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How Thailand rode out COVID waves only to be hit by ‘virus tsunami’ 


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First two waves - China variant (started in March 2020)

Third wave - UK variant  (started in Apr 2021)

Fourth wave - Indian variant (started in July 2021)


The third and fourth wave had stronger virus variant. 

Edited by EricTh
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10 hours ago, webfact said:

By late May 2020, not a single local transmission was detected, winning Thailand much praise for its timely and effective action.

Not a single test for infection either so its fairly obvious there wouldn't be any reported transmission people had to pay for testing and the poorest couldn't afford it, nor could they afford to pay for the enforced stay in hospital if proved positive they just kept quiet and died at home. The numbers have skyrocketed since the announcement that tests and hospital stays are free and even more since isolating at home was allowed in Bangkok. I think the numbers have always been this high the change is the amount of people and dead bodies being tested.

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Very strange isn’t it how the virus leapfrogged India/Thailand and then went straight to the west…..nobody wants to waste a crisis when you can get your hands in the till and print a boat load of money to prop up the worlds nosediving economies .

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13 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

nothing about patients running the asylum?

The non availability of vaccine, trafficking of migrant workers  and ineffective control systems, is all about the lunatics who run this country. 

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It's not true that vaccines were not available.  That was a government lie.  As of July 2nd, no foreign vaccines had been ordered.  Pfizer had offered a supply months before that.  The country went through many months of depending on the future production of AstraZeneca by Siam Bioscience.  It has turned out to be inadequate.

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How Thailand rode out COVID waves only to be hit by ‘virus tsunami’ 

Rode out wave By not testing


Hit by virus tsunami is in reality just the reality of testing & showing all the infections exist

Harmless to most who have tested positive


"Covid" <sic> related daily deaths do not even equal the 122 a day in 2018 tallied as flu & pneumonia deaths in Thailand

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18 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

How did the delta variant even get in? The borders are closed. I would love to see that actually addressed.


The most likely answer… the people who make the rules can travel, so they do, and brought back the delta variant. 

I was wondering about how delta got in as well.

The full story of the article says it started from wealthy partying in BK. 

Where did they catch it, from Burmese? Or from the airport and possibly the quarantine Hotels, that's where the Sydney delta started, when an unmasked driver delivered infected air crew to a Sydney Hotel. 

Could have been aircrew or Quarantine hotel's that caused this. 

Then in the Thai news today Huahin set to open in October, with the Dole pineapple factory producing 70 odd new delta's this week and the field hospitals full. 


Top that off with 15 Burmese caught crossing the border headed for Samut Sakhon, they said they paid 21000 Bhat for the journey, and what we have here is industrial sabotage of the Government’s tourist plans. 

These importers of slave labour go unpunished, and can import Covid-19 without fear of retribution. 


Thailand has ignored slave labour which needs to be banned and replaced with jobs for Thais, there is plenty of them around. 

That would be a good start to controlling imported covid. 


I don't blame the Burmese, its the slave Labour industrial greedy that have no concern about wrecking Thailand. 

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4 hours ago, WingFat said:

Control freak faux-leaders of countries just love a good crisis; so much so, they will even create one to satisfy their totalitarian aspirations to lockdown their citizens under complete control. Just ask Chairman Mao, Xi Jinping, Josef Stalin, Hitler and other "lesser" despots. 

Watch Netflix, how to become a tyrant, there is a actually a rule book in the doco, one actually to start a war, steal the country's assets, silence and control the media and torture people. A great watch while you're being locked down. 

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20 hours ago, bestie said:

India - Myanmar - maybe Laos - Thailand. It isn't that far. Before it's even been detected it's spreading to other countries. And no country can control their borders 100%. 

In a sense Thailand controls it's borders very nicely.... always has and always will.

From companies wanting cheap labour, plenty of mules making a quick baht for transportation, border controls earning a monthly bonus.

labourers wanting to escape homelands for whatever reason.


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16 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

There is only one reason; A totally ineffective vaccine program.

Doctor in Chiang Rai says there will be not vaccine for farangs until all of the Thais are vaccinated. He failed to mention that the vaccine came from the USA.

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If the PM’s re-election hinged on him doing a good job to control the pandemic then Thailand might be in a better situation than it is now. 

The fact of the matter is that he will be back in the job regardless of his performance and he knows it so why bother working hard to control the spread. It’s been quite a useful distraction for him up until now as a means to keep all those pesky protesters off the street which was a much bigger threat to his stranglehold on power. I don’t think we can expect too much from him and his cronies so sit back and ride the tsunami 

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7 hours ago, Albert Zweistein said:

And surf back home.

I get my visa and work permit renewed and 2nd AZ shot next month, and I am strongly considering going back to the US after I get them and do work from home there...

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4 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

I was wondering about how delta got in as well.

The full story of the article says it started from wealthy partying in BK. 

Where did they catch it, from Burmese? Or from the airport and possibly the quarantine Hotels, that's where the Sydney delta started, when an unmasked driver delivered infected air crew to a Sydney Hotel. 

Could have been aircrew or Quarantine hotel's that caused this. 

Then in the Thai news today Huahin set to open in October, with the Dole pineapple factory producing 70 odd new delta's this week and the field hospitals full. 


Top that off with 15 Burmese caught crossing the border headed for Samut Sakhon, they said they paid 21000 Bhat for the journey, and what we have here is industrial sabotage of the Government’s tourist plans. 

These importers of slave labour go unpunished, and can import Covid-19 without fear of retribution. 


Thailand has ignored slave labour which needs to be banned and replaced with jobs for Thais, there is plenty of them around. 

That would be a good start to controlling imported covid. 


I don't blame the Burmese, its the slave Labour industrial greedy that have no concern about wrecking Thailand. 

Do you think Thais want to do those jobs now ? 

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23 hours ago, keith101 said:

Limited testing from the beginning and not importing a good vaccines (not Sinovac) is IMO the reason Thailand is up the creek along with  the backward thinking of wait and see from the PM and DPM .

Reasons to line the pockets of the unelected "there will be no coup" PM and his chancers even further.

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18 hours ago, DonaldBattles said:

If the government continues to sell the output of the vaccine to neighbor countries there will never be enough to vaccine local people. I have tried to get vaccinated and I am told that until all the Thais are finished we don't have anything for farangs.  Sinovac has proven to be almost worthless but they keep buying from China. What is wrong with the good stuff from Europe and the USA?

The price of course, the self elected "there will be no coup" PM and his chancers have to keep their foreign and offshore bank accounts rising.

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16 hours ago, DjSilver said:

Thailand locked down. That's the bif misstake. Look at Sweden who has around 10 million people living there and lever locked down  and had a maximum of around 14k new cases/day and everything worked out great. Today, Sweden is opening up and goinf on vacation, concerts and so on.


Thailand or the Thai government just was to incompetent to make the right choices.

They are soldiers of limited education and very little political experience, who took the country over by force, so it is not surprising.

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14 hours ago, bougnat said:

A country has the leaders it deserves, nothing more.

If a coward of a guy with a whole armed army behind him decides to force his way in and take over the country, what can the ordinary Thai people do about it?

Watch what happens when the pandemic eventually eases up, there will be much more protesters on the streets than there was just before the pandemic started.

The "there will be no coup" self elected PM is very lucky the pandemic came and stopped the protests, the last thing he will want is the pandemic to be over.

I see nasty things happening if this guy is still in charge after the pandemic eases up.

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On 7/14/2021 at 9:37 AM, utalkin2me said:

How did the delta variant even get in? The borders are closed. I would love to see that actually addressed.


The most likely answer… the people who make the rules can travel, so they do, and brought back the delta variant. 

You just need a few un-vaccinated kids flying with a family fully vaccinated.

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On 7/14/2021 at 9:17 AM, webfact said:

winning Thailand much praise for its timely and effective action.

More like plain good luck in that that variety of virus didn't like the Thailand climate, along with lack of personal contact. 

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5 hours ago, hotchilli said:

In a sense Thailand controls it's borders very nicely.... always has and always will.

From companies wanting cheap labour, plenty of mules making a quick baht for transportation, border controls earning a monthly bonus.

labourers wanting to escape homelands for whatever reason.


The border with Burma is 2000 miles long. How can Thailand control the border this long? The Laos border is 1146 miles. How many border patrol would it take to control a total of 3146 miles?

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6 hours ago, DonaldBattles said:

The border with Burma is 2000 miles long. How can Thailand control the border this long? The Laos border is 1146 miles. How many border patrol would it take to control a total of 3146 miles?

It would depend on how far apart the border guards stood and how many work shifts per day to give 24 hour coverage. Assume 50 yard spacing and 3 shifts per day. The number would be (3146x1760x3)/50


Answer to your question (on these assumptions) is 332,218 


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