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Super Poll: More than half of parents in Thailand want to see a 50% reduction in school fees


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The latest Super Poll conducted last week called for urgent help for reductions in school fees, more vaccination, help in paying for  online teaching equipment and more mental health resources to help people cope in the pandemic.


A broad poll that had a sample size of 1,094 people including parents, students and university students asked questions related to the government's handling of education issues, fees and vaccination levels.


One of the principal findings was that 61.5% of parents want to see a 50% reduction in school fees up to 50,000 baht. 



Picture: Daily News


Parents in Thailand received discounts last year that were much lower than this but this year's wave of the pandemic has been considerably worse and it's impact on parents and children much more severe.


88.7% of students wanted to see help with the costs of equipment such as computers, phones, sim cards and tablets for online learning. 


81.8% of educators want to see all children vaccinated and the parents of educators jabbed as a priority.


90.3% of students at university wanted to pay less dorm fees. 


And out of all people 70.4% felt that more needed to be done to help everybody cope with mental health and anxiety caused by the closure of schools during the pandemic. 


The poll was conducted from July 20th to 24th, reported Daily News



-- © Copyright ASEAN NOW 2021-07-26


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ThailandRyan has it spot on. The teaching isn't teaching at all. No real blame to the teachers, but the whole system is awful and ripe for abuse. I know kids who get full marks for attendance but just sleep or play games during the 'lesson.'

For the 60,000B+ I have paid for Term 1, all I have got is more attitude from teenage daughters who are becoming lazier.

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Oh, and let's not forget that restaurants, pubs, anything connected to tourism, and many more businesses are suffering... so why can't the schools take a hit as well?! It's not as if they're paying nearly as much as normal for kids' food, air-conditioning, cleaning or security.

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Just read an article on the plan that was approved by the Prime Minister.  For public universities, it is a 50% reduction on the 1st 50,000 baht of tuition, 30% reduction the next 50,000, then 10% reduction on the rest.  The government will pay 60% of the reduction to the university.  The rest of the reduction, the university has to suck up.  Plan for private universities on reimbursement of reduced tuition (if they do it) has yet to be figured out.

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40 minutes ago, 2long said:

Oh, and let's not forget that restaurants, pubs, anything connected to tourism, and many more businesses are suffering... so why can't the schools take a hit as well?! It's not as if they're paying nearly as much as normal for kids' food, air-conditioning, cleaning or security.

Agree totally . The  education industry appears to be protected . Time for change .

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

As for the 60,000 baht per annum school fees, haven't even worried about it as I am sure the school has to pay the teachers, maintain the grounds and upkeep,

the agreement is based on the whole package they offer and not they offer just a small part so they can charge you a small part. the missing part that has to be covered by the government, 

you also forget they made school a business model and that implies also deliver what is in the contract. therefor they have to refund the parents. 

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I am teaching or trying to in this ridiculous environment at the moment AND I am a parent as well. I can see both sides of the issue...


Thailand, or the Thai govt had TIME to come up with some kind of tenable plan in the event of schools being shut down again as happened last year. They could have set up some kind of coherent system that teachers/ students used, a standardised system that made sense......They did nothing. Schools are using a hodge podge of FB/LINE/ZOOM.... god knows what else to send videos, do live teaching and take attendance.......the frustration has had me a breaking point a few times. The younger kids are ok IF they are being supervised. The teens, Matthayom 1 onwards you can almost forget about. This situation has been and is still being very damaging for kids....


Now, as  a parent I can understand wanting a reduction in fees. I pay for my sons school fees and expect buildings, sports equipment. science equipment...yadda yadda yadda....NONE of this is being used. Air conditioners have been turned off for months. I think some private schools could go belly up if this continues for much longer. 


I am expecting a paycut or something to happen to me if kids are not back at school next term. I think this term is done and dusted. I think I will see the warning signs enough in advance that I can do something about it.......


It is NOT the teachers fault that we have been left with this dogs breakfast of a situation. The blame should be squarely put on certain people that have the power to implement new schemes......new ideas.....some kind of way forward that everyone benefits from.



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45 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

I am teaching or trying to in this ridiculous environment at the moment AND I am a parent as well. I can see both sides of the issue...


Thailand, or the Thai govt had TIME to come up with some kind of tenable plan in the event of schools being shut down again as happened last year. They could have set up some kind of coherent system that teachers/ students used, a standardised system that made sense......They did nothing. Schools are using a hodge podge of FB/LINE/ZOOM.... god knows what else to send videos, do live teaching and take attendance.......the frustration has had me a breaking point a few times. The younger kids are ok IF they are being supervised. The teens, Matthayom 1 onwards you can almost forget about. This situation has been and is still being very damaging for kids....


Now, as  a parent I can understand wanting a reduction in fees. I pay for my sons school fees and expect buildings, sports equipment. science equipment...yadda yadda yadda....NONE of this is being used. Air conditioners have been turned off for months. I think some private schools could go belly up if this continues for much longer. 


I am expecting a paycut or something to happen to me if kids are not back at school next term. I think this term is done and dusted. I think I will see the warning signs enough in advance that I can do something about it.......


It is NOT the teachers fault that we have been left with this dogs breakfast of a situation. The blame should be squarely put on certain people that have the power to implement new schemes......new ideas.....some kind of way forward that everyone benefits from.



New ideas, forward thinking - sure, what's in it for me? 

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