutors, and officials in the judiciary.




Its against your human rights to force you to have it .. its not 100% proven OK to start with and even then its your rights

The Nuremberg code, which stated explicit voluntary consent from patients are required for human experimentation was drafted on August 9, 1947. On August 20, 1947, the judges delivered their verdict against Karl Brandt and 22 others.

  • Like 2
4 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Except there in life is the right to choose to what poison you would jab and the right to abstain of being of your own will. This joker is fully out of line. He is not their mom or dad, God, Jesus, or Buddha, but he is close to being a Tyrant. 

Every society has ideas, norms, regulations, laws that help to ensure life is free, secure, prosperous and so on. At the moment, the world is seeing the suspension of norms in favour of much more of a nanny state approach. I have spent my time over the last year in isolation and so have you. I wear a mask that I hate when I leave home. I wear the mask because it is mandated and because it is good for me and for you: there can be no me, me, me with mask wearing.

I did mention the relative merits of the various vaccines available and yet I believe it is wise to be vaccinated. Again, I believe we should all be vaccinated for the greater good. Otherwise, what is the alternative? More lockdown? Borders still closed. Economic depression. Continued third wave. Then a fourth wave?

There is a lot of scope for nonsense in this debate: fake news abounds. People say it is their right not to wear a mask on the ground that it's their body ... their right. Well, I have the right to be protected from you!

There are reports of blood clots following injection and other problems. Without wishing to dismiss such concerns, they relate to one case in millions.

Overall, someone has to take a stand on our behalf.

I am tired of this isolation. My work is based outside of Thailand but I am trapped inside it. I want my freedom back and I want you to have your freedom back.

  • Thanks 1
1 minute ago, Shalom said:

If you are afraid of me because I'm unvaccinated does that mean your vaccine don't work?

Yes, partly, because no vaccine is 100% foolproof is it.

There is the fear that you are unvaccinated because don't want to conform or you are just plain selfish and want to do what you want to do. You may be a danger to society because of that.

I should say this, though: the government here is promising to vaccinate local and foreigner. All of us. Locals first, then foreigner: irrational but they decided that.

In the meantime, a whole, known, group will remain at large!

More than that, no sooner was it confirmed that everyone will be protected than they raised the spectre of how foreigners can register ... no system, they say, will do their best but it will take time, they say. Then there was that idea that there will be a foreigner injection centre ... in Bangkok: 7 hour drive from me and it is said there are 3.3 million foreigners here.

In the end, many foreigners will go to their home country to be vaccinated or simply pay to be vaccinated privately and yet others of us will wait in the queue for Thailand to provide and with the best will in the world, that might mean waiting 6 months from now, a year from now.

So, while I support the sentiment of this Buriram diktat, the reality on the ground will prove it ineffectual in various ways.

Meanwhile, people who really ought to be vaccinated will not be.

  • Confused 2
1 hour ago, Shalom said:

If you are afraid of me because I'm unvaccinated does that mean your vaccine don't work?

Maybe Thailand should adopt similar measures that Israel has implemented such as the Green pass

What is a Green Pass?

The Green Pass is an entry permit to places or facilities for recovered coronavirus patients and vaccinated people. To be able to acquire a green pass, someone must have had both doses of a coronavirus vaccine. 

You can enter businesses listed below if you present a Green Pass. Every person needs a Green Pass. Face masks remain mandatory.

  • Gyms and studios
  • Swimming pools
  • Restaurants and cafes
  • Hotels; minors who are not Green Pass holders may be admitted upon presenting negative coronavirus test results taken within 48 hours before arriving at the hotel
  • Stadiums, pitches, sporting events, and venues
  • Theaters, cinemas, and cultural venues
  • https://blog.wego.com/vaccine-passport-israel/

No Green pass, No entry simple

  • Confused 1
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  • Thanks 2
8 hours ago, fleccer said:

How many of that 98% have had vaccine problems or permanent damage? Obviously this is not mentioned,

How many people have suffered damage due to their dirty business. Yes, dirty business, because that's what it's all about

I think you don't understand the statistics and I am guessing that you have no idea of the population size of Serrana. I had never heard of Serrana myself so, having read this, I looked it up. Population size 45,644 at a density of 940 people per square mile.

From the few examples I remember in Bangkok, the blood clot rate for the Sinovac vaccine is/was around 0.002%. Given the population of Serrana and multiplying the population by the vaccination rate of 98%, then we might expect less than one blood clot case.

As for the other problems and "permanent damage" (whatever you mean by that), I have nothing to add at this stage.

8 hours ago, fleccer said:

How many of that 98% have had vaccine problems or permanent damage? Obviously this is not mentioned,

How many people have suffered damage due to their dirty business. Yes, dirty business, because that's what it's all about

I would ask you to back up that assertion with some links, but I don’t think you care much for actual information.

On 5/14/2021 at 8:16 PM, ryane66 said:

They don't need to fine or punish. Offer incentives. Maybe free lottery tickets.

Nah this country is ruled by fear, not kindness. but a good idea though.

5 hours ago, vinny41 said:

Maybe Thailand should adopt similar measures that Israel has implemented such as the Green pass

What is a Green Pass?

The Green Pass is an entry permit to places or facilities for recovered coronavirus patients and vaccinated people. To be able to acquire a green pass, someone must have had both doses of a coronavirus vaccine. 

You can enter businesses listed below if you present a Green Pass. Every person needs a Green Pass. Face masks remain mandatory.

  • Gyms and studios
  • Swimming pools
  • Restaurants and cafes
  • Hotels; minors who are not Green Pass holders may be admitted upon presenting negative coronavirus test results taken within 48 hours before arriving at the hotel
  • Stadiums, pitches, sporting events, and venues
  • Theaters, cinemas, and cultural venues
  • https://blog.wego.com/vaccine-passport-israel/

No Green pass, No entry simple

I’d have no problem with a green pass being implemented:

  • I workout at home
  • I have my own pool
  • Wife is an exceptional cook, so we never eat out and have our groceries delivered
  • While I do occasionally stay at a Marriott in Bangkok when I go there, it’s not a deal breaker for me not to
  • I don’t go to stadiums, sporting events, theaters or other venues

While I’ve not made a decision to vaccinate or not, I will definitely not be getting vaccinated with Sinovac or AZ. I’ve said this before, and I have my reasons, which are nobody’s business. So, spare me the long drawn-out, over-analyzed statistics and don’t bother coming back at me with the ‘science’ about how everyone should be willing to take either of those vaccines. 

That said, the ‘green pass’ suits me fine, with the added benefit of being able to avoid people like you and others here who want to try and dictate how I should live my life, simply because of those who are too stupid to responsibly do so. I’m healthy, happy, I always wear a mask and diligently wash and use hand gel every time I go out - and when I return. I avoid getting near or touching other people. I have everything I need and I certainly don’t need some stupid, crazy government law or any other person dictating how I should live my life.

Anyone here care to provide me statistics on what my risk percentages are for getting or passing covid to others? I’d sure be interested to know, as I haven’t seen anything intelligently written about that.

Regardless, it’s probably not going to change my opinion one iota. 

  • Like 2
14 minutes ago, DBath said:

I have everything I need and I certainly don’t need some stupid, crazy government law or any other person dictating how I should live my life.

Yet you are an anomaly like most of us who live the same way.  However, the "stupid, crazy government law or any other person dictating how I should live my life." is not entirely for just people like us, but for those who don't care to follow rules and is done to unfortunately protect them from themselves.  

12 hours ago, placeholder said:

I think there must be a vaccine out there that protects people against knowledge of the sinovac vaccine. Right now in Brazil a town named Serrana that vaccinated 98% of its adults with the Sinovac vaccine is back to normal while the pandemic rages all around it in Sao Paolo province.

As for the rest of your comments, as was the case lots of the political ruling class around the world, the threat posed by the pandemic wasn't properly understood. And there were pressures from very powerful interests not to purchase vaccines from abroad. I suspect rampant and unreflective nationalism played a role in this. And wishful thinking. The powers that be only got it half right. And the wrong half is now catching up with them and Thailand.

One little story does not make a full correct real picture. There have been extreme abnormalities in Sinovac's effectiveness which leads to believe from documented reports that it is untrustworthy. Typical par for the course for stuff made in China. It seems we will not alter each one's thoughts so no need to further this conversation. You can go ahead all you like and jab it in you, but for me and my family no way Jose, and for the other matter of the fact, for the longest time now I have chosen to never ever buy any China made products ever again if there are other choices. I don't trust their vaccine, and I do not trust them telling the truth on any level. Anyway, have a good day! 

  • Like 1
7 hours ago, todlad said:

Every society has ideas, norms, regulations, laws that help to ensure life is free, secure, prosperous and so on. At the moment, the world is seeing the suspension of norms in favour of much more of a nanny state approach. I have spent my time over the last year in isolation and so have you. I wear a mask that I hate when I leave home. I wear the mask because it is mandated and because it is good for me and for you: there can be no me, me, me with mask wearing.

I did mention the relative merits of the various vaccines available and yet I believe it is wise to be vaccinated. Again, I believe we should all be vaccinated for the greater good. Otherwise, what is the alternative? More lockdown? Borders still closed. Economic depression. Continued third wave. Then a fourth wave?

There is a lot of scope for nonsense in this debate: fake news abounds. People say it is their right not to wear a mask on the ground that it's their body ... their right. Well, I have the right to be protected from you!

There are reports of blood clots following injection and other problems. Without wishing to dismiss such concerns, they relate to one case in millions.

Overall, someone has to take a stand on our behalf.

I am tired of this isolation. My work is based outside of Thailand but I am trapped inside it. I want my freedom back and I want you to have your freedom back.

Choice is the key issue here, freedom of choice. As far as I remember we live in a supposed Democratic country, even if you here it said it is a bit laughable using the term.. A mask does not enter your body and alter it. I understand a mask protects you and others out in public, I am ok with it if it is a must. I am not opposed to vaccine taking, but I am opposed to being led to the guillotine and told to put my head into it so they can pull the handle at their egotistical will. My choice of vaccine is not in Thailand and there are ulterior motives for this reason. When the time comes on my and my families time, we will choose what we choose and not some person or government on a tyrannical escapade because of their own ego or using oppressive behavior in order to make others rich. This Buriram control freak needs to go away.



  • Like 2
27 minutes ago, DBath said:


That said, the ‘green pass’ suits me fine, with the added benefit of being able to avoid people like you and others here who want to try and dictate how I should live my life, simply because of those who are too stupid to responsibly do so. I’m healthy, happy, I always wear a mask and diligently wash and use hand gel every time I go out - and when I return. I avoid getting near or touching other people. I have everything I need and I certainly don’t need some stupid, crazy government law or any other person dictating how I should live my life.


Anyone here care to provide me statistics on what my risk percentages are for getting or passing covid to others? I’d sure be interested to know, as I haven’t seen anything intelligently written about that.

Regardless, it’s probably not going to change my opinion one iota. 

Filed this post under:

> Life of the Party requests statistics to ignore...

  • Haha 1
17 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

One little story does not make a full correct real picture. There have been extreme abnormalities in Sinovac's effectiveness which leads to believe from documented reports that it is untrustworthy. Typical par for the course for stuff made in China. It seems we will not alter each one's thoughts so no need to further this conversation. You can go ahead all you like and jab it in you, but for me and my family no way Jose, and for the other matter of the fact, for the longest time now I have chosen to never ever buy any China made products ever again if there are other choices. I don't trust their vaccine, and I do not trust them telling the truth on any level. Anyway, have a good day! 

You are right that no one will change their minds here but let it be said that the real world efficacy of the sinovac vaccine is significantly better than the results they got in the trials phase. It is your right to shun Chinese products and services but in this case, maybe I helped to set the record straight.

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