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"Vaccine Passport" for Thais - here's how it might look for foreigners


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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Don't worry I suspect they don't work and aren't linked to any database.

I've been in and out several times, mostly they didn't bother asking me to finger them.

Thais love to buy stuff that doesn't work, but never admit it.

Im certain that they don't work. I have an unfortunate condition which has turned the little finger on each hand into, effectively, seized up claws. Apart from entertaining the children at school no end - little so and so's just love giving me the three finger salute - it meant iI couldn't use immigrations finger tip pad. They really couldn't care less!

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8 hours ago, zhounan said:

Until a few years ago, we would never have accepted these forms of personal discrimination.
Now, thanks to a one-directional media narrative and a herd mentality of conformity, we are passively accepting the unthinkable.


In this state of habituation of the masses, governments and the world's big stakeholders can literally decide and implement what they will.


Prepare for an era of obedience or imprisonment in case of dissent.

A few years ago (maybe more than a few decades) this was a bog-standard necessity to travel to many countries in the world.  I still have mine from the 70s  with lots of stamps for typhoid ....

If you don't want to travel - you have the freedom to make a choice. Nobody is forcing you to go globe-trotting.

What a BS post !!

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7 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Do we really need this, I mean, aren't the Thai's aiming for herd immunity by years end and then with all other countries having reached herd immunity, why bother with this at all.


I mean they are telling us all that once herd immunity is reached, it will be like a common flu/cold ? 

Aiming for it doesn't mean it will happen. It is better to prepare now (like other countries) and not need it later.


7 hours ago, BenDeCosta said:


The diseases for which some countries require vaccination certificates for do not have a 99.5% survival rate. It can't be compared.


Yellow fever can have mortality of more than 50% in severe cases, it's apples and oranges.


Covid has a mortality of about 0.5%, and those people are usually generally unwell, elderly or obese. There is no justification for bringing in vaccine passports for covid. What's next, HIV certificates for international travel, hepatitis passports, STD checks?


Once you start going down this road, they'll bring in more and more measures. Covid passports are not the way to go.

Do you have a better idea on how to prevent the sick from entering your country and possibly infecting your citizens?


6 hours ago, mlmcleod said:

The Thai government just cannot resist adding fees for everything!  Of course, the airlines are the absolute masters of the fee game!

Do you realize how many taxes are already on your plane ticket? It is like half the price of your ticket! They just want to be transparent. They could just as easily tacked in on as taxes and the airline will pass the costs on to you and no one would be the wiser.


6 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Vaccination Passports are the only way to go if we are to avoid further measures. 


Personally - I’d like to see vaccination passports which include Tuberculosis, Measles, Covid-19, Polio, meningitis etc... (except for those medically unable to vaccinate).


The world has changed and evolved, we have to evolve with the risks. 



I would also like to see temperatures taken before flights: I’ve had enough of picking up illnesses during flight, its happened too many times because someone gets on a flight with Influenza and passes it along to xx other people - these people should be prevented travel too (until they are better). 




It wouldn't be hard to add other vaccinations but do you really want to give government that much information? I understand Covid now, because we are in the middle of a pandemic, but those others are not major problems.


2 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Im certain that they don't work. I have an unfortunate condition which has turned the little finger on each hand into, effectively, seized up claws. Apart from entertaining the children at school no end - little so and so's just love giving me the three finger salute - it meant iI couldn't use immigrations finger tip pad. They really couldn't care less!

It is possible they have quietly done away with the fingerprint and just use facial recognition now. In the US there is special program... Global Entry for returning citizens. Previously, you need to scan your fingerprints. Now they just scan your face. 

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9 hours ago, chilli42 said:

Vaccine passports .... a sad outcome of a sad chapter in modern history.

If you are not a proponent of digital health passports... no worries (sarcasm), the solution will be to simply make your current travel passport digital... and then incorporate any and all "mandates" the authorities want to require. So don't fret, if your Covi-Pass or your digital health pass doesn't get approved through your current legislative process (you know that democracy we all talk about). Yeah, no worries, the current immigration "authorities" have a solution. Now, dare I say it... if you are incapable of seeing future problems with this, you too just might be part of a wider problem (to be discussed at another time). Have you considered why the terms "lockdown" and "new normal" have entered into the human zeitgist? Have a doublethink on it for a moment... while you still can.


Edited by Freeduhdum
Grammar correction
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8 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Do we really need this, I mean, aren't the Thai's aiming for herd immunity by years end and then with all other countries having reached herd immunity, why bother with this at all.


I mean they are telling us all that once herd immunity is reached, it will be like a common flu/cold ? 

You mean like the flu? It may not be possible to reach herd immunity for covid. 

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8 hours ago, BenDeCosta said:

Vaccine passports are discrimination pure and simple, because there are many people who can't have the jab for medical reasons, and others who don't want it for personal reasons.

Do you know that allowances won't be made for those who have good medical reasons not to be vaccinated? As for those who don't want it for personal reasons...choices have consequences.

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7 hours ago, geistfunke said:

Thailand has good connections with China. The vaccination rate in China is downright ridiculous. They "officially" play along internationally, but protect their own population from untested, potentially extremely dangerous new gene therapies.

Actually, they''re doing a good job, as you call it, of protecting their population from being vaccinated at all. And as for mRNA vaccine:

Coronavirus: China’s first mRNA vaccine ready for final stage trials overseas

China’s first domestically developed mRNA vaccine is ready to start its final stage trials overseas next month, its developer has told state media.

The vaccine – which uses the same advanced revolutionary techniques as the drugs developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna – is at the end of phase 2 human trials and will start large-scale phase 3 trials next month, Ying Bo, founder and chief executive of Suzhou Abogen Biosciences, told China National Radio.

The vaccine, known as ARCoV, has been jointly developed by Abogen, the Academy of Military Science and Walvax Biotechnology.


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8 hours ago, geistfunke said:

My guess is that this is being done deliberately to protect the population in Thailand. This gene therapy will very soon prove to be useless and harmful. Only this cannot be said publicly at the moment. Cue Deagle and Georgia Guidestones, it is just starting to dismantle "Bill Gates". Let's wait and see...

mRNA is not gene therapy. It does not interact with DNA.

And if anyone wants a laugh, look up the Georgia Guidestones.

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12 hours ago, taotoo said:

It's for Thais.


12 hours ago, canopus1969 said:

Small suggestion but as it's for non Thails would it not be better in English?

As I understand it, it is for Thais travelling out of Thailand, so for example travelling to Europe, how many other border/immigration officials can read Thai..???  So yes it would make more sense to print it in English... 

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10 hours ago, chilli42 said:

Vaccine passports .... a sad outcome of a sad chapter in modern history.


Such drama. The term vaccine passport should never have been used because it will lead to  exaggerated hysteria like your statement. It is just confirmation of protection against a deadly infectious disease. As is pointed out many times, proof of vaccination against infectious disease has been with us for 50+ years. Many countries still require proof of polio vaccine. Would you rather we have result of mass death as was the case when Nepalese UN peacekeepers who brought cholera to Haiti because no one verified vaccination status?


9 hours ago, geistfunke said:

My question is, what is a therapy for gene modification without general approval doing in a vaccination certificate?

There is no gene modification.  RNA is not a "gene".  Genes are comprised of DNA.  RNA is not DNA.

Are you not embarrassed to show your ignorance?


10 hours ago, zhounan said:

Until a few years ago, we would never have accepted these forms of personal discrimination.
Now, thanks to a one-directional media narrative and a herd mentality of conformity, we are passively accepting the unthinkable.

In this state of habituation of the masses, governments and the world's big stakeholders can literally decide and implement what they will.

Prepare for an era of obedience or imprisonment in case of dissent.


More hysterical nonsense. There is no personal discrimination.  You know what discrimination is? The countries who do not admit people on basis of  gender, religion, national origin and they are  all non-western. Why do you not object to the countries who will not accept people who do not have Yellow fever or polio vaccine proof?  A country has every right to decide who can enter. More so, it has obligation to protect its population from entry of infected people. If your argument was accepted, there would be no restrictions on travelers from India and Pakistan entering countries, and we would be having India experience around the world.


8 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Unfortunately it is the way of the world, passports have been around for ages.

I exited Thailand about 18 months ago and I had to do the biometrics, put fingers on the machine so it could take my finger prints, I said to the guy there, we don't use these to exit or enter my home country, he said welcome to Thailand with a smile on his face, you will also need to do the same procedure when you come back kar.


Naturally I felt like telling him to shove it where it fits, but it's their country, their rules.

It's not in my country as of yet, but no doubt will be one day for sure.


The vaccination cards will be around for a while I would imagine, how else can big pharma keep making big profits, the wool may have been pulled over everyone's eyes, but once anything is approved, you will rarely see it taken away, so annual jabs will become part of the new norm regardless of what we think, we are merely sheep who will be holding vaccine cards, call them what you want if you want to travel internationally.


How tiresome this unfounded claim of big pharma conspiracy is. Originating with the sabotage units of Russia and China governments, lie is repeated by easily manipulated people.  How many times does it have to be said that Oxford university and manufacturer Astra Zeneca have provided the vaccine at cost; That Pfizer is doing at cost until we get through crisis; And that moderna is subject to US cost parameters because of US financing? The India serum institute is largest manufacturer of the Oxford vaccine type and is subject to India government directive.  The only sheep are those who repeated the obnoxious lie of Big pharma profiting. If you don't want  to take vaccine, don't take it and leave it at that. No need to push out unfounded claim of big pharma making plot. 

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Considering vaccine offers a proven 6-8 months protection , after which it fails to protect the host efficiently , I'm wondering what will the world do afterwards considering 1 person was enough to spread this world wide.  I am surely not going to take the jab each year , as far as I can see a third dose is in the making (for 2 vaccines at least) . Who knows , maybe it will be a forth on the way depending what kind of variants will appear in the meantime.


You can't expect people will be subscribed each year to these multiple jabs.  Once the governments will stop financing these , I doubt people will go deliberately to vaccinate on  their money. So what will we do then? Stop the economy and let's vaccinate people?!


Unfortunately everyone is thinking on the short term but none on the long term.

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11 minutes ago, anon7854 said:

Considering vaccine offers a proven 6-8 months protection , after which it fails to protect the host efficiently , I'm wondering what will the world do afterwards considering 1 person was enough to spread this world wide.  I am surely not going to take the jab each year , as far as I can see a third dose is in the making (for 2 vaccines at least) . Who knows , maybe it will be a forth on the way depending what kind of variants will appear in the meantime.


You can't expect people will be subscribed each year to these multiple jabs.  Once the governments will stop financing these , I doubt people will go deliberately to vaccinate on  their money. So what will we do then? Stop the economy and let's vaccinate people?!


Unfortunately everyone is thinking on the short term but none on the long term.

Where did you come up with the notion that "vaccine offers a proven 6-8 months protection, after which it fails to protect the host efficiently"? It's not yet known how long vaccination protection lasts. So far, though, the vaccines have been very effective at suppressing serious symptoms and death even in new variants of the virus.

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25 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Where did you come up with the notion that "vaccine offers a proven 6-8 months protection, after which it fails to protect the host efficiently"? It's not yet known how long vaccination protection lasts. So far, though, the vaccines have been very effective at suppressing serious symptoms and death even in new variants of the virus.

For a vaccine to be allowed by FDA it needs to have proven  6 month protection.  That was the period the vaccine had been tested .  And it does protect the inoculated with a high level that goes to 80-90% eficiency.

However , there are plenty of cases of people losing antibodies afterwards (after get infected again) or losing them with time. It is basically just like a flu vaccine that you have to take each year.

Many in the industry will share this point of view and covid jab  will mostly likely be needed to be done yearly to have meaningful protection. 

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9 hours ago, Scott Tracy said:


Me too. Started with Yellow Fever vaccine at St. Omer barracks.

Alder shot in the arm, I had an IVC for years , as do many mariners.

If it is for International travel why not design an unforgeable hologram type sticker plus q code for the individual to go in the passport and a digital version for airines, hotles , visas etc.


Sure if pandemics continue they'll be regimes trying sub cutaneous proof and we';; have to show 


"We've had our chips"

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12 hours ago, zhounan said:

In this state of habituation of the masses,

I don't buy your simplistic one-sided view of reality.

There are already some positive things that have come out of the pandemic. For instance, more people have started to work remotely and this is a trend that will continue. You like sitting in traffic 2 hours a day? You should be jumping for joy that they put you out of your daily traffic misery. 



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8 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I've been in and out several times, mostly they didn't bother asking me to finger them.


Interesting statement... But I have to say, one way or the other I never complain about this either.

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12 hours ago, timendres said:


Strange, since vaccine cards have been around a long while. Involved no imprisonment, just an inability to enter specific countries.

sounds like any passport really......  no passport, no entry

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12 hours ago, geistfunke said:

My question is, what is a therapy for gene modification without general approval doing in a vaccination certificate?

have you heard the "test" people are doing with the vaccine?

i heard (but didn't see) that people are putting magnets on their arm where they got the shot to see if the magnet sticks to their arm.

just letting you know since you seem like a hard-core conspiracy guy. and that's pretty hard-core.


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4 hours ago, covidiot said:

have you heard the "test" people are doing with the vaccine?

i heard (but didn't see) that people are putting magnets on their arm where they got the shot to see if the magnet sticks to their arm.

just letting you know since you seem like a hard-core conspiracy guy. and that's pretty hard-core.


I think you're confusing hard-core with half-witted.

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7 hours ago, Patong2021 said:

How tiresome this unfounded claim of big pharma conspiracy is. Originating with the sabotage units of Russia and China governments, lie is repeated by easily manipulated people.  How many times does it have to be said that Oxford university and manufacturer Astra Zeneca have provided the vaccine at cost; That Pfizer is doing at cost until we get through crisis; And that moderna is subject to US cost parameters because of US financing? The India serum institute is largest manufacturer of the Oxford vaccine type and is subject to India government directive.  The only sheep are those who repeated the obnoxious lie of Big pharma profiting. If you don't want  to take vaccine, don't take it and leave it at that. No need to push out unfounded claim of big pharma making plot. 


So there won't be any annual jabs to ensure and of course the vaccines will be free in the future, I think my crystal ball is more clearer than yours, time will tell.


No conspiracy, it was my take on the way I see things, too easy to label someone a conspiracy theorist these days, all you have to do is say something that isn't what someone wants to hear.

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49 minutes ago, mrfill said:

I think you're confusing hard-core with half-witted.

Are we allowed to tell jokes in these dangerous and sobering and gloomy times? 


Conspiracy theorist dies and goes to Heaven. Meets God. Asks God if the Earth is flat. God says 'No, the Earth is Round'. Conspiracy guy says 'I can't believe the conspiracy extends all the way to Heaven.'



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7 hours ago, anon7854 said:

For a vaccine to be allowed by FDA it needs to have proven  6 month protection.  That was the period the vaccine had been tested .  And it does protect the inoculated with a high level that goes to 80-90% eficiency.

However , there are plenty of cases of people losing antibodies afterwards (after get infected again) or losing them with time. It is basically just like a flu vaccine that you have to take each year.

Many in the industry will share this point of view and covid jab  will mostly likely be needed to be done yearly to have meaningful protection. 

As has repeatedly been pointed out, reinfection is one thing. Getting symptomatic reinfection far scarcer. And getting seriously ill or dying from covid scarcer still. No one knows yet how long the protection from the vaccines last. Nor which vaccines provide the longest protection. And antibody levels have no predictive value flor longer lasting T cell protection.

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Anti-vaccine passport people are screaming "my freedoms are being violated!11!" because:

they feel left out, since they don't want to get the vaccine.


You need certain vaccines to enter some countries, since decades (yellow fever, polio, meningitis). Nothing new. Barely has anything to do with liberties. 



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19 hours ago, stretch5163 said:

Not really considering they are already in use and existance.


Yellow Fever being 1 example.

True but I I have never been asked for my Yellow Fever vaccine to enter a movie theater or a concert or a flight etc.  This is what is on the way.

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11 hours ago, Freeduhdum said:

If you are not a proponent of digital health passports... no worries (sarcasm), the solution will be to simply make your current travel passport digital... and then incorporate any and all "mandates" the authorities want to require. So don't fret, if your Covi-Pass or your digital health pass doesn't get approved through your current legislative process (you know that democracy we all talk about). Yeah, no worries, the current immigration "authorities" have a solution. Now, dare I say it... if you are incapable of seeing future problems with this, you too just might be part of a wider problem (to be discussed at another time). Have you considered why the terms "lockdown" and "new normal" have entered into the human zeitgist? Have a doublethink on it for a moment... while you still can.


Vaccine passports for Covid, how sensible, how clever.  They are familiar and been around for a long time.  Nothing to be worried about. Vaccine passports as imagined for Covid, in whatever technology platform they are executed, are the thin edge of the wedge.  

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