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Vaccine choice: Price of Moderna set by Thai Private Hospitals' Association

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3 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Well there were a bit late out of the starting gate.

Guess this is the best they could get.


It is what it is, and who knows what the future brings.  Everyday the amount ordered and purchased changes as well as the time frames.  The way things are looking, and if I was a betting man, I would say this country will not start to turn around until third qtr of 2022 and then 2024 they may see tourism return in numbers, but not if they keep going at the rate they are with this government at the helm.

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2 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:


It is what it is, and who knows what the future brings.  Everyday the amount ordered and purchased changes as well as the time frames.  The way things are looking, and if I was a betting man, I would say this country will not start to turn around until third qtr of 2022 and then 2024 they may see tourism return in numbers, but not if they keep going at the rate they are with this government at the helm.

I never trust a man who doesn't bet. 

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, Smee said:

More pointless posturing and garbage to make it look as if something is being done when in reality people continue to get sick and die needlessly because of the government's inexcusable failure to act decisively and effectively. If the bloody website ThailandIntervac.com : The Office of International Cooperation, Department of Disease Control ,Ministry of Public Health Thailand actually worked then there might be some hope, but it is, as usual, another poorly constructed and useless bit of digital nonsense that is not fit for purpose and reflects the utter lack of competence or professionalism that we foolishly continue to hope for from those 'elite' brainiacs who 'run' the country

Just a tad generous there I feel?

28 minutes ago, Mister MXYZPTLK said:

Did you all not read this?



“It will cost 1,900 baht per jab meaning that two will cost 3,800 baht.

This price includes the vaccine, hospital charges and insurance.”


Insurance?  Insurance for WHAT?  We already are forced to have Covid Insurance required by the Government for our VISA.  What is this insurance paying for? The fact that we may get sick and DIE if the private hospitals screw up giving us the Vaccine? To pay for our long term medical care?  Or is it to pay for their MALPRACTICE Insurance in giving out the vaccine? 


I’d love to hear ANY HOSPITAL’S response to that question 

Insurance for if you have an adverse reaction to the vaccine.  The insurance will then kick in and pay for any treatment you may need.

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All a bit late isn't it?


I'm 69 years old and in France and have had both jabs with Pfizer, the last one 3 weeks ago. Free too here, as are PCR and Antigen tests. These tests if you need them for travel cost up to £600 in UK. At the moment UK travellers and most others from outside the EU are not permitted to enter France except if resident or French.


I want to return to Thailand but until quarantining there is ended or drastically shortened I don't think so.

5 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

For me, much cheaper than a flight Stateside for two "free" jabs.

You've got it in one. Especially if one is not itching to go back to the social upheaval there now. Winter in Colorado is no longer my idea of a good time either.

Been there, done that, and burned the T shirt to stay warm.


I have business I could do there and some prophylactic medical stuff like a colonoscopy but it can wait.

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1 hour ago, malibukid said:

by the time the Moderna arrives Thailand will have achieved herd immunity

I try to stay away from herds!


Does anyone really believe there is a good reason why the Moderna (or others) vaccine will not arrive before October? - I have a relative working in a company producing pharmaceuticals in the USA (not the vaccine, although their production facility was initially commandered for a few months when the USA was gearing up vaccine production), and they tell me that the vaccine producers in the USA are panicked now because of the drop-off in US vaccinations and are ready to ship anywhere they can in order to keep the production lines rolling - for the Thai government to say that the private hospitals cannot start vaccinating until October is just one more example of government stalling for ?? - yes, you know the reason already.

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Is it going to be cheaper if two people show up and jab each other? 


I've not done it before but can bring along an experienced nurse who i'm not real fond of. 

38 minutes ago, riclag said:


It might be advantageous to wait for the October Moderna  first shot and the second shot in November especially knowing the M vacc  has a better efficacy rating !

Is it possible to register now for October and Moderna ? I wouldn't like to have Sinovac or AZ in the three -four next months ; can we refuse and say that we prefer to wait for Moderna ?  if we register now, when can we expect to have the first jab ( even with Sinovac or AZ ) ? 

4 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

Well, it's a little bit better then the COVID-19 tests... I saw one private hospital doing the test and a "COVID free" certificate for 3000 Baht ... I was quoted $2.50/test if I bought a batch of at least 500 the same test from the producer...

Bangkok Hospital Pattaya quoted me 4,300 baht for a test when I called at the end of May.

7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Lets hope the price does not change, as it has already gone up since the initial announcement.  

Has it gone up? I had always assumed that it was to be 3,000 per shot so 3800 would be a reduction.

6 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Insurance for if you have an adverse reaction to the vaccine.  The insurance will then kick in and pay for any treatment you may need.


or if you get jabbed in the eye or ear or even directly into the throat or heart or vagus nerve ... but before the moderators zap this as misinformation, i must stress these things do not happen often ... hardly ever ... given the right conditions ... and as long as recommended practice is followed .... and you don't tremor ... or faint at just the wrong moment ... or there's not an earthquake at just the wrong time, or even a loud noise like a backfire or a dropped stainless steel medical tray loaded with other stainless steel stuff - that can be jarring if nobody's expecting it ... of course being rude to the medical staff beforehand does increase your chances of an 'accident' ... but imperceptibly ... they're usually very professional ... apart from the very rare case of totally unqualified people simply borrowing a lab coat and trying out as a 'nurse' for a laugh ... or a bet ... or because they're just unbalanced ... oh yes, that reminds me, check the chair is properly balanced too, sometimes they collapse ... or topple


But don't mind me, you'll be fine.



  • Haha 2
3 minutes ago, Promsak said:

Has it gone up? I had always assumed that it was to be 3,000 per shot so 3800 would be a reduction.

Up. 3k was the prior cost for both, that was published a few weeks back

59 minutes ago, chrisbangkok said:

Its really quite cheap but then again it isn't actually here yet either , October may well turn out to be next year etc etc... Been here long enough to know that until you see the goods it's all just words and empty promises . If you can survive without returning to the States until a miracle occurs good on you .


As I'm currently (since March) in the most vaccinated place in Thailand, yes I'll just stay put and wait things out. I could probably even get a SinoVac vaccine if I really wanted one.

1 hour ago, billsmart said:

Yes, its a bit late for your first jab, but I just got mine, AstraZeneca, yesterday and will get my second jab three weeks from now.

I might opt for some other vaccine, like this Moderna, later on.

So contrary to recent reports you have ,for lack of better words ,debunked the "16 week waiting period" for 

a second shot  of AZ! This could be a game breaker for me .


That is a 100% mark-up.  Other countries provide these vaccines as a public health service at no charge.  Not here.  They have money to "repair" roads that have nothing worn with them (Have any of you been noticing this?), they can buy tanks, they can buy submarines, but make people pay for a vaccine.   With 10 million ordered, they just might get caught out at that price.  I wonder if they will run a panicked fire sale on the expired doses.   So much greed/

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8 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

Never get to excited, in the land of u-turns. 

Cost of non O extension + multiple entry


So 3000 for two becomes 1900 each.

3800 for two


2 hours ago, Ireland32 said:

I’m not waiting who knows when I return to USA tomorrow 

I jumped to the Uk

Pfizer free. X 2 shots.


Costs of travel

£300 each way flight.

Tests 3500 baht each way

2 Uk tests £150

Quarantine on return to Thailand 34,000 baht


What price do you put on life ?

2 minutes ago, billsmart said:

Riclag, I've found out that my wife misread the paper I was given. My second shot is scheduled for 27 Sep, not Jun.


Thanks to everyone who questioned this and lead me to research it more and find out the actual date. 


The Trespasser.jpg

30 minutes ago, Aforek said:

Is it possible to register now for October and Moderna ? I wouldn't like to have Sinovac or AZ in the three -four next months ; can we refuse and say that we prefer to wait for Moderna ?  if we register now, when can we expect to have the first jab ( even with Sinovac or AZ ) ? 

Why register if you don't want it? 

Yes, you can register now. 

1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

Are you a tourist? 

Thais and foreigners on long term visas are not forced to get insurance 

The insurance paid when you pay for your vaccine is to cover the cost of any hospitalization or treatment needed due to an adverse action Sir.

8 hours ago, webfact said:

It will cost 1,900 baht per jab meaning that two will cost 3,800 baht.

Almost twice the price as in the West. 
Who here believes this isn't about money?  Price gouging during a pandemic?  Ah huh.  ????
These are evil *******s

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3 hours ago, Deli said:

Any hospital with happy hour, buy 1, get 1 free ?

A clinic/bar cross-promotion offering 'Blow Jabs' perhaps?

5 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

Well, it's a little bit better then the COVID-19 tests... I saw one private hospital doing the test and a "COVID free" certificate for 3000 Baht ... I was quoted $2.50/test if I bought a batch of at least 500 the same test from the producer...

All Covid tests are not equal. You can't fly with the cheap ones...


what is the vaccine address? do you need to go to local hospital and be examined by a doctor I am sure I have a condition that stops me from having a jab

3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


Considering the Pneumonia shot and booster a year later would cost you more than that, I believe the price is reasonable, that and if they do arrive in October which is only a few months away, might be one to consider, providing that they haven't put any chips in them ????

I think there is little chance that people that are reading this now will be able to register for the oct or even beginning of next year batch . My geuss is that all the hi-so Thai are at the front of those lines . 

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2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

moan bash moan bash -  no one is forcing you to get the vaccine or stay in Thailand.

See you like to set the bar really low when judging the country’s performance. Just where are they in terms of vaccination procurement and administration.? Is that what a country like Thailand should be proud of ?

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