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Foreigners in Thailand can register for vaccine from June 7

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28 minutes ago, riclag said:

 Somebody mentioned restrictions on travel ,I can't find a source that says Sinovac  injected travelers are barred from certain countries 


It all depends on the country you are going to if they accept a specific vaccine.    Take a look at the below two news article talking the issue. 






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Can anyone answer this?

If you get the Sinovac (last choice) or the AZ vacine because they are the only ones available, can you then get the Pfizer or Moderna vacine on top of this when it becomes available?

I have a feeling Pfizer and Moderna and JJ are not going to be available for a while so I'm thinking something is better than nothing but I'd probably rather wait if it's an either/or choice.


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26 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Can anyone answer this?

If you get the Sinovac (last choice) or the AZ vacine because they are the only ones available, can you then get the Pfizer or Moderna vacine on top of this when it becomes available?

I have a feeling Pfizer and Moderna and JJ are not going to be available for a while so I'm thinking something is better than nothing but I'd probably rather wait if it's an either/or choice.


No one can answer that yet.  google it and you see health professionals/govt health agencies simply don't know yet.  

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3 minutes ago, Pib said:

No one can answer that yet.  google it and you see health professionals/govt health agencies simply don't know yet.  


To do that would be kind of a guinea pig kind of thing.

Personally I don't think it would be a very big risk, but who knows.


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43 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Can anyone answer this?

If you get the Sinovac (last choice) or the AZ vacine because they are the only ones available, can you then get the Pfizer or Moderna vacine on top of this when it becomes available?


From "basic principles" there should be no problem. There is even a chance of enhanced protection. Studies are ongoing. Since much doubt remains at this moment, no healthcare professional will recommend this.

Source: Experts recommend against mixed vaccines



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38 minutes ago, samtam said:

I have registered more than once, using the Mor Prom Line App, but in case the appointment it is not honoured because I am a foreigner,

What date did you register via the Mor Phrom Line App.


I registered through the Poo Yai Baan on 10th May.

Received my confirmation appointment letter on 20th May.

Appointment for 1st jab 15th June.

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On 5/22/2021 at 12:21 PM, hotchilli said:

I don't need an annual check-up, I don't need medicine, I just want to register for a vaccine... is that asking too much?

Those who do not have a medical record at a local hospital will find out eventually. 

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15 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

What date did you register via the Mor Phrom Line App.


I registered through the Poo Yai Baan on 10th May.

Received my confirmation appointment letter on 20th  feMay.

Appointment for 1st jab 15th June.

 7 May. Received the confirmation appointment the same day, with time slot, (which I chose, and hospital, which I chose). Appointment for 1st jab 21 July. The first available date was 20 July, but I preferred the time available on 20 July, to coincide with my partner's appointment, booked immediately after mine, both done by my condo office staff.


We live in Bangkok, so not sure we have a poo yai baan. We already have the confirmations on our Line apps. Nearer the date we may receive an SMS or a Line message, (confirming or retracting) the appointments.

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10 hours ago, samtam said:

We live in Bangkok, so not sure we have a poo yai baan. We already have the confirmations on our Line apps. Nearer the date we may receive an SMS or a Line message, (confirming or retracting) the appointments.

Mmmm! Did you read my post about the appointment to collect the official appointment letter.


Friend registered through Mor Phrom App and received an appointment for June 7th.

Turns out that appointment was only to collect his official appointment letter, which gives 9th July as his first jab. It was purely by accident I found out when collecting my official appointment letter and was able to collect his letter as well.

Otherwise he'd have turned up on June 7th expecting the jab, only to be given a piece of paper notifying him of the actual date.


Maybe the appointment system differs from Province to Province akin to everything else.

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13 hours ago, Tanoshi said:



Maybe the appointment system differs from Province to Province akin to everything else.


I would not be the least bit surprised with this fiasco. Will report back when I know. I think more likely the appointment will be cancelled, as all this nonsense slips and slides daily. I am also looking at alternatives overseas. 

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On 5/26/2021 at 12:29 PM, samtam said:


I would not be the least bit surprised with this fiasco. Will report back when I know. I think more likely the appointment will be cancelled, as all this nonsense slips and slides daily. I am also looking at alternatives overseas. 

This whole rollout is a "work in progress".  I don't think anybody really knows how it will all play out (including the officials in charge of it).


I don't mean that as a slight to those in charge of the rollout.  I just mean that there are no guidelines for them to work by really, and so all the planning really involves a lot of trial and error type thinking.


Some might view it as "flip flopping" but I see it as transparent progress.


I do think though that we will all probably be surprised over the next few weeks (in a good way).  From all that I've been hearing from the official CCSA briefs, I really think the private hospitals are going to start playing a prominent role sooner than most of us realize.


Of course this is just my personal take, but I tend to usually be an informed optimist ????, or someone who sees the glass as half full instead of half empty.


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On 5/25/2021 at 12:06 PM, samtam said:

 7 May. Received the confirmation appointment the same day, with time slot, (which I chose, and hospital, which I chose). Appointment for 1st jab 21 July. The first available date was 20 July, but I preferred the time available on 20 July, to coincide with my partner's appointment, booked immediately after mine, both done by my condo office staff.


We live in Bangkok, so not sure we have a poo yai baan. We already have the confirmations on our Line apps. Nearer the date we may receive an SMS or a Line message, (confirming or retracting) the appointments.


Really interested to hear from anyone who has successfully registered on Mor Prom Line and received a time slot and date and hospital...IN BANGKOK.


I have, but my appointment is 21 July. If others have succeeded, and the appointment is earlier that this date, would appreciate knowing whether your appointment was honoured. I think there is so much inconsistency between Bangkok and provinces. 


If the Mor Prom Bangkok appointments are not honoured, then I'm offski to another country for a few months to get vaxxed and back, hassles ad nauseam notwithstanding.

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1 hour ago, samtam said:


Really interested to hear from anyone who has successfully registered on Mor Prom Line and received a time slot and date and hospital...IN BANGKOK.


I have, but my appointment is 21 July. If others have succeeded, and the appointment is earlier that this date, would appreciate knowing whether your appointment was honoured. I think there is so much inconsistency between Bangkok and provinces. 


If the Mor Prom Bangkok appointments are not honoured, then I'm offski to another country for a few months to get vaxxed and back, hassles ad nauseam notwithstanding.

The Thai wife and I successfully registered several weeks ago using the Mor Prom LINE app.  I'm one each farang....used my Pink ID card.  The wife registered first and select a jab date of 9 June at our local, private hospital here in western Bangkok.  About a week later I registered and got a jab date at the same hospital for 23 June.  Then we both rescheduled to 30 June....shifted the appt to the right to lessen the changes of getting the Sinovac vaccine thinking the AztraZeneca jab would be the dominate vaccine available by 30 June. All of this done on the Mor Pro LINE app.   AND, I think we are going to further shift our jab dates to the right as I think we are just going to wait for Moderna/Pfizer jab to arrive even if later this year....more than willing to pay for these jabs that we consider better jabs.

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15 hours ago, Pib said:

The Thai wife and I successfully registered several weeks ago using the Mor Prom LINE app.  I'm one each farang....used my Pink ID card.  The wife registered first and select a jab date of 9 June at our local, private hospital here in western Bangkok.  About a week later I registered and got a jab date at the same hospital for 23 June.  Then we both rescheduled to 30 June....shifted the appt to the right to lessen the changes of getting the Sinovac vaccine thinking the AztraZeneca jab would be the dominate vaccine available by 30 June. All of this done on the Mor Pro LINE app.   AND, I think we are going to further shift our jab dates to the right as I think we are just going to wait for Moderna/Pfizer jab to arrive even if later this year....more than willing to pay for these jabs that we consider better jabs.


So you haven't yet been vaxxed? Really would like to hear from someone who's had their appointment honoured, that is, they had an appointment and they went to the facility they chose, and had the needle inserted.


When I (my Thai office staff) registered (me) using the LINE Mor Prom on my phone (with my Thai pink ID), I was given a date, time and hospital of my choosing. The date is 21 July. I would really like to hear whether anyone in Bangkok has had their date/appointment honoured, as above.


If they've been refused, then I will not hang around here in Thailand, but make provisions elsewhere, (overseas).


If you're using Mor Prom you wont have a choice of vax brand, from what I understand, and as it's the government programme, you don't pay. (But all of these assumptions are speculative, given the way things roll, or in reality, don't rollout.)

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19 minutes ago, samtam said:


So you haven't yet been vaxxed? Really would like to hear from someone who's had their appointment honoured, that is, they had an appointment and they went to the facility they chose, and had the needle inserted.



That's different from what you originally asked which is quoted below...you originally asked if any one in Bangkok had successfully registered and scheduled a jab using the Mor Prom Line app so that was the answer given.  Since the app was to schedule jabs for "7 June forward"and since 7 June has not arrived yet no one has had a chance to see if the scheduled jab date will be honored or not.



"Really interested to hear from anyone who has successfully registered on Mor Prom Line and received a time slot and date and hospital...IN BANGKOK."

End quote.

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17 hours ago, samtam said:

I have, but my appointment is 21 July. If others have succeeded, and the appointment is earlier that this date, would appreciate knowing whether your appointment was honoured.


Actually....you had to read a bit further.

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17 hours ago, samtam said:


Really interested to hear from anyone who has successfully registered on Mor Prom Line and received a time slot and date and hospital...IN BANGKOK.


I have, but my appointment is 21 July. If others have succeeded, and the appointment is earlier that this date, would appreciate knowing whether your appointment was honoured. I think there is so much inconsistency between Bangkok and provinces. 


If the Mor Prom Bangkok appointments are not honoured, then I'm offski to another country for a few months to get vaxxed and back, hassles ad nauseam notwithstanding.


Perhaps "honoured" needed clarity. I hope I've now given that. Honoured means given the jab at the specified time, date hospital.


Sorry that wasn't clear.


As June 7 is fast approaching, I imagine there are people who might be early on the list, and I would like to hear whether they were/are going to be successful.

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Actually Sheryl has this topic covered here:


I'm merely trying to assess whether the Mor Prom LINE registrations/appointments are worth waiting for. If they're not, then it's time to seek an alternative source outside of Thailand, rather than wait for Godot.

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On 5/21/2021 at 3:16 PM, dcsw53 said:

We're ahead of the game. I registered at Pattaya Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, Jab will be Moderna done in October.


I registered at Udon Thani last week---Jab will be first week August--they don't know what the Vaccine will be yet.

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14 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:


I registered at Udon Thani last week---Jab will be first week August--they don't know what the Vaccine will be yet.


Yes, registering and actually getting the jab are very different animals.

I'm particularly interested in the getting-the-jab animal, in Bangkok, by Mor Prom LINE, which, yes, will not be until 7 June at the earliest. 


I'm just asking in advance for those who have early June appointments in Bangkok.


Can anyone, in that situation, and after their jab, please let us know.

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On 5/24/2021 at 5:38 PM, riclag said:

 Somebody mentioned restrictions on travel ,I can't find a source that says Sinovac  injected travelers are barred from certain countries 

The European Union “will accept, unconditionally, all those who are vaccinated with vaccines that are approved by EMA [the European Medicines Agency],” Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, told the New York Times. The three vaccines that have been approved for use in the United States—Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson—have all been approved for use in Europe.


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30 minutes ago, samtam said:


Yes, registering and actually getting the jab are very different animals.

I'm particularly interested in the getting-the-jab animal, in Bangkok, by Mor Prom LINE, which, yes, will not be until 7 June at the earliest. 


I'm just asking in advance for those who have early June appointments in Bangkok.


Can anyone, in that situation, and after their jab, please let us know.

Just so you know, it's been stated many times in the last couple of weeks by the CCSA that any foreigners who managed to register through the MorProm app with a pink card will not be vaccinated in June. 


The CCSA emphasized that it was a mistake that foreigners were able to register since the app was only intended for Thai nationals, so it's questionable whether you are even officially registered at all.


Even if you received an appointment date for June 7 (which some expats have claimed) it may actually be invalid.  I'd go to the hospital on that date with the expectation that you may have to register again, since the CCSA apparently abandoned the idea of making a similar app available to foreigners (even though they were going to do that initially)

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33 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

Just so you know, it's been stated many times in the last couple of weeks by the CCSA that any foreigners who managed to register through the MorProm app with a pink card will not be vaccinated in June. 


The CCSA emphasized that it was a mistake that foreigners were able to register since the app was only intended for Thai nationals, so it's questionable whether you are even officially registered at all.


Even if you received an appointment date for June 7 (which some expats have claimed) it may actually be invalid.  I'd go to the hospital on that date with the expectation that you may have to register again, since the CCSA apparently abandoned the idea of making a similar app available to foreigners (even though they were going to do that initially)


Thanks. That's what I'm hoping to learn first hand from someone who turns up to the appointment shown on their Mor Prom LINE app, (which I have, but not until 21 July). If the CCSA announcement, (which I've heard about, but not seen), that all foreigners with Mor Prom LINE app appointments are null and void is true, then I will certainly not wait around until 21 July to discover that my appointment has been rescinded.


Accordingly, I aim to leave Thailand by late June based on others' experience, and get vaccinated overseas, with all the hassle and cost that entails.


What is so galling is that the young guys (22-32)  in my condo office all registered 2 days ago, and have their jab appointments in early June. I'm 63. My partner's 67....but we're foreigners, so obviously we don't count. Anyway, a few months away from here will do us a power of good mentally, and get us vaxxed with a brand we would like.


Frankly, we're in good health, and live in a beautiful condo, but a life without any facilities, (like swimming my 1200m every other day), and when the highlight of our week is a trip to the supermarket ???????? ...is getting a bit tedious, and there's a sell-by date on the joys of housework, since we asked the maid not to come in 6 weeks ago.


So we could wait, but I'm getting cabin fever; good training for the quarantine period, I suppose!

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10 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

Just so you know, it's been stated many times in the last couple of weeks by the CCSA that any foreigners who managed to register through the MorProm app with a pink card will not be vaccinated in June. 


The CCSA emphasized that it was a mistake that foreigners were able to register since the app was only intended for Thai nationals, so it's questionable whether you are even officially registered at all.


Even if you received an appointment date for June 7 (which some expats have claimed) it may actually be invalid.  I'd go to the hospital on that date with the expectation that you may have to register again, since the CCSA apparently abandoned the idea of making a similar app available to foreigners (even though they were going to do that initially)


As I've stated before, the experience of those registering via the Mor Prom App and receiving an appointment for June 7th, in my Province, was that appointment was only to collect their official appointment letter for the jab, which were actually dated July, Aug, Sept.


When you register you state name, age, tele number and Thai ID number - no address.

The official appointment letters, which have a QR code, cannot be posted, but collected.

These must be produced on the actually appointment date.

This registration method and process is no different for foreigners than it is for Thais.


Whether this is the standard practice throughout the Country I don't know.

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1 minute ago, Tanoshi said:


As I've stated before, the experience of those registering via the Mor Prom App and receiving an appointment for June 7th, in my Province, was that appointment was only to collect their official appointment letter for the jab, which were actually dated July, Aug, Sept.


When you register you state name, age, tele number and Thai ID number - no address.

The official appointment letters, which have a QR code, cannot be posted, but collected.

These must be produced on the actually appointment date.

This registration method and process is no different for foreigners than it is for Thais.


Whether this is the standard practice throughout the Country I don't know.


Ergo, someone in Bangkok with an early June "appointment", please advise.

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4 minutes ago, samtam said:

What is so galling is that the young guys (22-32)  in my condo office all registered 2 days ago, and have their jab appointments in early June. I'm 63. My partner's 67....but we're foreigners, so obviously we don't count. Anyway, a few months away from here will do us a power of good mentally, and get us vaxxed with a brand we would like.

Is that at a private hospital facility?


Certainly at our Government hospital appointments are only being considered for those 60 and above, or with certain medical issues. The wife although registered (under 60) has been told she will be in the next group to receive an appointment, probably sometime Oct/Nov.

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32 minutes ago, samtam said:


Thanks. That's what I'm hoping to learn first hand from someone who turns up to the appointment shown on their Mor Prom LINE app, (which I have, but not until 21 July). If CCSA announcement, (which I've heard about, but not seen), that all foreigners with Mor Prom LINE app appointments are null and void is true, then I will certainly not wait around until 21 July to discover that my appointment has been rescinded.


Accordingly, I aim to leave Thailand by late June based on others' experience, and get vaccinated overseas, with all the hassle and cost that entails.


What is so galling is that the young guys (22-32)  in my condo office all registered 2 days ago, and have their jab appointments in early June. I'm 63. My partner's 67....but we're foreigners, so obviously we don't count. Anyway, a few months away from here will do us a power of good mentally, and get us vaxxed with a brand we would like.


Frankly, we're in good health, and live in a beautiful condo, but a life without any facilities, (like swimming my 1200m every other day), and when the highlight of our week is a trip to the supermarket ???????? ...is getting a bit tedious, and there's a sell-by date on the joys of housework, since we asked the maid not to come in 6 weeks ago.


So we could wait, but I'm getting cabin fever; good training for the quarantine period, I suppose!

In several CCSA official briefings last week the Spokesperson were very clear on this as they were concerned that so many foreigners were confused by the whole MorProm thing.


The daily CCSA briefings are the best source of "official" information.  Some on this forum criticize these briefings claiming that there is constant "flip-flopping" from the Spokespeople.


The truth is that what some think of as "flip flopping" are just changes that would naturally occur in any "work in progress" where officials have no pre-existing guidelines to rely on.


It should be expected that there will be a lot of confusion and day to day changes in information provided in such a complex and unprecedented vaccine rollout. 


What's important is to keep an eye on the big picture, not focus solely on day to day announcements, and the big picture that I see is increasing momentum towards a working strategy for the rollout that will serve everyone (including expats) a lot earlier than we probably are expecting at this point.


These official briefings are given every day, 7 days a week, and it's an excellent way to avoid misinformation and unfounded rumors that often proliferate on public forums such as TVF where such unfounded information just leads to confusion, frustration, and anger.


Here is the link to these daily official briefings, and the latest briefing (for today, Sunday) just appeared about an hour ago.




I agree with you that the rollout seems confusing, frustrating, arbitrary, and chaotic for all of us expats at the moment, but everyday the situation seems to be improving, and I think we're gonna really be surprised how soon we actually receive our jabs ????


There are just too many pessimistic people on this forum and I think it's becuase they place more importance in hearsay than facts.

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