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Receiving Bank OTP while out of Country, no Thai phone

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Up to now I have kept my kasikornbank account active by doing a small transfer to a Thai friend every 6 months or so. There is a bank login password, and then another PIN2 password for doing transfers. I just got an email that the PIN2 password system will be discontinued and I must move to a OTP password received by phone. I don't know if it will be by SMS message or by voice call, maybe someone already using the kasikornbank OTP system can tell me that. Anyway, I don't have a Thai phone, now when I visit I just buy a new SIM card every time. Does anyone know a way to receive a Thai phone call and / or SMS while outside Thailand. I searched for "receive Thai SMS" and yes, there are a lot of websites offering that service, but most of them you just use the number for a day, and share with everybody else online that day. I couldn't tell which ones offered a number just for me. Is there one as "trustable" as google voice for example. Rather than "search this and that", if anyone knows a specific Thai phone number provider, or another way to receive the kasikornbank OTP, or another way to keep the account open, I appreciate it.
Note: I only have one account open, so transferring back and forth between two accounts also not an option.

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I'm pretty sure with Kasikorn you need a Thai sim to receive OTPs, so as already suggested get someone to send you a sim with roaming activated. To keep an account active just keep a minimum balance, usually a few thousand and transfer or top up your phone or pay truemoney etc



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How long do you expect to be away from Thailand?  Provided you maintain a balance the account will  not be closed.  If the balance drops below 1,000 or so they will start taking 20/month and continue to do so until the balance is zero.  The account may possibly become "inactive" but you can activate it again by going into the branch.  See also; 


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Normally you had a phone number registered and associated with that account. If you no longer have access to that number, it might be tough to change anything, though its possible that you could still add a number with that 2 PINs. If so, ask someone you TRUST to buy a SIM and then have that SIM registered to your bank account. Don't give away username and password to your KBank account, obviously. Maybe the person you are transferring to. So when you want to transfer, talk to that person (my some messenger) and ask him/her to send you screenshot or tell you the number, which you then enter into the page to do transfer.


Takes half of the security away, I know, and bank might have systems in place to prevent this exact thing. But if you trust that person, you can give it a shot. Given decrease in security, keep as little in there as you need to, and move the rest of funds somewhere else.

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I had to temporarily come to Australia and not yet back in Thailand.


I've had an AIS post pay account for many years. I contacted AIS, here's advice I got:


- Keep your AIS account. Online every month I pay a basic monthly charge of 406.xxBaht.


- Contact AIS and tell them:

  • You want roaming, but
  • You want the total billing for roaming set permanently at zero Baht. 

- Now when I want to make a transfer from my K Bank account:

  • I change my SIM card; remove the SIM card from Telstra in Australia and 
  • Insert the old AIS SIM card in my smartphone.
  • Now set up the transfer details in my K Bank internet banking
  • Wait for the drop down OTP password notification on my smartphone* Takes from 1 to 10 minutes to appear.
  • Insert the OTP in the K Bank on screen set up, click submit.
  • All done.
  • * The drop down notification with the OTP disappears quickly, if you miss it go click on your smartphone messages icon and the OP number appears again, permanently.

- If the OTP system is down you can call* K bank in Bkk and they will send the OTP by e.mail, takes about 5 to 10 minutes.  If the total time for the K bank details for the transfer has expired, just do it again quickly and insert the OTP you have already received by e.mail. The OTP expires at midnight the same day, Thailand time.


I've received the e.mail OTP from K Bank but I started the process by a phone call to K Bank in Thailand.  I think you can also request the OTP by e.mail but I've never used it.


Nowadays I always use my AIS SIM card and get the OTP by drop down notification on my smartphone. 

  • Good luck. 
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I have been playing email tag with Kasikorn since I received the PIN2 email.

I work offshore, and there is very rarely a mobile phone network, so it's impossible to receive a OTP SMS.

I'm hoping Kasikorn can come up with a solution as this will affect a number of people.



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23 hours ago, Drew345 said:

Up to now I have kept my kasikornbank account active by doing a small transfer to a Thai friend every 6 months or so.

Do I get you right. You are in Korea now and have not registered a Thai mobile phone number for your account?

Registering a phone number for internet banking requires a visit to the branch with your ID (passport).

I don't think there is a way around that.


Keeping account alive?

As stated above there always seems to be a way to bring back a dormant account to life.

In 2012 I went to Kasikorn with a mate having a "Thai Farmers Bank" book.

Within 15 minutes or so he had his Kasikorn bank book for the account.


Do you have an ATM card for the account? Valid until?

Edited by KhunBENQ
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Is "Drew345" really unable to get an AIS sim card and then send *125*1# to activate International use so that he can receive and send SMS messages and use the sim card to make and receive calls anywhere in the world?  Unbelieveable.


I've had and been using the same two sim cards since 2006.  Well, almost, I follow the recommendation always get a new sim with the same number when I change the phones.


Having a Kasikorn account makes topping up easy and the K+ app means I never use the ATM card in a machine to get money out these days.  There are no "cross-Province" withdrawal fees to pay using the app too.

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On 6/19/2021 at 12:40 PM, Eindhoven said:

Sounds as if he doesn't have a Thai SIM. Would have been easy enough to keep it active, but they chose to not do so and instead use another method.

Maybe they can get a friend to send them an activated SIM.

good reply.

shouldnt this be painfully obvious to the OP?

blimey.......seriously, I dont know how some people survive unaided.

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When you do get it up and running next time around, recommend using a DTAC number (plus K-Plus app....no OTP needed, just put in the sim when you want to do K-Plus transactions; there's a setting in there that allows WIFI access instead of 4G/5G access), it seems to be the most user friendly for 'buying time,' something like 12 Baht per 6 months to keep the prepaid number active.

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On 6/19/2021 at 12:58 PM, scubascuba3 said:

I'm pretty sure with Kasikorn you need a Thai sim to receive OTPs, so as already suggested get someone to send you a sim with roaming activated. To keep an account active just keep a minimum balance, usually a few thousand and transfer or top up your phone or pay truemoney etc



AFAIK you also have to register the sim with the bank and must do it in person at the branch or else anyone with your bank account details would be able to get the OTP sent to them and clean the account. 

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11 minutes ago, LukKrueng said:

AFAIK you also have to register the sim with the bank and must do it in person at the branch or else anyone with your bank account details would be able to get the OTP sent to them and clean the account. 

Yes that's correct, i set mine up in the bank

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No every bank or financial institution does it... but I have found some have a near hidden option to receive the OTP / OTC by email direct from the bank... it has to do with older clientele who do not use SMS/Text. It pays to examine the screen/page. 

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On 6/19/2021 at 6:37 AM, KannikaP said:

Put  your foreign SIM in the phone when you are expecting a OTP if it is not a dual SIM phone. It doesn't matter if it is or is not a Thai phone.

By foreign I presume you mean Thai., and it must have 'roaming' enabled.

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Yes I just received the KBank email on this. Im in the UK until October so Im getting my Thai missus to go to my Thai branch tomorrow to check if their are alternatives like email. I could keep my Thai sim in my dual sim phone but would rather not as I do use 2 UK sims while here.  Nor can I go to my branch with the online form and ID. But maybe they will accept copies by email. Im mostly worried that my branch in Nakhon nowhere is useless in dealing with anything other than routine matters so it might take a phone call to the head office in Bangkok where they are usually very helpful.

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24 minutes ago, SunsetT said:

By foreign I presume you mean Thai., and it must have 'roaming' enabled.

I would think that a Thai bank needs a Thai number and say a UK bank wants a UK number. But maybe they will send the OTP to whatever number you give them.

Or is there an option to receive the OTP via email?

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3 hours ago, Heng said:

When you do get it up and running next time around, recommend using a DTAC number (plus K-Plus app....no OTP needed, just put in the sim when you want to do K-Plus transactions; there's a setting in there that allows WIFI access instead of 4G/5G access), it seems to be the most user friendly for 'buying time,' something like 12 Baht per 6 months to keep the prepaid number active.

So you can use K+ while roaming?

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2 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

I would think that a Thai bank needs a Thai number and say a UK bank wants a UK number. But maybe they will send the OTP to whatever number you give them.

The length of a UK number probably will not fit their system; certainly not on the download form Kasikorn have sent in the email. Also it would cost them a lot more to send to a UK number.

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2 minutes ago, SunsetT said:

The length of a UK number probably will not fit their system; certainly not on the download form Kasikorn have sent in the email. Also it would cost them a lot more to send to a UK number.

SMSs cost f.... all

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If you can keep your account active by making deposits to it instead of withdrawals, perhaps look into using WISE (previously known as Transferwise.  You can send money from a bank outside Thailand into your Kasikorn account.  Quick. Cheap. Easy.

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2 hours ago, SunsetT said:

So you can use K+ while roaming?


In my experience, yes.   The app wants to 'see' the bank registered SIM but is okay with Wifi handling most of the work as long as you have that toggled in your settings.  

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12 hours ago, SunsetT said:

So you can use K+ while roaming?


9 hours ago, Heng said:


In my experience, yes.   The app wants to 'see' the bank registered SIM but is okay with Wifi handling most of the work as long as you have that toggled in your settings.  

When installing the app you must use your Thai phone data (the number that is registered with the bank). Once done you can use any sim/wifi to use the app but OTP will be sent to that number only (unless there's a way to get it by email) 

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3 hours ago, LukKrueng said:


When installing the app you must use your Thai phone data (the number that is registered with the bank). Once done you can use any sim/wifi to use the app but OTP will be sent to that number only (unless there's a way to get it by email) 


Yeah, I can't speak to other's experiences, but when I use the K-Plus app (not K-Cyber online/internet banking), once you are already regularly using the app, and have added your 'favourite' accounts, bills, etc., I haven't had it ask me for ANY one time passwords for any transactions.  It just completes the transaction.    Now, K-Cyber, that still asks for an OTP every time understandably as you can access K-Cyber from anyone's computer or device.

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6 hours ago, Heng said:


Yeah, I can't speak to other's experiences, but when I use the K-Plus app (not K-Cyber online/internet banking), once you are already regularly using the app, and have added your 'favourite' accounts, bills, etc., I haven't had it ask me for ANY one time passwords for any transactions.  It just completes the transaction.    Now, K-Cyber, that still asks for an OTP every time understandably as you can access K-Cyber from anyone's computer or device.

You are correct. My bad. It only asks for the app's password

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