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I want to whine about the West and "woke" generation


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4 minutes ago, BKKBike09 said:


I'd have thought it was self evidently "all humans on the planet", whether they realise it or not. I don't think there's an 'opt out' button for this. 

You said "We're in the midst of the biggest societal changes for generations" which applies mainly to western nations, which are a minority of "we" on the planet.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that western nations are more important than all the rest put together. Just because that's what we get told by the woke western media does not make it true.

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25 minutes ago, rumak said:

"We would all be better served by focusing on the challenges of the future rather than beating ourselves up over the myriad injustices of the distant past:"



AS for the first part ( above) .  Yes, true.   But these changes have been going on for as long as i can remember.    One might say the world is going downhill ,  not fast,  just slowww and steadyyy.                     

As for the challenges of the future.   Well,  same situation.  Talk, talk, talk.   Politicians, social visionaries,  billionaire "philanthropists" ,   all the same BS.   This is not like a football game where one side is doing good ,  but the other side seems to be turning the tide around.


The reason I say that the current pace of change and range of issues is unprecedented is all down to population pressure. The difference until very recently was that population growth was still not a major issue. The global population today however is more than double what it was just 50 years ago.





But you're right, some things don't change. Let's leave the last word to Dylan, from 1963:


Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'





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1 hour ago, cdemundo said:

You are right to feel disgusted.

It's virtue signaling.

Does nothing to help anyone or resolve any pain.

There must be some kind of pleasure-inducing neurotransmitter released by self-righteous anger and phony outrage.

The mistreatment of indigenous people in Canada (USA, Australia, you name it) was a cruel tragedy, but this seems like phony outrage to me.

Thomas J's post shortly above yours is a great example of someone working themselves into a self-righteous lather for their own pleasure and to rehearse and reinforce their own opinion.

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27 minutes ago, BKKBike09 said:


Thank you for taking the time to read and respond in a similarly thoughtful manner.


I agree wholeheartedly that present day generations should make an effort to acknowledge that injustices occurred and, importantly, aren't being perpetuated. But I disagree they should also take any responsibility for past injustices. Acknowledging them, and supporting remedial action where appropriate, should be enough.

Thank you for your equally thoughtful reply. I think we are on the same page. I recognize there are limits to how much responsibility can feasibly be shouldered for past mistakes, and I don't think people should be put on permanent guilt trips. But I do think that in order for true reconciliation to occur, honest acknowledgement and a genuine commitment to remedial action needs to be taken. Just as an example, I think ongoing remedial action would be far more preferable then any one-time reparation payment. I worry that a reparations payment would imply that any past injustice has now been corrected once and for all, and that there would never again be a further need to address any injustices which persisted.


Edited by Gecko123
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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

You're wrong,

It's the inevitable end to letting white women be in control.

In countries where there are no white women, it doesn't happen.

 you  mean  like the ones where they cut  their clitorises  off????

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38 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Thank you for your equally thoughtful reply. I think we are on the same page. I recognize there are limits to how much responsibility can feasibly be shouldered for past mistakes, and I don't think people should be put on permanent guilt trips. But I do think that in order for true reconciliation to occur, honest acknowledgement and a genuine commitment to remedial action needs to be taken. Just as an example, I think ongoing remedial action would be far more preferable then any one-time reparation payment. I worry that a reparations payment would imply that any past injustice has now been corrected once and for all, and that there would never again be a further need to address any injustices which persisted.



On the same page?


Get a room, you two! Lol.

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10 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

 you  mean  like the ones where they cut  their clitorises  off????


Sorry if I am at risk of sounding "woke" here (perish the thought), but those who cut female genitalia are no worse than those who cut male genitalia -- and before you point out the difference -- I don't give a damn which piece of skin it is or what the function of that piece of skin is.


If it ain't a medical procedure - leave it be!


Cosmetic and religious circumcision are all just as bad as each other.



Edited by 2009
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Just now, 2009 said:


Sorry if I am at risk of sounding "woke" here (perish the thought), but those who cut female genitalia are no worse than those who cut male genitalia -- and before you point out the difference -- I don't give a damn which piece of skin it is or what its function of that piece of skin is.


If it ain't a medical procedure - leave it be!


Cosmetic and religious circumcision are all just as bad each other.

Hardly as bad as each other......(although both are criminally insane).......losing your foreskin is 'nothing' compared the FGM.......unless you were, for males, referring to the Indian eunuchs.....that is truly the worst and most horrific.

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1 hour ago, BKKBike09 said:

Your old road is rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'



i hate to sound like our grandfathers before us...... but i don't like the "new one (road)"

The change Dylan had in mind I definitely do not think was the road we are now on.


On the other hand...... I am 100%  in agreement that population growth (exponential) has

been IMO  probably the second most destructive reason behind what the world has become.  The first would be a very long topic focusing on the mismanagement of this very complex thing we call  "life on earth "  by a very small percentage of self-serving rulers.           


too much heavy thinking on a sunday............. man,  i feel all tangled up in blue 

Edited by rumak
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4 minutes ago, 2009 said:




And I wonder when these woke feminists will put it on their agenda to tackle (excuse the pun) the issue of male circumcision.




I have always reeled at the thought that is so easily accepted as a thing.........people just shrug it off....but I am certain that is because you are "not allowed to question the antics of any religion!".........nothing to do with female activism being negligent or unconcerned.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I would say that it's the inevitable end to having hardly any male teachers. In case anyone hasn't been paying attention, males generally don't become teachers any more because of, IMO, the hysteria over pedo men back a few decades.

Soooo, for decades, children have been shaped by females, many with, IMO, an agenda.


And it's a self-perpetuating cycle.  Less male influence leads to female dominated professions, which leads to a culture of sexist double standards and hating men, which leads to even fewer male teachers.


Who would want to go into teaching as a man these days?  As you say, you're probably going to be under a microscope in almost any interaction you have with the children, while women are free to behave however they want.  Meanwhile you are going to be constantly walking on eggshells being careful what you say, complain or joke about around everyone, because even the other males in these fields seem to be simpering male feminists who can't do any other job.


Especially if you have the original sin of being a straight White male.  Once young minority kids realise how much power they're being given over teachers in terms of accusations of racism, education in the West is going to be done for.


Children need consistency and discipline.  If these are removed through wokeness, their education is going to do more harm than good.

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5 hours ago, Thomas J said:

If there truly was sincere regard for the well being of people in impoverished nations the act should be to help them enrich the life in their country for all of that regions citizens.

I’m fairly left leaning on social issues but this is one that I don’t understand.  

Like, hundreds or thousands of people will flee Guatemala or some other country, March through 3 or 4 other countries, and the people will be <deleted> that they weren’t allowed to enter the US.  

I mean, sometimes these group migrations are televised.  It’s not like they’re sneaking through all of these other countries.  

What was wrong with all of the countries they passed through?   

If you’re scared some cartel in your country is going to kill you, why aren’t you safe once you make it to another country?   

I would even be in favor of the US financially assisting those governments with refugees as an act of humanitarian goodwill.   


But I don’t understand why the US is the bad guy for not wanting to take everyone.  

BTW, I don’t believe we need to shut our doors either. 

I’m just saying that the argument is being framed as if the US won’t take them, they’ll have to go back to their country and face certain death.  

There are other possibilities.   Those aren’t the only two options.  

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7 hours ago, BKKBike09 said:

I'm half Jewish by blood (Eastern European Jewry). So should I demand to hold to account all modern day European citizens from nations that, in historic times, violently persecuted Jews? Not just the Germans under Hitler, but the numerous pogroms against European Jews from the C12th onwards? Of course not. It's much more important to learn from history and, rather than try to blame people today for the sins of their forefathers, acknowledge that terrible events happened and work together to try and prevent them from happening again.


Equally, because I'm half Jewish, should I be blamed for Israel's actions against the Palestinians? Perhaps since I'm a middle-aged white bloke without the 'lived experience' of those events, I have no right to a view?


Personally, I find the 'woke' culture more depressing than anything else, because it seems to me that, thanks to the ubiquity and power of social media, a generation of young people are growing up leery of holding or expressing any opinion that could be deemed controversial. 


We're in the midst of the biggest societal changes for generations, if not ever: unprecedented population levels, unprecedented demands on the natural environment, unprecedented global connectivity both physical (transport) and virtual, unprecedented gulf between the 'haves' and 'have nots'. We would all be better served by focusing on the challenges of the future rather than beating ourselves up over the myriad injustices of the distant past.


if you forget the past it tends to repeat - you should know this better than most people..

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Though I am not conservative, at all, I find the whole woke thing, and the overly PC thing, to be nauseating. Everyone seems to be able to find something to be offended about these days. 


Remember Don Rickles? He would likely be assassinated by a woke, today. Where has all the humor gone? Why are so many so thin skinned? Is it a societal self esteem issue? 


Pandering. Just pandering. Don't have time for it. 

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