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Phuket Sandbox rules tweaked


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8 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

“For those who test negative, they are allowed to leave the hotel, but they must come back to stay in the hotel ‒ even if they have their own house in Phuket."


I just don't get that one. 

Agree and as I am travelling and live in Phuket it is quite frustrating but at least they seem to have abandoned the GPS wristbands and replaced them with an app. Each hotel has a SHA+ manager who you "report" once a day too instead.

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1 minute ago, Rhacsyn said:

Again not definitive but may be just luck but my local Thai GF (fully vaccinated) registered with the SHA+ hotel whilst making my booking and was told she can stay with me. May not be true for all though as it is, as you say not clarified anywhere ..........

That seems reasonable.  Yeah, very little is definitive about this subject, there's just a spectrum of rumors from the plausible to the implausible.   You must always wear a helmet when riding a motorbike in Thailand, that is the rule, enforcement of the rule sometimes lags behind the language of the rule.

Seen from a public health point of view, having information about who has been in extended contact with whom is a good thing for contact tracing should that become necessary.

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6 hours ago, poskat said:

I believe I read before that the "tourist' is required to check in each day with the hotel jailor, errr...I mean, health officer

Stop being so negative and look at the advantages that this scheme gives. There's no need to get bored on the beach or damage your health in the bar. Now you can enjoy the exciting benefits of joining the escape committee. Everyone welcome. Bring your own shovel/trowel and bucket.

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1 hour ago, RickSee said:

Has anyone out there successfully booked a flight to the sandbox with a transfer in BKK?  If this is possible it might save some cash as those flights (eg. Emirate, Qatar ...) that fly directly to Phuket from abroad seem somewhat more costly than those connecting in BKK, especially if a multi-stop ticket is required (eg. Europe-Phuket-BKK-Europe).


thanks, RS

Looking at the Thai Embassy site for London it seems domestic transfers aren't allowed. 




I'd be much happier if I could transit through BKK as I normally fly Gulf Air and I need to earn points but they don't fly to Phuket

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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I watched this list of requirements today and it started to sound like satire. Hardly any normal person's idea of a vacation. I'm surprised that they are claiming large numbers of participants. If I wasn't already in Thailand, I would not be coming!



It offers a much better alternative to those of us that come and go frequently, that's not open for debate.


What's not normal about it, pls tell. The only thing i see is you get your nose / throat raped 3 times, it's a great time to visit the beaches of thailand, cleanest they've been for decades and the water. hardly anyone about, what's not to like?

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If they don't clear up the Oil blobs, plastic and debris from the beaches they are in for some bad publicity, if indeed anyone arrives here ! Kata Noi beach yesterday and Karon Beach today were in a disgusting state. I thought the PM declared 'Phuket is ready to open'. I cant believe that these very important beaches have no mechanism in place for cleaning. Just leave it to falang volunteers to clear or the tide to wash it back into the sea.

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1 hour ago, skatewash said:

The latest remotely plausible-sounding rumor that I've heard of is that it's OK as long as the person staying with you has received a negative covid test result(s).  I can't point to anything officially definitive.  For people already in Thailand but not in Phuket there are very specific things they need to have to even get into Phuket (unless they are already there).  The domestic (right hand) side of the graphic attached.  If I had anything officially definitive I'd be giving you that rather than a plausible-sounding rumor.

A lot of hope was pinned on there being specifics in what would be published in the Royal Gazette concerning these sort of details.  That hope was forlorn as what has been published is very high-level, the implementation details have been left unspecified.

206427609_358093899010213_4730109082702803477_n (1).jpg



Here's another version of those various rules in EN put out by the government later today:









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4 hours ago, FarangJon said:

Cant awayit to see the pictures these days of empty Phuket airport????

Yes, that's the mentality, don't care about anything as long as you can vent negativity.

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15 hours ago, smedly said:

“For those who test negative, they are allowed to leave the hotel, but they must come back to stay in the hotel ‒ even if they have their own house in Phuket"


so if you own or rent a condo or house in Phuket you can go there all day but must return to a ## hotel room lol


I see they have not mentioned anything about partners or guests in your room lol


13 hours ago, poskat said:

I believe I read before that the "tourist' is required to check in each day with the hotel jailor, errr...I mean, health officer


Will be interesting to see how this works out. Is this so called hotel health officer ???? 24 hrs a day available ?

Is coming to the hotel for a 3 hours sleep say from 02:00 to 05:00 enough ??

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15 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

“For those who test negative, they are allowed to leave the hotel, but they must come back to stay in the hotel ‒ even if they have their own house in Phuket."


I just don't get that one. 

The provision makes perfect sense.

You can leave the hotel and roam the island but your residence for the first 14 days would be the government approved hotel. Even if you have a home in Phuket you can not stay there the first 14 days because it is not a government approved facility adhering to the provisions of the sandbox program. 

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10 hours ago, skatewash said:


In alphabetical order:

1. Albania
2. Andorra
3. Antigua and Barbuda
4. Australia
5. Austria
6. Azerbaijan
7. Bahrain
8. Barbados
9. Belgium
10. Bhutan
11. Brunei
12. Bulgaria
13. Cambodia
14. Canada
15. Chile
16. China
17. Croatia
18. Cyprus
19. Czech Republic
20. Denmark
21. Dominica
22. Estonia
23. Finland
24. France
25. Germany
26. Greece
27. Hungary
28. Iceland
29. Ireland
30. Israel
31. Italy
32. Kuwait
33. Laos
34. Latvia
35. Lithuania
36. Luxembourg
37. Malta
38. Mauritius
39. Monaco
40. Morocco
41. Myanmar
42. The Netherlands
43. New Zealand
44. Norway
45. Poland
46. Portugal
47. Qatar
48. Romania
49. Russia
50. San Marino
51. Serbia
52. Singapore
53. Slovakia
54. Slovenia
55. South Korea
56. Spain
57. Sweden
58. Switzerland
59. Turkey
60. United Arab Emirates
61. United Kingdom
62. United States
63. Vietnam
and 3 territories
1. Hong Kong
2. Macau
3. Taiwan

Well you can strike Australia  off the list because we aren't allowed to travel to Thailand 

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7 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

It offers a much better alternative to those of us that come and go frequently, that's not open for debate.


What's not normal about it, pls tell. The only thing i see is you get your nose / throat raped 3 times, it's a great time to visit the beaches of thailand, cleanest they've been for decades and the water. hardly anyone about, what's not to like?

Still wouldn't swim in a Thai beach. Just because you clean the toilet seat doesn't mean it's safe to drink from the bowl.

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16 hours ago, skatewash said:

People with non-immigrant visas or re-entry permits are allowed to used the Sandbox.  So are Thais.

If you are so convinced, then please be so good to state where this is part of the scheme so that people will not get conned.

Are "Tourists" (or as now being interpreted as "visitors") on long stay visas?


They may portray that it is tourists to make it look successful and perhaps many non-tourists increase the numbers but be careful that you are not going to be fleeced.

The statements are clear, so dont complain if you have problems.

Best of luck, but i am not going to be banned from thailand or pay under the counter because at somebody's discretion i was not compliant. 

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