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I want to whine about the West and "woke" generation


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3 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

It's a hideous bastardization of the verb "to wake." It's being used as an ugly grammatically incorrect adjective. The label "woke" has suddenly begun to be used to do just the opposite: to put people to sleep, to make them stop thinking, and to cease their efforts to raise our collective consciousness. That's a positively Orwellian misuse of language.


It's used to label and dismiss anything which challenges the status quo. This term was no doubt popularized by Fox News and similar right wing news outlets.  It's a shorthand buzzword like "politically correct" or "virtue signaling" which serves to conveniently dismiss any efforts to raise consciousness about social issues. It's a trench warfare tool to thwart honest debate. Use of this word encourages rigidity, brittle- and closed-mindedness. It is not conducive to open mindedness and free thinking. It's anti-debate and inhibits the exchange of ideas. it's used by the media and politicians as a propaganda point to further marginalize already marginalized people, and to stigmatize and belittle any members of the white majority who support efforts to raise social consciousness.


The degree to which some people have become inflamed by any discussion of any social issues is truly striking. To listen to some of the complaints you would think that one could not step outside your house without being accosted with someone with a bullhorn. The truth is that the last four years in America, but around the world we have seen social inequities increasing, not decreasing. There needs to be a 10 fold perhaps 100 fold increase in the amount of discussion about social issues, and everyone needs to have a seat at the table. All this "anti-woke" talk seems intended to stop that from happening. People need to ask themselves what do they think is going to happen if those discussions never take place. Do you think these problems and issues will just magically disappear if we stop talking about them?

Nonsense. Living standards are way better than the 1800s. Whiners or wokes are just sooks. They couldnt handle world war 1 or 2. Weak as.

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3 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

There needs to be a 10 fold perhaps 100 fold increase in the amount of discussion about social issues, and everyone needs to have a seat at the table.

None of us "ordinary people" have ever had a seat at the table. I don't see that changing any time soon, or in my lifetime.

The only people on the planet that get anything like a real say are the Swiss with their referendums.

It's easier to be screwed when one relaxes and doesn't resist, but we get screwed regardless, IMO.


BTW, even the French Revolution didn't get rid of the "elites". They just got replaced by another lot.

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9 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Nonsense. Living standards are way better than the 1800s. Whiners or wokes are just sooks. They couldnt handle world war 1 or 2. Weak as.

They may be better than the 1800s, but overall, they are now decreasing. For the first time in our civilization parents may leave a worse world to their children.

IMO the high point of western civilization was in the 1950s after the Korean war ended, and lasted till  Kennedy was president. His shining city on a hill was a symbol of hope for a better future for all, but the Vietnam war destroyed all that, and Kennedy allowed that to start. How different the world would be if he had resisted the war makers.

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21 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

It's a shorthand buzzword like "politically correct" or "virtue signaling" which serves to conveniently dismiss any efforts to raise consciousness about social issues.

That doesn't mean that they are not valid descriptions of certain language by a certain demographic of society.


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The National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (Natsem) released its latest household budget report that measures Australians’ standard of living. The standard of living is a combination of the increases in the cost of living – the amount you have to spend on goods and services each year – and your income.


If your income rises faster than your costs, then your standard of living increases.

As a general rule, our standard of living improves each year. In the 26 years since 1989, only in five calendar years has Australian’s standard of living declined. Two of those were in 1989 and 1990 due to the horror recession.

But 2013 did see our standard of living fall again – albeit by only 0.04%:

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17 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Technology has made life easy yet the whiners say life is unfair. Go live in the 1800s or fight in ww2. <deleted> massive whiners.

Can you imagine how the average teenager nowadays would be if their phones were taken away? They wouldn't be able to function, IMO.

As for drafting them to fight in a world war- might as well surrender.

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What I find funny, these people who whine about 'woke' and 'cancel culture', you do realize that people being able to talk about issues is what freedom of speech is all about.


And 'woke', just repackaged 'PC gone mad' from the right, because it is all they have to talk about, can't talk policies anymore, just this culture war bs. And 'cancel culture', you mean you get called out on your dumb views, hardly being cancelled is it? I remember in the 80s when the right and evangelicals were trying to ban everything from D&D and metal music. 

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SEPARATISM seems the only solution.  Multi Culturalism has Failed.

Civilized Cultures must be Set Apart from Uncivilized.

USA headed for Political / Demographic Split ......Wall Off the Lost Cities.

Rural Rational Patriotic Conservatives vs. Urban Irrational Unpatriotic Dems.

Let the “ Democratic “ Cities keep the Unpatriotic plus Criminal Underclass.

UK / Canada / Australia  / France will eventually follow this Split.

Only then can we restore Conservative Rational Laws & Civilization.

Presently only Eastern Europe is standing against Wokism in White Countries.

The West is Almost Lost now..... only Separatism or Revolution can save it.

Poland is for the Poles and therefore has zero uncivilized immigrants.


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21 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

What I find funny, these people who whine about 'woke' and 'cancel culture', you do realize that people being able to talk about issues is what freedom of speech is all about.


And 'woke', just repackaged 'PC gone mad' from the right, because it is all they have to talk about, can't talk policies anymore, just this culture war bs. And 'cancel culture', you mean you get called out on your dumb views, hardly being cancelled is it? I remember in the 80s when the right and evangelicals were trying to ban everything from D&D and metal music. 

So you're anti free speech when people point out the obvious about wokes lol

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13 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

SEPARATISM seems the only solution.  Multi Culturalism has Failed.



Here's the map to how failed government immigration policies look. Races refuse to live with each other and merely tolerate each others existence.


Thank God Thailand and Asia isn't stupid enough to trial this insane experiment in their countries.






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1 hour ago, Sparktrader said:

So you're anti free speech when people point out the obvious about wokes lol

nah, cos woke isn't even a thing, and to be honest if you use it unironically then you, how can I put this in a polite pc way, are a few sandwiches short of a picnic ???? 

Edited by PremiumLane
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1 hour ago, NorthernRyland said:



Here's the map to how failed government immigration policies look. Races refuse to live with each other and merely tolerate each others existence.


Thank God Thailand and Asia isn't stupid enough to trial this insane experiment in their countries.






You lot don't see the utter irony of posting this kind of stuff while being an immigrant? 


Ahh but don't tell me, you are an expat, right? Cos the right colour? ???? 

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37 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

You lot don't see the utter irony of posting this kind of stuff while being an immigrant? 

Of course not. I don't want this to happen to Thailand either. This is why Thailand is wise to not give citizenship to subversive Westerners that want to turn their beautiful country in ghettoized dumps like in America.

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Actually 'woke' was a term initially used by the sjw brigade themselves. They were proud of their ability to traverse immense Wikipedia subjects to prove America was a bad country, Britain colonization was bad, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You name one good thing about a country, and they'd find a million bad things. As Maher said recently, progressives don't recognize the progress that's been made.


And as I'm saying, they'll never stop complaining no matter what reparations are provided. There's always another victim for them to 'save'. Maybe once those reparations start negatively affecting the wokesters, they'll finally Shut The . Up.

Edited by frantick
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5 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

nah, cos woke isn't even a thing, and to be honest if you use it unironically then you, how can I put this in a polite pc way, are a few sandwiches short of a picnic ???? 

It is a thing. Social Justice warriors.


Google it.

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9 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

Only then can we restore Conservative Rational Laws & Civilization.

And what are these laws ?

And what civilization ?

You do realize that mathematics, astronomy, health care were practiced in what is now Africa while Europe was in the Dark Ages ? Where no one bathed, feces and urine were flung out of windows, hygiene was unknown ?

Now ... who was civilized ?

If you think White America is civilized ... !!!


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15 hours ago, rumak said:


FWIW.............. I am often "heavily sensored" .      I think it should be fairly obvious what has 

happened to so many that express a view that is not shared by the "majority".



I  dont  even think its  the majority 

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10 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

Biggest prob now is obesity

Too much food

Not enough hard work

You pretty much summed things up. In the US folks are way too soft now. I joined an online group from my old Company. Entry level workers complaining about cleaning and taking out trash from work place. 

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11 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

2020: Global poverty is expected to rise for the first time in 20 years


world vision


I think they just included me  ( that should raise it by one )

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canthai: yes 500 years ago, Europe was behind China ( and other ancient civilizations ) before Enlightenment / Renaissance. Arabs took & used what was already there.  Blacks never invented anything. english common law, freedom of speech, democracy, modern science, institutions;all from the West.


Greeks modernized mediterranean / north africa, then Romans. Ancient Egyptians were Caucasians from Near East. western white countries are the sole benchmark for high civilization but losing their way with excessive tolerance. asia / africa/ latin america will never really understand democracy & freedom. its a “ white” thing. computers / jets / cars / spacecraft / modern science & medicine / industrialization / firearms coming originally all from western (white) people.

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7 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

canthai: yes 500 years ago, Europe was behind China ( and other ancient civilizations ) before Enlightenment / Renaissance. Arabs took & used what was already there.  Blacks never invented anything. english common law, freedom of speech, democracy, modern science, institutions;all from the West.


Greeks modernized mediterranean / north africa, then Romans. Ancient Egyptians were Caucasians from Near East. western white countries are the sole benchmark for high civilization but losing their way with excessive tolerance. asia / africa/ latin america will never really understand democracy & freedom. its a “ white” thing. computers / jets / cars / spacecraft / modern science & medicine / industrialization / firearms coming originally all from western (white) people.

How very racist ,in todays world but how true in the real world

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