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Thailand reports record high 98 coronavirus deaths and 9,186 new cases


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17 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

No it does not necessarily come with symptoms, it also spreads from people with "no symptoms"

If it had said "not necessarily" that would have changed the meaning of the sentence entirely. But it was written as a general statement about the Delta variant with no stipulations.

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1 minute ago, anchadian said:

The first foreigners to arrive as part of the #SamuiPlus scheme landed today on the island. On the first flight were four foreign media who were on a fam trip. They were invited to tell the world that Samui has finally re-opened to fully vaccinated tourists #Thailand



4 arrivals with family, what a nice paid vacation.  Feel sorry they will stay locked up for the first few days before getting swabbed again and again but hey that's the way Thailand wants it.

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8 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

I think he meant that you will have symptoms if not asymptomatic, because as we all know Asymptomatic people have no idea they have it until they start to show symptoms and thus are able to spread the virus unknowingly.  At least thats how I interpreted his post and thus my post back in regards. 


26 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Actually, it comes with symptoms like any other disease. Otherwise it wouldn't be a disease, would it?  If only we could be so lucky that the Delta variant actually had no symptoms. Its symptoms do differ, though, in some respects, from previous variants.

Needed to add it also comes without symptoms.

Edited by dinsdale
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2 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

4 arrivals with family, what a nice paid vacation.  Feel sorry they will stay locked up for the first few days before getting swabbed again and again but hey that's the way Thailand wants it.

Is a “fam” trip a familiarity trip? It didn’t look like a family.


and why do they keep washing the outside of the planes?


so many questions, so few answers.

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1 minute ago, wensiensheng said:

Is a “fam” trip a familiarity trip? It didn’t look like a family.


and why do they keep washing the outside of the planes?


so many questions, so few answers.

Gotta wash off the possible Covid from the outside of the plane from flying through the Covid aerosol clouds......lol, yes sarcasm

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1.5 million more Thais fell into poverty in 2020, over 5 million now living under the poverty line


Up to 1.5 million Thais fell below the poverty line in 2020 with the country’s economy contracting from effects of the pandemic, the World Bank said Thursday, emphasizing the importance of continued support for the poor.


The newly released figures shows that over 5 million people nationwide now live below the poverty line of USD $5.50 per day.


“As a result of the pandemic, hours worked fell sharply and people resorted to agricultural employment as a safety net,” stated the World Bank in its latest report.



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23 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

Is a “fam” trip a familiarity trip? It didn’t look like a family.


and why do they keep washing the outside of the planes?

I think it's symbolism for "p.i.s.s.i.n.g. into the wind" .....

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On the day of the reopening of Samui, Koh Pha Ngan and Koh Tao, health officials are reporting their first case on Samui in a long time. But to be clear, it’s nothing to do with #SamuiPlus. We will post details as soon as it is released #COVID19 #โควิด19 #โควิดวันนี้ #Thailand



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3 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

No need for linkies it's common knowledge, if you require some of it it's freely available on the net.

No linky, no likey. No 6th place.


And an up-to-date one - not from last year. 

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39 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Melbourne has gone into a 5 day lockdown because of fleeting transmissions with a total of 18 cases from the most recent outbreak.

An outbreak caused by three furniture movers from NSW not wearing masks. Also a positive at the footy where no-one was wearing masks. If Thais were not wearing masks here the numbers would probally still be the same when in actuality it would be in the 100's of thousands.

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5 hours ago, smedly said:

Pattaya is now showing almost 100 cases per day - 700 per week 


where are they all 


I assume it is primarily the delta variant - I hate having to assume anything - I want to know exactly what is going on in the place I live, it is shameful I have to go looking deep and hard for info - WHY ?


PATTAYA it is now of great concern

Just look at the timelines for Chonburi, think it was 7 in Central Festival, obviously staff in shops as times were over several days. Possible cluster emerging?


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1 hour ago, anchadian said:

The first foreigners to arrive as part of the #SamuiPlus scheme landed today on the island. On the first flight were four foreign media who were on a fam trip. They were invited to tell the world that Samui has finally re-opened to fully vaccinated tourists #Thailand



Ah so they were "invited by TAT"


Among the first foreign travellers to arrive today in Samui were Asian and European YouTubers and bloggers that had been invited by the TAT. They will have to stay in their hotel for the first three days before being allowed to travel in sealed routes




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1 minute ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Here's a link that the Lowy Institute ranked 4th for dealing with the pandemic for your viewing pleasure.



Up to 13th March - just before the brown stuff really hit the fan here around Songkran. 


I don't think that today's version would look so good, somehow.



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Another admission of just how weak the first dose of Sinovac is and how much its boosted by second dose of AZ:


On Wednesday, ten medical school deans who advise the government on their Covid-19 response reaffirmed their faith in the drug cocktail of Sinovac and AstraZeneca which they say was 8 times more effective.




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2 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Up to 13th March - just before the brown stuff really hit the fan here around Songkran. 


I don't think that today's version would look so good, somehow.



Oh I agree which was my point, the ranking was splashed all over the media when it came out.I'm surprised you weren't aware of it.They have travelled form 177 on the worldometer list to todays 59th position which isn't being splashed so readily through the Thai media.

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5 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

Just another field report. In itself means little. 

So the attached pic has gone up in the elevator of our condo. 

The two people sharing a room have tested positive and also have mild symptoms. They were told to isolate in their own room by hospital..

Calls few days later (feeling slightly worse) told to remain/isolate in room. No beds at hospital. I'm guessing if become worse something will be found.

Condo management have been great (as I knew they would) and been bringing them supplies. 

We are on same floor and would expect this to become more prevalent in Bangkok as time goes on.



If some one thinks they need hospital go to a hospital and lie down and become unresponsive.Either that or start screaming at the top of you're lungs.Just two of my favourite options.Don't take no for an answer.

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1 minute ago, anchadian said:

Thai Red Cross Society said they are bringing in 1 million doses of Moderna and they will give it for free to the people. The importation is being done by the Government Pharmaceutical Organization so it is up to the GPO when the vaccines will arrive.



Amazing news and we know they will give it to the people who need it most, with no detours to Phuket or anyone else who is not on the vulnerable list

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4 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

If some one thinks they need hospital go to a hospital and lie down and become unresponsive.Either that or start screaming at the top of you're lungs.Just two of my favourite options.Don't take no for an answer.

Or if you have a facebook account just post it in a group and it will soon go viral, that seems to shame them a bit and take action

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17 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

Just another field report. In itself means little. 

So the attached pic has gone up in the elevator of our condo. 

The two people sharing a room have tested positive and also have mild symptoms. They were told to isolate in their own room by hospital..

Calls few days later (feeling slightly worse) told to remain/isolate in room. No beds at hospital. I'm guessing if become worse something will be found.

Condo management have been great (as I knew they would) and been bringing them supplies. 

We are on same floor and would expect this to become more prevalent in Bangkok as time goes on.



Surprised that you unlike us were not sent to get tested as we had another individual on our floor taken away by ambulance 2 days ago and so we were all asked to go to get a test yesterday at PCT here in Bangkok.  Awaiting the test results now and isolating until we find out.  Sucks but it is what it is. Stay safe and monitor yourselves as well.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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