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Thailand’s AstraZeneca plan stumbles again as third wave rises


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Scientists in Germany claim to have cracked the cause of the rare blood clots linked to the Oxford/AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccines and believe the jabs could be tweaked to stop the reaction happening altogether. [...] The delivery mechanism means the vaccines send the DNA gene sequences of the spike protein into the cell nucleus rather than the cytosol fluid found inside the cell where the virus normally produces proteins.
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6 hours ago, nchuckle said:


Wow, so this is a case of one hidden hand saving another hidden hand. Siam SB can't fulfill its obligations, so CRA steps in and saves Thailand from its own inept government actors. An incredible power play on display!

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1 hour ago, cncltd1973 said:


Wow, so this is a case of one hidden hand saving another hidden hand. Siam SB can't fulfill its obligations, so CRA steps in and saves Thailand from its own inept government actors. An incredible power play on display!

Yes the government seems to be inept at this time. But before you write posts as above, you may want to research who actually owns Bioscience, and then maybe change your narrative.

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A post with a trolling meme has been removed.   This is a discussion forum.  


Also, just as a reminder, ANY discussion of the Royal family, even disguised reference can result in a permanent ban from the forum.  



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15 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


Prosecutors were said to drop those charges back towards the end of March. But this is Thailand, old charges can be revived, and new charges fashioned out of thin air. There is always a law or three which can be applied to an individual.

And if all else fails there is always the violating the Emergency decree 

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17 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:




"Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said he was unaware of the royal order before it was published."


ohh my, spanked.

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I hope this is not too far off topic but the CCSA announcement is part of this thread. (As boring and propaganda filled as  the briefings are they do spend 5% of the time giving useful information.) But what I want someone who knows to tell me – what criteria do they use for the number of daily “recoveries”?

Is it calendar based? Count 14 days and you are listed as recovered? (On Wednesday, 2,063 patients were diagnosed recovered and were discharged from hospitals and prisons,????) Or do they merely take your temperature and say go free my son. Do they do an actual PCR test and find negative results? Or is there a guy in the back drawing numbers out of a hat? Like the winner today is – pick a number-???

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22 hours ago, Enzian said:

"it now looks like the shortage will last longer than expected."

Longer than expected by whom? Anyone who has expectations here needs their head examined.

Whoa Big Guy!

If they start examining heads in the Kingdom a brain dystrophy pandemic will dwarf the virus and the government will be effectively decapitated.


The bad news?

No vaccine for stupidity.

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13 hours ago, jippytum said:

Why is the government not open about the problems regarding  the manufacture and supply of the vaccine in Thailand.

I understand that Siam Bioscience is owned by the King and any criticism of the company could be construed as criticism of the King. Therefore cannot be done.

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On 5/27/2021 at 6:43 AM, Mr Meeseeks said:

Maybe they should have charged $10 per dose then. 


Instead they get fined for giving everyone the vaccine at cost price and then failing to deliver when demand outstrips supply. 

No good deed goes unpunished. They will know better next time.... (and there will be a next time..)

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i like the mushroom statement, good says alot

you can fool some of the people some time, but you can not fool all of the people all the time.


i will say this much the American embassy and country dropped the ball on getting american citizens vaccinated!!

it is not like they do not have doses available(they are stockpiled astrazeneca all ready approved for thailand.), they do not care about citizens out of the country or citizens inside the country. simple put the vaccinations on a plane and give the shots at the embassy!!!! not very hard. i am quite sure the embassy has some type of medical personal available!!!

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On 5/27/2021 at 12:03 AM, connda said:

And yet the construction tycoon turned Heath Minister assures the public and press that there is no shortage of vaccines and everything is right on schedule.  You can find the articles in the TV Thai News section. 
Explain why this guy continually states claims in direct opposition to the current facts.
Then, he and others whing that they don't understand why the public doesn't trust them.  As well they don't understand why the public is "vaccine hesitant" when their so-call leaders can't be completely honest with them.
The more their "leaders" twist and turn while attempting to patch up short term screw-up to save face, then more these inept <deleted> lose the long-term confidence of every average person in Thailand.

The people at the top simply can not be trusted.  Every day the regional epidemic continues the more this becomes painfully obvious.

They are leaders.  Trust them and do what they say.  They will be right behind you to figure what went wrong after a few endless committee meetings.

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All very weird,  better keeping the politics out of it, the vaccine companies will be diverting effort to facilitate all the politicians etc. belly aching. 


If AZ are providing the vaccines at cost, and the EU muppets are taking them to court to get say fines of "X" Euros a dose, then that becomes part of the cost, so they should reflect that cost back to the EU on there invoices!


Anyway next week, here in the UK, the Daughter (under 30, and generally vaccines rolled out in descending age order) is getting her first Jab????


The only words you should want to hear, should be from the nurse doing the pre-jab health screening....


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