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Thai Prime Minister enters self-isolation quarantine after contacting Covid-19 infected businessman while visiting “Phuket Sandbox” ceremony last week


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come on guys, no speculations ...the Czar is not infected, he's taken  a preventive action and maybe pooping his pants or, maybe, and contrary to what they claimed, he didn't got the vaccine 555

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15 hours ago, riclag said:

IMOP the taking off of masks to eat and talk is a big contributor to spreading the virus,especially when many Thai's sit so close to each other while eating and talking ! 

What happen to social distancing  !!!!!

They just cannot take it in that this new Delta variant spreads faster than anything before. iys transferable from surfaces ie Door handles, Glasses, and even Ash Trays. Someone who is carrying it unaware goes to the Toilet uses the handle flushes the toilet does not wash hands next person goes to the Toilet touches the handle boom there you go. lite a Cigarette up grab the nearest ash tray stump your fag out next smoker asks for the ash tray boom thank you transferred.  this is how Delta spreads.

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1 hour ago, Mises said:


Tell that to the 50 people double dosed who have died of the delta variant in England 01 Feb to 21 June.  Interestingly in the same period 44 unvacinated died.  For the week 14-21 June 24 double dosed died vs 10 unvaccinated.  Now the double dosed do outnumber the unvaccinated in the over 50 years old by about 4 to 1 but the vaccines are clearly not of 90% efficacy as claimed.  These are official government figures found here



That link has 32 files in it..... which is relevant to your post?

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12 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

not sure where you get your news, but it seems that some studies are suggesting that AZ is not working effectively against Delta, maybe 30% at best

Wrong im afraid. I live in the Uk and most of our residents have had the A zen shot. Test showed it is 90+ % protection from Delta variant. So much so we are fully open from 19th JULY, don't even need Mask's.

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1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

Very strange statistic, so you're claiming that in a 5 month period 50 fully vaccinated people died from covid (delta) and 44 unvacinated people died from delta.


A total of 94 covid delta deaths in a 5 month period.


You've provided a link to hundreds of documents, can you point out exactly where that is stated?

Page 13 & 14 here


Other Technical Briefings are on the link I provided earlier.

This is only the delta (indian variant). Summary:

Delta Variant

Briefing number 9, 22 April  2021, is the first mentioning the Indian variant (now called Delta)

Briefing number 13, 01 Feb to 25 May

                                           Unvaccinated                2 doses

Cases                                               3367                       177

A&E visit                                        138                          5

Hospital inpatient                       29                            1

Deaths                                            8                              2


Briefing number 14, 01 Feb to 31 May

                                           Unvaccinated                2 doses

Cases                                               5172                       267

A&E visit                                        309                          18

Hospital inpatient                       90                            7

Deaths                                            11                            2


Briefing number 15, 01 Feb to 07 June

                                           Unvaccinated                2 doses post 14 days

Cases                                              19573                     1785

A&E visit                                        825                          83

Hospital inpatient                       251                          42

Deaths                                            23                            12

Briefing number 16, 01 Feb to 14 June

                                           Unvaccinated                2 doses post 14 days

Cases                                              35521                     4087

A&E visit                                        1446                       173

Hospital inpatient                       527                          84

Deaths                                            34                            26


Briefing number 17, 01 Feb to 21 June – Ages now separated

                                           Unvaccinated                2 doses

Cases All                                        53822                     7235

Cases <50                                      52846                     3689

Cases >50                                       976                          3546

A&E visit All                                  2248                       348

A&E visit <50                                2035                       94

A&E visit >50                                213                          254


Hospital inpatient All                831                         190

Hospital inpatient <50              695                         27

Hospital inpatient >50              136                         163


Deaths All                                      44                            50

Deaths <50                                    6                              0

Deaths >50                                    38                            50


Bear in mind that for the over 50 the double dosed outnumber the unvaccinated by about 4 to 1.

For the under 50 the vaccines appear to prevent cases by a large amount but for the over 50 almost nothing.  Ditto A&E visit and Hospital inpatient and deaths.


But for the over 50 the vaccines are not preventing cases and 14 to 21 June 24 double dosed died compared to 10 unvaccinated. If the vaccines have 90% efficacy, then if 10 unvaccinated die then 10 x 4 x 1/10 = 4 double dosed would be expected to die not 24.

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16 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

Wrong im afraid. I live in the Uk and most of our residents have had the A zen shot. Test showed it is 90+ % protection from Delta variant. So much so we are fully open from 19th JULY, don't even need Mask's.

Deaths from any variant in UK are right down - infections are running at 25000 per day.

Sadly an unrestricted approach is going to turn UK into a variant factory. I imagine it will soon be on a Thai red list as far as accepting tourists is concerned.


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2 hours ago, Mises said:


Tell that to the 50 people double dosed who have died of the delta variant in England 01 Feb to 21 June.  Interestingly in the same period 44 unvacinated died.  For the week 14-21 June 24 double dosed died vs 10 unvaccinated.  Now the double dosed do outnumber the unvaccinated in the over 50 years old by about 4 to 1 but the vaccines are clearly not of 90% efficacy as claimed.  These are official government figures found here




I've been taught not to believe in figures that are mostly controlled by the big pharmaceutical companies. 





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32 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

So a denier of Covid you are, and believe that those that die would have died anyway, is that your point?

My point is at some point you need to get on with it. Two vaccines is plenty good insurance you will not die nor even need hospitalization.


The only thing really holding me back from being out and about is that if infected I am sentenced to hospital jail and insult to injury must pay 200-800k.


If this mess goes on for a year longer with no end game we will make plans to leave.


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5 minutes ago, Thunglom said:

Deaths from any variant in UK are right down - infections are running at 25000 per day.

Sadly an unrestricted approach is going to turn UK into a variant factory. I imagine it will soon be on a Thai red list as far as accepting tourists is concerned.


we have reached Herd Immunity Thunglom.  Let me explain it to you. If your vaccinated and protected yes you can still get Covid 19 and the new Delta variant, but it is unlikely you will require Hospital treatment. On the other hand an unvaccinated person could end up in Hospital. Its the old cut on the finger analogy, if you cut your finger you don't leave it Bleeding and possibly getting infected, you cover it with an Elastoplast. 


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36 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

Wrong im afraid. I live in the Uk and most of our residents have had the A zen shot. Test showed it is 90+ % protection from Delta variant. So much so we are fully open from 19th JULY, don't even need Mask's.

let's see that after the holidays when all come back .....i guess all will  starts a new lockdown loop 

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1 minute ago, david555 said:

let's see that after the holidays when all come back .....i guess all will  starts a new lockdown loop 

If we don't make the mistakes we did earlier we will be ok remember we will never beat covid it will be with us forever or until we eradicate it. 

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17 hours ago, EricTh said:

Many people still don't understand that being fully vaccinated doesn't mean you won't get infected again.


You can still get infected but the symptoms will be less serious as your body already encountered the virus before.

I think the vast majority are well aware of that , however if he were not PM there is no way in the world he would be self isolating , zero danger to himself .

The entire essence of high percentage vaccination is that you take those on the fringe out of danger .

The positive is merely a CASE , they ( cases ) would be absolutely everywhere in Thailand so it's purely another small step towards herd .

It's ludicrous to keep thinking cases can be tracked they can't , SIMPLE .


Nice theatre to do the right thing but pure window dressing ..WILL NOT MATTER , in the scheme of things , other than a little embarrassed .

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5 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

If we don't make the mistakes we did earlier we will be ok remember we will never beat covid it will be with us forever or until we eradicate it. 

It will be with us forever ..YES , It cannot and will not be eradicated , no matter what some fools tell you . It will be controlled . You MUST live with it .

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12 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

If we don't make the mistakes we did earlier we will be ok remember we will never beat covid it will be with us forever or until we eradicate it. 

a time ago i read about the danger from melting icecaps at Arctic as they said the permafrost ( thousand ages frozen ground under ice ) is melting , an a fear not only frozen Mammoths shall be found , but risk of unknown frozen sleeping viruses also , and those shall be waking up by the heating up ....

BBC - Earth - There are diseases hidden in ice, and they are waking up

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43 minutes ago, kynikoi said:


That's just an outright falsehood of epic proportions.

"A confirmed case is someone who has tested positive for coronavirus. There were 27,334 new people with a confirmed positive test result for coronavirus on 5 July 2021. Between 29 June 2021 and 5 July 2021, there were 178,128 people who had a confirmed positive test result. This shows an increase of 53.2% compared to the previous 7 days." - UK Govt web site.

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53 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

we have reached Herd Immunity Thunglom.  Let me explain it to you. If your vaccinated and protected yes you can still get Covid 19 and the new Delta variant, but it is unlikely you will require Hospital treatment. On the other hand an unvaccinated person could end up in Hospital. Its the old cut on the finger analogy, if you cut your finger you don't leave it Bleeding and possibly getting infected, you cover it with an Elastoplast. 


No we haven't reached herd immunity. That requires 70% of the ENTIRE population.UK hasn't even started on under 18s yet. At present it is about 50% - with 65% of over 18s.

The INFECTION rate is about 25000 per day.

The vaccines reduce infection, reduce transmission and reduce severity. it does not prevent the disease.

If you are travelling you can still carry the disease.

There are of course still people seriously ill - (off work) who get the virus and there is the unknown problems of long term Covid.

In UK the third jab is being prepared, but like the flu jab it may need to be altered depending on which strain (new or old) is dominant in UK at the time.

The Delta variant is far more transmissible. So people who for any reason don't have a vaccine are liable to get it. Most deaths in UK are now unvaccinated people. (There is already a second type of Delta that is suspected to be even more transmissible)

The problem though is with high numbers of infections any country is turned into a "variant factory" - it has been shown that the virus will mutate quite easily and this could lead to horrendous escalation if a a more virulent form emerges. 

In the long term this is an international disease and with high infection rates in places like the UK, countries with low vaccination rates like Thailand will not want people from these countries regardless of how many vaccinations they've had as they can still in theory transmit the virus.

Edited by Thunglom
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55 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

we have reached Herd Immunity Thunglom.  Let me explain it to you. If your vaccinated and protected yes you can still get Covid 19 and the new Delta variant, but it is unlikely you will require Hospital treatment. On the other hand an unvaccinated person could end up in Hospital. Its the old cut on the finger analogy, if you cut your finger you don't leave it Bleeding and possibly getting infected, you cover it with an Elastoplast. 


Not true, My GF's extended family have all been double vaccinated with Sinovac.  10 are in the hospital now with covid, one on a ventilator, and one has been removed from the ventilator and is now just on oxygen.  Did it possibly save their lives well it is still to soon to tell.  No we are nowhere near heard immunity here in Thailand and way below the projected vaccination schedule this Government wanted to undertake.

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12 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Not true, My GF's extended family have all been double vaccinated with Sinovac.  10 are in the hospital now with covid, one on a ventilator, and one has been removed from the ventilator and is now just on oxygen.  Did it possibly save their lives well it is still to soon to tell.  No we are nowhere near heard immunity here in Thailand and way below the projected vaccination schedule this Government wanted to undertake.

Surely they must be all extremely vulnerable because that it is either a huge exaggeration or Thailand admits people to hospital the second they test positive

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So the whole sandbox is contaminated before day 1 celebrations even goy underway

The Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Surin who no doubt has been flitting around 

the island spreading the virus to one & all had just dealt another death knell for Phuket !!


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21 minutes ago, Soyboy said:

Surely they must be all extremely vulnerable because that it is either a huge exaggeration or Thailand admits people to hospital the second they test positive

They were all started in field hospitals and as symptoms progressed they were moved to hospitals. The two older aunts in their early 50's are the ones that are and were on ventilators.  The one now on a ventilator, her husband and two adult children are also hospitalized with symptoms requiring medical care and treatment.  Many of the family work at Suvarnabhumi.  The cousin we just spoke to today was finally picked up along with her other family members and taken to a hospital this morning, now whether they stayed at the hospital they were taken to or moved to a field hospital is unknown at this point, but it is not an exaggeration.  There are only two family members that have not caught Covid but they live up near us in Sathon and not in Bang Na.  This has my GF, and her mother (who lives in Myanmar, and who had Covid up there) pretty concerned.  We are staying as isolated as we can.  I have had one AZ vaccination but the GF has had none, and we are trying to get her vaccinated as well but are running into obstacles such as her age, and she is a foreign national as well.


Yes Thailand has a policy where if you test positive you are taken to a hospital or field hospital, the problem now is the beds have filled up in hospitals and they are trying to make more field hospitals to assist in housing the infected.  Most recent build is now for 6k beds at the Don Muang Airport in the former Cargo delivery center.

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45 minutes ago, Thunglom said:

"A confirmed case is someone who has tested positive for coronavirus. There were 27,334 new people with a confirmed positive test result for coronavirus on 5 July 2021. Between 29 June 2021 and 5 July 2021, there were 178,128 people who had a confirmed positive test result. This shows an increase of 53.2% compared to the previous 7 days." - UK Govt web site.


Alrighty then +1

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2 hours ago, BarraMarra said:

Wrong im afraid. I live in the Uk and most of our residents have had the A zen shot. Test showed it is 90+ % protection from Delta variant. So much so we are fully open from 19th JULY, don't even need Mask's.

Your almost correct.

90% for hospitalizations.

Read on:


The new real-world data from Public Health England (PHE) showed that two doses of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca had 92% efficiency against hospitalisation in Delta variant cases. ... The effectiveness was 74% and 64% against symptomatic disease by the Alpha and Delta variants, respectively.


Still much better than Sinovac.


A bigger problem your still able to pass on the Delta virus while you're symptomatic increasing the likelihood of variants.

But what can one do when thats all thats offered unless you pay.

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4 hours ago, BarraMarra said:

it will be with us forever or until we eradicate it. 

Well the is a pretty pointless comment -  - it could be one or the other. 

The point at present is that it is NOT over or anywhere near over on a world scale nor in Thailand where it is going to get worse before it gets better.

To be cynical, many governments are just going to accept the deaths in the hope the economy will survive....however this could well backfire if death tolls become unacceptable in Thailand.

Viruses are not like bacteria they are impossible to cure but we can mange them with vaccines and social methods and we are going to have to learn how to live with Covid for the foreseeable future. Erdication is just a longlong shot. The only 2 viruses ever eradicated are smallpox and rinderpest

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